Ranking system? (Full Version)

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Dragonslayer419 -> Ranking system? (11/20/2014 11:55:56)

I checked to see if this was already suggested but I couldn't find anything about it in the FAQ or other posts: I was thinking that it might be a good idea to have a ranking or points system within the forums to maybe give a little incentive to be more active of the the forums. like if someone makes a helpful post others could "Like it" or "give them a point" and the points affect their rank or maybe just a simple seniority rank. This would also be helpful for new users to give them an idea of how reliable the post they are reading is. I think that it might also be good for the health of the forums in the aspect of people being more respectful because they now have a reason to want to be helpful.

Gingkage -> RE: Ranking system? (11/20/2014 12:43:43)

Ideas similar to this have been suggested multiple times in the past. From what I understand, well before I joined the forums, they used to have a similar system to what you're proposing but was abandoned due to the spam it caused by people trying to 'rank up' so to speak. Further, the system you're suggesting would be more of a popularity contest than a reliable way of knowing who is knowledgeable in what they're saying, with friends voting on other friends posts.

Hopeful Guy -> RE: Ranking system? (11/20/2014 14:17:29)

We do have people with titles, as well (Helpful!/Constructive!/Friendly!/Creative!), which do help, particularly with Helpful!- which seems to be what you're looking for, a way to distinguish helpful members.

Dragonslayer419 -> RE: Ranking system? (11/21/2014 0:16:15)

Okay. thanks guys for clarifying.

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