Return Armors/Weps with cores (Platinums Pride) (Full Version)

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The berserker killer -> Return Armors/Weps with cores (Platinums Pride) (1/30/2015 19:42:23)

For things like the Omega Gear, or Delta Gear, I can understand why you wont bring them back. Nor am I asking you to. Those are ultra rare items (even though I still don't understand why we cant buy the Omega package when we're still in Omega). However other items such as the Platinums pride armor should be coming back into the game simply because Omega is all about cores. Implementing a core into a phase where matches depend on your cores, then removing that core so that it never comes back seems contradictory to me. It's defeating the purpose.

I suggest 1 out of 3 things:

1) Bring back Platinums Pride as a 1% drop from Chairman Platinum himself (just like the lionhart scepter)

2) Allow Platinums pride to be sold just as the rest of the other seasonal items


3) Since we have defeated chairman platinum, allow his armor to be sold by him as a reward for beating him just as the Black Abyss Cache was unlocked after beating the Black Abyss Spider

Even if you have to make a part 3 thatd be fine. EDIT: It's a cored weapon and it just doesn't make any sense to remove a cored weapon from a phase all about cores. Phase weapons are understandable but this item should be returning.

Mother1 -> RE: Return Armors/Weps with cores (Platinums Pride) (1/30/2015 20:18:19)

Not supported.

These items were made before the rare promise was made to bring back old rares as seasonal rares, and those players had to spend real money to get them or be without them unlike now. If these promo's are brought back it would be a punch to the face to anyone who brought those items when they were available in game.

The berserker killer -> RE: Return Armors/Weps with cores (Platinums Pride) (1/30/2015 20:25:07)

True, I understand that however the players have taken tougher hits before with the countless promo nerfs and the sudden disappearance of enhancements. Especially with the Black Abyss Set: The promise was to bring back promos as seasonal rares the next year however this promo was sold the same year (permanently in game) for creds right after they nerfed it. Im still unsure as to why they released it the same year.

Back to the topic though: Players have taken hits before. Ultra rares like beta gear, eggzookas, frostbane should indeed stay ultra rare, however given the circumstances with Platinums Pride (it's an armor with a core on it from a npc we can still currently fight) I was hoping that one of the options above may suffice.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Return Armors/Weps with cores (Platinums Pride) (1/30/2015 21:14:54)

I would actually go against the selling of ANY perma-rare. Mainly because I did this before a ton and I regret it so much now that I wouldn't want anybody else to make the same stupid mistake.

Also, perma-rares should have their status preserved. I understand some previous perma-rares have had this status violated, but let's hope that doesn't happen anymore. Unfortunately, not supported for any of these cases.

The berserker killer -> RE: Return Armors/Weps with cores (Platinums Pride) (1/30/2015 21:52:41)

If maintaining the integrity of Varium is at hand then just strip away the rarity score and change the look a bit. This way those who purchased the item would be okay

Babsbunny -> RE: Return Armors/Weps with cores (Platinums Pride) (1/30/2015 22:53:37)

yh I agree with U Almost all battle are depend on core like the skill are not that much use

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Return Armors/Weps with cores (Platinums Pride) (1/31/2015 1:20:07)

It's not about maintaining the integrity of varium. It's about maintaining the integrity of the item itself. It's a symbol of people who got it when it was available and it has its own individual special importance as being unavailable for the rest of ED's life.

If someone doesn't have this armor, that's too bad. That's just a very common cycle of how rares work in almost any game.

The berserker killer -> RE: Return Armors/Weps with cores (Platinums Pride) (1/31/2015 1:29:43)

then bringing the core bac itself will suffice

Mother1 -> RE: Return Armors/Weps with cores (Platinums Pride) (1/31/2015 1:49:03)

Other than than massive strike, chariman's fury and curse all the other cores have mock versions made so there is really no need.

The berserker killer -> RE: Return Armors/Weps with cores (Platinums Pride) (1/31/2015 2:14:23)

massive strikes mock version would be the mastery cores. theres no mock version for the PP core

Mother1 -> RE: Return Armors/Weps with cores (Platinums Pride) (1/31/2015 2:38:45)

The mastery cores increase your chances of critting with either strike, gun or aux.

Massive strike however, powers up the crits you get when you score them. It doesn't increase the chance of you critting so there is no mock version of massive strike.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Return Armors/Weps with cores (Platinums Pride) (1/31/2015 4:14:12)


then bringing the core bac itself will suffice

Except that the core is half of the reason for why the armor is so special.


If you don't like the idea of not having all the cores, then that's Omega's fault for being too "customizable" to a point where it ended up taking away a lot of the fun from the game.

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