Make Static Smash unblockable (Full Version)

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Silver Sky Magician -> Make Static Smash unblockable (1/18/2015 6:20:13)

It doesn't seem fair for Mercenary to be the only class with an energy regen that can be blocked.

coolboyelazizy -> RE: Make Static Smash unblockable (1/18/2015 6:24:26)

I would support if it got Nerfed Too as it is i believe the strongest one if not blocked.

Mother1 -> RE: Make Static Smash unblockable (1/18/2015 6:25:24)

2 things

1) This should be in the official mercenary thread because it is related to Merc balance all the threads I have seen about specific class moves have been locked anyways.

2) On the actual subject of this there is a reason for it being blockable. Of all of the energy gainers/drainers Static smash has the highest conversion rate for energy. To compensate for this it is blockable.

Every other move that is 100 unblockable has a much lower conversation rate to compensate for it. Static grenade scales slower and only gives 50% where as Static smash gives and takes more. The same can be said with Assimilation which's conversation rate is in fact trash in comparision.

If they were to do what you suggested then the conversation rate would need to go down to compensate for this fact. Making one change without looking at all the reasons why unbalances moves.

The berserker killer -> RE: Make Static Smash unblockable (1/18/2015 8:59:12)

static charge takes energy unconditionally. So does assimilation. and assimilations conversion rate is absolutely flawless

Mother1 -> RE: Make Static Smash unblockable (1/18/2015 9:19:35)

@ the berserker killer

Static charge doesn't drain energy, it convert a percent of raw damage (Potential Damage from the primary) into energy.

The berserker killer -> RE: Make Static Smash unblockable (1/18/2015 10:05:01)

my bad, it gives you energy unconditionally

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