RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (Full Version)

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Foulman -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (11/22/2015 3:06:47)

Kickstarter for Herosmash!

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (11/22/2015 7:43:45)

I wish, but that doesn't seem terribly likely. If there was an award for most neglected game, HS would win first place.

Nobody seems to care about it, its fans are laughed at and snubbed by the game's company's staff and fans of the company's other works.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (11/22/2015 8:22:01)

Crystal Lion: Oversoul has one person working on it, and cucrently he's on AQ3D. We have not had a release in 8 months, and it's only thanks to 2 forum mods we have a tournament with prizes. OS is just as forgotten at this point. The only difference is more people play it because it's more different, while HS is like AQW but with superheroes. And I love HS, or used to. But a lot of games have been forgotten. hopefully, if AQ3D kickstarter goes well, they can be revived.

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (11/22/2015 20:42:10)

The impression I got from the AE community in general is that they turn up their noses at fans of HS. We're pretty much the unwanted in that group.

Foulman -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (11/23/2015 2:42:08)

HS and OS had huge potential, and I love the customisability of HS skill sets. Those buyable powers are really cool.

LyRein -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (12/4/2015 17:28:31)

this game could've beaten AQW in terms of popularity if it was actually focused on :/

seems the devs just gave up.

AQ3D is looking like a 3D AQW

Icetex -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (12/14/2015 19:48:24)

HS HAD its user base!
Because cut off of membership user base dropped off senifniy due most "free user" being lock behind inmovable wall
I don't know why they didn't convert "member" items to free player because now without membership their unbuyble and some areas inaccessible
and game was abandon due to the villains ultimately winning every goodvsevil war irony EVIL WON in a super hero game
also due to lack of updates since july of 2015
Herosmash HAD penitential but ultimately failed on all levels

monsti -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (1/1/2016 21:39:12)

Dear all,

First post on the Herosmash forum in 2016.

Now that AQ3D is 200% funded. I hope a tiny little bit of it could go to Herosmash.

At least, fix the bugs so that game functions (now even the buttons at Overlook do not function at all)

I have never thought that an AE game would die in an ugly shape.

I know AE would not disappoint my fellow players and I.

Wish you all a happy new year and have fun Herosmashing.



Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (1/9/2016 2:43:38)

So much for the presumption that literally nobody cares about the game anymore, be it players or AE themselves.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (1/9/2016 3:42:45)

I've seen the odd person care about HS on the fourms. Honestly, maybe I'm just blind but while I've seen little enough of both I've seen more like and care for it then dislike, and any dislike is generaly genralised with all the other "forgotten" AE games rather then a specific hate of HS and a calling to take them ALL down. I know there is still a slight fanbse for OS for example, and while I will admit I'm not a big fan of HS's gameplay so don't play it much anymore, I do still hold a place in my heart for it for RP'ing my character with the at the time active community.

Prince tommy -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (1/9/2016 16:35:22)

Removed Content

HeavenlyDemon -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (1/11/2016 12:10:55)

It might have been a good idea to revive certain games before jumping onto new games... I mean it's all well and good getting a greenlight from steam, but good luck competing with some of the worlds most popular gaming franchises like DOTA, CS:GO, Hearthstone... AE should really fix this game, it's like it will forever more be in alpha testing. If you won't fix it, DISCONTINUE IT! Just saying...

monsti -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (1/12/2016 8:16:57)


That probably won't happen because they promised to use the funds for AQ3D and using it for anything other then AQ3D would be wrong

Dear Prince Tommy,

My wordings might not be entirely accurate in my pervious post.

What is always right - AE now has more funds than expected, which gives AE the financial flexibility to spend its money (not just the new raise fund) on probably abandoned projects.



Icetex -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (2/8/2016 21:36:16)

at this point people HS is like beating a dead horse
You just can't
HS failed because it used aqworlds engine(but modified) and again EVIL winning goodvsevil wars
now with super hero mmo dying as genre because of DC and Marvel capsizing the market
City of Heros is prime example of that
HS again failed because AE didn't want focused on it when aqw was at hight of it popularity
i fear aqw will go same way HS did with "aq" 3d comes out because as most people on internet goes to next better thing as cycle repeats

Hiduke -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (2/19/2016 11:16:21)

The games has not been forgotten by AE We all know that they know it exist and they know we have no gotten a single update apart from the recycle event materials.I am not sure I seen anything regarding what they hope to release or what is coming..They just said we have players in herosmash and they payed money so we are not taking it down but we are gonna wait until the population gets to certain point to take it down.And I actually feel is been 1 year since new actual storyline/power/anything that is not 3 to items being release.
I played this game a lot and loved it but now is just sad

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (2/20/2016 3:16:32)

Even if so, will the HS fandom want to see an unofficial resolution to the main storyline? Demo lost Pandora's malachite five years ago and nothing's been done about it despite the hue and cry.

Iron Volvametal -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (3/14/2016 17:35:24)

Hey, are some things 'broken' for you guys? I can't access the shops on the /overlook Newsboard Panel, Chucky's Quest in /subway that drops "Chucky's Saliva" doesn't count the bones, rendering it impossible to complete, & when trying to join /libertysquare on the Map/in /mainstreeteast, it always attempts to join /liberty, the old map name.

Haven't played this game in a long time & I know that the game isn't normally updated(some items are still for sale with the '14 tag on them), but this doesn't make it any better, especially since "Chucky's Saliva" is really helpful against Mamma Chuds & some items in those Shops I can't access look really cool.

FryGuy -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (3/27/2016 19:19:04)

Sadly, I joined here hoping maybe there was still possibly a bit of people to play with.
I guess it is just me and 5 random people occasionally who still play herosmash.
I can't level up one of my characters cause a quest is bugged.
I wish I could somehow get some attention or updates from the staff, but I guess it is futile.

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (3/28/2016 0:26:58)

Bug fixes aren't even on their priority anymore. It may be up, but it's a wreck. Still, the Mekageddon aims to continue where AE left off.

FryGuy -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (3/28/2016 22:11:09)

I guess I'll just try to do what I can, maybe help out with the wiki a bit, keep on playing.
Just trying to carry the dying horse a bit longer.
I might play sometime this week, if you see me say hi, I'm either gottlieb or Silent Owl.

rejaylob -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (4/21/2016 1:01:54)

RIP game. This game was cool until the devs stop updating. Good Game. Well played.


LigerBeard -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (5/17/2016 15:47:14)

Question: Could somebody bring the HS forums back up? And if so, could that give HS some much needed attention?

I wish I could be the one to do it, but seeing as I don't have a forums position, it's just not within my power!

Either way, I'mma stay put!


Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (5/19/2016 4:42:36)

Still working on my HS sequel, if anyone wants to check out my sig for that.

orc orc orc -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (5/19/2016 6:44:14)

Sad to see HS like this. I hoped it had stayed a bit longer with the updates. It feels like a waste to see HS go, but I guess it was kind of expected. At least I had some fun.

FryGuy -> RE: =HS= Developer Update Nov 2014 (5/19/2016 17:57:40)

There's still a bit of fire burning. I saw multiple people log in each time I got on.
We ain't dead yet.

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