Clone Saga (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


lcheezy -> Clone Saga (11/29/2014 16:24:57)

At first I got the idea of the hairstyle that looks like a lich nightwraith/ and titan I was thinking what about a clone saga in epicduel , to actually have some sort of storyline to protect ed fan base because most ae games have a base storyline to go with the game , now I really hope you can put my idea in to consideration

A titan clone which no one knows about everyone thinks its actually titan where therefore is not and titan just goes off on a rampage
destroys half of frysteland and travels to central city when a group of legion meet up to challenge the almighty titan but get beaten to a pulp.
Well that's all I got .😁


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