What motivates you? (Full Version)

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suboto -> What motivates you? (8/27/2014 0:24:50)

This is a thread to discuss on what motivates you to continue?
For me I'm just not that sure anymore

Mother1 -> RE: What motivates you? (8/27/2014 0:28:43)

I have 2 motivations keeping me going.

Rating points which I can get from the war events and missions chains

And finally that sweet limo that costs 250,000 credits.

While I want the game balanced again as well those two thing motivates me until this happens.

suboto -> RE: What motivates you? (8/27/2014 0:35:32)

i need some motivation bad use to be a hardcore player

InFlamed Fury -> RE: What motivates you? (8/27/2014 1:40:39)

The main thing that motivates me to play right now is finding and using awesome builds that can beat nearly everyone ranging from level 38 up to rank 30+.

Right now my build can do just that as long as i play the battle right.

theholyfighter -> RE: What motivates you? (8/27/2014 1:43:19)

Arcades. That's all. I
I love those daily missions and stuff.
In hope for a mutating weapon and a pink yeti.

War? Nope. Legion had only won once or twice throughout the whole ED history.

Balance? Currently deeply disappointed.
TMs, BMs, Mercs, BHs have pretty decent and a variety of build options due to proper synergy.
Not so sure about TLMs, might need a few tweaks. CHs, tho, seems that only str builds work, while can't compare to Str builds of BMs, Mercs, BHs, sometimes TMs. They still can't beat Lionhart still.

Content? Pretty nice, but where's all the balance and stuff?

Remorse -> RE: What motivates you? (8/27/2014 2:31:47)

Nothing motivates me to play the game,

But the aspiration that I can help the game return to it's former glory with forums suggestions keeps me inspired to continue to post.

Scyze -> RE: What motivates you? (8/27/2014 5:23:52)

Wow Remorse, me and you are the same!

Remorse -> RE: What motivates you? (8/27/2014 5:43:18)

Thats great :)

Ranloth -> RE: What motivates you? (8/27/2014 6:11:21)

Storyline. Despite the fact I'm one of the people writing it, the stuff left behind by Cindy and BigTuna is pretty interesting, it's just the matter of fleshing it out in-game.
Apart from that, my alts. I have one for each class, making it 6 characters in total. All are between L29-32, have Bots, some promo items bought with Credits (wise spending and taking advantage of missions + personal experience), and variety of builds. For the same reason, AQ kept me around for over 8 years now, and I'm still active there. :p

InFlamed Fury -> RE: What motivates you? (8/27/2014 6:47:50)

I pretty much have done what you have done Trans. I have one character of every class besides from my main which goes between all of them and i always love using different classes so frequently. (although most of their levels are 15-20 with just some normal gear, nothing special)

Also how is AQ? I have been wanting to get back into it but just haven't been able to find anything fun to do on it.

Ranloth -> RE: What motivates you? (8/27/2014 7:08:56)

Try asking for a rating, in AQ Q&A. They will rate your character completely - what to buy/sell, where to get it, as well as link you to Guides which make it even easier, including the storyline guide. It'll be difficult at first, but once you get into it, it's quite fun. ^^

Drianx -> RE: What motivates you? (8/27/2014 7:14:07)

There is an angle here:

1. What motivates you to keep playing/be active and so on - nothing atm

2. What motivates you to keep close and not let go completely - well, nostalgia of old friends, fearsome faction battles, and first of all, money that I've spent.

Somehow that money factor keeps many people around, but does not make them play. They are just nostalgic about how powerful their past purchases made them and how good friends they once had.

Online games that fool you into spending money are just like pets: the more you spend on them and care about them, the harder it is to let go.

Justingbieberfangirl -> RE: What motivates you? (8/27/2014 12:10:17)

Since I already got the limo

New updates
and hope for better balance

martinsen5 -> RE: What motivates you? (8/27/2014 13:02:24)

As far as the war goes, not much. I'm not level 40 yet, so I guess that's something I could work on, but the motivation just isn't there. I'm currently waiting for a new event, core or something else exciting to come out. Haven't really played in ages.

King Bling -> RE: What motivates you? (8/27/2014 13:02:24)

My friends are my motivation! [:D]

Thylek Shran -> RE: What motivates you? (8/28/2014 20:28:32)

1. Rank 60
2. Influence

Emperor_Blitz -> RE: What motivates you? (8/28/2014 22:25:55)

haters motivate me

Daph Duck -> RE: What motivates you? (8/28/2014 22:37:27)

1v1 all times

Variation -> RE: What motivates you? (8/29/2014 19:34:08)

The friends I've made in this game. Sadly many of them quit, they were great Legionnaires and I just don't see them coming back. However ConQrR and PRIMAL ASSASSIN still plays which is enough motivation for me to continue playing. Me, PRIMAL, and ConQrR help each other out in this game, especially in 2v2 (as partners).

Another little motivation for me is to improve my already great ratios. It isn't the easiest thing in the world because they're already very high and too much luck can do you in. However, I absolutely enjoy tough challenges.

Some more minor reasons, I'm going for 500,000 faction influence. I also have invested a lot of money in this game and I believe this game has a lot of potential. I've been playing for a long time(will be 5 years in December) and I really enjoy the game. I want to see EpicDuel succeed and I will continue supporting this game financially.

Predator9657 -> RE: What motivates you? (8/30/2014 6:40:52)

Trying out "fun" builds in 1v1 (and getting called noob a lot by sore loosers)

Also almost there for that second Blue star ^^

Balance changes are always interesting (mostly not balanced very well but adapting/switching builds when large balance updates are made is fun)

Valencia~ -> RE: What motivates you? (8/30/2014 15:52:51)

I can be very proud of my Rating Points and the motivation is to get more stars.

Another thing is Influence, I have all of my Personal Influence all the way from the Beta in my Faction.
When the field for wins in the faction was replaced and the wins transferred to the introduced Personal Influence, I started to build it.
I just reached my new hundred thousandth number of 200,000; and my eyes are on the next goal.

As a player that has played EpicDuel actively for 4 and a half years, you could expect her to have more battle victories.
The next rank of Emperor is closer than ever and the willingness to further improve win ratios is there.

ReinVI -> RE: What motivates you? (8/31/2014 0:51:14)

FashionDuel ~ That is all.

ConQrR -> RE: What motivates you? (8/31/2014 5:32:40)

Like Variation said friends first factor for me, too. Also im trying to collect all possible achievements thats another motivation for me. And finally gaining influence at wars.

InFlamed Fury -> RE: What motivates you? (8/31/2014 7:51:10)

Another thing that might motivate some people (including me) is making videos to share on Youtube, i know that ConQrR recently uploaded one which was responded to quite well.

suboto -> RE: What motivates you? (8/31/2014 21:32:05)

What motivates me now is my tactical merc/ bounty hunter :D
just got the dragon primary/armor/aux for my bounty but it needs a dragon gun badly so i hope they add it

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