=ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (Full Version)

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One Winged Angel1357 -> =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/27/2015 12:19:16)


March 27, 2015
Rabbits Return!
The rabbits have indeed returned! Well, I suppose they never actually left. Still! They need your help with a very special mission: To repair their rocket, shut down the force field around Delta V, and make their final escape! Prepare yourself for this incredible new missions created by One Winged Angel and Ranloth, with content created by Bidoof, Vorzathiel, SarpDV, and Vultex!

CAUTION! The "Hardcore" mission chain "Bundorable Chores" is very difficult. Some missions require many, many wins or item drops to complete so only undertake them if you have plenty of time. Fortunately, they aren't leaving so you can take your time if you're not in a hurry to complete every mission as soon as possible.
These new items are available from Brachylagus in the Archives. However, some items are only available through completing some very difficult missions in the "Bundorable Chores" mission chain!

Rabbit Ride
What this new bike lacks in fluff, it makes up for in ferocity! Tear up the Biological Preserve with this awesome new Skeletal Bunny Bike available at Brachylagus!

Easter Stylings
Look your Easter best with these hip new styles that all the kids are talking about. I assume they're talking about them. I'm with it, yo! *cracks hip*

Home Decor
Do you like eggs? Bidoof and SarpDV have created a host of egg-based items to beautify your homes for the season. The Bunny Egg Bank is available exclusively from completing the "Nuclear Omelette" mission.

War Pushback
To prevent the next war (The Wasteland) from overlapping with the Rabbits Return event, we have postponed the war event until April. This will allow everyone plenty of time to complete the missions without sensory overload.

Rabbits Return Part 2
Stay tuned for next week's continuation of the Rabbits Return event! What surprises and treasures await those clever and brave enough to serve the Lagomorphs?!
Tags: Nightwraith

Tagged. ~WhiteTiger

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/27/2015 14:01:06)

That overlap wouldn't have been bad to be honest. Especially with the 200 win mission. I remember when the GYT was going on and I had the yeti trainer missions to do. I was able to do said mission while playing in the event in other words killing 2 birds with one stone. That would have been nice for this chain seeing as I love doing PVP missions during these wars.

Lord Machaar -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/27/2015 14:10:35)

I thought the forum member who posts the DNs, he himself must format the post, any post un-formatted gets deleted, if you can't format, don't post, an AK will come later to post the DNs formatted, buut anyways!


However, some items are only available through completing some very difficult missions in the "Bundorable Chores" mission chain!

Just to bring up something, 200 PVP wins is harder or easier depending on your rank. Just so you don't forget.

Squrwogrona -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/27/2015 14:29:12)

Kinda hope the big surprise wasn't this hardcore mission chain. Anyway decent apetizer for part 2.

Vextur -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/27/2015 14:30:06)

Missions are permanent so you can actually wait for the war to do the wins

On topic: So for so good, but i need to solve everything to leave a full review.

Off topic: I'm sad that devs left us without any further explanation of the big announcment this whole week

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/27/2015 14:32:40)

We will be looking at all feedback for these hardcore Missions. This includes spreading them out (more Missions but less wins required instead), changing objectives such as farming drops from NPCs, etc. Ideas are more than welcome!

This chain was more-or-less a test, since the last Missions like these were around 2-3 years ago (Yeti Training). That, and also giving some exclusive content for high level players. If the Missions are received well, next time the chain will be playable for everyone and not just target specific level range.

No, the big announcement wasn't the Missions. It's still to come, but not just yet.

The berserker killer -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/27/2015 14:34:38)

Awesome job making two chains of missions for those who don't want to go through the hardcore missions. I was looking forward to purchasing Brachylagus' "invisible weapon" though. Hope that finds its way into the game, especially as a varium option or even a Rare Promo package

dfo99 -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/27/2015 15:43:25)

but the naval yard war was not released near same time with the katherax event? then why the war delay get more 500 hours now? this is a really huge difference.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/27/2015 15:52:04)

Naval Yard War was released after the Event was over, rather than before. There are also some art assets which likely need to be finalized before they can be released.

Lord Machaar -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/27/2015 15:57:30)


Missions are permanent so you can actually wait for the war to do the wins.

Best idea ever, I was planning to do them now, but why not postpone them to next week, doing them in the spring break, while the war is going..

dfo99 -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/27/2015 16:22:35)

i said near same, not before.

Lord Machaar -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/27/2015 16:24:08)

Quick question, where I can find these weapons?

Too bad the best one of them and which I liked very much is for mages [:(].
Lay down, try not cry, cry a lot.

Not saying that the mercs/hunters version of the weapon is bad but I believe the staff was the original idea.
Also, looking at the original weapon, http://puu.sh/gS5cu/2c96139220.jpg, many details were removed, plus the staff isn't tall enough to be considered a staff, it's a maul.

Vextur -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/27/2015 16:35:44)


However, some items are only available through completing some very difficult missions in the "Bundorable Chores" mission chain!

I think that's the answer

On topic: Solved the easy mission chain, its nice and rewarding, as always. Gonna leave hardcore one waiting for the war, but i did kill Brachylagus

Lord Machaar -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/27/2015 17:02:43)

^ I see, it's nice to know that Barchy drops a cheevo now, only 300 rating points to 5 blue stars.

The berserker killer -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/27/2015 18:32:12)

Good release. I think more could be done given the fact that its easter (i.e easter egg hunts, egg drops, egg/bunny cores, a sweet promo) but this was good for your average release. In the future I would say:

1) Plan bigger. Theres nothing to do after the missions, no content to enjoy such as Easter Egg Hunts or anything PVP based that we could experiment with (core-wise). Or at least some ultra rare Codes like the ones Sarp dropped on twitter. Or PVP Egg Drops that could be used to open a secret shop when you acquire enough, especially a tournament given the fact that people are finally on break and theres nothing to do since wars been delayed.

2) Pick a better timing. People were looking forward to war during Break. If anything maybe a poll should've been sent out to ask people if they mind war being delayed for a release. To do this you could've used a Poll Website or even RabbleFroths Q&A which is in game and accessible by everyone. With this release after you finish the missions there is nothing to do but wait. Given the fact that this is some peoples break, that "wait" is a huge disappointment since their incentive to "game-out" on ED is now gone.

Overall, average release but could have been better.

Edit: That's my opinion on this release.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/27/2015 18:40:03)

@lord machaar that is correct if the post isn't right the AK's take it down and do it right and p.m. to telling you to read the guide before posting Dn's. Mecha gets me from time to time :D

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/27/2015 19:13:18)


Plan bigger. Theres nothing to do after the missions, no content to enjoy such as Easter Egg Hunts or anything PVP based that we could experiment with (core-wise).

Apart from the hardcore chain which should take a couple of days to finish, even for the most active players getting 300-400 wins a day. And the rewards from the Missions also have a "Rare" tag on them.


If anything maybe a poll should've been sent out to ask people if they mind war being delayed for a release.

Cutting off content for no reason, would've been pretty pointless to do, when there are people on breaks right now. Considering the attention was shifted to the Event, perhaps there wasn't enough time to setup the new war instead? Art assets, coding, etc.

Lord Machaar -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/27/2015 20:46:36)


And the rewards from the Missions also have a "Rare" tag on them.

Really lol?
These are permanent missions, they aren't going anywhere, nor them, nor their prizes, rare tag is usually used for weapons/items never coming back, I think the tag should be Mission Loot or something like that.
Rare generally means something hard to find. But that's in general, in ed, a rare item, is an item that was available for a duration of time and will never come back. There is a big difference, esoecially in disponibility. So for the rewards of the missions since they aren't going anywhere, and they will be always available, they don't deserve the tag "Rare".

I have tried to post some DNs before when no AK was around, and wanted to started the discussion, but they were deleted 1.5 seconds after I posted them, that was harsh.

Vorzathiel -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/27/2015 21:17:08)


Not saying that the mercs/hunters version of the weapon is bad but I believe the staff was the original idea.
Also, looking at the original weapon, http://puu.sh/gS5cu/2c96139220.jpg, many details were removed, plus the staff isn't tall enough to be considered a staff, it's a maul.

due to the file size and little time that i have, i wasn't able to add the things i wanted and refine the designs. however the next thing i make will be much much better.

RageSoul -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/27/2015 21:38:05)

^Still looks nice regardless , but they're more less rabbit-esque IMO .

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/27/2015 22:22:56)

@Lord I couldn't help you there mate. There are a lot of silly rules you have to follow like getting the exact color right on the links and making sure the spacing on the images is correct. All in all it is a pain in the butt to get DN's up on the forums even with the pinned guides

Anyway any of you lovely folks have any feedback for Part 1? I had a lot of help from NW in making that but I still am kinda unsure about it

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/28/2015 2:03:53)


Great expansion on how the Lagomorphs are coping, but little progress on story. I anticipate that Part 2 will feature the usual spare-parts gathering and building, and will end with the Lagomorphs still failing to leave the planet. If that does happen, Part 1 will serve as a good reason for the bunnies to settle down permanently. Only problem with that conclusion, though, is that the Easter Event last year already had the Lagomorphs pretty settled, which would make this event of little significance to their saga.

Squrwogrona -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/28/2015 5:45:15)

I hope lagomorphs will leave for good this time. Capensis and Brachylagus have great ED feeling, but rest of them I can imagine only in an oven. Real immersion breaker for me.

Lord Machaar -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/28/2015 8:51:15)


due to the file size and little time that i have, i wasn't able to add the things i wanted and refine the designs. however the next thing i make will be much much better.

The colors of the weapon in-game (I'm talking about the staff) are way different from the colors of the original one. That fire or ice ball wasn't really necessary, but anyways, the weapon atleast made it in-game with such details on it. I will make sure to add more things I think about this weapon once it's in my hands, since I can't really judge it based on that picture.

Vextur -> RE: =ED= March 27th, 2015 - Rabbits Return! (3/28/2015 9:46:21)

It's not just 200, other missions are like that too. I believe you must win 1200 pvp battles in total to finish it all up

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