Von Haaris Interest Check (Full Version)

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TJByrum -> Von Haaris Interest Check (11/1/2014 21:41:11)

Von Haaris

Your character has been killed but a Wraith has been bound to your mortal body. Not knowing what else to do, you have made your way to Nephelom, the headquarters of the Hu'ron Brotherhood, followers of the prophet Jhagar Sura. Unfortunately, the radical leader of the Templar Order, Armon Sunlord, is leading a purge to cleanse the land of all Hu'rin followers. The Hu'ron must seek help in Shaddir, the shadow lands, from beings known as the Sukari.

Jhagar Sura
Toren Stormbringer
Armon Sunlord

[b]Name[/b]:  What is your character's name?
[b]Age/Race/Gender[/b]:  Man, Elf, and Dwarf.  Ask about custom races.
[b]Physical Appearance[/b]:  Physical description of your character.
[b]Rune Weapon[/b]:  Although you will not begin with a Rune Weapon, what kind will it be?
[b]Weapon(s)[/b]:  Any other weapons your character uses.
[b]Armor/Clothing[/b]:  Anything specific your character wears.
[b]Belongings[/b]:  Anything else you own.
[b]Skills[/b]:  Any learned skills your character knows.
[b]History[/b]:  Your characters story thus far, including their descent into Wraith-hood.

[b]Wraith[/b]:  The name your Wraith has chosen for himself.
[b]Personality[/b]:  Your Wraith's personality.

Wraith Abilities
Wraith Form

Lazo -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/1/2014 22:43:28)

Sounds interesting. I actually find it funny that the character I used in this year's EC could easily be considered a Hu'ron. Heck, some of the notes about 'flow' resemble some of the notes I didn't bother adding to the bio, though I had a lot less demonic possession in mind and her 'passenger' doesn't have a... unique ego, let's say.

What kind of powers do the Kuri give their hosts? Does the power change depending on the person or Kuri, or does everyone possessed gain the same powers?

TJByrum -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/2/2014 5:38:19)

Kuri magic is supernatural, ghost-like, and such. Some words to help you correlate with it: Wraith, Shade.

Things like invisibility, phase-movement, teleportation, force fields, specialized eyesight, blue fire, ice, dark magic, mind control, shape-shifting, necromancy, etc. I'll leave it up to the players to determine what other powers they want to unlock.

Everyone can gain the same powers, but since the Kuri aren't aware of the full extent of their abilities (cause they can't use them until they find a host) it is a learning experience for both parties. As such you may learn completely separate abilities from what another Hu'ron learned; just depends on how your character looks at things.

Also, keep in mind Kuri are not technically demons, just souls banished from the afterlife. The Kari actually group up in Shaddir, a region off in the east and are a completely separate faction. Kuri themselves are not necessarily evil, but they ARE trying to further the Kari's plans. They actually guide your character and teach them of the world, mostly to keep its host protected (if the host dies, the Kuri's spirit is destroyed forever) but also because some of their goals are mutual and because the host can accomplish things better than the ancient Kuri can.

Heck, some Kuri probably actively seek hosts to save them. Some Kuri may not feel destined to take control of that host, some may remain dormant and act as a guardian angel to you.

EDIT: I've been pandering though. I've thought that perhaps Hu'ron are individuals who were taught to allow Kuri into their bodies in order to protect the world against threats. The Hu'ron Brotherhood is more or less a religion, and the Von Haaris is their holy book. They are at odds with other religious groups throughout the land. Jhagar was a prophet who founded this offshoot religion.

Lazo -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/2/2014 13:05:51)

Well, on the note of religion, I suppose one created by people who have been possessed by lingering spirits could come up with their own version of the afterlife which could easily be branded as heretical by other religions. One would still have to come up with tenets, and how the religion views and treats those who aren't Hu'ron.

I don't quite like the idea of Hu'rin being taught to be possessed in order to 'save the world'. I prefer the possession via death one. It lets characters come into the RP from a variety of backgrounds and alignments that would be difficult to justify otherwise. Even if the Brotherhood still take Hu'rin in in hopes of them to staying and doing their bidding, their main concern should be to spread their teachings to those who have been 'chosen', as such a religion would likely put it, at the very least to stop more rogue Kari from showing up.

I got a few more questions. Are Hu'ron mortal? Undead? Do they age? Are they any harder to kill than regular people? What's stopping a Kuri from bringing their host back from the brink the way it did when the possession first took place?

TJByrum -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/2/2014 16:03:39)

@Lazo: Exactly, Hu'ron all follow their own religion after being insight by the spirits that possess them. The tenets and 'rules' for others are all written down in the Von Haaris.

Hu'ron are mortal once more. They are not undead. It's like if your heart stopped and you died, then doctors got it to start back again you're not considered undead, you're just... alive. From there they will continue to live until they die from old age, although Kuri magic can extend your lifespan. Once the host is killed the Kuri is killed along with it. Kari, however, since they have absolute power over their host, are immortal. There magic is virtually unlimited.

EDIT: This is what I'm thinking right now:

When certain individuals are killed, there bodies are 'resurrected' by a Wraith. Some Wraiths are evil and take control of your mortal form, while some simply bind to you in order to fulfill a specific goal. Jhagar Sura was a scholar and later prophet who explained in detail his experiences, knowledge, and teachings, all in his journal: the Von Haaris. Jhagar was deemed a heretic and executed. However, his followers exacted vengeance on his executioners and reclaimed the Von Haaris, forming the Hu'ron Brotherhood.

Fast-forward a thousand years, and the Brotherhood is currently led by Teron Stormbringer. Their headquarters is located at Nephalor. The Hu'ron have always been at odds with the Followers of the White Way, who despise them and their blasphemous beliefs. The Followers are protected by a force of Templars (simply called the Templar Order, or Defenders of the White Way). At the moment, the Templars are led by Armon Sunlord, a radical follower of the White Way who seeks to destroy the Hu'ron Brotherhood.

There will be several stories aoccuring simultaneously, including but not limited too:
-Inquisition: Defending the Brotherhood against the threats of Armon Sunlord and his Templars
-Orc Uprising: Orcish raiders are beginning to be a problem in the Easternlands and need to be dealt with.
-Kari: Rogue Wraiths in the Easternlands and the mysteries surrounding them.

You will be a Hu'ron who has just recently been revived by a Wraith. You will bond with your Wraith, work for the Brotherhood, unlock powerful abilities, and uncover the mysteries of the world.

Lazo -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/2/2014 22:29:59)

Kari sound rather overpowered. I would suggest either giving them some more limitations or keeping their numbers low. I don't like the idea of ghosts being able to outright take control of dead bodies. Why bother binding yourself to a live one when you can just take over completely and do what you wanted to do on your own? I suggest making it a bit of a trade-off. Wraiths possessing dead bodies will be much less capable than Kuri who revived a body and shared it with a host for some time. A way of maturing their power, perhaps?

Also, I'm assuming every player would be in charge of writing for their own Wraith or Kuri or whatever we want to call them. Considering that you are writing this in a way that all characters would be Hu'ron, it might be a bit of an issue to have both the ghosts and Daemons. In my experience, giving all players many unique characters can make things a bit messy. The way this is set up players will eventually have to keep tabs on three (two and a half?) player characters while writing. Might I suggest something to the effect of Thralls, instead of Daemons? Instead of making sapient familiars, we could make what amounts to terribly loyal and well-trained pets.

I think you could also make allowances for characters who aren't Hu'ron. With a hunt for Hu'ron, uprisings and whatever else you've got cooking, there seem to be plenty of places where a character could tangle him or herself into the plot line.

Master K -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/2/2014 23:04:39)

This sounds intriguing



Though there's a disappointing lack of mustard.

TJByrum -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/4/2014 15:44:42)

@Lazo: Kari are overpowered, but they're a separate faction over in Shaddir They don't come into the story until later. And they And Kuri can only bind themselves to individuals who are near death, or have just died. That's there only option.

I like Wraith better, Kuri was just a placeholder name. You're right, a Daemon, Hu'ron and Wraith is too much. Might just have Wraith and Hu'ron.

@Master K: Just a placeholder name, lol.

Give me some more suggestions guys, I like collaborating. I want it where a mortal's body is being shared by both a Wraith and the mortal's soul, and the Wraith gives them supernatural powers. I keep having problems about how I want it to happen. What would your ideas be?

TJByrum -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/4/2014 17:25:20)

First off, I am going to draw some ideas from Cod Cod's Raven Tower; it was the first RP I was ever in.

This is still under construction, but the idea is that as you go through the roleplay you can spend points to unlock new abilities. This is a rough draft. Some have prerequisites. Ideas and suggestions welcome.

Wraith Abilities
Wraith Vision - Allows you to see through walls, detect living and undead creatures, as well as residue left behind by undead.
Nightrunner - Enhances speed, limited parkour.
Blink - Allows you to teleport to a nearby location.
Elemental Control - Allows you to control one of several elemental powers (fire, water/ice, air, earth, lightning, etc).
Persuade - Allows you to persuade non-playable characters who are not Hu'ron into doing things they normally wouldn't.
Perception - Allows you to predict the hostility of an NPC.
Mind Bend - Allows temporary control over NPC's who are not Hu'ron.
Invisibility - Allows brief invisibility.
Shapeshift - Allows the caster to shapeshift into a creature/
Wraith Form - Ultimate power.

Weapon Runes
(Wraiths may possess a single element themselves; imbuing Rune Weapons with Runes allow the Wraith to use multiple elements Imbuing a weapon with duplicate runes enhances powers).
Fire - Ability to burn and set alight targets with fire.
Ice - Ability to flash-freeze targets or create slippery surfaces.
Air - Ability to knock opponents back with powerful winds.
Earth - Ability to cause mini-quakes.
Lightning - Ability to electrocute and stun opponents.
Storm - LEGENDARY. Ability to summon storms, control rain, lightning, and wind.
Shadow - Ability to use dark powers.
Light - Ability to blind targets and devastate undead; can later revive fallen targets.

Draycos777 -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/4/2014 17:41:22)

This RP looks like it'd be alot of fun:)


I want it where a mortal's body is being shared by both a Wraith and the mortal's soul, and the Wraith gives them supernatural powers. I keep having problems about how I want it to happen. What would your ideas be?

There are some shows, games and books out there that might help you get some inspiration. Anyways here's my two-cents. You could have the souls share one mind and body but have two different consciousnesses. Whether they can both be active and once or one active and one sub-active or one active and the other inactive can be up to you or the depending on the Rper's character is up to you. Also in regards to the wraith's powers; they each can be different depending on the wraith but so that they are realistic, maybe they fall under the laws of equivalent exchange? But instead of something equal the powers require a cost? Like one person has to knit while another gets the unbearable urge to rip apart flowers etc.

As such the stronger the power of your wraith are or become the stronger or more cost the person has.

TJByrum -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/4/2014 18:38:10)

@Draycos: The Wraith's share the mind and body of the host, yes. It's, like you said, an additional conscience inside of your head. They can speak to you at will, but the host has the ability to let the Wraith's essence 'flow' through them, which the basis of how you use those Wraith powers.

The last part of your post got me confused, heh.

The main religion is the White Way. Jhagar Sura was a Follower of the White Way until he became bound with a Wraith, which offered him new insight into the truth: the White Way was only partially correct. He was a Prophet who began to spread his beliefs but was deemed a heretic and executed, which made him a martyr and caused the offshoot religion: Hu'rin, to form. So now you have two religions: the White Way and Hu'rin; Hu'rin's holy book is the Von Haaris, a collection of Jhagar's life experiences, teachings, and ideals. It doesn't matter if you're bound with a Wraith, you're not a Hu'ron until you abide by the Von Haaris.

As the Knights Templar protected the Christians, the Paladin Order (name pending) protects the Followers of the White Way. At the moment they are led by Armon Sunlord; Armon is quite radical and seeks to completely annihilate all heretics: and that just so happens to cover the Hu'ron. So there's an Inquisition type of thing going on in the story, but we're going to be focusing on more than just that, mostly our journeys into Shaddir.

Shaddir shares some sort of connection with the Wraiths. It was once a Kingdom of Man, but it fell long ago. It is not overrun with all sorts of terrible beasts and evil beings.

Anyone may follow Hu'rin, but not everyone can be a Hu'ron. Hu'ron are bound with a Wraith. They have been killed, but the Wraith was some how 'transported' into their vessel, reviving them. This Wraith does not remember much, but following Hu'rin is your best bet.

Draycos777 -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/4/2014 18:54:31)

Basically what I was saying is that after one uses the powers of their wraith they have to complete a 'task' and just like the powers of their wraith the task differs from person to person. example: John's wraith lets him use ghostly blasts to fight his enemies however, after he uses these powers he has the cost of burning wood. Has the powers of his wraith grow so does the amount of wood he must burn; or different 'tasks' are add so now not only does he have to burn wood but he needs to count to one hundred.

Something along the lines of this.

Also a question and some input. Are there any people with wraiths that still reject the Von Haaris and still follow the White Way? Maybe they are in the Paladin Order? Input: How about illusion mastery as a wraith power?

Lazo -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/4/2014 19:06:22)

I was going off of this.


Some Wraiths are evil and take control of your mortal form, while some simply bind to you in order to fulfill a specific goal.

You made it sound as if they could just go in and take over, which would really take away any reason for them to bind people at all, unless they were particularly repelled by the idea of taking over a another's body even if its actual owner was just about gone.

From what you've given us so far, I imagine the one possessed to have most of the control. The Wraith could either be awake at all times, but should only be able to directly communicate with the possessed in certain conditions, such as in dreams, when channeling the Wraith's power, or when the possessed actively tries to communicate. There could be a smaller influence in the mood or personality of the possessed. Some occurences might put the possessed in the backseat, letting the Wraith take the helm for some time, but these would be very rare and likely traumatic occurrences, such as the act of dying and being possessed for the first time.

Maybe the Wraith could have some control over how much power the possessed can draw at any one time. Most of the time I would imagine it would try to push as much power into the hands of the caster as possible, in hopes of gaining control, though it could also fight the caster's efforts to summon its power, if it so wanted. I imagine most of the Wraith's power coming from the Wraith's soul, or the wraith's soul could be likened to a wind fanning the flames of the soul of the possessed. If too much power flows out at any one time, the soul of the possessed could be snuffed out, leaving only the Wraith.

On the note of abilities, I would cut the power list a bit short. Given all the magical abilities we're giving Hu'ron, Nightrunner seems a bit out of place, and parkour is something we could likely expect from anyone who's trained for it regardless of possession. If they device some spell that makes them faster or stronger, then by all means, let them have it, but otherwise I'd limit powers to stuff one wouldn't expect to gain from physical training.

I would put the mind bend and persuasion abilities together, have them be a form of suggestion. Maybe you could use it as a form of illusion, to make people see things that aren't there. You wouldn't be able to tell you were being charmed if the Hu'ron was subtle about it and used it for little things, but stronger forms would be similar to outright mind control. Of course, it should take more out of the Hu'ron if it was used that way. Might even be one of those skills that, if used too much, can let the Wraith take over.

I would remove the 'seeing through walls' part of the Wraith vision. Letting the ghosts give you a sense for the presence of living, undead, or magical beings makes some sort of sense. Giving them wall-hack is pushing it.

I'm also iffy on the shape-shifting bit. Can't really think of a way to justify that. I mean, you've been possessed by a ghost, so now you can turn into an animal? I guess people have done stranger things in possession stories, but it doesn't feel quite right.

Elemental control is good, though I'd keep it to a single element, or at least one element that can be used proficiently. Otherwise, we'd wind up with what amounts to a bunch of Avatars running around the setting. I'd also limit the weapon runes to the Wraith's own element. Make it so that their elemental powers are easier to use, or strengthening them, or giving them new abilities that can at least be linked to that one element. I feel like that would make the characters feel more unique.

I'd also play with the idea of, in the case of mages being possessed, giving a strong boost to magic of the wraith's element, but giving side effects to other kinds of magic. A mage revived by a Wraith attuned to fire would find enchantments unintentionally heating things up or setting them on fire, and would find it near impossible to use ice spells.

On that note, I call Shadow.

TJByrum -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/4/2014 19:22:39)

@Draycos: Hm, I don't know about the tasks, Draycos; I'm not sure of their point. Illusion mastery is a good idea, Draycos, I'll keep it in mind. Like I said, a lot of this is still up for consideration. Who knows, I could completely redo the entire idea.

@Lazo: If you're near-death, the Wraith could pop in and assume direct control after a brief struggle. Otherwise, a 'good' Wraith would pop in and offer the person guidance on how to complete a specific goal. Some of the information may contradict itself, but that's because it is a work in progress.

At this moment I think I like the idea of the Wraith always 'being there' in the back of your mind, constantly reading your thoughts, talking to you when necessary, or offering assistance when it can. When you use a Wraith Ability, you're letting go of your livelihood, allowing the Wraith to take over, letting you use its power. Letting the Wraith take full control would be Wraith Form, but that requires intense training and experience, as an untrained mortal body could not really handle that and it could destroy the vessel.

I can cut out some redundant things int he ability list, but I wanted to come up with quite a bit of varied abilities so each player could specialize in different abilities.

Persuasion would cause someone to allow you to look in their house, tell you something secret, or reveal valuable information, something like that. You're not specifically controlling them. Mind Bend basically makes them your thrall/slave, doing absolutely anything you want them to do. Persuasion will not cause a person to jump off a clip; Mind Bend lets you make that person jump off the cliff. Mind Bend would probably require you to learn Persuasion first. Illusion would be separate; it messes with the senses (sights and sounds most specifically).

Wraith Vision can be lowered down I guess; the 'wall-hack' could prove to be over-powered.

Shape-shifting is more along the lines of unleashing the Wraith and turning into an ethereal spirit. Like a ghostly rat to sneak into a building, or a ghostly bear to frighten your enemies.

I was only going to let people use one element already, with the runes on the weapon giving you more. But now you're making sense. I may remove elemental control and make it so you can imbue your weapons with runes that will enhance the abilities of those elemental powers.

Magic will not work the way it does in other fantasy worlds. The only accepted magic is restorative, like healing. Clerics of the White Way are allowed to use that magic. Other than that, Hu'ron use magic; there may be mages hiding out in Shaddir, but I am not looking for them to have powerful magics like we know.

I'll rethink some things in the next few days or so. May completely change things. So far I like the idea of the Wraith being binded to a person, rune weapons, and the idea of an inquisition.

Draycos777 -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/4/2014 19:33:30)


I'd also limit the weapon runes to the Wraith's own element. Make it so that their elemental powers are easier to use, or strengthening them, or giving them new abilities that can at least be linked to that one element.

That doesn't make much sense since: one, you aren't the wraith itself more like the wraith's host therefore I doubt you would be completely bound by the wraith's element rules as you are a neutral being in the sense, you simply use the wraith's powers and they have only one element. Also the runes are objects that you put into your weapon(also elementally neutral) not into yourself, nor are they absorb by the wraith. It's kinda like saying you found an etching design for your weapon but you can't use it cuz it doesn't match your personality(your element). You can still use it whether or not it matches your personality however, whether or not you chose to use it is a different story.

TJByrum -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/4/2014 20:01:18)

Still, the idea of using multiple elements is something I put thought into and I am not sure I want it.

Right now, you imbue your weapon with multiple runes as time goes on, but each new rune augments the weapon. It may be able to heat up this time, next it may catch on fire, then it can make a screen of fire, then unleash fireballs, next is fire shockwaves, etc.

Like ice. It may start as just being very cold, then flash-freeze targets, then it can create walls of ice, then shoot out ice energy that freezes target, summon ice/snow storms, etc.

I'm actually having second-thoughts on the whole religion aspect as well, but we'll see.

Lazo -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/4/2014 21:07:02)

I mainly suggested narrowing it down to a single element per character to avoid having a bunch of characters that could eventually use the same exact abilities, Draycos.

I suppose whether the suggestion makes sense depends on how you view the connection between the Wraith's magic and that of the possessed. The way I'm seeing this, a possessed character suddenly took into himself another being of great magical power, much greater than any power the aforementioned character would probably have been able to grow into by himself, and it is that power which he taps into. Even if whatever power he uses is originally his own, it's not much of a stretch to think it would be tainted by the Wraith's own.

As for the runes, I suppose it depends. I would imagine making a carving on something wouldn't give it magical powers by itself, regardless of how pretty the drawing is. If the runes held power of their own, anyone could do magic if they happened to know what to draw. If we want to avoid that, we must assume that the rune channels power, instead of providing it. At this point, you could branch out two ways. You could make it so that the rune takes whatever power is fed to it, regardless of elemental aspect or what have you, and transform it into whatever is needed to do what the rune does. You could say "no, I don't want that," and make runes unusable by those who lack the kind of power needed. Alternatively, you could make it so that the runes can actually transform these different types of magic to the one needed, but only when the source of magic is 'raw', so that runes will still only work for Hu'ron possessed by Wraiths of the right element.

TJByrum -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/5/2014 18:56:49)

So here's what I got today.

Sometimes, when a person dies, a Wraith will possess them. This Wraith was a traveling spirit stuck in limbo that discovered a way to attach itself to an individual. It isn't quite sure what it's purpose is, but it binds itself to your mortal form and can communicate to you as well as provide you with Wraith powers. Trying to use to much Wraith power will deteriorate a mortal's body, so you have to take it easy and let your body get used to its new condition. Jhagar was the first one to really get comfortable with the idea of cooperating with a Wraith, and the Wraith will continue to help the mortal out in his quest by offering insight, information, and knowledge.

Jhagar wrote his experiences and teachings down in the Von Haaris. His idea was to spread these teachings to the world so if a Wraith ever possessed them they would know how to deal with it, but his experiences gave him insight into the afterlife, and so he also spread what he calls 'the Truth'. Possessed individuals would have undergone exorcisms and that would kill the Wraith, so many of them tended to be a bit 'evil' in order to save themselves, leading to them having a bad rep (until Jhagar found out otherwise that not all of them are bad). As per usual, being different=heretic=executed. His followers exact vengeance and then form the Hu'ron Brotherhood, dedicated to uniting Hu'ron and protecting their followers. The Brotherhood also acts as a sort of guild providing services to people in need, or to whoever can pay a hefty profit.

Some Wraiths are just plain evil and tempt you into doing things that are bad. Other Wraiths can be good. I'm leaving all of that up to the player. But pretty generally, you're going to form a rather close bond with the Wraith. They're not always around; sometimes they remain dormant and only act upon being beckoned by the host. Sometimes you, and you alone, can 'see' the Wraith in its ethereal form as it explores the surroundings around you.

More powerful Wraiths could technically take control of a mortal form if they wanted to. These are rogues, they are not welcome into the Hu'ron Brotherhood. Many of the rogues end up going into Shaddir, the shadow lands, where all manner of dark beings and horrible individuals live (undead, orcs, goblins, trolls, necromancers, etc).

Everyone will have access to a Runeblade. Runeblades are specially-made one-handed swords that can absorb Runestones. Runestones are often . No, you cannot have a Rune Axe, or a Rune Spear, or a Rune Bow. But yes, you may carry whatever weapons you want, you are not required to use your Runeblade all the time, if at all, but it is a traditional part of being a Hu'ron. Runeblades are basically longswords, if not a bit shorter (but they are not shortswords); you may wield them with two-hands for stronger blows, or with one-hand to help with grappling, holding another weapon, or with a shield.

Every now and again you can upgrade your Runeblade OR an Ability. Runeblades have several Runes to fill. For each one you add it will grant the wielder an additional ability, usually elemental.

Draycos777 -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/5/2014 19:40:27)

Hmmm, I kinda liked the first idea for the rune weapon being anything and not just a blade. It gave your character more personalization, if you know what I mean. If this does become an RP my character probably won't be using their runeblade for anything more then a battery for their powers.

Master K -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/5/2014 23:07:18)


but the host has the ability to let the Wraith's essence 'flow' through them, which the basis of how you use those Wraith powers.

So basically, the more you let the Wraith take over, the more access you get to it's power. As in, give into the wraith to to use it's abilities.


Everyone will have access to a Runeblade...Runeblades are basically longswords

However, can a character have a runeblade tailored to them? Or are all runeblades cut and paste based off a certain design?
I also think of this sword whenever you mention Runeblade.


Some Wraiths are just plain evil and tempt you into doing things that are bad. Other Wraiths can be good.

Like having a little angel or demon sitting on your shoulder, telling you what to do?

TJByrum -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/7/2014 13:49:22)

@Draycos: Since you guys likes your own versions of Rune Weapons, we can go with that.

@Master K: Still planning things out. I'm starting to lean more on the idea of Wraiths being evil spirits that 'resurrect' a dead person and attempts to take control but you have to suppress those efforts and control the Wraith within. With careful training and practice you will learn to use the Wraith's powers without it taking over your body (again, 'flow'). Those who do this most commonly follow the teachings of Jhagar, who wrote his experiences down in the Von Haaris, these are called Hu'ron. Those who refuse to follow Von Haaris are known as Kari and tend to work alone and are forced to hide their 'affliction'. Those who are unable to suppress the Wraith's possession become Zu'kari and tend to flock to Shaddir: the Shadow Lands.

The Hu'ron have several strongholds and cities located throughout the 3 Kingdoms of Man (Shaddir was once the fourth Kingdom of Man) where they are free to experiment, operate, and live in relative peace. They also act as a sort of guild, noted for their monster-hunting skills and mercenary jobs.

Hu'rin is not without enemies; Armon Sunlord is the radical leader of the White Hand, an order of warriors and mages that is suppose to be dedicated to the preservation of the White Way and to protect its followers. Because the White Way's practices often contradict the practices of Hu'rin, they are obvious rivals. Thus far they have lived in peace - tense peace, but peace nonetheless. Armon, however, takes things a bit to far and his radicalism has caused him to take military action against the heretics.

So the roleplay will focus on several things:
-The Inquisition - The possibility of an attack brought on by Armon Sunlord and his compatriots. Politics and religion come into play here and depending on our choices a full-on war may occur.
-Guild Operations - While we're under potential attack by the White Hand, we still to uphold our obligations and protect our respective lands.
-Shaddir - Lots of things to discover in Shaddir, not to mention the White Hand is beginning to journey there to purge evil from the land and reclaim the lost Kingdom of Man. Also, we're going to uncover something that is even worse than the Inquisition.
-Growing in Power - I really like the idea of characters evolving throughout the roleplay. Learning new powers at your choosing is something I want to see. I'd also like to see players learn skills, like being better swordfighters or archers, etc. Certain enemies require specific training and skills to combat, so the players will need to have a pretty decent and varied selection in their group. Examples:

Swordsman Lv1 -->Lv2 --> Lv3 (higher skills allow you to defeat stronger opponents. Sometimes your character simply doesn't have the skill to fight some enemies)
Archery Lv1 --> Lv2 --> Lv3 (ability to short more accurately, at longer distances.)
Perception Lv1 --> Lv2 --> Lv3 (ability to spot enemies from afar; can reduce chances of you being ambushed and such).
Persuasion Lv1 --> Lv2 --> Lv3 (ability to persuade NPC's into doing certain things)


Physical Description:
Rune Weapon:
Other Items:

Lazo -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/7/2014 17:39:19)

Time to play twenty questions.

Okay, you mention strongholds and cities owned by Hu'ron or safe for Hu' ron (as I somehow doubt 'Hu'ron cities' means 'cities where the vast mojority of the populace has been possessed'. Considering the amount of people needed to take care of a stronghold, the former also makes me wonder.) Does this mean that those in the Hu'ron brotherhood command small countries throughout the region, or does it mean that these cities tolerate the religion or even accept it as their primary faith?

What's their relationship with the people of these cities? Are the Hu'ron religious icons or shady followers of an old sect that the rich can hire for odd jobs? You mention that the Kari must hide their affliction. Why? Are they persecuted by the Hu'ron themselves? If it was because of the White Hand, I'd think the Hu'ron would have the same issue. You mention obligations, so it sounds as if the Hu'ron Brotherhood is less of a guild and more of a religious law enforcement body.

Is the White Way the main religion of the rest of the region, or are there other religions in these three Kingdoms? Does the monarchy of each of these kingdoms sidle with one faith over another? What are the relationships between these kingdoms? Is the White Hand a part of the White Way organization or a separate, radical warrior sect sharing the same beliefs? What are these beliefs that put them at odd with the Hu'ron Brotherhood? You haven't brought forth anything concrete in this regard, beyond 'they killed our founder for heresy, so we don't like them', and we still don't know what heresy this was, beyond it maybe being about their view on the afterlife.

Okay, I think those were all my questions. As for suggestions, I do wonder if it would be interesting to give the Hu'ron Brotherhood control over some territory in one of the kingdoms. It would make it easier for the White Hand to portray them as a group of evil warlocks bent on conquering the land. Also, I think it would be fun to give Armon the official rank/title of Shield of the White Hand for irony points. It'll be funnier when people in the street start calling him the Sword of the White Hand.

TJByrum -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/8/2014 19:45:47)

Alright, I'll answer those because this is fun, but don't take all of this in just yet (still some work to be done). This project is getting messy and I'm trying to keep it together.

The Hu'ron own there own towns and cities throughout the kingdoms. They didn't conquer them though; the populace just tended to segregate itself over the centuries and it's gotten to the point where some towns and cities are strictly Hu'ron. They also own some fortresses where most of the military power stays. They send out agents from these fortresses to deal with potential problems. Hu'ron may live in other cities and towns as well, but they're probably ignored or treated worse than they normally would be.

Followers of the White Way despise the Hu'ron; since most people are Worshipers of the White Way, most people tend to dislike the Hu'ron.

Kari are Wraith-possessed, but they do not follow the Von Haaris and are therefore deemed potential enemies. There actions tend to go against the Von Haaris, so the Hu'ron are obligated to deal with such threats. They're typically evil or corrupt individuals.

The Hu'ron Brotherhood is dedicated to protecting the Hu'ron through military might, diplomacy, and finances. They're the 'guardians' of this religious sect. They are also in charge of enforcing the following of the Von Haaris amongst the other Hu'ron.

The White Way is the dominant religion. There may be other native religions, but they're not important. The 3 Kingdoms of Man favor the White Way, much like how the European kingdoms favored Christianity.

The White Hand, much like the Brotherhood, was founded to protect followers of the White Way. They were a group of followers who took up arms and employed other loyal followers to protect their people. There current leader, Armon Sunlord, is radical, and his soldiers are loyal to the end.

One side prefers Heads while the other side prefers Tails. Two sides of the same thing, just depends on who you are. That's the best way I can explain it right now.

I'm trying to combine about 3 Roleplays into a single one and it's not working. On one hand I want to create an epic adventure about Wraiths in Shaddir, while I also want to dig into a war between two factions, but I also want to do some sort of guild roleplay, but it's not working out.

I know the epic adventure line won't work. The Guild Roleplay would be cool but I'd need to drop out the religious aspects for the story to work. The Inquisiton could work, but I don't know that I'm up for that just yet.

Lazo -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/8/2014 22:15:58)

I know how it feels to have ideas for a role play but being at a loss on how to implement them correctly. Maybe instead of trying to make the setting fit these ideas for RPs, we should establish the core of the setting and then come up with a plot that works with it. Mostly, I'm just asking questions whenever I feel there's a hole to force you to patch it, or make sense of something I feel could've been fleshed out better.

You say that there are towns and cities that are strictly Hu'ron. Does that mean that most of the populace is possessed, or that most follow the Von Harris? It would be difficult to imagine the amount of people that would need to die and be possessed to populate these settlements (unless the possession was somehow hereditary, which would be incredibly strange and difficult to explain). Just how often do people get possessed in this setting?

I'm going to suggest a way to look at this whole deal:

I can see towns and cities who prefer one religion over the other. However, that must mean that the monarchs of these kingdoms must be willing to tolarate entire towns and cities as well as lords who hold them in their territory who do not adhere to their faith. If we are using the European comparison, this might become an issue as the kings tended to 'take sides' in religious matters, to put it lightly. That said, we are given quite some time between the Hu'ron's prophet's death and the present, so I could see the Von Haaris rising to prominence in at least one kingdom, probably through the rise of a sympathetic king, or a king with ties to the brotherhood. If that were the case, I could see Hu'rin and followers of the Von Haaris actually holding territory, or achieving prominence as religious leaders. This way, we could have settlements and military encampments led by followers of the Von Haaris (note, not specifically Hu'ron, though due to their relationship with the religion, they would likely end up occupying those positions)

The guild aspect could be implemented by having small missions being sent to the other kingdoms in order to spread their faith, find new possessed, or simply in order to establish a presence in other territories. I can imagine these other kingdoms of the White Way outlawing open worship of the Von Haaris, but in true, hypocritical, governmental fashion, tolerating the presence of these missions due to the services they offer, and the fact that they keep the newly possessed in check, rather than letting newly awakened warlocks roam freely across their lands. Like guilds, these missions would prioritize their coffers and members first, and rarely concern themselves with the running of the territory where they set up.

Now, Amron and his White Hand could either be in one of the White Way kingdoms, or in the Von Haaris kingom. If he was in the Von Haaris kingdom, he would likely be trying to stage a revolution against the country's leadership. It might turn into a full blown civil war, if he gathered enough resources and gained the backing of the people. The other kingdoms might even aid him discretely or overtly. In the case of the latter we could have war on our hands.

If Amron was in one of the White Way kingdoms, he would likely be pushing for freedom to expel the Hu'ron missions from the kingdom, or outright exterminate them. The leaders of the kingdom would likely want the Hu'ron gone as well, but would be hesitant to provoke their neighboring kingdom. Amron could incite action by proving the Hu'ron are a problem. Maybe a lord could be sympathetic to the Hu'ron, and he could play on the other lords' and the king's fear of expansion of the religion. Maybe the aformentioned lord could be made out to be a traitor in cahoots with the Von Harris kingdom. Maybe the missions could be made out to be spies. Maybe an attack could be staged and one of the missions implicated. Maybe a mission could be tricked and given a job that winds up making them outlaws. At the risk of sounding cliched, the possibilities are endless, but the end results would likely end up involving a purge of the missions, and war against the other kingdom. Granted, this one would work best if Amron had some political clout in his land.

Right there we have looming war and guild mechanics, at least near the beginning. I'm not sure what exactly you planned on doing with the Shaddir, but I'm confident it could be made to fit somewhere.

Edit: Idea. Maybe a group of Zu'Kari could attack a settlement in one of the White Way kingdoms or something of the sort. Naturally, those who follow the White Way would be quick to blame the followers of the Von Haaris. Tensions soar, war erupts, or is on the verge of erupting, and the Hu'ron brotherhood gets an incentive to find out why the Zu'Kari suddenly became interested in the world outside the Shaddir.

With some more refinement, several roleplays exploring various angles of such a setting might be conceived. Coming up with one that explores all might be difficult, however.

TJByrum -> RE: Von Haaris Interest Check (11/15/2014 10:20:49)

After thinking it over, I would be more interested in hosting a roleplay concerning real-world issues in a fantasy world; this stems from the idea of the religious issues between the Hu'ron and the Followers of the White Way. Like racial conflicts between Elves, Dwarves, and Humans, or perhaps some religious issues between two religions, gender diversity, freedom VS control, etc. Do it in a way that mirrors real-world problems, but have it in a fantasy world.

That world would be very messed up. The White Way is out to execute anyone who denies the worship of their gods. Elven men, woman, and children, now slaves, are being mistreated and executed daily after the fall of their kingdom long ago. The poorer folk are up in arms about a number of things. The world is in chaos and nothing is easy. Players would make choices on how to deal with these problems, be it inciting a revolution or becoming a guild of assassins, whatever. Two characters may be fighting to save their families, but they gotta make a choice: one family gets to live, the other dies; what are you going to do about it? Who are you fighting for, why are you fighting for them, and who do you really trust?

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