=AQ= It's a Wonderful Life of Crime War Stories and Poems Commentary (Full Version)

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Elryn -> =AQ= It's a Wonderful Life of Crime War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/19/2014 16:43:41)

=AQ= It's a Wonderful Life of Crime War Stories and Poems 2014

This is where you may discuss of each other's war stories and poems if not on the war thread itself in the AQ General Discussion forum.

kors -> RE: =AQ= It's a Wonderful Life of Crime War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/19/2014 16:51:39)

Well, first part is up, second should be done by today, maybe. About halfway through part 2 and if the internet remains stable I should be good.

Seth Hydra -> RE: =AQ= It's a Wonderful Life of Crime War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/20/2014 5:26:03)

Well part 1 is up. I'll post the second one sometime later! :D

battlemaster25 -> RE: =AQ= It's a Wonderful Life of Crime War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/21/2014 12:34:20)

I did a thing. I'm probably going to regret it, but I did a thing.

charlette -> RE: =AQ= It's a Wonderful Life of Crime War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/22/2014 0:25:21)

I don't recall being in this part of the forum before til those links were posted. Been viewing and reading.....wonderful creativity!

Anyway, really liked all 3 stories so far and am eager to read more. I can visualize everything in all the stories - very well done!

Eukara Vox -> RE: =AQ= It's a Wonderful Life of Crime War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/22/2014 16:52:49)

Looks like things are off to a good start. Enjoying your stories so far! Keep it up!

kors -> RE: =AQ= It's a Wonderful Life of Crime War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/24/2014 16:18:31)

Whew... that took longer than expected!

So... my estimate was a couple days off, but it all sorta worked out I guess![&:] And my bad habit of leaving stories unfinished finally makes it way past the fourth wall and Zorbak needs a bit of saving. Sounds like a typical Frostval to me!

Also I like the small collection we have now! Personally I like charlette's poem quite a bit. SS is off to a good start, which hopefully will turn into an awesome ending. I really find Gale to be an interesting character, I wonder how long it'll be before he starts enjoying it... And Albino Russian Dwarf... I have no idea what to say to this, he is an interesting villain and poor Seth, he really seems to have gotten the short end of the stick. Can't wait to see more.

charlette -> RE: =AQ= It's a Wonderful Life of Crime War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/24/2014 19:04:30)

Thanks kors. I'm not good at writing stories but the poem was a lot of fun. Lots of action in your continuation and an interesting twist you've added in to the end of part II....

battlemaster25 -> RE: =AQ= It's a Wonderful Life of Crime War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/27/2014 21:29:46)

Chapter III has been posted, ladies and gents. Ready for a curveball?

charlette -> RE: =AQ= It's a Wonderful Life of Crime War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/28/2014 15:56:19)

Wow, battlemaster, that sure was an unexpected twist! I like it:)

Elryn -> RE: =AQ= It's a Wonderful Life of Crime War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/29/2014 13:17:45)


I am all ears.

Khaiden -> RE: =AQ= It's a Wonderful Life of Crime War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/29/2014 19:59:46)

Great stories everyone. As was said, they were written so well that one could clearly visualize what's going on. I liked how all of them truly illustrate how hilarious and fun it is to beat up on armies of Lollipop-bearing Moglins.

@Elryn: Sorry for my ignorance, but how do war threads work? I used to think a new one was made for every war but from what I see in the thread list it doesn't seem so.

charlette -> RE: =AQ= It's a Wonderful Life of Crime War Stories and Poems Commentary (12/29/2014 23:07:56)

Well I just couldn't help myself....one more poem since I'm having so much fun this Frostval:)

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