RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (Full Version)

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black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/19/2014 17:14:44)

Name: Sorlan Therin

Age/Race/Gender: 32/Human/Male

Physical Appearance: Sorlan isn't short nor tall, standing at around 5'8. For his heigh, Sorlan sits right in the middle when it comes to weight, sitting at about 144lbs, which is quite apt for a monster hunter, allowing movement but there is a strong muscular frame underneath it all, gained from extensive training and hard work. Pale white skin complimented with hazel eyes and smooth, somewhat thick, messy raven hair, but in sharp contrast is his face, completely clean shaven with only the slightest hint of well kept stubble, his face completely unobstructed, ovular in shape, marked by angular cheekbones, a sturdy jawline and somewhat thick lips.

Armor/Clothing: Sorlan wears a long, black half buttoned up black trench coat with dark grey floral patterns that serves as cover for his armor beneath, black stel held together by dark brown leather, the armor has a sort of layered look, with multiple pieces such as the pauldrons, chest plate and gauntlets being separate and made of iron chain mail instead of steel, all held together by leather.

Weapons: A dull, standard longsword made of silver steel, but with a remarkably unique dark steel hilt, one of similar appearance to his armor, only with ornate engravings upon it.

Other Items: A simple pendant made of gold. Who knows what it's for?

Skills: A cunning individual capable of improvisational action on the fly, and knowledgeable about dangerous terrain and how to maneuver it. Fairly agile aswell, he's no assassin but can hold up pretty well. His area of expertise allows him to detect most abnormal entities aswell, even if the untrained eye may be deceived by them.

Abilities: Sorlan is a master of the art of magic, his expertise being monster hunting so his abilities are mostly centered around spells of light and fire, including but not limited to:

Magical Blasts:: Exactly what it says on the tins. Magic into the form of blasts of light and fire, doesn't require to much energy or concentration, but don't hit particularly hard either. Most effective for slowing down a creature or dealing minor damage and chipping. If concentrated however, can be quite deadly, only it requires more time to be cast and utilized, leaving the hunter more open for attacks.

Inferno: Unleashes a small blast of fire around him, helpful if surrounded and outnumbered.

Blinding Light: Unleashes rays of light fro his hands, lighting his path and blinding monsters sensitive to such magic, potentially causing burns to vampires, but never quite killing them. Isn't easy to constantly keep up.

The Hilt: By concentrating all his magical ability into this seemingly meaningless trinket, he's capable of enchanting his otherwise dull weapon with magic, the strength of the enchantment correspondent with the amount of focus and energy he pours into it. The strongest the weapon, the more it drains him and it can even somewhat lessen his situational awareness, a deadly skill when used right but a one way ticket to death if used incorrectly.

History: Not much is known about the enigmatic slayer for hire, other than that he's exceptionally skilled at what he does and willing to take almost any job that includes creatures of paranormal status. Rumor has it he comes from up north, where many more of his ilk exist.
He's become quit the staple at the Inn, often stopping by for a resupply or a nice, large sized pint, or maybe a nice, warm bed for the night. Ultimately however, the denizens of Darkwald know little about him.

Its a big vague, but i'll probably elaborate more on who he is and where he comes from during the IC.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/19/2014 17:36:28)

Master K, has Marcelline used any form of magic in the past 2 days? Like making light to lit up her path or anything?

Legendium -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/19/2014 19:04:05)

I've always found the discrepancies between the American interpretation of the Black Forest and the actual Schwarzwald to be very different. I mean, looking up "Black Forest" gets you plenty of creepy dark woods pictures, whereas "Schwarzwald" shows you hiking maps and sunny tourist locations.

I still like the way you've pictured it TJ, because the Darkwald is a great RP location, but the real black forest is far from that description. Yeah, in spring it gets a bit wet, and the canopy puts some nice shade in certain areas, but trust me, it's actually very sunny for most of the year. Trust me, I've been there on hiking trips when I used to live in Germany. The water falls and rock formations are what make it really special, IMO. The tallest one in Germany is there. Granted, it's too skinny to really impress, but hey, there are other good ones too.
The Darkwald is still fun to play in, but far from the actual real place you based it on.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/19/2014 20:32:37)

Ha, agreed. I went to Titisee once on a school trip, and I was struck by how beautiful it was, although I did see only one small part of the Forest. This was in winter - snow on the ground and all that - but it was no more gloomy than most of the UK is all year round!

Kellehendros -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/19/2014 21:19:48)

I'm working on the post, going to aim for tomorrow night. Sorry for the delay on my end.

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/19/2014 23:56:04)

@Draycos: I'm going to say most likely.

EDIT: Posted. Draycos, it's now your turn. I'm curious to see how this will turn out.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 2:10:20)

Posted! Sorry for the delay.

@Legendium In the interest of provoking interesting meetings, I would put forth for consideration that that should your Germanic bloodhound start sniffing around the inn for traces of magic, Kenet will positively stink.

Bastet -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 7:14:40)

I sent a PM to TJ to clarify about a few details.
At the latest, I'll have my bio up by tomorrow.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 10:58:04)

Posted. Zeph, please tell Kenet to lay off the magic. At least for Kit's sake [:(]

Legendium -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 13:09:59)

Quick question Zeph:
That he will stink, sure. But what of? If he's an automaton of a sort, would he smell like oil? If he's undead, how about dry bones?
I'm not asking to know what he is (That's for you to reveal) but I would like to know what he smells like. Just that he smells ain't enough.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 13:19:45)

Hmm, I doubt that the vampire and human abilities of sensing magic are the same but you might be able to go off a little on what I went with. I gave Kenet his own smell to Kit since I thought Zeph left it anonymous so that we could decide what he smelt like to our characters.

Legendium -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 13:37:56)


Heinrich may be human, but the lack of his own magic reservoir puts him on par with experienced vampires. Seeing as Heinrich spent most of life training this ability, I think it may be safe to say that he knows more about the subject. Or at least, that they are different. You didn't really elaborate much aside from being able to smell spells within a space of two days, so that gives you license to develop it further.

Anyways, maybe Heinrich can smell that in addition to something else. Human noses and vampire noses likely aren't exactly the same, and one may smell a certain odor where the other smells a different one.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 13:42:46)


Anyways, maybe Heinrich can smell that in addition to something else. Human noses and vampire noses likely aren't exactly the same, and one may smell a certain odor where the other smells a different one

This was what I was kinda talking about Legendium. I wasn't questioning Heinrich's ability, just stating that they might be different so whether or not you wanted to base Kenet's smell off what Kit smelt was up to you.

Legendium -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 13:45:09)

Oh, sorry for misunderstanding.
Yeah, I think I'll wait for what Zeph has to say.

EDIT: Actually, never-mind, I'll just come up with something on my own as well.

EDIT 2: And posted again. You know an RP is really rolling when you're able to post two times in one day.

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 15:28:39)

Well now, it's a matter of waiting for the morning in Blackwater. Marcelline's taken interest in Kitsondra, but where that'll go, I have no clue. I'm also really glad this RP is rolling.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 15:31:45)

I'm gonna step in here and point out something from TJ's original post regarding the time of day.


The storm seemed to let up as the morning approached, but it was still pretty harsh.

However, there are several subsequent posts by y'all indicating it is the evening. This is rather a mess. I'm going to stick with the assumption this is morning, unless TJ elects to change things up.

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 15:38:03)

I was under the impression it was early morning, where it was still dark out.

Gingkage -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 15:44:04)

Morning, yes. But Sera's been walking a lot so she's tired. She'll wake up mid-afternoon.

EDIT: To elaborate since I did a poor job of explaining this in my intro (for which I apologize) Sera was basically on her feet the entire night, not wanting to spend it outside where the rain could and would get into everything. She was close enough to Blackwater that hoofing it was miserable, but doable, and reached the town right in the early hours where it was just light enough to see, but still fairly dark (since like everyone else, that's the impression I got and that's what I think of when I hear 'early morning'). So basically she did necessary maintenance on her equipment, ate a warm meal to thaw out, and then went to her room for a nap since she's been up for a while now and has earned it.

Legendium -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 15:48:19)

I had originally assumed that as well, which was why I had Heinrich come in during the morning. Then I saw everyone else thought it was evening, so switched to that. I can easily edit this though, by having him not spend the full day at Caroline's house and going to the inn for breakfast instead.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 16:05:35)

I too thought it was early morning so I had Kit act as it was very late in the night. Just before the town awoke.


The warrior nodded his head, looking around to observe the town in the early morning.

It was warm inside. The smell of breakfast foods filled the air.

Legendium -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 16:09:10)

Should I make the edit now or wait till TJ says something?

Tdub -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 16:18:59)

My intro is up. Feel free to ignore the interruption in the Inn, unless some kind soul wants to vouch for Lock. Could be useful to you. Or whatever.

TJ, if there's any issues, let me know.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 17:12:45)

Lawks-a-mussy, you guys move quickly, for sure!

Legendium, you did a fine job describing the smell. Sorry I wasn't able to chime in earlier, but I think that in the end it's best for you guys to decide how your characters' abilities work.

The important thing is that now we're all aware of eachother. It looks to me as if Kitsondra is going to be our common thread to begin with - we all see to have a reason to go and see her. For my part, I'm going to have Kenet leave during the distraction of Lock's arrival, ask Sloan where Kitsondra is staying, and go up to her room. Might be a good opportunity for us all to finally get acquainted!

I'll start on the post now.

Legendium -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 17:46:18)

It's getting late here, but tomorrow morning I'll edit my previous posts to make sense according to the time.

Just to make absolute certain; is it early morning as in still very dark (maybe 4 in the morning or so) or the time people start waking up in the morning? Just to determine how much I need to edit. If it's four, I'll at least have to get rid of Caroline's son in the yard; at that time he would be asleep, but I can find an excuse for Caroline. I can change the meal fairly simply as well. Then I can see about changing a few other words to match the times correctly.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 18:03:54)


My impression of the time was that it was early morning - six or seven-ish, shall we say. Late enough that the sun has risen and early-risers are starting to go about their business, but still before the majority of the day's activity has begun. I wouldn't worry yourself overmuch about it, as I don't think it's too unreasonable that a child might be up at that hour, nor that a German would have potatoes for breakfast!

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