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Tdub -> The Hunt (2/9/2015 23:54:05)

Vlade. The name itself is enough to strike fear into the hearts of men and women throughout the small kingdom of Galiarin. Odd, considering no one knows exactly what the name represents. Walk into any tavern in the kingdom, and you will learn many things about Vlade. The old man in the corner will tell you that he's nothing more than a myth, a legend invented to scare the children. The stumbling man at the table will recount the tale of the day he encountered Vlade, the ruthless leader of a band of cutthroat thieves. The lady at the door will insist Vlade is a woman who has come to bring peace to humanity. You will hear that the monarchy is without a doubt an empty system with a puppet king, and Vlade controls the kingdom. These conflicting stories are reason for you to wonder why the one person no one knows anything about....

Is the one person so many want to find.

The crowds of Murtovara, capital of Galiarin, were abuzz with energy. The source of this energy was not the smells of the shops and restaurants hoping to sell their wares to the masses. Nor was it the armed guards positioned around the public square, keeping watch for hostile activity. No, the source of the excitement was the figure standing on a raised platform at the center of the square, preparing to give a speech. The speaker, however, was not so much the reason for the crowd's constant chatter. The promised topic of the speech, which every member of the crowd was so intensely interested in, was.

Prince Orrin of Galiarin stood on the platform, stealing a glance at his subjects before once again leafing through his prepared speech. The prince wrote all of his own speeches, as he felt it made him more relatable and down-to-earth to the citizens, but he could not be expected to memorize them, especially since this public appearance was so short-notice.

He had heard the murmurs, the rumors spreading for years about a particular individual. However, for some reason, these rumors had culminated in the last few weeks with a public outcry for this "Vlade" to be brought to justice, despite no concrete evidence that such a person was responsible for any crimes or that he actually existed. Still, public demand for a response was so high that Prince Orrin had been forced to prepare a speech simply to avoid mass hysteria. Nodding to his men, those in the audience that were under his employ began quieting the crowd. Finally, Orrin cleared his throat, and began to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure you all know why we're gathered here today. And so, we'll skip the formalities and go straight to the topic I'm certain is on everybody's mind..."

The man in the crowd stared at the prince, listening intently to the speech. Not that anything interesting was being said, of course. Sure, the royal brat could spin a phrase or two, but however much the audience was soaking in his words, they were merely pieces of cake thrown to pigs to keep them entertained. "We are investigating, if we find evidence, I assure you, blah, blah, blah." The man wondered if he was the only one in the audience that actually understood what was truly being said. The royal family and government had no idea who or what they were dealing with, and had no information to go on. Standing, the man habitually stroked the scar that ran just under his right eye, the result of a knife fight from years before.

And let's keep it that way.

The speech was over, and Orrin was being escorted into a nearby tavern. As his people knew, he loved mingling with the citizens of Galiarin, especially over a good drink. The owner of the business couldn't have been happier, as not only was royalty visiting his inn, the masses were flocking to his doors, hoping to exchange a few words with the prince. For some, however, meeting with the prince was not the focus of their hurry.

Messengers pushed through the crowds, each holding a letter in on hand and a piece of paper in the other. The latter objects contained detailed descriptions of those who would receive the letters. The messengers were not ordinary message boys, and within a few moments, each of the highly trained and intelligent young men had found their target, delivered their letter, and disappeared back into the crowd. The note was a simple one, with identical instructions for any who would follow.

To whom it may concern:

Our sources have told us that you have become very interested in the individual known as Vlade. For further information, meet at the Turon Warehouse, on the west street off of the square where you are currently standing. You may find this discussion most enlightening. You have twenty minutes from the time you open this letter until the doors shut and do not open again.

The directions on how to find the Warehouse were unnecessary to all but the newest of newcomers, as it was well-known for being abandoned for years. The only other aspect of the letter worth noting was the seal. Painted carefully on the wax was a yellow sun.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Hunt (2/10/2015 1:47:57)

Warwolf: Chapter 1: So it begins...

The man stopped at the edge of the city, the morning air blowing at his robes. He gazed intently and saw a lot of commotion heading towards the middle of the Capital. The staff made a soft tapping sound as he walked past closed shops, and bustling activity of daily life. There was no hesitation. There was merely a crowd. A rather large crowd. His hair blew back in the breeze and he gazed steadily at the podium. The prince had arrived. Warwolf's eyes took in the crowd. Looking, watching, wondering. Who among them already knew what this Vlade being was and how did he manage to destroy an entire temple of monks, Let alone an entire guild clan of Druids. This bothered him greatly.

There was noise and eagerness on faces as people listened to the Prince speaking and trying to calm the fears. Guards were posted so trying to speak with the prince would be a no go currently. The culmination of everything that had ever been said about the Vlade was still as it had been prior to now. That people really didn't know very much about the entity. Off to his right in the crowd, Warwolf took note of a man stroking a scar. It was a little hard to see from here, but something about the man seemed. Odd.

Warwolf turned his attention back to the Prince. It was clearly obvious. The crown had no idea what they were dealing with and had no leads. If some of the rumors you heard were true, perhaps the entity had actually gained more of a following than met the eye. This could be a bad thing.

Just as the prince's speech had finished, a noble young lad approached from his left. Turning to the boy, A letter was delivered and Warwolf frowned as not a word was spoken and the boy left just as quickly. Strange, he thought quietly. Reading over the letter's instructions Warwolf's eyebrow went upwards very slowly. Not only was he intrigued, but that this letter just happened to find it's way to him? Warwolf looked closely at the seal that came with the letter. A golden sun.

He was familiar with the stories of the clan of the golden sun. His brethren had seen some of them before and made various reports of them.

Twenty minutes was not a lot of time though.

Warwolf headed immediately in the direction given by the letter.

He arrived in the place in five minutes of walking time and gazed quietly at the warehouse. His staff made a very soft, quiet tapping sound as he moved just beyond the door to a corner where he could have a vantage point and take up a defensive position where no enemies could sneak up behind him. Not that he was expecting an actual fight. But it was incredibly and incredulously unusual for those of the clan to have wanted him here.

He knew from the tales that were told, that the clan weren't very. hospitable. The wind again blew across his robe and those wise, calm eyes watched with an intellect and a peace of their own. It was only now that the man thought about what else he would need. A horse surely. Perhaps a traveling companion. It was always better to go together than separate. Your odds of survival were always better with more than one person.

Master K -> RE: The Hunt (2/10/2015 15:23:30)


In the local tavern of Murtovara, a young woman had wandered in, and was certainly a sight to behold. Vastly out of place, her sleeveless, scarlet red dress complimented her already crimson hair, her eyes obscured by sunglasses. On her finger, prominent enough to those who bother to look, was a silver flower ring with a yellow beryl gemstone in its center. She got the men talking, wondering who the fiery new woman was in town. She drifted over to the bar, taking a seat casually, as if she wasn't already the spectacle of the inn. The bartender went over to serve her, enthralled by her mysterious appearance.

"What can I get'cha, miss?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing much...perhaps some water." She said, taking off her sunglasses and revealing her stunning blue eyes. Within an instant, the bartender had her modest drink. Before serving the others, he lingered around her for a little while longer for some brief discussion.

"I haven't seen you around...what's your name, miss?" He inquired.

"Aster. Aster Liatris." She said, with a wicked glimmer to her eyes, and a slight smile. He smiled back, and then went on to serve the other people.

Anyone not mesmerized by her appearance would come to realize her name was entirely made up of different flowers. Such is the life of Misa Issvor. Aster Liatris was her pseudonym of the week, as she changed them as frequently as she changed her hair color and clothing. Naturally blonde, she wore her hair crimson at this present time. Being a notorious assassin, she had to shake up her appearance in order to mingle with the other people without people connecting her appearance to her work. Her most common name was "Asphodel", a calling card to show the deaths she had a direct part in. She had been involved in her shadowy work for some time now, enough to accumulate some reputation. She quite enjoyed being able to take on a new name and guise, as it made her able to walk among the people without worry.

Her true purpose of going to the inn was to hear rumors. Rumors certainly helped with tracking down potential clients and targets, as well as helped her keep track of her reputation. This day, however, she overhead one peculiar rumor that stood out from all the others. Hushed whispers of one certain name...Vlade. The very name intrigued her...this was a person that she had to track down. A dangerous prospect, but she enjoyed flirting with danger, and welcomed the challenge with open arms and a sly smile.

Before long, she had gathered her equipment, and sent a letter off to her brother, Nire Issvor. The letter detailed her next target, Vlade. After so long, however, her next promised letter never appeared. She had seemingly vanished, without a trace. Nire never thought much of it at first, as his sister was very dedicated to her line of work, and would often vanish for long periods of time pursuing targets. It wasn't long, however, before the rumors and stories of Vlade grew, and Nire began to realize this Vlade person was more troublesome than what his sister had initially told him...


Nire had left his hometown on his fathers horse, claiming to be meeting up with his sister, Misa, for a while. Little did his father know that this wasn't the case, and that Misa was actually nowhere to be present. Nire, though, gaining some of his sisters silver tongue, managed to convince his father otherwise. His destination was naturally Murtovara, as there was sure to be some good information in Galiarin's capitol.

Arriving in Murtovara, Nire initially decided to scout out to see if his sister had been in the area lately. He knew she was an incredible gossip, so he decided to go to the tavern first. Much like his sister, he was a sight to behold. His white clothing adorned with bronze stood out from amongst the masses, and his near platinum hair, which drew some strange looks. Upon walking in, he immediately went over to the bartender.

"What can I get'cha?" He said with friendly tone. His eyes suggested a slight bit of confusion.

"I'm...looking for a woman." Nire said. Before he could say anything, the bartender laughed slightly and retorted "Aren't we all..."

"I was wondering if you've seen her. I'm...not sure what she would have been wearing. However, there would've been one thing she could've possibly worn. A silver flower ring, with a yellow beryl gemstone. Have you seen a woman with that?" Nire asked cautiously. The bartender paused, thought hard for a while, and then his eyes lit up.

"Oh, I think I have! Real looker, she was. Strayed on in one night and didn't order much. Seemed more interested in chatting it up with the locals. Does that sound 'bout right?" He said.

"Yes indeed." Nire said. "How long ago was this?"

"Aw shucks...I wouldn't be able to say. Quite a while ago, like maybe a few weeks or more." The bartender replied. Nire's trail had run cold, but he at least found out the place where she had heard the rumors and departed. He thanked the bartender, and made his way outside, and saw the gathering. Drawn to the commotion, Nire soon discovered it was about Vlade. He listened intently to the Prince's speech.

Afterward, as the crowd began to disperse, a small child had come up to him with a letter. Without any words, the child had vanished again. Reading the letter, he soon saw that he was now on Vlade's trail as well.

"This...sun must belong to the Clan of the Waking Sun, or whatever they are called. It seems like an interesting opportunity...but I only wonder how they know of me. Perhaps...they know of my sister? Or have they been watching me and my movements...?" Nire pondered. Either way, he had to act quickly, because his window of opportunity was closing.

He travelled the short distance to the warehouse, following the directions. Upon arriving, he noticed someone strange. A man, dressed in an innocuous black garb. A monk of sorts? Or a member of the Waking Sun? Nire decided that he needed to find out, so he walked over to him.

"Pardon me, sir, but...are you one of those responsible for sending this?" Nire said, holding up his letter. "Or are you drawn here by one similar?"

dethhollow -> RE: The Hunt (2/10/2015 19:33:07)

Vlade... just who the heck was he? There was a lot of talk about him, but nobody seemed to actually know much. You could probably spend years looking up information about the guy without learning anything new. Or you could just go out, try to find the right people, and learn the truth yourself. This was the approach that Dervos had chosen to take in this task as he entered the crowd that had gathered to hear the prince's speech. He reached up and tugged on his hood, making sure it was pulled down enough for the shadows to hide part of his face. It was probably for the best to at least make some attempt to blend in with the crowd. And what a crowd it was, even from his position he could make out a few people with some odd features, mainly a man with white hair. It almost seemed like he bleached it or something... who does that??? Maybe he was part of the Cult of the Waking Sun and did it to try and make himself look more 'pure' or something? Yeah, that seemed like the type of crazy thing a cult fanatic would do.... Dervos decided to pay no attention to it for the moment and instead just focused on the speech.

As the speech went on, two things became painfully clear. This was some kind-of political move and the prince had no idea what he was talking about. As hard as Dervos tried to find some useful information about Vlade in the prince's speech, he couldn't find anything other than the fact that nobody knew exactly who Vlade was. The half dragon silently made a note of a third painfully obvious thing, attending this speech was completely pointless! At least the prince would be able to look good by acknowledging Vlade, but that didn't help him. But, right as Dervos was considering slipping away from the crowd and moving on, something finally did happen. Something much more interesting and potentially very useful.

After the speech, right as the crowd started dispersing, someone rushed through and in one quick motion slipped him a letter before leaving. The half-dragon only managed to get a quick glance at the man during the process, enough of a look to recognize him if he saw him again but not enough to process what he was wearing. Working fast, Dervos flipped the letter open. The symbol of the Cult of the Waking Sun was on the back of it. He opened the letter and started to read the brief message.

To whom it may concern:

Our sources have told us that you have become very interested in the individual known as Vlade. For further information,

It's a trap! It seemed like it had to be a trap.... Well, it was probably a trap. The Waking Sun was pretty open about wanting to keep information about Vlade secret as far as he knew, so it seemed pretty suspicious. Well, unless they were trying to convert him, but that wasn't exactly a good thing, either. Dervos glanced through the rest of it. Meet here, some directions, and a time limit. Got it. But, what he wanted to know was who exactly was the messenger.... A member of the cult? If so, he might be able to get some information out of them as well if he was fast enough. After quickly weighing his options, Dervos finally decided that it might be a good idea to take a few minutes to try and find him. If he couldn't, he had no doubts that he could make it to the warehouse fast enough anyways. It was worth a shot, at least, to try and follow up on this potential lead.

'Ok, I've got enough time to do this, I just need to concentrate.' The half-dragon took a moment to take a deep breath before slightly extending his forked tongue to try and taste the air, glancing around the area as he did. The crowd had started to disperse, but the smell of people still slightly lingered. But, hopefully, he'd be able to tell if someone was moving away from the area. And, if they were trying to leave, maybe he could see them and recognize them in the next few minutes? It was unlikely, but worth the effort.... Only time would tell if he could get lucky and spot them or not.

Lazo -> RE: The Hunt (2/10/2015 20:26:24)

It was dark, well-past the time the sun slinked down the horizon and bathed the city in shadows. At this time, street candles would have been burning from within their posts in the busier areas of the city, but near the old cemetery, only the moon and stars had been left to shine their precarious illumination over a single figure cloaked in brown cloth.

There were no other signs of life in the vicinity, the few houses and establishments that littered the path having long closed their doors, their occupants presumably having retired to their slumber some hours ago. The figure walked at a leisurely pace, silent and safe in the stillness of the night, until it reached a wooden shack, sectioned off from the rest of the neighborhood by a large cobble wall as if to shield passing eyes from the dilapidated structure within.

The shack was old and rickety, with all the tell-tale signs of age and decay in its weathered wood, all full of holes and cracks. In fact, it seemed to hold itself together through nothing but sheer stubbornness. It had once belonged to a keeper of the nearby cemetery. An unfortunate accident had cut his life short, and the plot was bought by an enterprising merchant, who had set forward to build a stone house for himself where the little shack stood. He ordered a wall built, large enough to contain a much vaster building, and used the shack as a warehouse while he gathered enough money to build a house proper. The merchant had eventually fallen into debt, unable to pay them until one day he found a knife in his back. The little house had passed through several hands after that affair, and played host to several misfortunes and accidents much like the first two. Eventually, the house was left alone, shunned even by the locals, who claimed it was haunted. Now, almost two generations after the fact, the shack went largely ignored.

A useful reputation for the squatter who prefers their business to remain unexamined.

Faint walked through the gate into the unkempt garden within, the added weight in her pockets shifting pleasantly with every motion. Shrubs and vines grew close to the stone walls, wrapping around it zealously, using it for support in their race upwards. The grass had grown tall and wild with time, except for a trampled path leading to the structure itself, the one clue that it was not as deserted as it seemed.

As she took her first step inside the walled garden, she caught motion in the corner of her eye. She snapped her head back, glancing at the wall behind her, but could see nothing beyond the outlines of the shrubs in the dark. When scanning her immediate surroundings did not reveal anything, she let out a breath she had not realized she had been holding.

Must have imagined it, she thought. Even the best of eyes are wont to be deceived in the dark, and I of all people have my fair share of reasons to be wary of shad—

Something squawked as she took a step forward, and a shape flew from in front of her in a flurry of feathers, making her jump. The raven landed on the edge of the wall, hopping about and glaring at her with beady little eyes. It cawed, as if reprimanding her for her carelessness.

Faint stared at the bird, heart beating in her chest like a drum, and couldn’t help but wonder at how strange it was to see a raven at night.

The thick arm came from behind, meaty fingers covering her mouth and pulling her back against a large body in a single, practiced motion. She grunted and struggled, one of her arms immediately reaching for one of the knives hidden in her person.

A cold weight pressed below her ribs, sending a jolt of pain up her spine, and she froze.

A pit formed in her stomach as she came to terms with her situation. Whoever it was couldn’t be here for the house. For all anyone knew, it was empty, and had been cleared of anything valuable years ago. The house was supposed to be deserted, so no one should have had any reason to wait for someone else to come in. Unless they were waiting specifically for her. The thought made her blood run cold, and her mind raced as she tried to figure out who was holding the knife. Had someone seen her during her nightly activities? Had a rival decided to eliminate the competition? Had one of her victims put up a contract for her head?

She had to withhold a panicked laugh at the thought that, soon, she might have her name added to the list of those claimed by the haunt of the cemetery’s shack.

“Quiet,” a deep voice rasped in her ear, close enough for her to smell the rancid breath accompanying the words.

Not that there is anyone around at this time of the night to hear, she thought, and even if there was, guards would bring their own set of problems with them. However, the curt order gave her pause. If the man had intended to kill her, he would have stuck her right there and then. The thought that she might yet escape with her life allowed her to regain some measure of composure.

Once the man was satisfied that she would not scream try to scream or struggle, he put his hand on her shoulder and began pushing forward towards the house. The knife’s edge pressing against her back was a constant companion in the slow trek. As they got closer, she noticed a detail she had not seen from the wall’s gate. The door was slightly ajar, the flimsy lock that had held it in place torn as if it had been kicked in.

The man reached around her and pushed the door open before herding her inside.

The single room was even darker than it was outside, but some light filtered in through the doorway outlining a single table settled in its center. Two chairs were fixed at each end of the table, and the one facing them was occupied by a dark shape.

“Ah, is this our host? Wonderful, wonderful.” An immaculate smile flashed like a white knife reflecting the moonlight. “Please, do let her sit.”

She was roughly shoved down onto the opposite chair. A fire was lit, the sudden light stinging her eyes, and a lantern was placed on the table. Her hood had slid down her head during the confrontation, leaving the light to fall on her features. Clear skin, auburn hair picked up in a tail, and squinting green eyes peered into the lit room.

“It is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, Miss Faint. You do your name credit! It was quite the difficult feat to track you down.”

“Clearly not difficult enough,” she muttered. Faint found herself studying the man addressing him with a raised eyebrow. He was dressed in fine clothes, the silk evident to the eye even in the drab black and whites it was colored. The pale man was clean-shaved, and the black hair the peeked from under his hat was glossy and swept back.

He could not have painted a more different figure than the thug who had brought her in. The man had taken a step back, though he still remained at a watchful distance that made Faint wonder if she would have the time to pull out a weapon before he was on her. The man was large and muscled, with sunken eyes and tanned skin as though he was used to spending hours in the sun. He bore a dense beard that did not entirely manage to cover the lopsided feel to his mouth, as if someone had struck a powerful blow to the side of his face and it hadn’t settled correctly.

Different tools for different jobs.

“Why, yes indeed!” continued the one opposite to her. “Sometimes people in your profession seem to forget this simple fact. A well-known thief is not a good thief, after all.”

The one before her was a talker, and seeing as she was having a conversation with him, rather than the pointy end of a dagger, she assumed that there was a matter that needed discussing. She settled herself into the chair, adopting a calm posture and a stony expression. Whatever happened, she did not want to show the pair just how scared she was.

“What do you want?” she asked, bluntly taking control of the conversation.

The pale man’s eyebrows rose. “Patient, Miss Faint, I haven’t even introduced myself yet. It is not very gracious for a host to pressure his guests.”

“I pray you will forgive me if I feel as though you have not been the most civil of guests this night.”

The man sighed. “Yes, I suppose that is fair. Alas, I was ordered to find you, and people in your profession are a flighty kind, so when I caught wind of your location I chose to act decisively. Surely you can understand.”

I understand. Don’t have to like it, though. She was more interested in whoever might want her found. “Who sent you, and for what?”

At this the man smiled again, a smug, sharp smile that had Faint thinking of snakes. “Devan Coil, at your service,” he said, with a mocking flourish. She noticed no name was incoming from the thug. A nameless grunt to the end. “Master Kavros sends his regards.”

Faint sucked a breath, suddenly cold. Assassins. That left very little room for guesswork as to their motive. She had once taken something that was meant for this Kavros, the newest head of the Assassin’s guild after a bloody debacle that had left much of the organization a bloodied shambles. Even had Faint returned the item immediately, Kavros hold on the organization was shaky enough that any affront to his authority would have had to be met with lethal force. She had faked her death to escape them, but it was now clear Kavros had not been fooled.

And these fools can’t be here for anything else than to collect. Which begs the question, why am I not dead yet? “How did you find me?”

Another smile. “You will find that the Assassin’s Guild is a very different beast than it was years ago. The new Master is more… accepting of certain resources than his predecessors.”

Which doesn’t answer much of anything, does it now? Only adds to the questions. “So it would seem,” she said instead, nodding slowly as though she understood precisely what Coil meant. “Since we are having this conversation, I can only assume that your Master no longer wants me killed?”

The man shrugged. “To be perfectly honest, only a select few in the Guild know you are still alive. For all intents and purposes, your stunt achieved exactly what the Master set out to do when he sent for your head. His hold on the guild is much stronger now.”

“How fortunate for me,” she said dryly.

“Indeed. However, you are still very much indebted to him.” Faint caught a glimpse of the man behind her shifting, and her protests died on her throat. “Your move against the Master came at a very inopportune time, and could have jeopardized years of planning. He is not a forgiving man. However, he is well acquainted with the value of expediency.” At this, he leaned forward on the table, eyes shifting conspiratorially left and right. She suspected the man was having a great deal of fun with this assignment. “Tell me, Faint, does the name Vlade sound familiar to you?”

Vlade? They hold me at knifepoint in the middle of the night for that fairy tale?

“Used to be an old god from an extinct tribe that lived in this territory. Nasty character. Even the barbarians feared him. Now he’s just a boogeyman.”

“That’s the first time we hear such a story.”

“I’m sure you’ll get something similar if you care enough to ask around.” She glanced over her shoulder at the thug. Still looking mean and menacing, and not moving an inch.

“We have asked. In fact, the mere scope of the rumors is staggering, but we have reason to believe that whatever this Vlade is, it exists.”

Faint was quick to see where he was leading. Why else would they be talking to her? “You want me to find him.” Not a question, but she couldn’t keep a note of disbelief from entering her voice.

Coil nodded gravely, before producing a pouch from a pocket and placing it with a heavy thud on the table. He pushed it towards her, the contents clicking and clacking in a way that revealed their contents even before she opened it to stare at the gold within. There was a small fortune in that little bag.

She licked her lips, tempted, but there was still something off about the whole business. “Why me?” she asked. “Why not use these ‘resources’ you hinted at earlier to find him.”

“That is none of your business. Suffice to say that the Master has chosen to use someone unaffiliated to the Assassin’s Guild for this assignment. You are to investigate Vlade, and relay everything you know about him to me. Don’t worry, I’ll be in contact. If you can, find Vlade’s location, depending on what you find, you might be given further instructions. Do this, and not only will you be rewarded, but your debt to the Assassin’s guild will be cleared.” He gestured towards the heavy bag of coins. “Consider that a down payment.”

This sounds good. Entirely too good. Where’s the caveat? She stared at the gold inside the bag for a moment longer before closing it. “What would happen if I were to… refuse? Or fail to find anything worthwhile?”

Pale Coil flashed another of his glinting smiles at her. “Why, Master Kavros would be quite displeased. In fact, the debt would have to be settled in a more… unfortunate fashion. To you, at least.”

She paled. “I see.”

The man laughed as he made to stand up, heading for the broken door, thug in tow. “Take heart, Miss Faint! I have faith in you. Besides,” he added as he crossed the threshold, “I have a feeling that, once you set out, we’ll be the least of your worries.”

Once upon a time, the prospect of so many people gathered together, all of their attention focused on one point, far away from her, could have been likened to a bountiful harvest. But those had been desperate times, when simple pocket change would have made all the difference in the world.

It struck her that these were desperate times as well, but no amount of coin was likely to save her. She was safe in the crowd, the tingling, sorcerous veil around her a heartening reminder of that. Still, her encounter with the assassins was still fresh in her mind. She recalled the weight of the blade pressed against her back and Coil’s sneering smiles. Most of all, their proposal still echoed in her ears.

She had worried after the encounter that, even should she honor her part of the deal and find Vlade, her head would end up served to Kavros in a platter regardless. She had considered fleeing the city again, but that had not stopped them from finding her the last time. There were probably safeguards set in place so that she would not flee this time, she had concluded, and she did not wish to test these new resources the assassins had hinted at.

Now, the possibility that she would be double-crossed seemed remote – and not because of any trust she shared with her new patrons, but because she could simply find no tangible evidence that this Vlade so much as existed.

She could almost feel the noose tightening around her neck.

She had spent the past few days looking for clues and leads to Vlade, and it had turned out that Coil had not been exaggerating when he spoke to her about her target. She had been subjected to a staggering number of wildly different, bizarre stories each more nonsensical than the last. She still recalled the man who claimed that Vlade was a demon from another realm posing as her widowed neighbor’s cat, and that was one of the milder ones.

The one thing that remained relatively constant between interviewees was the slight tone of dread that entered their voices when they spoke of this entity. It baffled Faint that the populace had not even shrugged off the strangeness, just another passing fad, but to join in a public outcry against some anomalous entity no one could put a finger on, simply assuming its existence.

She thought that, perhaps, the Prince’s response to the people’s worries might reveal something she had missed, but it quickly became clear that the poor royal sod was just as lost as everyone else. The young Prince claimed Vlade’s identity would be investigated, but Faint doubted his words would ever amount to more than a calming gesture for the public. Why waste resources when you don’t even know if something exists? Never mind where to start looking for it.

Her attention strayed from the speech itself and rested on the crowd. Quiet murmurs rose here and there, but beyond that, most were entirely focused on the young Lord and his speech. It would be over soon, she could tell from the slowing, winding pattern in the Prince’s voice. Whatever else Prince Orrin was, one could not deny he must have been a skilled orator to hold onto these people’s attention with such drivel.

Eventually, the Prince was escorted away, followed by his many admirers. Faint stood there, watching the crowd pass her by for a few moments before beginning to turn. Just as she did so, something caught her eye. Here and there, she could spot people cutting through the crowd in different directions. At first, she thought nothing of it. Some people had duties that came before planting their lips in his Royal Eminence’s derriere. Then, she caught sight of the objects occupying all of their hands.

She frowned, her curiosity piqued. These did not seem like the Prince’s men. Royal messengers tended to be of a much more flamboyant stock. What, then, had she caught a glimpse of?

Silently, she selected one of the messengers, still cutting through the mass of people. She glided forward, dodging through the gathered people with practiced ease, until she was close enough to touch the messenger. Glancing down, she picked one of the courier’s items and slipped it out of his grasp. A surprised cry came from the man, but by the time he turned to find the thief, Faint had already vanished back into the crowd.

Slipping out into an empty alleyway, Faint dismissed her charm and glanced at her prize. A letter returned her stare.

“What do we have here…” she muttered to herself as she broke the seal and opened the letter. She was not two sentences into the message when a chill went down her spine. She read it three more times before she found the wherewithal to look away from the paper.

Our sources have told us that you have become very interested in the individual known as Vlade. The words echoed in her head.

She had stolen the message. So why did it seem as though the letter had been written specifically for her? She glanced out to the plaza, trying to catch sight of another messenger, but all she could see were the leftovers of the former mob.

A part of her wondered if she had been tricked into taking the letter, but she quickly dismissed the idea. She could not accept that someone had played her like that. Still, her wary eyes fixed on the open letter, as though it might bite her if she was not careful.

Why does it seem as though I’m not the one in control of my life lately?

Still, it was the best lead she had come across so far. Quickly making her mind, she headed off towards the indicated street. She knew she was not the only one to have found herself in possession of one of these letters. The number of messengers combing the crows had attested to that. Still, she knew nothing of these people’s intentions, or whether or not she would be accepted into this meeting if the letter had not been meant for her.

Caution was the better part of valor. It would likely be best to snoop around for a good place to eavesdrop, then wait for others to appear. With luck, she would never need to show herself.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Hunt (2/11/2015 2:33:13)

Warwolf: Chapter 1: Intellectual Conversation

The breeze had continued to blow mildly. The druid's keen hearing detecting the sounds of someone approaching the main entryway. Warwolf's eyes remained closed, using his gut instincts to get a feel of what, or who, might be approaching. Finally as the man stepped through the entryway only then did the eyes open. There was something about the man. Something genuinely mysterious. That gut instinct told the druid that this human being might have some extra-ordinary skill. As the man approached there was a look on his face that spoke volumes.

"Pardon me, sir, but...are you one of those responsible for sending this?" Nire said, holding up his letter. "Or are you drawn here by one similar?"

When Nire held the letter up, Warwolf got a good look at the man's hands. They looked slightly calloused and dexterous. From what he could observe the druid guessed that the man used his hands quite a bit. Perhaps for carpentry, or woodworking or something else of that ilk.

Warwolf gave a polite smile and raised his own letter. "Same as your's, likely the same message too I'm assuming. Be on alert. The clan of the waking sun are questionable at best. I could tell you the rumors and stories I've heard from several of my own Brethren."

The druid emanated of peace and his acute hearing detected another person, though their movements were cautious. "From the looks of your hand, I would venture a guess that you do a lot of work with them. I also take it that since you are here, you are interested in the entity known as Vlade."

"I'll tell you this. The entity must be incredibly skilled. It destroyed the entire Covenant of the Grounds monastery's inhabitants, and every one of the clan of the whispering woods save for myself. 52 men. Dead."

The druid's face became slightly ashen when he told the results but his composure quickly returned. He pro-offered his own hand in a sign of respect and peace. "Name's Warwolf." Despite his peaceful nature. He sent a summons to his wolf who was 15 miles away. The allied spirit responded by spirit to spirit link. But the druid did not like the idea of that gate closing. "Pleased to meet you." The face again offered a cheerful smile.

The breeze again blew across his hair and robes and again the man detected the sounds of cautious moving.

Therril Oreb -> RE: The Hunt (2/11/2015 7:39:22)

Therry's side of the search for Vlade

Therry has been on the road for long time now, travelling with merchants along the way he found few clues about this mysterious person named Vlade. All he heard was the same thing everyone said.
The only useful thing he got was a hint to go to the city, if anyone can find this person, he or she can be found there.
And thus, Therry went there. There was a big commotion, people flocking at the marketplace. Curious as he is, Therry went to see what was going on. Sadly, his small posture made him unable to see anything.
While trying to find a way through the masses, everyone suddenly dispatched, leaving Therry alone on the marketplace.
Therry asked a human next him what was going on.

"Hey, human. What was going on? One moment everyone stood here like my cousins when they find some gold ore and the next everyone runs like my aunt who farted."

The man looked weird at Therry. He took a second to think and answered.

"The prince made another one of his boring speeches, talking about the notorious Vlade. But sadly it gave no news at all. Just the same things the townsguard say. So not even the prince knows who Vlade is."

Therry's interest was peaked.

"Where could I find the prince now? I am looking for Vlade myself."

The man shrugged and gave Therry directions to the tavern.
Therry went on his merry way to the tavern to see the prince.As Therry arrived, he quickly noticed the prince and walked straight to him.

"You are the prince am I correct? Good day my lordship, did not expect to find royal blood in a normal inn but whatever. I am looking for this Vlade, You have to know something right?"

Master K -> RE: The Hunt (2/11/2015 14:00:48)

Nire was interested to find this letter wasn't exclusive to him, so it put him at ease slightly. Still, he was unnerved at the fact that the cult of the Waking Sun had been watching people, and he was among their interest.

The man questioned into Nire's profession, as well as discussing Vlade and his bloody antics. This unsettled Nire, as he feared for his sister. Despite the fact that she was blood covered as well, and had dealt with violent targets, she had never gone after someone so cryptic, whose exploits were known across the land.

"To answer you, I do indeed work with my hands a fair bit." Nire replied. With that, he took out his metal puppet, and sat it upon his shoulder. "I worked a lot with my father. He's a craftsman, and had a particular knack for making these small mechanical marionettes."

"I am also indeed on the pursuit of Vlade. My involvement actually comes from my sister. Being hot blooded, but lacking good judgement, she went on the pursuit of Vlade, and I haven't heard of her since. With all these rumors cropping up, I'm deeply concerned that she's gone in over her head. However, seeing as this cult has set their eyes upon me, I think it's a little too far gone to back out. Perhaps I was meant to get involved into this business. Besides, hearing your story fills me with concern." Nire said.

"Pardon me for not introducing myself." He said, realizing he had gone off into his own discussion without a proper introduction. "I'm Nire Issvor."

dethhollow -> RE: The Hunt (2/11/2015 17:19:52)

Just search for someone moving away.... It was difficult to pick up where they were by scent, but eventually Dervos managed to spot him. To his left, the man was dressed plainly in a green shirt with brown pants, probably to avoid suspicion, but it was definitely him! The messenger from the Cult of the Waking Sun. Now all he had to do was catch the guy when he was along. Eagerly, the half-dragon started to follow the individual as he left the square and turned around a corner. There was his chance! As soon as the messenger was out of sight, Dervos rushed after the man and quickly tackled him to the ground! The messenger didn't even notice the thief behind him until it was too late. A surprised sound escaped the target as, unknown to him, Dervos quickly snatched something from his pocket in the panic of the moment.

"Tell me what you know about the warehouse!" Dervos demanded in his most intimidating tone. "What's happening there!?"

Instead of giving an answer, the cultist simply pushed his attacker off of him, turned around, and ran away as fast as he could. Before the half-dragon could get himself up, the messenger had already gone around another corner and sprinted off. A slight sigh escaped him in response to the elusive messenger. Well, he could try and find him again and chase after the man, but what good would it do? It was pretty clear that the cultist didn't want to answer any questions, which wasn't that surprising. Even if he did manage to get the guy to talk, it would probably take so long he would miss the meeting at the warehouse. And, even if the meeting was a trap, it still felt like something worth checking out. Whatever, Dervos finally turned his attention to the piece of paper he managed to take from the messenger during the struggle, hoping it would have something useful on it.

As the thief unfolded it, the paper seemed to be a list of some kind but with only people's descriptions on it, no names or other information. Tan skin, brown eyes, dark hair and beard, body has distinctive red tattoos, seen wielding a large hammer. Odd.... Dervos moved onto the next description. Blue eyes, brown hair, usually wearing a robe and wielding a wooden staff with a sword at his side. White skin, green eyes, white hair, usually seen with white coat and bronze accessories.... Wait a minute! The half-dragon thought back to the crowd from earlier. That guy was in the crowd! The white-haired guy he thought was a member of the cult! Wait, does that mean... quickly, he scanned through the descriptions. Scale-covered skin, bald, possibly part Drakel, seen wearing a hooded shirt and a leather cheastplate. Dervos took a slight step back at the revelation that they had HIS description in the list, too! But he quickly put the pieces together and figured out what this was. This must have been a list of people who were looking for Vlade so the messengers would know which people to deliver the letters to. Scanning through his memories, some of the people described on the list didn't seem to be in the crowd, though.... That makes sense, the Cult of the Waking Sun would have known who to look for but there was no way for them to be 100% sure who would and wouldn't be able to make it to the speech.......

A slight smile crossed his face. A list of people who were looking for Vlade? This seemed like some pretty valuable information to keep in mind. If he ever ran into anyone who matched any of these descriptions, it might be a good idea to get to know them and see if they could be an ally or not. Then, Dervos's smile faded as he slowly went back to his description. "I'm not a stupid Drakel!" He muttered, feeling slightly insulted by their description of him. A groan a frustration escaped him. "How could they not know who I am?! I'm the son of the golden dragon! If I ever run into one of those creeps again, I'll have to make sure they know that for a fact."

After quite a bit of running, Dervos finally made his way to the warehouse unsure whether or not he was late for the occasion. As soon as he got close to the structure, he immediately leaned over gasping for breath, regretting his decision to take so much time looking over the list. After a brief second, the half-dragon finally glanced over to see two other people here. One was someone that he didn't notice before that matched the description of the man with a staff. The other was the white-haired man who had what seemed to be a puppet of some kind with him... creepy.... "Hey, White-hair!!!" The thief exclaimed as loud as he could while still slightly panting. As a friendly gesture, Dervos tried to stand up straight, ending up stumbling back slightly as he enthusiastically waved at the man. "I got a letter, too! I'm-"

Before he could finish, Dervos started coughing violently for a brief moment. "Oh gosh shouldn't have run...." He muttered to himself as he finally cleared his throat. Then, he resumed shouting at the white-haired man. "I'm not late for the whole warehouse thing, am I?! I got caught up in something I had to take care of before coming here."

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Hunt (2/11/2015 21:15:22)

Warwolf: Conversation halted: Chapter 1 As the winds blew across his hair, the druid listened to Nire's concerns for a sister. When he confirmed what Warwolf had guessed another smile lit the face. The Druid carefully placed a finger against the metal marionette's hand with respect and said "Pleased to meet you as well." He made something akin to that of shaking the marionette's hand. "These are indeed-" The sound of running made Warwolf stop in mid sentence and turn his head towards the entranceway long before the. Creature. had arrived.

"Hey White hair!" the creature's shout was more like a roar. Upon first inspection with his eyes the druid felt in his gut that he was staring at something from the dragon-family. But the explanation the creature gave for being late, when one stared at the eyes, there was a distinctive look about them that said, he wasn't being completely truthful.

"Friend of yours, Nire?" Warwolf asked with a smile. Then he spoke up upon hearing the creature mutter to itself. "No you shouldn't have run, But it is good that you got here before the gate closed." Warwolf stepped away from the wall for a moment and gave the creature a respectful, bow of acknowledgement.

"Welcome to the gathering." The druid said with a cheerful smile. "No you are not late for… whatever it is the clan of the golden sun has in store for us." Stepping back in one fluid motion back to that wall, the druid continued to keep a barrier of defense at his back.

When the creature got much closer to them, Warwolf commented politely. "From what I see, and from what my gut tells me, you are of dragon kin no? The posture, the face, the eyes, the movements. They all resemble that of what the dragon kind are about. I've watched them fly during some of my trips. They are few and far between but intellect knows no bounds."

He looked at Nire and gave the man another cheerful, peaceful smile. "Don't worry too greatly, Nire. I'm sure your sister will be all right. At least for now. But it does make one ponder. Why would the clan have an invested interest in us?

Master K -> RE: The Hunt (2/11/2015 22:10:28)

Just as the conversation between himself and Warwolf began to take shape, a new person entered the fray, and was quite bizarre in appearance. He had predominant inhuman features, which worried Nire, as this new person was now calling out to him. Upon hearing the roar, he jumped slightly, not expecting someone of such nature to address him. Warwolf inquired if the he knew him, but Nire had never seen something quite as otherworldly as this new person.

"No sir, you're quite on time." Nire said. "We've been here a short while too, waiting. I'm Nire Issvor."

"So, from the look of that letter, this cult called you as well? How particular." Nire said. He then turned to Warwolf.

"As for my sister, I have confidence she can handle her own. She's been doing it for quite some time. This Vlade, however...bothers me. She does her best to keep contact with our family as she travels, but she's quite overdo for checking in, and hearing the multitude of stories surrounding Vlade intrigues me. Perhaps she got involved with the cult as well? Or did things go south for her at some point during her investigations? Perhaps it's why I earned my spot in this list of people that they seek. Either way, I'm now tangled in to this as much as you two are." He said. "Having gotten here, I feel as though I myself need to conduct my own hunt for Vlade, and maybe on the way I'll encounter my sister."

"As for you Warwolf, perhaps they're interested in you because you are the last of your clan. Maybe it's a trend of our indirect involvement towards Vlade that draws their attention. I cannot vouch for the newcomer, however."

With a few crafty flicks of his gloved fingers, the marionette on his shoulder stood, and gave a bow to Warwolf. It then turned to wave at the newcomer. Holding his fingers tense, he manipulated the puppet to lean on his head.

"Nifty little thing, isn't it?" Nire said. "My father dabbled with magic as well, and it rubbed off into his work."

With another slight movement, the machination sat back down, and became inert again.

dethhollow -> RE: The Hunt (2/12/2015 13:01:55)

Dervos wiped some sweat off of his head while listening to their conversation. If there was any doubt about what the list was for, it was definitely gone now. How else could anyone explain the other people both getting a letter as well? As he cycled trough his thoughts, he couldn't help but stare at the puppet wearily. Something about the fact that it moved and was magical just made the toy seem so much more unsettling to him.... Most puppets are just creepy. It's something that the half-dragon decided was a fact of life years ago after a late night attempted toy store robbery went horribly wrong. As long as the puppet didn't try to get too close to him, he'd be fine, but still, the thief didn't trust it at all.

"Thanks, at least somebody gets that I'm a dragon." He replied to the comment of the man who almost looked like a priest or monk of some kind. "My name is Dervos. Dervos Gilkin. Master thief, expert fighter, and son of the great Golden Dragon!" A slight laugh escaped him as he crossed his arms triumphantly. "I got a letter just like the rest of you. I'm here to find Vlade and make a name for myself as the guy who managed to beat someone who doesn't even exist! And if I get to stop a dangerous cult in the process, then it just helps everyone out and makes things that much better, right?" The half-dragon closed his eyes and smiled for a moment before motioning at the other two. "I hope we can work together to find this guy and accomplish our goals soon! Also, be on your guard, I THINK this just might possibly maybe be sort-of a trap...."

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Hunt (2/12/2015 18:42:34)

Warwolf: Conversation picks up again, Chapter 1 The druid observed the manipulation and an eyebrow raised with interest. He sensed the innate magic right as it happened and gave a warm smile to Nire. "Well done, very interesting indeed Nire. That is a handy skill to have."
The man's observant eyes caught notice of how the marionette had disturbed the dragon kin. When the creature did indeed confirm he was of the Dragon kind, it was right at that moment that Nire stated what he thought in regards to this meeting.

The dragon kin also mentioned an interest in locating Vlade and the dragon-smile was easily seen. The wind again blew across the druid's robes and hair as they conversed. It was apparent from the noticed look of surprise on Nire's face that he indeed did not know the dragon.

Upon mentioning that this was a trap, the druid gave a cheerful smile. "I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking that, why did you think I'm standing with a wall to my back? so nothing can sneak up from behind."

The druid studied the face of the dragon for a very long moment. Again there was that gut instinct that the creature was hiding something it had discovered. "Care to enlighten me?" Warwolf asked with a peaceful smile. "Let me take a wild guess. Considering the fact that you were indeed running, means that you likely were at the square. In fact, you probably were among the crowd in an area that I could not see at my vantage point. You mentioned you had been delayed. And if I may politely say, that since yourself, and Nire have a letter that says the same thing mine does."

The man smiled as he waved his letter politely. "That means you were approached by some young lad or lass." "Now, let's say for a moment that my deductive reasoning is correct. From the way you addressed Nire over here and clearly, when I first observed you, you knew "who" you were looking for. And your eyes reflected something else too. As you looked directly at me no less. I'm going to deduce just from what i've observed and from what you said, and from the confirmation that you are indeed Dragon Kind, that you likely followed the person who delivered your letter, and considering you ran here, I deduce that you likely caught up to the person, and found out something else that I do not know. The fact that we are all here, and there's another party somewhere around here, though I do not know where he or she actually is because they are being very cautious in their movements, I'm going to take a wild guess and say that our names were specifically on that person, and I'd likely venture a guess further and say our likenesses might be resembled or at least some sketchy details about each one of us."

The druid smiled at the dragon kindly. "Am I correct in my deductions?" "And you both are probably wondering at the way I'm dressed. I'm a druid. My skills in magic are limited, but I pay attention and use my brain when I can."

Lazo -> RE: The Hunt (2/14/2015 18:33:56)

It did not take long for the building to come into sight. She had seen it before, in several of her dealings, and she did not particularly like the place. No windows, and only two entrances she knew of, one at the front and one of the back. Easy to watch and to block, if needed.

Still, the building was old, and carried that decrepit, discarded air that which is abandoned is wont to have, and that seemed so attractive to those involved in shady business. Was that a pang of recognition that sunk in her gut? She shook the thought off her head. Best not to dwell on such things.

Even as she approached, she noticed a robed figure walk the building through the main entrance. She nodded to herself. The guests must have been gathering. However, simply walking in through the front door and leaving herself at the mercy of strangers was not an attractive option for her, and she knew that the walls were too thick for her to eavesdrop.

She continued to walk at a leisurely pace, just another citizen out for a walk through the city’s streets, wearing a cloth cloak to ward off the cold. She continued walking down the street, even as her path took her beyond the building’s entrance, and only changed directions when she had reached the end of the building. She took a turn along its side, taking a path that surrounded the warehouse.

She took a steadying breath and began counting her heartbeats, trying to keep tabs on the time she had left.

As she did, her eyes shifted to the rooftops and alleys, trying to make out anyone who might be watching the building. The streets were mostly deserted, most everyone in the surrounding blocks having followed along after the Prince. Still, here and there, people walked the streets, or paused in quiet conversation against the nearby houses. None of them struck Faint as inherently suspicious, but then again, spies and lookouts did not carry signs hanging from their neck stating their intentions.

Seeing no obstacles in her path, she sidled next to the warehouse’s wall and peeked around the corner into an alley crossing its back-end. No one stood guard there. Faint walked out to the open, surreptitiously checking her surroundings for anything suspicious, but the place remained still and quiet, even as she approached the back entrance.

With what little time must have remained for the meeting to start, Faint could only assume that whoever had set up this meeting must have been inside already.

She moved up to the door and carefully tried the lock. It remained open, as usual. Good. She did not have the time to try her lock picks on it. She was about to push it open when she caught herself. Glancing at the hinges, she pursed her lips and made a subtle gesture with her hand. The skin on her fingers tingled as the silence spell took hold. With an effort of will, she extended the sorcery to her footwear, muffling her steps.

Then she allowed herself to push the door open. It offered some resistance, but the alley remained deathly quiet. Quietly, she slid into the building, keeping the door slightly ajar. The inside was divided into several aisles, separated by walls of wooden planks connecting a series of pillars that supported the roof. Some of these walls had been brought down, but enough remained to hide the back door from the rest of the building.

Sounds of conversation drifted from further beyond, at least two different voices, and she strained to hear what was being said. It turned out she shouldn’t have bothered. A third one joined in, shouting in tones loud enough to be heard from the other end of the warehouse.

She shook her head, baffled. Stars, what kind of idiots did they conjure up?

Faint began closing the door, when a thought struck her. Picking up a piece of broken wood from the floor, likely the remains of some box or other, she placed it between the door and its frame.

Only then did she begin creeping forward, making use of the shadows and walls to remain hidden. She paused in her approach behind a wooden beam, from which she could make out the words being spoken while remaining out of sight from the gathering group.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Hunt (2/15/2015 14:11:22)

Warwolf: Chapter 1: Magic detection While the wind blew across his robes and across his body. The druid's attention suddenly turned towards a distant building. He had felt the presence of magic being used and it was not within the dragon kind, or his puppeteer friend. This magic had come from the direction of the building.

Warwolf frowned. Very few people had the power to cast spells. Was this one of the members of the golden sun?

Warwolf's calm demeanor remained but his eyes were looking at the building. His gut told him something was amiss. His gut said "Someone or something has arrived." He couldn't pinpoint where yet. But his eyes remained on the building staring at the upper area windows intently. The magic had been used. That much he was sure.

If Dervos or Nire were looking at the druid. They'd notice his attention had suddenly turned towards the building. His staff closed just a little tighter in his hand. The druid didn't speak but kept his eyes on the upper windows of that deserted building. He wasn't sure exactly where. But there had to be an explanation for that source of magic he'd felt.

And since it wasn't three feet away from him, he figured it had to be something else entirely.

The wind began to pick up a little in speed and his robes and hair blew with it. "I do not like this at all." He said softly in a voice that was just low enough for the two with him to hear.

dethhollow -> RE: The Hunt (2/15/2015 14:34:47)

Dervos crossed his arms as the druid went over what his reasoning, figuring out exactly what happened. He closed his eyes, clearly contemplating what the guy had just said. The druid seemed to be pretty smart and capable of figuring stuff out that wasn't exactly obvious. Or maybe he was just incredibly lucky. Should he tell him about the list? He could probably see through any lie the thief would come up with, and the druid didn't seem like a horrible person. White hair seemed like he would be trustworthy no matter what, he had a pretty just reason for finding Vlade and he wasn't about to give up on it anytime soon. But he didn't really know anything about the druid....

The half-dragon started to open his mouth as if he was going to say something before stopping and just shaking his head. No, it might not be a good idea to tell him, but what if.... "What if I told you I could read people's minds and that's how I knew-" Dervos started before realizing the problem with his lie right after asking it. The druid would just ask him to tell him what he's thinking and it wouldn't work. Crap.... There wasn't any other choice after that, he had to tell them the truth. "Sorry, forget I said anything, you got it, I got a list of descriptions of people who were meant to receive the letters from the messenger. I'm actually sort-of surprised neither of you tried to go after them, too, to be honest." A slight sigh escaped him as Dervos looked at the druid.

"Who are you, anyways? And why are you after Vlade?"

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Hunt (2/15/2015 18:08:49)

Warwolf Chapter 1: conversation restarted: "The name is Warwolf, I'm a druid of a clan that was decimated, along with a Monastery of monks that was within close proximity of my clan. 52 men died." The expression on his face changes from cheerful to pained, and back again after a moment. "It's. complicated. I received a telepathic message from one of my kin telling me they were under attack. By the time I arrived, all the members of my clan were dead. I went to warn the monastery, only to find they too had perished."

"As for reading thoughts, Congratulations. That must be a skill handy to have. I can receive telepathic messages but only from my kin, who are all now… lost."

"I actually didn't have time to pursue the lad whom gave my letter, as he darted into the crowd and was wearing some colors that I could not keep track of as they all dispersed. You know how it is, very large crowd, lots of people. I don't have a high keen nose. I have a good range of hearing. But there was too much noise out there to properly hear the lad's footfalls. Too much distraction I'm afraid."

"And as I said, I merely used my observation, and my intellect to take a guess. I wasn't sure if I was right or not. For the lad to have found me, I assumed they must have known what to look for. For them to have found Nire, and he having the same letter I did, only further supported my assumption that they must have some sort of likeness of us. You actually cemented my assumption, by your running here, and by your letter. For it is extremely unlikely for all three of us to be located, in a crowd that large, unless some detail of us was given round."

"Simple, observations of intellect. If one observes, one may find answers. Unfortunately, a crowd that large, also means that the waking sun could be anywhere. I actually don't really know what any of them looks like to be honest with you."

Therril Oreb -> RE: The Hunt (2/16/2015 13:00:07)

Therry's side
As Therry was trying to talk to the prince, his bodyguards pushed Therry away. They see him as a drink miner who is just raving and should leave the prince alone.
But right before Therry could retaliate, a small boy tugged on his sleeve.

Boy: "Sir, take this."

And the boy quickly scurried off before Therry could say another word. After reading the letter, Therry stuffed it into his pocket, asked for directions and went on his merry way.
As Therry approached the warehouse, he saw a group of men talking to one another. Seeing as they are the only people here, he walked up to them calling out for them.

Therry: "Hey! Where you guys the ones who sent me this letter? The young lad was too quick for me so I could not ask him anything."

Right after Therry finished his sentence, he noticed these were certainly no ordinary folk. They radiated something different around them and told Therry to stay on his toes though he does not know why or for what.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Hunt (2/16/2015 14:02:05)

Warwolf: Replies a plenty Chapter 1

Warwolf heard the sound of approaching footsteps and turned his head towards the entrance again. A creature about half his size but with what looked like a tougher skin then your average human being, and the noticeable muscles were here and there. "Afraid not good…." The druid went through the knowledge in his head thinking about this for a long moment. "dwarf?" He ventured a guess completely unsure if he remembered the books right. His eyebrow raised up and his face of calm seemed puzzled at best. He thought that was what the creature was. But he couldn't quite remember.

"We too received such letters."

Warwolf held his up for a moment and frowned. "Speaking of which, where is the invitee anyway?" Warwolf wondered aloud looking around them.

dethhollow -> RE: The Hunt (2/18/2015 16:33:32)

Dervos glanced over at the dwarf with a slight smirk on his face as he held up his own letter. "We all got one. And I also managed to steal a list from one of the messengers that describes a lot of people that are looking for Vlade." It was difficult to trust the druid at first, but the half-dragon had no problems trusting the dwarf. After all, who's ever even heard of an evil dwarf??? They might exist somewhere, but evil dwarves were actually hard to come by. Evil puppeteers, on the other hand... well, hopefully white-hair wouldn't stab them in the back or something. So assuming Warwolf was telling the truth, they had a pretty good group of people to work with.

"The invitee?" The thief responded to Warwolf's comment. Wait, was the 20 minutes up already? It was actually hard to believe he made it to the warehouse THIS early. What the heck was going on? Dervos quickly went back to his original thoughts on this. If this was a trap, they could be gathering an entire army by this point or readying some powerful weapon to use against them. "Good point." He admitted in a somber tone. "Something doesn't feel right. I don't like how long it's taking for them to get here at all." Dervos took a few steps back towards the wall and stuck out the end of his forked tongue. "I'm going to start trying to see if I can smell them coming. If they're inside the warehouse or on the roof or something, I'll be able to figure it out soon." With a deep breath, the half-dragon closed his eyes as he tried to focus purely on the scents around him, worried about the danger that could arrive at any moment.

Tdub -> RE: The Hunt (2/21/2015 0:02:49)

The man was very careful not to attract suspicion. He knew perfectly well that he was at a disadvantage in the crowd with the scar across his face. If something were to happen, people would remember his features above all others. Therefore, he took precautions. He dressed in dirty, ragged clothing that made it seem as though he were a poor beggar, and walked as though he had a limp. Neither of these things were true, but they were effective. The eyes of the peasants slid over him, as they always did. No one wants to acknowledge the poor.

No one.

Prince Orrin was surprised by the approach of the dwarf, but was in no mood to respond. There was nothing to be said, of course. As his bodyguards led the small man away, however, the prince did turn, taking note of his face. He would have to remember it.

As those invited stood outside the warehouse, the doors opened. It was late. Later than had been implied on the invitation, anyways. As expected, none of those who wished to find the mystery of Galiarin had given up on obtaining information.

How unfortunate. The man thought as he walked through the doors. He was dressed in white robes, the only marking on them a yellow sun on the right side of his chest. He was an older man, well into his fifties, and walked with intention, as though he had to be where he was going without any interruption. This proved untrue when he stopped in front of the small group of "Vlade hunters."

"If you will all join me inside. Please, no question until I am finished.

As soon as all of the band of misfits were gathered and seating at the table in the middle of the large room, Gavin, as he was called, stood at the head of the table. Another man, younger, arrived, whispered quietly into Gavin's ear, and left. The older man smiled. Knowing that his final invited guest had arrived, he introduced himself, and began his speech.

"Welcome. My name is Gavin, and of course, I follow the path of the Waking Sun. You came here today to learn information about Vlade. I now present it to you freely.

Vlade is not to be found. He is not to be disturbed, awakened, or searched for. You cannot continue this path, for it will surely lead to your destruction, as well as all those you care for.

There are individuals, both inside this room and out, that would have you believe otherwise. This is a lie. Your "quests" are foolhardy and destructive, and I implore you to give them up now.

Under your chairs, you will find a small envelope. Inside is a voucher. Write whatever amount you wish on it. Take it to a reserve. They will give you whatever riches you wish for. But give up this ridiculous goal.

The Waking Sun is a clan of peace. We will not harm you if you do not wish to follow these intructions. However, if you continue on this dangerous path, your voucher is void. Place it in the fire on the opposite side of the room."

As if on cue, the fireplace on the wall erupted into flames.

"If you take the voucher yet continue searching for Vlade, we will know. Then you will be harmed.

Make your decisions quickly. I have no more to offer."

TJByrum -> RE: The Hunt (2/21/2015 11:05:35)

Prince Orrin finished his speech with obvious disappointment. Nothing new, nothing exciting, nothing useful. Just another dead end in Marcus Vane's quest to find this so called 'Vlade'. Then again, Marc had already been searching for 'Vlade' for only a few weeks. Well, he wasn't really interested in Vlade himself, but rather his closest friend: Sera. Sera had always believed Vlade to be some sort of hero who would bring about good fortune to the poor and homeless. Sera herself was poor and homeless until she joined the Vigilants Guild as a young teenage girl, which is where she met a young Marcus. The two trained for many years and embarked on many operations together, working as bounty hunters and mercenaries. Many of the Vigilants did it for payment, but people like Marc and Sera hunted down criminals and outlaws in an effort to make the world a better place, one bounty at a time. The guild did not condone actions against 'Vlade' or his associates, as it could complicate things and the guildmaster did not wish to antagonize this mysterious person. But Sera was different; she wanted to find Vlade and join his 'crusade'.

But when she finally left the order a few months ago, she vanished. The guild had, of course, excommunicated her for breaking the rules, and this was expected, so they never bothered trying to find her. It was up to Marcus to find her then, which consequently got himself excommunicated. But something had to be done, and Sera needed to be found, and his only lead right now was this so-called 'Vlade'. Marc laughed to himself; the one man he didn't care for was now his number one priority.

Prince Orrin and his guards were headed to the inn as the crowd dispersed. Marc himself, garbed in his traditional Vigilants Guild armor, met with the diverging people and blended in so as to not attract attention. After a few moments, a young man suddenly passed by, exchanging a letter in Marc's hand. It was such a subtle and quick movement that it went unnoticed in the crowd. Marc never hesitated in his movement and di not make it obvious to anyone around him what he received. He made his way over to an alley and, ensuring no one was looking, opened the letter.

To whom it may concern:

Our sources have told us that you have become very interested in the individual known as Vlade. For further information, meet at the Turon Warehouse, on the west street off of the square where you are currently standing. You may find this discussion most enlightening. You have twenty minutes from the time you open this letter until the doors shut and do not open again.

"Interesting," Marc replied before closing the letter back.

It did not take long to reach the warehouse, but even so Marc noticed a group of others had already made it there before himself. They were engaged in discussion already, and one could tell they too were interested in Vlade. Marc wondered if they wanted to kill Vlade or join Vlade. It didn't matter anyway, as this was the only real lead he had. As Marc approached the closed warehouse opened and another figure appeared, garbed in white robes with a sun emblazoned upon it. "If you will all join me inside," he began, "please, no questions until I am finished."

Marc remained silent and followed the others through the doors, not drawing much attention to himself. There was a large table in the middle of the room where everyone began to take seats; Marc took a seat on the far-left side of the table. The white-robed man was joined by another, younger man, whose whispers made him smile. Something was up, and Marc began to itch with anticipation, but remained ever calm and silent.

"Welcome. My name is Gavin," the man said, "and of course, I follow the path of the Waking Sun. You came here today to learn information about Vlade. I now present it to you freely. Vlade is not to be found. He is not to be disturbed, awakened, or searched for. You cannot continue this path, for it will surely lead to your destruction, as well as all those you care for." That was to late, as Vlade had already taken the one person Marc did care about. "There are individuals, both inside this room and out, that would have you believe otherwise. This is a lie. Your 'quests' are foolhardy and destructive, and I implore you to give them up now. Under your chairs, you will find a small envelope. Inside is a voucher." Marc reached under his chair and, as expected, found the envelope. "Write whatever amount you wish on it. Take it to a reserve. They will give you whatever riches you wish for. But give up this ridiculous goal. The Waking Sun is a clan of peace. We will not harm you if you do not wish to follow these instructions. However, if you continue on this dangerous path, your voucher is void. Place it in the fire on the opposite side of the room." The fireplace on the wall suddenly burst into flames. "If you take the voucher yet continue searching for Vlade, we will know. Then you will be harmed. Make your decisions quickly. I have no more to offer."

Almost as soon as Gavin was finished speaking Marc stood up and balled the envelope into a small, crumpled ball before tossing it over into the fireplace. "It's to late for that, Gavin. Vlade is responsible for the disappearance of someone I care about. It's not reasonable for me to just 'give up'. I don't know who you are, or what you want, but I'm not going to waste my time here listening to your idle threats." Marc stepped to the side and slammed his chair back under the table, "I'm going to leave, and if I see you or anyone of your affiliates, I won't hesitate to harm you," Marc replied threateningly.

dethhollow -> RE: The Hunt (2/21/2015 16:09:25)

Just keep focusing.... The half-dragon started to get an idea of where everyone was as he tried to scout the area but before he could finish, Dervos was caught off guard by the unexpected noise of the warehouse door opening. 'So close, too!' he thought as an old man in a white robe came out and invited them inside. It seemed like there was someone nearby that they hadn't noticed before, but it must have just been this guy. Ok, that made enough sense. The group followed the white robed man inside and each took a seat with Dervos sitting in the second chair to the left. There seemed to be a new guy who suddenly joined them but the thief didn't pay much attention to him at first. Even if he was untrustworthy, it wasn't exactly the best time to try and figure him out so they might as well just roll with the fact that there's another person involved now.

"Welcome." The aged robed man began. "My name is Gavin, and of course, I follow the path of the Waking Sun. You came here today to learn information about Vlade. I now present it to you freely." Freely? Something told Dervos that Gavin wasn't going to be completely open about Vlade. If it was that easy, then the organization wouldn't be so keen on keeping Vlade a secret. It was probably a good idea to take everything this guy said with a grain of salt from this point on.

"Vlade is not to be found. He is not to be disturbed, awakened, or searched for." Yup, there goes any hope of Gavin telling him the truth directly. They would just have to work to learn the truth... and Dervos already had some idea of where he should start....

"You cannot continue this path, for it will surely lead to your destruction, as well as all those you care for." That was interesting... didn't White Hair say something about his sister disappearing after searching for Vlade? Could the Waking Sun have been behind that?

"There are individuals, both inside this room and out, that would have you believe otherwise. This is a lie. Your "quests" are foolhardy and destructive, and I implore you to give them up now." If the Waking Sun knows other people who are trying to find Vlade, then maybe Gavin could help unite them? It wasn't likely, but it might be worth a shot.

"Under your chairs, you will find a small envelope. Inside is a voucher. Write whatever amount you wish on it. Take it to a reserve. They will give you whatever riches you wish for. But give up this ridiculous goal." Maybe if he just went back to his father with enough wealth, he could.... NO! Don't even try to consider going for the money. Come on, Dervos, you're better than that! Still though... no, I won't! I have to find Vlade, I won't be known as that one guy who gave up as soon as he started to get close!

"The Waking Sun is a clan of peace. We will not harm you if you do not wish to follow these instructions. However, if you continue on this dangerous path, your voucher is void. Place it in the fire on the opposite side of the room." That was good to know, at least they won't get in our way. Still, though, the cult was their best chance to find actual information on Vlade. They would have to have some way to get involved with them again if this meeting didn't give them enough to go off of to find the man.

"If you take the voucher yet continue searching for Vlade, we will know. Then you will be harmed. Make your decisions quickly. I have no more to offer." No, if the cult is this good at finding people and keeping track of what they do, then it has to know SOMETHING. Gavin might be holding something back or testing them. After all, if he could find all of them, he could at least find someone who might know something the rest of them don't know yet. It was just a matter of finding out what else he might know and hoping that someone could get it out of him one way or another....

Dervos watched as the new guy angrily threatened Gavin as he mentioned someone he cared about disappearing, as well. First White Hair's sister and now this? One person was odd, but two people disappearing while searching for Vlade??? That couldn't be a coincidence, something very suspicious was happening here. The thief took the voucher out from under his chair and examined it carefully in his scale-covered hands as he folded it along the long side and began to put it into his pocket. "No, I can't...." The half-dragon muttered as he glanced back up at Gavin and put his hand on the table. "You know, I've been a lot of things. I've been a thief, a liar, I've been a con artist once. I've been a complete jerk and really screwed some people over in the past. But I'm not going to be a sellout and I'm not going to just give up just because someone in a robe offers me a lot of money!" He held up the folded piece of paper in his hand as he tried to focus. Suddenly, in a fraction of a second, Dervos's hand burst into flames just long enough for people to notice the cone-like shape of the fire as what he was holding burned in front of the group. "THIS is what I think of your offer!" The half-dragon exclaimed while tossing the sheet aside to burn to ashes on the ground. That magic took more effort than he wanted to let on, but it was worth it to show the rest of the group just how devoted he was to catching Vlade.

Master K -> RE: The Hunt (2/21/2015 19:08:13)

They were swept in to the warehouse, greeted by the members of the Waking Sun. They were all seated at a fine table, as if this was a gathering of gentlemen, or a dinner party. Nire was somewhat dazed, simply thinking to himself about what he had gotten himself in to. The members of the cult appeared friendly, but appearances could always be misleading. The older man, Gavin, served as their host. Their host gave a speech, which provoked a variety of thoughts. The older man spoke of Vlade in vague terms, claiming he was not to be found, and the consequences of the pursuit of Vlade.

"Excuse me." Nire said. "But who are you to tell me I cannot go in to pursuit? My own sister has most likely continued this pursuit. Whether you know her or not, I'm not the one to say, nor do I want to say at this point. If this Vlade is so destructive in nature, why should I stop pursuing him? I've heard all the rumors and tales. If this Vlade is so dangerous, then why should I sit back and watch more people suffer because of this person? My sister is one of these people that's gone on this crazy chase, as have many others."

"No matter what sum of money you offer me, it's not worth it. It isn't worth it to leave this monstrosity out in the world to cause more destruction. I'm sure the people here could agree with me." Nire said, gesturing to the people who had come in with him. "Some of these people have lost those around them to Vlade and his exploits. We are not going to let him get away with his crimes. I'm going to join the hunt, and I won't let anything stop me from finding Vlade and ending this madness."

Nire placed his puppet on the floor. Thrumming his fingers on the table, the puppet spurred to life, and snatched the piece of paper from under the chair. It walked across the room, it's feet klinking across the floor, and flicked the piece of paper in to the fire. It then dashed back to Nire. He laid his arm down, and the puppet crawled on. He lifted his arm up, and the puppet made its way back to his shoulder. Nire clenched his fist, and the puppet became inert once more.

"Now." He said. "Give us some real information. You've done an excellent job avoiding the subject we came to discuss."

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Hunt (2/22/2015 17:46:45)

When the sheltered doors open-Chapter 2-Warwolf The druid remained quiet. The doors of the old warehouse opening finally. Gazing at the position of the sun, Warwolf determined that it was perhaps somewhat later then had been mentioned in the letter.

The older gentleman who walked out instructed them not to ask questions and he went into the warehouse. The Druid's staff clicked quietly as he took a position near the table and sat down calmly.

"Welcome. My name is Gavin, and of course, I follow the path of the Waking Sun. You came here today to learn information about Vlade. I now present it to you freely.

Vlade is not to be found. He is not to be disturbed, awakened, or searched for. You cannot continue this path, for it will surely lead to your destruction, as well as all those you care for.

There are individuals, both inside this room and out, that would have you believe otherwise. This is a lie. Your "quests" are foolhardy and destructive, and I implore you to give them up now.

Under your chairs, you will find a small envelope. Inside is a voucher. Write whatever amount you wish on it. Take it to a reserve. They will give you whatever riches you wish for. But give up this ridiculous goal.

The Waking Sun is a clan of peace. We will not harm you if you do not wish to follow these intructions. However, if you continue on this dangerous path, your voucher is void. Place it in the fire on the opposite side of the room."

As if on cue, the fireplace on the wall erupted into flames.

"If you take the voucher yet continue searching for Vlade, we will know. Then you will be harmed.

Make your decisions quickly. I have no more to offer."

Warwolf looked at the man calmly. But before he could speak, others had done their fair share of speaking. First the new entrant, Marc, (whom my char doesn't know at the moment). When he arrived the druid's keen eyes gave a careful look over at Marc. Listening to his commentary revealed that somebody Marc cared for was also missing. How interesting…

The next to speak was Dervos, the dragon kind. The show of fire in his palm was impressive. Warwolf said nothing when Nire spoke next.

So, the collective sun, would offer them all money for their co-operation. How very interesting. There must be a reason the collective sun would go to such lengths.

The druid removed the envelope from beneath his chair and examined it carefully. He turned his eyes back up to Gavin and in a calm, peaceful voice said. "For a group that claims to be peaceful, you have an interesting way of presenting that peace. You offer us money for an entity that does not exist, You at the same time, give us an ultimatum and demand that we answer you presently." Warwolf slowly stood up keeping his eyes directly on Gavin. "You persuade us to give up our collective quests, claiming that the quest itself will kill all those we care for? I have news for you Gavin. Vlade has already done that job for you. He killed 52 men, the entirety of my clan, and an entire monastery of peaceful monks."

"Now I understand your clan's reluctance in wishing to aid our endeavors. I'll also politely and respectfully acknowledge that what you do here, is a kindness. Offering us a way out of a certain path, that you say, will lead to our very destruction."

The druid respectfully bows to Gavin. "And for that I thank you for the kindness. But I most sincerely, and respectfully must politely decline your offer." Warwolf walks to the fire and places the envelope into the flame. Watching it burn in it's entirety.

The man's eyes temper with the fire for but a brief moment. He turns and gives his eyes back to Gavin. "Perhaps, the entity causes fear, perhaps it causes mischief. I know not. But I do know this Gavin. If people are to safely sleep at night, or continue on with their lives. Then at some point the entity must be stopped. If you and your clan do not wish to do the job, then if not these people who stand before you take a stand, who shall? We have lived in fear for far too long good sir. Fear that our babes will be snatched away in the middle of the night, fear that the things which lurk in the darkness, will steal away the very breath of our existence."

There was a brief pause as Warwolf contemplated his next words. "If you will not willingly help the peoples of these lands. Than what shall they do?" The druid gazed seriously at the man.

"Yes, I'm likely to perish in this quest, perhaps all of us will. But what happens Gavin, if we don't take a stand? People will continue to die. And what's more. At some point, this entity will either come after one of your collective order, or it will destroy the entire clan, or what if, there is no one left to give you tributes for protection? Have you considered what the cost of keeping this creature alive, presents?"

Warwolf sits back down very calmly and looks at them all. "Before you all, venture off, Ask yourselves a few questions comrades. The first is this. If we are separate what then shall our fates be? It may very well be we perish that much faster." He gave a moment of pause for that to sink in.

"Secondly, Since we are all in a common cause for finding the entity, I offer the opinion, and the suggestion, that we all stick together as a group. We'll cover more ground and we'll have more allies helping one another."

"Lastly, If this entity can take out 52 men in a short amount of time, do you really want to take your chances going it alone?"

He allowed the last to sink in for a few moments before his eyes cast over the group assembled. "Now then, Those in favor of being together, feel free to come and sit beside me."

He looks at Gavin after that and gives the man a polite smile. "Calm down Nire. We all know what is at stake here."

The druid's eyes cast across the group once more then returned to Gavin. "So Gavin, of the Collected Sun order, would you kindly give us at least something to assist us in our endeavors, please."

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