The story of chaos master arbadok (Full Version)

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tech shaman -> The story of chaos master arbadok (12/27/2014 12:14:59)

I'm a terrible writer but my ideas are boundless
Look not at the terribleness of my writing skills but at the brilliance of my originality.
Tech Shaman was born a caveman at the beginning of mankind on lore. Back in his day the world was a terrifying place because of all the forces mankind wasn’t yet strong enough to face. Tech Shaman was one of the last remaining cavemen in a time where humanity was learning to build shelters out of wood and mud. Tech Shaman stuck to his cave for a very special reason… He was guarding the fountain of life, which he drank one day and never aged another day.
The fountain of life gave him great power and magics. His mind was also opened by the fountain’s magic, expanding beyond the confines of his head. His mind flourished with ideas and spells to bind the elements but these ideas were just theories of his expanding mind. To get real results he needed to study and that he did for hundreds of years. His hair grew long and dark… REALLY long, at least 10 feet long. He kept his beard short but full and learned how to turn his hair into a ponytail with willpower alone. He learned how to gain truly superior control over the elements through magiscience. He learned the mechanics of clockwork and the power gems of lore hold. He harnessed these technologies and to create what’s best described as a steampunk ironman suit with a large gear covering the chest and a red gem in the center. This suit was riddled with elemental sigils. He also in time created a race of exoskeleton machines to assist the people of the village he’d lived in and in time he added personality and life itself to these machines.
After a few hundred years all was well but Tech knew something was missing…. So he built a machine king to rule over his metal citizens. The machine king had a crown formed to his skull and body that had more of a “spikes and gears” theme than the skeleton theme his machine underlings had. When Tech Shaman created this machine king he fitted the final gem into the machine’s crown and asked it what it’s name was and it’s eyes lit up a cyan glow and it responded, “Arbadok” and so the king of machines was born.
In time Tech Shaman and arbadok created grand technology for their people and in a couple hundred years the small village was turned into a high tech city. In the center of that city was the cave Tech Shaman had guarded all this time. The rules were pretty simple, stay out of the cave, but the royal king Arbadok didn’t like to follow the rules. One day while Tech Shaman was away on business Arbadok entered the cave and found the fountain right inside. When he confronted Tech Shaman about it Arbadok was furious to find that the fountain was none other than the fountain of life of lore. He was angry that Tech Shaman could be so greedy as to watch all of his friends and family grow old and die while he just sits back and enjoys eternity. Tech Shaman and Arbadok argue about morals for a few moments and arbadok smashes the side of the fountain in rage and tech shaman splits the scene without a word. At first Arbadok was confused but then the fountain’s water bursts forth in the form of a much less potent mana plasma. Arbadok is swept away and emerges in the city as the city is flooded with plasma. While this plasma gives people temporary weaker effects from the fountain of life, they have to keep drinking it to survive once they’ve tasted it. Tech Shaman has the finished fountain’s waters in his blood so he’s safe but from that point on Tech Shaman and Arbadok sought to recreate the real water from the fountain of life from the plasma to save their people from the curse of the plasma.
About another hundred years and there’s pipes underground distributing the mana plasma through the city safely, there’s a river through the city filled with the plasma and tech shaman and arbadok have all but given up on the fountain’s water. Arbadok has been dabbling in certain forbidden gem magics learning a lot about controlling chaos. Unfortunately he keeps this to himself but rumors of somebody learning to control chaos reach the town of battleon and heroes are driven to Techhaven.
Upon the hero’s arrival they walk passed some big metal pillars fitted with gems that ward off threats. In the distance you can see dozens of tall towers with the same theme casting a dark shadow over most of the city below. They enter a secondary gate which looks more like a gate. Just inside the gate they talk to tech shaman who is in fact sleepwalking because he “took a nap and didn’t feel like waking when duty called” His eyes wide open but he can’t really see but his suit amplifies his ability to sense the surroundings so he knows what’s going on at the moment. He tells the hero how he could allow him to peer into the past to see the story of the city. First off tech shaman is sending the hero on simple errands to the market place filled with mana charged muggers of human and exoskeleton varieties. Hero must put crime under control and gather supplies for the perfection of the fountain of life’s water.
Meanwhile Arbadok is carefully replacing some of his gems with chaos gemeralds. And harnessing the unbound power of chaos, Arbadok turns himself into a chaos master, a being capable of controlling chaos. Arbadok was able to control chaos but that didn’t mean it didn’t influence him, it influenced him greatly. He became driven like a chaos lord to unleash a powerful beast to do his will. He had to distract tech shaman and the “unknown threat” with an all out war while he completed his plan. The hero is sent passed the market and into one of the giant towers where a warrior is waiting to guide the hero on the path of destroying the first of three mecha general, just recently created by Arbadok. The mecha generals are basically exoskeletons in a some fancy new different color dwakel classes. The quests to get to them are plentiful. The hero must get keycards on every floor and clear out all the exos, big four legged high tech cannons, and remote control flying saucers that shoot lasers in each of the 4 rooms on every floor. The peak of the tower, which is smaller and can only fit one room with a slanted ceiling, houses the general. The generals drop some fresh new magiscience gear too.
As the hero defeats each general the game shows how Arbadok is getting closer to unleashing his evil plan on the world. Eventually Tech Shaman finds that Arbadok is planning to bring back to life a mech dragon built by dwarven forges and dwakel magiscience to face a threat long since gone. The dragon has lots of gears and it can’t really fly because it’s made of metal. Arbadok modifies the dragon’s structure and goes to a crafter in the wilderness outside of town to have a sack of chaos gemeralds fitted for the dragon. Arbadok leaves the gems in his care while the hero shows up just in time to not even see him leave.
The hero must now complete quests in the wilderness which has a lot of random map chunks like savannah style grassy plains. No matter which direction the hero goes he always ends up in another chunk of the wilderness unless he’s in a fixed area. The hero is attacked by every monster that sees him until he reaches one of the safe havens in the wilderness. First the hero seeks out the craftsman as tech shaman provided him with a lead. The craftsman tells the hero he has the chaos gemeralds but he will not give them to him because Arbadok is an upstanding individual that paid him good money to do his job. You’ll have to talk to some of the other residents of the wilderness about changing his mind.
Next, they’ll find a farm with 2 farmers. These farmers are in desperate need of some help on the farm and in the wilderness. Wilderness lions are driving coyotes to seek refuge in their farm. Wilderness lions spawn randomly as a male or female savannah style lion. They roam the wilderness. Coyotes don’t spawn in the wilderness, just in the farm’s back yard. Coyotes are eating their livestock in the back yard and heroes have to kill a few of them to farm reputational gain. Heroes also have to knock out some pigs so they can put them back in their pins for reputational gain. The farmers also need their gardening tools from bandits before the bandits can sell it for scrap metal. You’ll find them in the wilderness. These bandits are usually banished exos but there are a few humans within their ranks as well. They wear gear themed armor on their upper chest and shoulders with a weathered leather suit underneath. Last but not least there are some tan togs and croczards that only spawn near the wilderness lake. The hero is basically just sent on a hunting trip for those to feed the farmers’ 16 children.
The hero will also find a smith with a couple of storyline quests and a shop that opens when he beats the quest to return stolen supplies from bandits for the first time or something like that for him. The storyline quests would start with simply returning some stolen weapons from bandits. The hero would then be sent out gathering metal around the wilderness. Next up is getting supplies from all the way in town. He’ll also ask the hero to do some searching from bandits for scrap metal every once in a while. Scrap metal on the bandits is extremely rare because they tend to sell it as fast as they get it.
There’s also a well with a lost little girl that ALMOST fell in… repeatedly… it’s her basic animation. The hero has to make the wilderness safe for her to travel home and find her jewelry on some bandits and on the ground around the wilderness. Her dad is the crafter so he makes her lots of jewelry. You also have to find her pet lion cub. You’ll find it on a wilderness lion. And you’ll also find that you just took a random baby lion from its parents for a little girl that just wanted a pet lion that her dad wouldn’t get her. Finally after doing all those quests and returning the daughter to the crafter he finds your deeds are worth more than Arbadok’s gold. The crafter gives the hero the key to the back door of his house so that he could get the chaos gemeralds out of his shed.
Arbadok returns just in time to stop the hero from destroying the gemeralds and an epic battle ensues in the crafter’s back yard by the fire pit. After defeating Arbadok the hero decides to boast and fails to notice Arbadok walk into his background, take the sack of gemeralds, and sprout jet wings and fly away. By the time he notices all he can do is say “no fair”.
After returning to Tech Shaman the hero is sent directly to the wilderness on the other side of the city. It’s night time over there and Tech Shaman sleep walked his way there feeling the urge to help. There’s a lot more trees here and some deadly baboons in armored shorts and upper chest and single shoulder armor. This wilderness already has a team of Tech Shaman’s best scouts searching for the resting place of the mech dragon. These scouts got scattered and wounded by either patrolling exos or giant venomous sneaks. There is also a very deadly form of predator out in the darkness of the wilderness. The beast could only be described as a flesh monster. It’s got no eyes, nose, or ears but it’s skin absorbs all forms of sense so it can see everywhere and everyway. In place of all it’s facial features it has a big mouth like the leviathans on Supernatural. The hero must kill these powerful creatures first for the first scout because he was just lying on the ground saying, “I’m dead… you gotta pick up my dog tags to revive me… they’re on a flesh beast.” After that the hero has to clear a path for him to get back to tech shaman to regroup so the hero has to kill a lot of monsters. The second scout needs bandages first of all and he ensures the hero that there’s a single piece of cloth on the waistband of every patrol’s armor. The hero is then sent out to gather the sneak’s paralyzing venom so that he can take out some more patrols. Lastly he asks you to take down some flesh beasts because they’re the only thing he can’t beat with the sneak venom. The final scout is hopelessly lost. He lost his weapons, his survival kit, his direction. You have to find all his items on different mobs and find tech shaman for him. After the hero them out the scouts and tech shaman share intel and find out the most likely location to find the dragon, unlocking the end of the wilderness2 map and reveals how Arbadok places the final gem into the forehead of the dragon and the gears whir to life. The dragon flings Arbadok aside before he could secure a grasp over it’s chaos and leaves Arbadok to fight the hero alone while it drinks all of the fountain of life’s waters and starts to rampage through the city.
Arbadok manages to escape once again with his trusty jet wings while the hero is boasting about how Arbadok will never defeat him. After an “I really gotta do something about that boasting” the hero goes back to the city to look for tech shaman. In his place is an underling with a quest to find tech shaman. The hero must search the city for tech shaman and finds him at the mouth of the cave he used to guard. Tech Shaman simply says “He’s inside drinking from the fountain” and when the hero enters he’s ready for a fight but he gets stepped on comically while the dragon made it’s way out of the cave. The fountain was tipped over slightly and the broken side was lifted like a foot in the air. Inside the fountain was an amount of water miniscule to the dragon but abundant for the residents of tech haven, and this water was pure. It seemed like getting rid of all the discharge from that attack on the fountain so long ago was all it really took. The hero then walks down the river all the way to the edge of the city to see Arbadok leaping onto the back of the dragon and wresting control of it’s mind. This is the end battle, the hero and his friends versus Arbadok and the mech dragon. After this battle Arbadok tries to escape one last time but the hero throws his weapon to knock him down and finishes boasting.

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