In the Face of Chaos (Full Version)

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Chaosweaver Amon -> In the Face of Chaos (10/31/2014 14:00:19)

In The Face of Chaos


A Mogloween Short Story

Jack crept through the halls of the Aeris Battlespire warily, his sword held out in front of him with a shaky hand. He'd already bested six of the seven villains that resided in the flying temple, even the notorious Razen al Ghoul, but he knew there was one left. He knew that this enemy would not be an easy one to get rid of, especially in his current state; he was exhausted, and had no potions left to aid him in the coming battle. He noticed a smashed healing pad, barely flickering with the weak energy that remained in it, and he absorbed as much of the energy as he could from it before it finally died. It closed some of his wounds, and cleared his head a little, but he still doubted it would be enough if this next fight would be as difficult as the other were. Banishing those dark thoughts from his mind, Jack kept going, searching every room, trying to focus on the task at hand, until he rounded a corner, and slipped in a pile of...clay? As he landed flat on his back, the puddle rose around him, hardening, and instantly Jack was aware that his final battle was about to begin.

"You're Amon...aren't you?" He snarled, attempting to escape his quickly hardening shell. "The one they call Chaosface, right?" A figure rose out of the puddle, and took the form of a tall man, with what looked to be a long coat. It was hard to tell, as the figure was totally formed from the clay; with a plain body lacking any details whatsoever. His face on the other hand could have passed for a regular human's, with fully detailed eyes, a nose, a mouth, and even three stripes that looked like scars disfiguring his cheeks and part of his forehead. "Yes," Amon replied, in a thick, deep voice. "I am 'The Chaosface' as they call me. And I know exactly who you are; Jack, the so called 'Hero' of Lore, isn't that right?" Jack continued his attempts to free himself, but to no avail. "Some...might" he said, through gritted teeth.

"Oh good, good, I've been expecting you for a while now. I thank you for...taking care of my colleagues. They didn't exactly try to aid me in escaping off of this wretched hellhole. It was as if they forgot that we had been imprisoned here. After we cleared the place, I thought they'd want to get out of here as well; but apparently they thought it would be smart to have a 'base'."

"So you don' be here?"

"By the avatars, no. Would you? It's awful here. They kept me frozen on a plate in one of the upper levels. I couldn't do anything, except think. Do you know how hellish that can be? Being unable to do anything but think? I shudder just remembering it."

By now Jack had given up struggling, and was curious. "So why bother telling me this? Aren't you just going to kill me?"

Amon frowned. "Why, am I boring you? If so, I'd like to inform you that I don't really care. And yes, I do indeed plan to kill you, seeing as there is no way you would help me escape."

"That's true, but you didn't answer my question. Why are you telling me all this."

He responded with an odd gurgling sound that vaguely resembled a chuckle. "I suppose you didn't know; I was human too once. I'm bored! I crave conversation! Someone to listen to me! Everybody here is either dead or insane, not the best tools for conversation. Worst of all, nobody seems to give a damn about my 'Oh so tragic backstory'. I was an actor once; I'm incredibly overdramatic. I need someone to simply...ramble at!"

By now Jack realized that this creature was clearly insane. "Well...seeing as you're going to kill me anyway, I'll listen."

Amon raised what would have been an eyebrow. "You seem awfully keen all of the sudden. Why is that?"

"Well, these are probably my final moments, so I guess it wouldn't be too bad hearing a half decent story."

"Hmm. A very logical angle to approach it by. I commend you for it; most of the others just begged for death. I suppose it would be nice to have someone actually give a damn."

"Well then by all means; go ahead and start."

"Thank you. The world needs more people like you. Then again, if there were, I'd probably be dead."

Jack attempted a shrug. "That's a pretty accurate statement."

"Yes it is, isn't it? Oh, but I haven't even begun my story, have I?" Amon stretched ten feet into the air, and warped his body into a large, flat screen of sorts, upon which formed a figure that seemed to be that of a baby, held in a woman's arms, both lacking a face.

"A long time ago; over a century past, I was born on a ship, with sails and a mast. My mother was young, far too young for she dumped me ashore, as she continued out to sea. Once found, I was taken, by a very strange man, who wanted to merge men with the land. A geomancer, or so his title said, but as I tell you this, he's long since been dead. He used be as his little test subject, and of course for me, it was pointless to object. He fed me, and bathed me, and kept me alive, I almost regret impaling him with my knives."

As he told his story, images were shown of a faceless old man, chaining a young boy to a floor, injecting him with various liquids.

"One day however, he succeeded in his quest, and my humanity, was lost to the earth's depths. By now, he realized, I'd developed a will, as well as a desire to kill. So I turned my arm into a blade, and what a dire price he paid, for taking my life away from me, I dumped his corpse back into the sea. After finding this body that you see now, I absorbed it, and swore never again to sow. For inside this body that I had to reject, lives a spirit full of hate and regret. A warlock he was, and would not fill me; looking back on it now, I'm glad he didn't kill me. So instead I stole his name and his face, then disappeared, without a trace." With that, the screen reformed into his bland body, and Amon bowed.

"I would applaud you if I could move my hands." Jack murmured sullenly.

"Did you like it? It took me a long time to come up with, frozen on that plate."

"Well now I know how much of a bloody psychopath you are."

Amon looked at the ground. "Good. I needed someone just to know what happened. Now I can let you go in peace."

"You would let me go?"

"Well, I'd give you the freedom to make it a fair fight, if that counts. I couldn't have it on what's left of my conscience to murder you unfairly."

Slowly, Jack's prison melted into Amon, who formed his forearms into thick, heavy blades.

"I know I won't make it out of here alive, so I won't be making this easy for you."

Jack cracked his back. "Good. It wouldn't feel good if the fight was easy."
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