RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (Full Version)

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Heroic Necro -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (2/14/2015 16:44:08)

How was he fighting the guard and damaging their armor if he wasn't there

Superemo -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (2/14/2015 16:55:14)

^You can't always trust your senses. A wound that looks painful could be completely painless, while a paper cut in the right place can be absolutely agonizing.

liamliam1234liam -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (2/14/2015 17:15:06)

An environmental description would be nice, including a more thorough description of the golem: Apart from the extra arms, is it proportioned as a human? How is it standing? At what angle are the crossbows being held, and what is the relative arm position (how quickly does he seem capable of shifting angles rapidly)? Are there areas of the environment where the crossbows are not pointed?

I guess I will just ignore the non-physics which transpired in that sequence of events for now.

Superemo -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (2/14/2015 23:38:51)

@liam: The creature has human proportions, but can change the positions of its arms without warning to almost any position on its body and bend its arms at impossible angles.
The entryway you're at is about as nondescript as a palace's entryway can get. The door itself is a rather large, arched, wooden double-door that is reinforced with metal bars for additional strength. The side walls are approximately 60 feet apart, the back wall is about 90 feet from the entryway, and the ceiling is rather high. There are stone pillars in the room that are about three feet in diameter, spaced about 5 feet from each other, starting about 10 feet from the center of the room on both sides, from the front of the room to the back.
As for the impossible physics involved in that, the effect of the collision was determined by opposed attack rolls. DA's roll was a natural 20, while the creature's roll was a natural 1.

Heroic Necro -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (2/15/2015 1:02:34)

Can I use my transformation magic to turn all the sides on my dice into 20s?

Superemo -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (2/15/2015 12:11:40)

^: The dice are a philosophical concept in this world, used to explain the elements of randomness and chaos inherent in life when there are sentient creatures observing it. As an idea, it lacks physical form, is invulnerable to physical damage, and cannot be affected by magic. Essentially, they're the one thing in this game that can't be messed with.

Superemo -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (2/18/2015 5:15:47)

Note: Something came up today which will make it either extremely inconvenient or impossible to post the update on Friday (I'll be somewhere without internet access, and my phone doesn't like the forums). Fortunately, unlike the other games I've run, I don't ad lib the important stuff for the updates, so I should be able to post it on Thursday. If that doesn't work for anyone, just let me know.
Also, to clear the air on what parts I ad lib, it's the NPC dialogue and my attempts at humor. I go into writing dialogue knowing what I want it to achieve and the way the characters would behave, and I just sort of let it run from there. As for any jokes, funny or otherwise, they're either a thought I had while writing the update or one I had while reading and posting it.

Heroic Necro -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (3/23/2015 17:01:50)

This is a dirt tunnel right? Or did he dig his way into another section of prison?

Superemo -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (3/24/2015 6:28:30)

It's a composite of dirt and stone. The walls and ceiling are mostly dirt, while the floor is mostly stone. It's a manmade tunnel, so the fact this would probably never happen in nature doesn't matter. The explanation I'm going to use here is that any rocks that were in the way of digging the tunnel had to go somewhere, and piles of rocks are less useful than a cobbled path.

Heroic Necro -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (3/24/2015 16:55:01)

How wide is this tunnel? Significantly more then my armspan?

Superemo -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (3/24/2015 18:57:39)

It's wide enough that an Orc could comfortably swing a greatsword in any direction from the center of the tunnel. Since the average height of an Orc is 8'0", and a standard greatsword is just under 5 feet long (which you'd then have to double, to make sure it works from either side), that gives us a minimum requirement of 18 feet for the ability to swing the sword in any direction. Since the minimum isn't exactly "comfortable", though, they added another foot of room on both sides, making the tunnel 20 feet wide. For height, they had to add the approximate length of one arm (they rounded up to four feet) to the height, then added in the approximate length of the sword, then gave another three feet of height for comfort, giving a height of 20 feet.
So, it's 20' wide, 20' tall, and an unknown length. And before anyone gets on me about the logistical difficulties inherent in digging a structurally sound tunnel with those dimensions in six months, keep in mind magic is a thing. I know it would be 8000 cubic feet of earth for a 20x20x20 room, and I realize that would probably be a few hundred tons of earth. They just threw a bunch of Terramancers at the problem.

Heroic Necro -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (3/25/2015 20:45:18)

Does my magic do the full metal alchemist lightshow thing by the way? Or can I cast in the dark without being seen?

Am I limited to matter or could I redirect energy? Like if I had a campfire could I redistribute the heat into something else?

And can I get a rough set of guidelines on magic consumption? What sort of feats would drain set amounts of magic? How do I get more mana?

liamliam1234liam -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (3/25/2015 21:31:33)

Does this thing have eyes of a sort? Or does its entire body function as a seeing apparatus?

Superemo -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (3/27/2015 4:46:17)

@HN: There's no flash, but the transmutation material does glow faintly when you transmute it. And to answer the obvious follow-up to that answer, it's dark enough they would be able to see the glow.
You can't (currently) redirect energy. That would be a Kinetomancer.
Rough guidelines... I can do. The 80 Magic you used earlier was due to it being a moderate (in this case, 8) number of transmutations of materials you didn't want getting too close to you. I'm going to make a table to try to make things a bit easier to understand.

Base Cost for Magic Use: 5 Magic

Extremely Simple Spell (Any effect that could be easily duplicated without the use of magic [Making a torch go out, making a noise for a distraction, etc.]): Cost-4
Basic Spell (Able to be duplicated without magic with small amounts of effort [Smoke signals, magnetizing iron, etc.]): Cost-2
Normal Spell (Would take quite a bit of effort to be duplicated without magic [Changing enemy weapon types, exploding fireballs, etc.]): No Adjustment
Advanced Spell (Extremely difficult to duplicate without magic [Charming a person, instant knowledge of a skill, etc]): Cost+2
Complex Spell (Nearly impossible to pull off without magic [Raising the dead, teleportation spells, etc.]): Cost+4

Transmutation Modifiers:
Direct contact: No Additional Adjustment
Ranged (Arm's reach): Cost+adjustments*1.5
Ranged (Within 10 feet): Cost+adjustments*2
Ranged (Within 20 feet): Cost+adjustments*5
Long-range: Varies, determined by distance.

@liam: It doesn't have any obvious eyes. It has a face-like spot on its head-like spot, but it's almost certainly just there for show.

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