Support Builds (Full Version)

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The Jop -> Support Builds (11/11/2014 23:52:13)

Putting the majority of your points in support as a Mercenary/Tactical Mercenary and the rest into health really needs to have some setback. They have low defenses, but that just means they gain rage faster than anyone else with their extraordinarily high support stat. Doing low damage with their primary and secondary isn't a huge deal either because it gets their rage up even faster. Their rage attacks disregard 45% of defense, making high defenses not mean much compared to their own very high healths. What really gives them their power is their auxiliary that has the highest damage potential of any regular weapon and only has a 3 turn cooldown, and artillery strike, that does massive damage and can hit multiple enemies.

They also almost always get battle initiative so their opponents cannot cut through their massive health bars before their opponents die. Usually this will make the other team go on the offensive if they go second as well, if the auxiliary doesn't deflect, and waste turns using field medic instead of attacking. So there's really no major setback for this build. They only really need enough energy for one attack, and if their auxiliary/artillery strike strategy doesn't work, they can normally finish their opponent off with rage attacks.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Support Builds (11/11/2014 23:59:55)

Support-spam builds are perhaps the worst builds in the game right now, especially in 1v1. They're also somewhat of a gimmick in 2v2. I'm not sure what your specific problem with them is. Most strength builds can outdamage them and most focus/tank builds can outmaneuver them. What level range are you referring to?

The Jop -> RE: Support Builds (11/12/2014 0:07:54)

I'm talking about in 2v2. where the facts that they have an extremely powerful multi and get first turn initiative is a big deal. Those battles also go on longer so the players actually have to deal with how quickly the support builds gain rage.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Support Builds (11/12/2014 0:18:13)

MoB + Deal high burst damage with Plasma Cannon/Bludgeon? There's no way a support merc can survive too long with minimal defenses with you and your partner nuking him. Especially since you're a BM, that MoB will come in real handy with their low defenses.

Mother1 -> RE: Support Builds (11/12/2014 0:24:50)

They do have draw backs.

1) Aux has a high chance of being deflected due to mininal tech,
2) their defenses are pure garbage
3) Aux has a 3 turn cool down which means after their multi they have 2 turns of doing weak attacks.

While in 2 vs 2 they are more usable at low levels they are easily countered.

Heck using my alt I drain their energy before they can use their multi or if I can't prevent it from happening I shield myself if I feel my defenses aren't enough.

There are more than enough ways to counter support merc's in two vs two at lower levels as well as their being plenty of draw backs.

The Jop -> RE: Support Builds (11/12/2014 0:25:41)

Well, maybe it was because I fought against 2 of these in a 2v2 match twice in a row. When both of your opponents can pull off that much damage while having a huge surplus of health, it's most noticeable.

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