RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (Full Version)

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brotherinlaw -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/3/2015 16:49:43)


I'm not sure what Darkbolt us, but using my brain makes me think of some sort of lightning-based dark magic, or dark-based lightning magic. If so, I guess I'm okay with that. Mana Shield sounds obvious, but what are its capabilities? Does it completely negate damage made by magical attacks, or does decrease damage made by any attack, etc. Your saliva, what would it take to paralyze someone? Get on their skin, breath in fumes, etc. And how does the explosiveness work? You decide when to make it explode? What type of explosion are we talking about here?

Oh, and this isn't exactly a custom race. I see it as more a hybrid between a human and some other entity.

@Everyone: I'll see about posting this weekend. Consider this a rest period, I reckon.

darkbolt is even more basic than that, think fireball (the first spell any mage learns) only darkness based.

For mana shield, I want it to be a simple, spammable, but weak ability. It takes an inconsequential amount of mana, but it is only good for one hit, be it a slap or a cannon ball. after a cannonball, though, it just negates the equivalent damage before breaking, leading the caster to it's mercy.

As far as the venom goes, a bite or breathing it in, I think skin contact is a smidge op. It ignites with a spark from my claws or another source. The explosion is simple and quick, with no fumes, like burning hydrogen.

Finally, think of it less as a hybrid, and more of a former human who has been subjected to so many extra-dimensional energies, temporal shifting, mutations, and other consequences of tampering with forces he shouldn't that he can't really qualify by any definition that currently exists.

so little crtiticism, maybe I'm finally starting to get good at this!

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/3/2015 18:51:35)

@brotherinlaw: I'm not exactly known for turning people down anyhow. The first-person concept of your bio made it a little hard for me to comprehend some things at first, but that's fine.

Oh, and everything checks out! Here's a quick run of things concerning the 'main' plot:

1. The warrior Toren and his young companion, Lily, arrived in Blackwater, seeking refuge at the Hallows Inn. Toren made it clear to everyone that a group of dark beings known as the Nazha were coming to terrorize the town, though they were really after Lily and Toren.
2. After forming a small band of volunteers, Toren and the defenders fight the Nazha. Toren is seemingly killed before coming back alive, and Lily is then kidnapped by the Nazha's leader. Several Nazha are killed.
3. The defenders pursue the the Nazha into the forest, rescue Lily, and then return to town. The Nazha who survived disappeared in the Darkwald.
4. The next day, two elves named Yara and Marietta arrive in the Hallows Inn and recruit a party to deal with a local gangster named Luke Grange. They successfully handle him, but are unable to make it back to town before sunset and are forced to camp for the night. They're now currently fighting a creature known as a Shrieker.

You are welcome to join in on anything, you may help other players, interact with whoever, and so on.

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/3/2015 23:13:45)

Right now, the only characters not in the main plot really are Marcelline and Franklin, who are just chilling in the Hallow's Inn and are about to discuss the finer points of Eldritch literature.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/4/2015 3:08:44)

I'm not involved in anything either, yet.

brotherinlaw -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/4/2015 6:32:32)

thanks for the update, think I might run into the party while making my way to the inn. might as well dive in head first!

blankmaskara -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/4/2015 15:39:49)

Posted. Apologies for the wait. I think Franklin just needs a few more tomes like those before he starts getting seizures.

brotherinlaw -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/4/2015 16:23:18)

Posted. Probably not my best work, been a few years. Is it a bad thing that I kind of controlled the wolves? Shouldn't affect the story, but still.

also, may have come in during an awesome story opportunity! a Creepy eight-foot Mysterious Stranger type shows up after Kitsondra felt a dark and mysterious presence. COINCIDENCE!?!? Totally, but still quite fortuitous to the story

also, that text that Franklin is looking at, it that perhapse the Dark Language? If so, as an ancient scholar, student of necromancy, and a former High mage, I would actually be able to translate that when I got to the inn. Just food for thought.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/4/2015 17:41:49)

Well, that would be up to Master K what language it is. But, I believe it is a collab of old witchcraft runes and rituals with pictures thrown in the mix.

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/4/2015 19:49:04)

As I messaged blankmaskara, the book is written in Demon script. The witches of old would summon, commune, and worship demons. The book is written in script that was bestowed on to the witches by the demons they summoned. Therefore, only those who have direct ties to demons can read the script. That is why the ashen coven member could read the book. She was a direct servant of Istarelle's demon. Being directly tied to the demon, she could decypher the runic script. Marcelline may have been approached by Istarelle, but they shared no direct bonds (Marcelline did not share or use Istarelle's power). Therefore, the book is mysterious jibberish.

As for the rituals in the book, the book can summon demons, along with cast some very unpleasant spells and effects. I also plan for the book to be able to turn its reader in to an artificial demon, with sufficient supplies...that will be a plot point for Marcelline, when someone will transform in to a demon/eldritch creature and demand her to gather worshipers...

...As you can tell, I have big plans, lol

brotherinlaw -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/4/2015 21:07:31)

Oh, that reminds me. I should probably tell what the Dark Language is.

Anyone played Archknight? I try to base all elements of my character on AE games (mostly out of paranoia of being kicked out), and the Dark Language is essentially the language of the demons of the Plane of Eternal Darkness and is taught to elite necromancers and sorcerers to take their magic to the final level.

edit; oh, and I forgot to say, feel free to just write me in as I come-on the scene. I want to see your reaction to me so I can decide how to proceed.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/6/2015 8:48:27)

@brotherinlaw: While I'm not opposed to AE-influenced lore here (as it was, or still is, part of the rules that RP's must be AE related), you should know I'm not exactly against you coming up with your own things, should you want to. I don't want you to feel restricted in that sense. The world in which the Hallows Inn takes place is a shared world where a lot of my own, personal lore, short-stories, roleplays, and characters originate from.

@Everyone: I'll try to get a post up soon.

EDIT: Shrieker's wrapped up. Toren and Lily's wrapped up. Payment to Sera's complete. The group can head back to Blackwater if they wish. Everything may start on a clean slate now guys, and the next day can officially begin. Jaque's arrival isn't to far off. But remember, rather then spending/saving your point, you could give it to Luke Grange to fund his next venture.

Lichviathan -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/6/2015 12:04:01)

It's been many years since I've been to the forums. I'd like to post a bio, but there will probably be plenty of kinks to work out.

Age/Race/Gender:473/ Although technically a void Vartai (half dragon), in their culture he's also known as a Ahvakaar, literally "abomination", because his other half isn't human, it's demon./male
Physical Appearance: His general physique is brutish and hulking. he stands nine feet tall, has a massive barrel chest, broad shoulders, and a neck only slightly less thick than his chest. His head is identical to a void dragon, with no eyes, long fangs, and twisted horns sprouting from his skull, but with one strange variation; like his mother, he has the large crest of a queen. the crest is 3 feet long and adds another 2 feet to his height. his hands and feet are large and thick, ending in long, powerful claws. his skin is the same black and red scales twisted into a carapace that all void dragons have, and, like some hybrids, he's sterile, in his case leaving no external genitalia (this will factor in later). his broad, sloaped back has ridges running down his spine, and his blood is green.
Armor/Clothing: actually he goes in the nude all the time. he has the best natural armor and nothing to flash, so why not? he does, however, have a hand-tailored suit for special occassion
Weapons: his claws his teeth, his dragon beam/breath. his blood has a PH of -4, so that could be a thing. he also has a hammer he uses for blacksmithing (to be explained later), and it’s absorbed some pretty whacky energies over the years.
Other Items: he brought with him 7 gold bars from his mother’s hoard (a gift), his anvil, his hammer, and a few other crafting reagents.
Skills: He is a superb blacksmith who specialises in cursed and demon weapons and armors. he has a particular knack for reading people, and is able to create weapons perfect for a specific individuals every need. He is highly intelligent, and tends to pick up on, connect, or just know things no-one else possibly could.
Abilities: Void dragon breath beam cannon thing, he’s also got a knack for magic when it comes to forging.
History: Leviathan was born as a sign of peace between the void dragons and the demons of Heck. Though bounced between parents and raised to be royalty, he found a greater kinship with his father’s “embarrassing” family history; his clan were originally craftsmen who stole the secrets in the making of such things as the blade of awe, the doomknight armor, and drakel magiscience, and then used them to sell their own weapons. After learning all he could, he decided to leave the life of a royal and go to dragonspine to learn of the world and dragon magic in particular. he also learned that his demon blood made him an outcaste,and he left to wander in search of new secrets and techniques. over the course of his travels he’s been to many places, apprenticed to many people, and learned many things. Now he travels to Darkwald, hoping to set up his own smithy and even take advantage of the unique reasorces of the area to better his skill.

P.S. I wanted to PM the guy in charge, but (and this is a bit embarrassing) I forgot how to PM.....
A little help, please?

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/6/2015 13:18:49)

@Lichviathan: Below everyone's post, on the left-hand side, you'll see a series of buttons. They say 'PM', 'Addr.', 'Block', etc. Click on 'PM' to shoot me, or anyone, a quick PM.

Ironic that a few posts ago I said I hardly turn people down, but I have a few problems with Leviathan. He's a cool character, don't get me wrong, and I think he'd be an awesome addition in other role plays. But unfortunately, he's a wee bit to much for the Hallows Inn. I imagine having the Incredible Hulk lumbering around the small town of Blackwater, living amongst the populace, only he has a dragon-esque vibe to him.

It would be out of character for the people of Blackwater to accept someone like Leviathan. Kitsondra's a vampire, I know, and for the people of Blackwater to accept her seemed a little off for me, but I accepted her anyway because of some unique things she was capable of - and because I envisioned a few plot-related things for her. It wouldn't feel appropriate to let Leviathan live, eat, and sleep in Blackwater, simply because it feels 'out of character' for the locals to accept that. I'm sorry, but I just don't think I could accept Leviathan in his current state.

You could fix this by having him appear somewhat more human-like (or elf-like, or whatever), and give him abilities to 'transform' into the Vartai that he is, or create another character. Sorry about that Lich.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/6/2015 13:27:12)

Don't the townspeople have no idea what Kitsondra is?

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/6/2015 13:34:59)

Oh that's right, only Sloan knows. Nice observation BK, I forgot about that.

Lichviathan -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/6/2015 14:03:15)

actually, I was kinda hopin for him to be the oddball/ outcast who's shunned except when a person wants the kind of power he can give. If he wore the suit all the time except in the smithy, maybe that would give him more of an eccentric air and he'd be left alone?

otherwise, if nothing can be done without changing the way you want the story to go, I'll figure out something else.
P.S. almost forgot, thanks for the P.M advice! my screen is cracked, so I didn't see that.

brotherinlaw -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/6/2015 14:27:08)

hmmm, another new one? interesting! maybe we'll get to town about the same time, by the looks of things.

okay, just to verify, I just came on the scene with all but two of the party still there? I think I'll wait to post until a few people show their reactions to my presence

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/6/2015 14:52:55)

@Lichviathan: I'm not sure the suit would help much, as it still wouldn't hide his features. He could be an outcast/oddball, but he'd probably be restricted to the gates of Blackwater. I don't see it viable for the Blackwater guards to let a hulking dragon-like being into the town. As a matter of fact they'd probably recruit some adventurers to go and hunt you down. Even if he could craft the town useful weapons, I still don't see him coming in.

@brotherinlaw: Toren and Lily left, yes. Kitsondra, Marietta, Sera, and Symphony are still there though. And you don't necessarily have to wait; you can pop in and ask questions if you want, introduce yourself to the other people.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/6/2015 15:08:55)

I have a way of letting him inside the city that could pass off as plausible. You mentioned them hiring someone to hunt him down, right?

Well my character's free, at the moment. And my guy is a monster slayer, which means he's prime target for hunting this hulking beast down. Now he realized its an intelligent, sentient being and uses his sway with the city guards [Sorlan's quite well known in the area, after all] to let him in, on the condition of him being isolated from the city folk.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/6/2015 16:41:30)

If Lich is in agreement with that proposition, I -might- let it slide. But I'd bare down on him with the locals. People won't exactly take to him to lightly, Leviathan's going to be treated pretty harshly at first.

NotDaMama -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/6/2015 22:59:59)

ummm, brotherinlaw here, and I think I've got some 'splainin ta do....

see, I was tryin to play it cool for his benefit, but Lichviathan is my brother. I invited him to the roleplay cause I knew he'd like it. unfortunately, do to a mistake on my part, his account got flagged as a duplicate. then, in tryin to fix the matter, I was changing my e-mail address and never got the confirmation e-mail, so now I'M removed!

so, yeah, I understand if you kick us off the Rp, but in case you don't, I'd like permission to post on behalf of both me and my brother, with Lichviathan's being blue and separated by a divider.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience this poses everyone.
As am I
P.S. if I don't get kicked off, black knight's idea sounds awesome. I'm willing to take any grief, I like the loner blacksmith idea. and I'll definately wear the suit, just so I don't get hunted
but, just in case, anyone remember if void dragons are affected by dragonsbane?

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/7/2015 7:21:16)

I've PMed Eukara Vox about the situation.

Bastet -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/7/2015 7:28:07)

I don't see why you should be disallowed to play, but it is always best to contact a mod in these situations.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/7/2015 9:28:48)

@Bastet: From experience, if I think something smells fishy about accounts, it probably is. But it's probably nothing; he's probably telling the truth, and that's acceptable. But I just want to make sure everything is set and in order, and if he is telling the truth, hopefully the mods can fix everything so the two brothers can have two separate accounts. It would make for a smoother and easier experience for both me and you.

I probably should have contacted Ronin, but for some reason I saw Eukara's name somewhere and instinctively clicked on it.

Gingkage -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (6/8/2015 9:41:43)

Posted. And I've no excuse for what took me so long. First I simply couldn't come up with anything to post. And then I had to go out of state to somewhere with no internet for a few days to visit family. I'm very sorry I was MIA for so long with no word. I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again.

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