Intimidated (Full Version)

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The berserker killer -> Intimidated (12/8/2014 18:04:31)

I gotta admit, whenever i enter a match and see someone wearing the Banana Suit armor with Celtic Cleaver... I automatically think "I lost". That just looks so intimidating to me because of how past EPIC players used to equip that combo and pwn everyone.

What armor/weapon do you get intimidated the most by?

Moved to ED GD ~Battle Elf

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Intimidated (12/8/2014 18:06:34)

None at the moment. I used to have a huge aversion to hatchling rush but it fell out of style so it isn't much of a problem anymore.

It's very refreshing to see people with founder armor and beta/alpha equips though. What really makes me sad is all the level 40s who are commanders and think they're more skilled or know more than the level 37 emperors.

The berserker killer -> RE: Intimidated (12/8/2014 18:08:57)

true that, the abyss set was really intimidating and i love seeing the Founders with their armors on. It's like refreshing to know that theyre still playing and supportng the game

....Edit: This was supposed to be in General Discussion...Awkward. Sorry ArchKnights!

Zeruphantom -> RE: Intimidated (12/8/2014 18:27:49)

Nothing at the moment really intimidates me per say, since the majority of items are the same (Kartherax Bot is a pain though) however anyone with the Azrael gun and auxiliary in early Omega was a scary opponent to face.

Variation -> RE: Intimidated (12/8/2014 18:38:01)

No items intimidate me in PvP. I guess that's what happens when it's a rare occurrence for you to lose.

When I'm in 2v2 I do see a lot of players intimidated sometimes by the opponents' gear. That's probably because some of the gear is generally classified as strong by most players.

@Exploding Penguin:
Some of those level 40 Commanders have much more win experience than 10,000 and even 25,000 if they've used other accounts in the past (more accounts = more wins for most people, I have 39,735 on my main and past mains combined, and probably an approximately 50,000+ if I combined the wins with all of my alts). So actually it isn't impossible for someone with a lower PvP rank than you to have more PvP experience than you.

Gepard Acht -> RE: Intimidated (12/8/2014 18:43:12)

I used to be really intimidated by Imperial acp +Frostbane. The sword alone probably has more stats than my entire equipment stats in beta lol.

Now the closest thing I can think of is probably the azrael gun, its like a guranteed stun.

The Jop -> RE: Intimidated (12/8/2014 18:47:14)

Players with a lot of health, around 1,500. Not only is it more of a pain to beat them than most players, they have a good chance of winning if they get lucky and don't really get any blocks/deflects despite their low dex/tech.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Intimidated (12/8/2014 18:50:34)


What armor/weapon do you get intimidated the most by?

Platinum's Pride of course. Nothing like a strength build having an unblockable strike that can also follow up with rage.

Digital X -> RE: Intimidated (12/8/2014 18:53:53)

Stat spammers are the only ones who intimidate me. I know I'm not going to cope well with mass amounts of damage, then having to heal and get blasted verbally for surviving.

Zeruphantom -> RE: Intimidated (12/8/2014 18:55:24)


then having to heal and get blasted verbally for surviving.

Epic Duel PvP in a nutshell.

Mother1 -> RE: Intimidated (12/8/2014 18:56:07)

@ Digital x

wouldn't that be just about all builds at the higher levels? I am not sure about you but every time I play against someone I always see at least one or two stats being spammed higher than the others.

The berserker killer -> RE: Intimidated (12/8/2014 20:32:57)

I hear you there digital X lol. I forgot about some of the other items you guys mention lke Platinums Pride (sheesh, talk about taking a chance fighting a str build), and frostbane.

Even certain builds intimidate me, like the 1500 build mentioned above ^.

Daph Duck -> RE: Intimidated (12/8/2014 21:38:10)

Old Scimitar, I've never met a single bad player that uses that weapon and whenever I see it I usually just don't bother trying to win because I know they'll cripple me to the ground.

The berserker killer -> RE: Intimidated (12/8/2014 21:53:00)

And the Slugger ( i think thats what its called). Whenever mercs use it... i immediately know im in for trouble.

Exodasbr -> RE: Intimidated (12/9/2014 7:11:50)

Cardboard armor (don't know why) and pyro fly.

Kokujoe -> RE: Intimidated (12/9/2014 7:27:24)

Currently speaking, it has to be Black Abyss Gear for obvious reasons.

~Kokujoe \(>____<*\)

greederman -> RE: Intimidated (12/9/2014 9:27:42)

Those players with ugly face style.

Digital X -> RE: Intimidated (12/9/2014 9:42:37)

@Mother1, yeah it's the majority from what I've seen. Focus builds I can deal with, but when you have near 150 odd in str, supp etc it's just manic.

Lord Machaar -> RE: Intimidated (12/18/2014 9:49:22)

I gotta say, back in my days, where non-varium players stood no chance against varium players:
The 100% win combo was: Founder Armor, BunnyZooka.

Those were like constant ultra weapons, then wrist blades and side arms were variable.

And everytime I see that combo of weapons, I know it's a strenght build.

Remorse -> RE: Intimidated (12/18/2014 11:37:32)

For me it's the Celtic maul (forgot the name).

Back in the day when people put everything into STR as a Merc and tried to Maul stun then bezerk someone. Effectively killing anyone under 100 hp (1000 in the new formula) before they have a turn.

Though the feeling was less intimidated and more, pissed off.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Intimidated (12/18/2014 12:04:28)

Stun zerker was terrifying and really upsetting in the worst kind of way.

For people who want to imagine it just be low level and face a dex mages. There are some dex mage setups that work exactly the same as stun zerker

Remorse -> RE: Intimidated (12/18/2014 13:01:26)

^ Exactly

Which might I add is broken due to lack of counter play.

Serves them right for needlessly changing plasma rain from tech scaling to dex.

BBA322 -> RE: Intimidated (12/20/2014 19:59:23)

2011 when Bunker Buster & Artillery Strike Mercs. ran rampant was when I last felt intimidated. Nothing like getting slammed by a double crit. bunker buster off the bat and then having it rain artillery to follow up, as well as having the aux. do quite a bit of damage itself... All that support... Coming back a few days ago since stopping in February 2013... things have changed a lot so I'm still deciding what gets to me haha. Probably these level 40 Juggers I keep coming across in 2v2.

king altoen -> RE: Intimidated (12/20/2014 20:26:35)

focus BH with the old Shadow arts. (the one that blocks, deflects, and I think adds chance to stun). + smoke screen, dare autoattack.

akiratoriyama -> RE: Intimidated (12/26/2014 4:44:28)

Back then (2013ish), anyone with the Azrael Gun.

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