My own opinion how to fix balances. (Full Version)

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santonik -> My own opinion how to fix balances. (3/29/2015 21:07:43)

1. Ranks. High ranks player need nerf. Ranks give too much benefits now. Lower rank players cant beat high rank player even he/she is natural anti build. (!!!)

2. Ranks stats benefit only healers and non energy users. STR/tank or focus/tank Both gain too high sum hp/energy. Even other player can doing massive damage whit out energy. Tanks can out healing too easyly high damage player now. Wrong builds get best HP/energy access. This can be fix this way. Nerf all HP/energy skills in game. Buff them this way. More support is more better heal/energy access. Today balance favor tanks too highly. Even tank getting now less hp/energy it is still bigger benefit than not tank players. Tank player can heal looping many ways. others build cant. Tank build need nerf access to energy/hp. This give more balance and variety.

3. Ranks weaken alot all energy basic attacks. like stun grenades, plasma cannon or similars attacks(skilltree). Ranks cant buff skilltree attacks nothing way. That is 1 why we dont see high energy players in high rank matches. We need buff high energy players many ways. 1 way dosent is enough.
High energy player need better protection them energy. It is too easy to destroy opponent energy in this moment. Some classes gain too high sum energy. They make them tank. Super tank whit battery/parasite. Spamming over time even better skills. Than high energy players. High energy player need ASAP buff. Game weakest build is high energy builds. Out of energy they are totally useless.

4. Free cores. Some cores is better than some energy cost skills. Bot special core is very strong. No matter what is yours benefit goodways mostly. Eternal Protection: Increases Defense and Resistance by +15 during battle.
This need something weak side too. This given tank healers unbelieving strong defences. High Burst damagers lose against this core. Not alone that core. but combination in this. Eternall protection, mark of (god)blood and medic heal. This alone can counter (too) much builds now. Even natural anti builds. This core help STR/focus tanks perfeck ways. Every round it can save 15 damage. This alone can make favor too much this core user. Some passive core make tanks even stronger than other builds. Even they using same cores.

5. Some skiltree skills

---Mark of blood: this is too good now. Heavy damager/tank get very high sum hp back. I give this skill tree skill new name. Mark of god. It giving immortal moment some players. opponent must doing over 600+ damage per turn. it is imbosible manyways. This why it need nerf. It cost very low sum energy too. If opponent is no defence but high sum hp. This skill is Freaking overpower. Low defence player cant do nothing but die.

---Parasite. This is good against all. Even opponent is zero energy. you can use parasite. and gain at least 10 energy per turn. This make parasite skill very tactical/overpower skill. Because it works against all.
Parasite is FREAKIN overpower against high energy players. i can say this. It is game breaking skill. Game maker dosent fix yet.

---Poison skillS. Basic damage is too high. Poison damage is fine. Need fix this way. Basic damage is always low. Poison is that what making damage.

---Hybrid armor. Some players saying this is op skill. it isnt. it is own counter ways. 1 way is energy control, rage and poisons. Merc is hard doing heal looping.

---EMP/Static Charge This combo is game breaking.( Specially high tech) cyber hunter player is full energy pool and other player is empty energy pool. Ho wins? Both cyber skill need nerf. Dont worry. Every other energy controll skill/core need nerf too. This give abilty to use builds what dosent using energy cotroll skills at all. this give game variety too.

---Battery. This skill give alot energy. 325+ It allow heal looping or skill spamming. My opinion it need nerf at first and then buff. Buff is Support depent. like every energy controll skill/core

---Smoke screen why this can buff TEch. cyber/techmage debuff is weaker in this moment. Not numeral but builds. Because smoke screen players tanks.(mostly) cyber/techmage need using support. support dont give defences at all
I see few extreme powerfull combos (boynty) smoke and mark of (god)blood. This make them some time immortal super heavy damagers. i see this happens. If techmage try using heavydamger whit debuff. it can be easyly beating others classes.
Because others can heal. Medic heal, Blood commander , Mark of blood or using in this moment poison skill even. Poison skills can doing nuke damage and poison now. I opinion is this nerf smoke screen little bit. Cost more energy. and Buff Malfunction little bit.

---Frenzy This is going favor pure STR builds. It must change like this. Energy contorl depentend pure support. it is still hp gaining and piercing defence ablity too. 20% if i remember correct. Today frenzy give all benefit STR build only. It is shame.

6. VERY important to game balance
--- All Energy depented attacks skill need buff. Because Ranks discriminatory energy cost skill. it buff like this and
or others way. NOTE RAnks favor STR/focus tank healers and STR/focus tank energy gainers too much in this moment. Game need energy NUKE SKILLS. like delta era. This builds is gone now.

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: My own opinion how to fix balances. (4/3/2015 22:52:57)

What I've noticed in ED are 5 common builds. You have 5focus technology, Strength, Ultra Strength, Dex, and 5 focus with about equal dex and tech(85). I think that buffing skills in a skill tree for higher rank players would disrupt the balance too much if they used the skill and would do more damage...\
Honestly, a percentage base energy steal was honestly a disaster. It ruins high energy builds. I agree with the smoke and malfunction. I feel like they should counter eachother though. Tech for smoke, dexterity for malfunction maybe. I'm not too sure/ But definitely increase the support scaling

Lord Machaar -> RE: My own opinion how to fix balances. (4/4/2015 6:49:15)

1- This has been said many times, but who listens?

2- When you talk about tanks, you should keep this in mind, there is a rank 1 tank, and rank 60 tank. The difference is, sure we all know that rank 60 tank is OP, can heal loop, has massive energy, massive robot damage, but, is it the case for a rank 1 tank? You talked about balancing skills and hp/energy, but that sure will fix tank builds in high ranks, what about low rank tanks players, who use this build to encounter high rank str players. It's whether you balance ranks, meaning that will balance high rank players directly, leaving low rank players intact.

3- Energy in this game is messed up. The reason why high energy players are semi-underdog here, specially at low ranks, it's because, players who have base energy, have no problem, because they have enough energy to make them use whatever skill they want, even maxed out, and this serves better strenght builds.

4- I have pointed many times that:
from rank 1 - 20: No build. From rank 20 - 50: Strenght builds. From rank 50 - 60: Tank builds.
What we see now, tank builds haven't really changed since gamma/delta, 5 focus with high technology, meduim hp and base energy with a powerful bot. This is still case. Strenght builds are promoted in omega, especially by ranks, Strenght builds weakness were the following:
- You had to put some level up stats in energy in order to use some str based skills. Not the case since all stenght builds have 620 appr energy in their disposal + energy draining/gaining.
- Strenght builds had low resistance and high dexterity, not the case now, since ranks cover this up.
- Fast wins / Meduim win ratio before, now Fast wins and Good win ratio especially starting from rank 30.
We basically have now Strenght/Tank builds. We no more have strenght builds only, and even those who put 113 str + 35, now have high resistance and dexterity. Making it impossible for any build to stand out. Talking about variety, this is not variety.

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: My own opinion how to fix balances. (4/4/2015 11:26:28)

Agreed, honestly ranks need to go away, this is complete bull. I'm high rank and I know this is a really dumb idea

The Death Angel -> RE: My own opinion how to fix balances. (4/5/2015 5:02:31)

Now, I haven't properly played this game since Beta, but I still have a big issue with a game that focuses on PvP AND has levels which grants you an advantage over people lower leveled.
Ranks is not inherently the biggest problem in my opinion as it's basically a byproduct of the accepted differences each level grants you. It was a huge complaint ages ago and it hasn't changed a bit from my perspective. Basically I'm stomping anyone lower than me and I get stomped by anyone higher than me. That's the name of the game atm. Sure it's not impossible to win against someone 3-4 levels higher than you, but it's a slim chance regardless. I think this can be very disheartening to newcomers and the fact that trend only continues at level 40 doesn't help it.

Just my 2 cents. I'm not super experienced but I played my fair share during the Beta and I'm happy to see a lot of these changes. The P2W aspect has lessened a huge ton (coming from a P2W player basically) and that's god damn amazing to see. A lot of games only continue their P2W trend since it's easy to attract whales with etc, but it doesn't make up for a healthy game.

Lord Machaar -> RE: My own opinion how to fix balances. (4/5/2015 6:59:34)


Ranks is not inherently the biggest problem in my opinion as it's basically a byproduct of the accepted differences each level grants you.

I don't know if you've ever played a level 38 - 40 rank 10 character before, but here is the thing, once you reach level 38, it's like reaching adulthood (ranks), you always wish to come back to your childhood (leveling up system), leveling system might look "imbalanced" for you at the moment, but here is the following thing in ranking system:
- Levels: If your level is lower than your opponent, you have a high chance to start first.
Ranks: A level 38 can face a level 40 rank 120, considering that the only difference between both is 2 levels, which means level 40 r120 can start first.
- If you defeat a player with higher level than you, you gain more rewards.
Ranks: not the case in ranking system.
- Concerning builds, at any given level, you can play the build you want, whether it's 5 focus or strenght.
Ranks: Your rank defines the build you will play with, at low rank you can't play strenght builds, or you will be a farming product.

This leads to this very sad conclusion, they will never, ever, add one more rank after rank 60, and the reason why, since a level 38 faces players rank 60 - 120, even though these ranks aren't counted, once they unlock them, a level 38 will still face a rank 120, but this time all 120 ranks counted. Is it going to be fair for level 38? Ofcourse not. Which means they will have to put rank ranges, like level ranges (You can't play with a player level lower or higher than you by 5 levels), by doing that, and making the following rank range, you can't face a player 60 ranks higher or lower than you, then they will isolate high rank players starting from rank 80 to rank 120 (Because there aren't many players rank 40+).

Which means, as a personal opinion, in leveling up case, you knew there is a level cap, and level cap will be raised soon, so you try to reach that level cap as soon as possible, leading into more and more players leveling up. In ranking system, you know a cap rank, but the difference, it will never be raised, so why the rush? only hardcore (no-lifers) will aim for rank cap, meaning they will be isolated, sure devs don't want that, so they let a rank 60 face level 38, knowing it's not right, because according to their original plan, a lot of players will rank up, meaning that high rank players will face each other, it's not the case, and that's thanks to lack of a long term vision, and that sure will remind you of enhancements and how they ruined the game with, before their removal and after them.

The Death Angel -> RE: My own opinion how to fix balances. (4/5/2015 13:19:52)

I simply think neither should exist as they do right now. In either case it doesn't make for an appealing core for a PvP game. To me levelling is something that belongs to games that mainly focus on PvE game. Watching you as you progress your character and fight even greater foes etc.
When I play a PvP game, my progression shouldn't be shown through level advantages but the skills and experience I've developed through the years. It becomes a slippery slope in which the lower level players will never be able to catch up with the higher level players due to their advantage whilst facing off.

Levels can exist in the game of course, but let it be as a cosmetic thing and a show of your dedication. This used to be a hot topic way back, but it seems to have difused as years went by and it was never touched upon. It's just my 2 cent. Remove ranks & level advantages all together and replace it with cosmetic rewards. It's supposed to be a PvP orientated game so let it be.

Lord Machaar -> RE: My own opinion how to fix balances. (4/5/2015 16:38:54)

Well, that's what I have been saying in the last couple of months, but you can clearly say that ED is no longer a PVP oriented game, it's a mix now between PVP and PVE. When you see players with 50k, 40k and 30k NPC wins, well that's something.

The Death Angel -> RE: My own opinion how to fix balances. (4/5/2015 17:51:23)

Ah, apologies then. I honestly thought they did away with NPC wins somewhere in gamma? The issues you mention are almost as old as the game itself and they're pretty glaring issues at that. A bit surprised and sad that there has been no actions in regards to either.
I'm trying to get a overall picture of the issues these days. I wasn't very active what so ever during Gamma/Delta so it's all a bit unclear, but I've been following the game slightly. I was genuinely shocked when I saw the introductions of ranks beyond lvl 40 since it only further increases the issues with level disparity and the advantages that comes with it.

Have they ever addressed any of these concerns in the past?

Mother1 -> RE: My own opinion how to fix balances. (4/5/2015 18:08:02)

@ The Death Angel

When Omega first started they did take away NPC wins counting towards your records for 1 vs 1.

However later in game people complained about this so they made it so that NPC had their own separate slot setting for the player. In other words you can still get them but they don't count to your overall 1 vs 1 win ratio, but rather they have their own slot.

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: My own opinion how to fix balances. (4/5/2015 20:45:57)

I think they should count w/out having their own slot, but whatever. Same concept on why they stupidly removed losses and win %'s on LB's

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