RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 10:20:21)

if they go back to full health with greater heals it doesn't matter though lol.

Resk -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 12:42:47)

thing about that is, greater heal/pennence are the only way to break even vs corruption for mana costs, everything else is worse....

Unless they are casting it for sort-of-free from a secondary mana source.

In which case your greater heals are just playing catch-up vs it.


Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 13:39:54)

I'm done if no one agrees that dual elements with corruption would of made it less of a slaughter from Templar users. Just let the sgs characters win as many tournaments as possible.

shadex -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 13:41:47)

But with Templar's near flawless base deck, how is he any less unfair than someone with corruption? Odds are that corruption won't be drawn till at least the second hand and it still requires you to energize first, where a greater heal has no such requirement. without corruption, I feel like it really underclasses bavaria and Aegea.

The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 15:33:43)

Corruption effectively cancels out two Greater Heals at no expense to your primary energy pool, so you'd have 10 more Light energy to convert into cards like Defend and Holy Strike.

I don't agree with the CC bans, but Templar has proven to not be a problem for a Queen Aegea with Corruption as QA has the defensive resources to extend the fight until Corruption makes a significant difference.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 15:37:03)

If Seraphim was banned, I don't see why Templar was allowed.

shadex -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 15:39:28)

Key words being "with corruption" you know, the banned card? :)

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 16:05:41)

Templar is going to win this or someone whose lucky with Omni.

Bavaria whose lacks healing would of been able to gain a powerful attack boost with corruption at the cost of iron hides since you would only be able to use one or the other till you got a 2nd nuetralize.

Penance is horrible on Omni since Omni already need so many cards to sacrifice to work.

I think after this tournament we need to have a serious conversation on should corruption be banned in further contest or should it be allowed.

Penance is powerful but I think the fact it cost a card makes it a lot less effective when fighting against high powered characters.

I agree with queen banning since she does have a high attack power and a very good def a good amount of useless card though but corruption makes up for that.

shadex -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 17:43:29)

I agree with the penance ban. This tourney would have been an all out stall war otherwise but corruption is an offensive spell with both high cost and requiring the use of another card to start setting up. It's potential is good but has a cost, where penance in mny situationa has none.

The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 17:57:42)


If Seraphim was banned, I don't see why Templar was allowed.

I believe the reason Seraphim was banned is because it could drag out matches almost perpetually. It comes with 3200 heals and 1500 defence before customization, that's an extra Level 17's worth of HP in defence per deck rotation and the most combined heals+shields of any character in the game.


Key words being "with corruption" you know, the banned card? :)

I know, but the same could be said for Queen Aegea. (You know, the banned character? :P) Without Corruption, I'd still put my money on QA due to her 5 base Defends (more efficient than Templar's Holy Strikes even if involved in 5-hit combos) and her ability convert her Neutral energy into a free Counter and/or IH. I agree with the Queen Aegea and Seraphim bans but none of the card bans.

I don't think it'd have been more of a problem for Bavaria Zweis and Omni Knights to have Corruption than for them to get mowed down by Templars.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 18:46:16)

They're still similar levels of strength, so I don't get that. Are they only banning things that make battles take a long time and not things that would cause an uneven playing field?

shadex -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 18:54:43)

I'm probably biased when it comes to QA as she was my first character and My Queen, but I believe she is beatable. I can live with her being banned though, since she is powerful and very defensive. I think many of us agree though that having corruption on bavaria and omni would have been perfectly fine.

the warden -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 19:31:01)

So am I waiting again or?

Axel459 -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 19:33:56)

Your opponent is Resk

MentalDaemon -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 19:38:28)

Sent a message to Liljojo on March 1st and still not a reply.

the warden -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 19:49:37)

axel: ok thanks couldn't tell again

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 20:27:26)

So should iron hide and corruption be banned in a dual element tournament?

Also who do you guys plan to use for the dual tournament I'm leaning towards my GPK and MG. I have queen but it's only level 1 I hate training dual elements let alone light dual elements?

If Templar was banned who would be the next in line to steamroll the tournament omni or Bavaria?

The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 20:48:08)

^Founder Champion could be a factor in that case.

R.chime -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 20:59:15)

good point, founder is pretty close to Templar's op'd-ness here, but I'd throw my lot in on Omni, Omni has healing, Bavaria does not, and if they banned Omni they probably would've ousted founder since the difference between them isn't that much

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 21:34:41)

Templar outclasses Founder by a lot it's very rare for a founder to do anything amazing I beat jojo level 20 founder easily with my level 12ish omni knight.

Vertigo Beast -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 21:42:48)

R.Chime moves along to next round, Im out of the tournament. Was fun while it lasted, but I didn't really expect much when I didn't level anything past 10 xD

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 21:58:51)

I beat chaosplayer 2-0; he used Omni Knight too so it was a lot of fun. Please let me know when you're ready for our battles, Darklore.

chaosplayer -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 21:58:53)

the jop beats me 2-0
good luck to the remaining contestants[;)]

Kiyone -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/4/2015 23:51:37)

Had some fun close matches with Clintonian. With him defeating me 2-0

Round 1 and Round 2 He is a beast! Plus the interesting part of the duel. Before each death blow. His templar would do this dramatic pause. Like do I survive this attack and have a chance or did we just freeze. Nope its dramatic death blow to finish me off.

Here's the current matches

Dylligraphy vs DarkBaneX
The jop Vs DarkLore
Resk vs the Warden
Mentaldaemon vs Solomi123
Richiem vs Over_Under

Given how Liljojo has not been on since 2/28 and how his last mention he has been swamp with school work. I'm taken this as he had to drop from the tournament due to other obligations. So Mentaldaemon advances to fight Solomi123

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Eighth PvP Elemental Tournament - Discussion Thread (3/5/2015 0:34:56)

I have no opponent than?

Also since the chaos card got posted I think the blur have changed or am I mistaken?

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