=ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary + Happy Birthday, Community! (Full Version)

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Battle Elf -> =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary + Happy Birthday, Community! (10/9/2014 15:50:48)



October 9th, 2014
Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary
This Friday we are pleased to celebrate Artix Entertainment's 12th anniversary! We're celebrating with a massive multi-game-spanning event! In each game, you'll need to collect a special cursed artifact. In EpicDuel, that artifact is Titan's Mug. However, you mission will not be so easy as to collect a simple piece of kitchenware. Titan's Mug has been shattered and scattered across Delta V!

You don't mess with a mortal's coffee, and that is doubly true for gods. Assemble a Titan's cosmic coffee mug to appease the deity and receive your rewards!
Expect us to release tomorrow around 4 PM EST!

Legion Victory!
The Naval Yard War is over, and the Legion forces have finally prevailed by maintaining control of the Pirate Flagship. Could this be a turning point in the overall alignment conflict? We'll know for sure when the next regional war goes live in the next few weeks.
This was a very hard-fought and very close war, and the prizes were well-earned. We look forward to seeing how the next regional wars unfold in the future!

Harvest Time!
Let the spice flow -- PUMPKIN SPICE! Celebrate Fall and the Harvest Festival in EpicDuel with the return of seasonal Harvest items and missions!
These awesome items are available NOW at Snork!
Be sure to pay him a visit in his Minetower basement lair. He gets so lonely down there

Remember, the Harvest Reaper and Spectral Reaper mutating items come equipped with the Jack-O-Fire core! Make it rain with a lethal shower of exploding pumpkins!
Speaking of pumpkins -- decorate you home with the myriad fall styles already available from the Home Item shop!

Tags: Nightwraith



October 10, 2014
Happy Birthday, Community!
A Thank You from Artix
It is our 12th Anniversary-- and we hope you enjoy this year’s cross-game event, “Phantom of the Pixel!” The idea of cursed items crafted from dead pixels is…. spine-tinglingly awesome! The event spans AQWorlds, EpicDuel, DragonFable, MechQuest, HeroSmash, Oversoul and the original AdventureQuest. With the coming of the new mobile games, it might be too hard to have another full cross-over games event like this… so do this one while you still can!

I would sincerely like to thank you, and everyone who has been a part of this incredible journey. Thank you to you and all of the amazing gamers who login and battle in our video games. Thank you to all of you who give us encouragement and much love on the forums, twitter, facebook and all of the other ways you talk with us. Thank you for not just playing the games but contributing your creativity and clever ideas. Thank you to everyone who believes in us and supports us by upgrading or buying things in the video games—because of you we can afford to keep the lights on and the server hampsters running at full speed. It has officially been 12 YEARS of weekly, non-stop updates! THANK YOU!

Our video game’s “weekly new releases” — where we add new quests, maps, monsters, weapons & content to the game — is something that is really special about our community. AdventureQuest classic was one of (if not the) first to do it. We have been compared to long running shows like The Simpsons, Southpark, and Saturday Night Live with our game’s history of weekly releases. But there is one big difference… TV shows run in seasons and the cast and crew… take breaks. We do not. We never have. As a whole, the AE team has delivered a new video game update/release every single week for 12 years. Our games never take holidays off — the team and I actually work harder and have larger releases during them!

Because of that, I would very much like to recognize and thank the AE team — all of the artists, animators, writers, coders, the moderators, the forum staff, and all of the volunteers for their hard work. I am extremely proud of these passionate super heroes. Thank you all, too — players, team, and all the people who love us and put up with our crazy video game habits — for making Frogzards, Moglins and DoomKnights a part of our everyday life!

Battle on!

NEXT year will be our 13th Anniversary; we should up the bar and change the format. Better start brainstorming now. Open to ideas!

Tags: Artix

Added the new 12th Anniversary DNs. ~WhiteTiger

DarkLore -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/9/2014 15:54:41)

Thank god it not a credit costing artifact!

Rayman -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/9/2014 16:45:43)

Where is the fun if you just have to log in and buy it?
An scavengr hunt with some pvp should be good for the titan mug.

DarkLore -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/9/2014 16:47:19)

I hope its PvE. I loathe PvP in ED.

Rayman -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/9/2014 16:59:32)

Its not that bad at lower lvls, Let me see your Build.

Zenarch -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/9/2014 20:29:07)

its been a year or 2 since i played ED and i gotta say im enjoying myself with this new character :3

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/9/2014 20:32:26)


An scavengr hunt with some pvp should be good for the titan mug.


Not with my build at least lol

Dual Thrusters -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/9/2014 20:49:40)

o ma gawd its aqw people :O

Gepard Acht -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/9/2014 21:40:10)

^ Dear god aqw, cant.believe I wasted money at that game

On another note, hope for some ishamel-type of quest. Maximum credits for minimum effort!

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/9/2014 22:36:37)

@^Might be coming from the Harvest festival! Really I don't know we are still writing the missions but hey anything is possible right

suboto -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/10/2014 13:42:53)

This multi game playing mission/quest to obtain a sword sounds cool. But will it be listed "rare", have a exclusive "core" , have "stat" advantage?
I sure hope its core or stat advantage as if its not i dont think il try this. just please dont make it npc

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/10/2014 13:55:16)

It will likely be Ultra Rare, since it's one-off and really difficult to get. Don't hope for any exclusive advantages that would skew the balance - stat and exclusive cores; latter may happen, but it would likely be a carbon copy of an existing core, just different art - such as Bacon Rain and Meteor Shower (albeit former is temporary + stronger, permanent would be equal). This isn't me saying there will be a core, nor that there won't be one. I simply do not know.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/10/2014 14:41:13)

Like Trans said it is likely to be ultra rare. This event will only be happening once, I mean how many times can AE turn twelve, so it should warrant the highest possible rarity.

As for a reason to use it frankly I don't see one being likely. Then again this entire event is being kept secret from us as well so we will be just as surprised as you come 4PM. That's when it said it would release right? I'm actually too lazy to check right now

Rayman -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/10/2014 14:43:53)

There must be a cheevo for this right?

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/10/2014 14:58:37)

@ rayman

you mean like the 10 anniversary cheevo? If so I am getting it with all my accounts. I love cheevos [:D]

Rayman -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/10/2014 15:29:10)

Yea some kind of a new Ultra Rare cheevo.
I guess that the 11-11-11 cheevo counts as the 11th anniversary.

DarkLore -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/10/2014 16:41:37)

I hate this first quest! I can't beat anyone!

Rayman -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/10/2014 16:43:27)

Lore: make sure you use a Physical primary and Start with a lvl 7 smoke Screen Followed by a Mark of blood and you should be fine

DarkLore -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/10/2014 16:46:57)

I hate this sooo much I am requesting that people throw matches. My damage sucks so bad!

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/10/2014 16:48:10)

Throwing matches is against the rules.

Rayman -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/10/2014 16:48:15)

Just equip a Physical sword, Upgrade it to your lvl and do what i said above

3rd Mission is to win 5 2v2s

DarkLore -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/10/2014 16:52:33)

SON OF a... I am literally crying I am losing so bad!

Rayman -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/10/2014 16:54:45)

Whats the name of the saber you are using?

DarkLore -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/10/2014 16:55:48)

That new purple one that came out. But I lack enough credits to increase my damage. I hit very low damage. I can't beat anyone in my lvl range!

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/10/2014 16:56:15)

Already finished the first two missions.

The third from what I see is 2 vs 2 battles.

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