Raid weapons/armor with bonus but at a 0.01% rate drop (Full Version)

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suboto -> Raid weapons/armor with bonus but at a 0.01% rate drop (8/26/2014 23:20:16)

0.01% drop chance for a
sword that gives +1 extra stat
I suggest this because it will be so rare and bring tons of attraction to more players interested in farming it.
same as
0.01% drop chance for gun armor and aux
All the 0.01% drop stuff give +1 bonus stat.
The server numbers would instantly rise +200 due to more player interest
Will it affect the marketing and balance of game? no it wont hurt it due to the low rate. It would actually benefit it.
I feel we need more raid stuff to farm as it would be so cool
Another thing that would be cool is if factions could farm it and put the raid stuff into faction storage and the founder decides who gets what.
This in turn affect would benefit the hardcore players as they would feel more enjoyment.
currently we got ranks which in turn affect doesnt feel like a real earn power.
Raid weapon/armor with bonus like:
+1stat points
+10dmg on npcs
+5hp per turn the whole match
These passives (not cores)
+3% credits
Raids in general are exciteing
it could work as 2vs1 boss similar to the lionhart boss. But instead of just a skin a more rewarding/earning concept. With endless possibility.
They drop at level1.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Raid weapons/armor with bonus but at a 0.01% rate drop (8/27/2014 15:26:40)

Sounds like the best way to waste someone's time by farming an NPC an estimate of 10000 times.

Not supported because it's near pointless. If someone wanted it really badly, they would go through hell to get it. Like with the GYT. Someone called the GYT "14 days of hell." This would be like that, except it'd be like 1 year of hell of nonstop killing this npc.

Mother1 -> RE: Raid weapons/armor with bonus but at a 0.01% rate drop (8/27/2014 15:42:46)

To add on to what Exploding penguin said

I also remember when snork had the ebil corp husk as a drop with a 1% chance to drop. When this was happening the suggestions part of the site was filled with suggestions to increase the drop rate, and flaming started when anyone didn't support it.

If this happened it would be that all over again but worse. From what I am reading this boss won't give anything else but this drop not even credits or EXP. At least with Snork you didn't leave 100% empty handed due to you getting credits and exp for you time. With this boss you get nothing other than the drop if you are lucky.

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