<Scroll> History of Cor Libra and its Leader I (Full Version)

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DracoUltimus -> <Scroll> History of Cor Libra and its Leader I (4/17/2015 17:08:57)

*Diary Entry of Dragonlord Lance*

September 22;
I didn't make it in time... Sepulchure has already virtually destroyed the town of ValenGuard... Supposedly it has something to do with his past. Further interrogation from straggling necromancers yeilded an interesting tidbit of information... They also seemed to be searching for the source of a powerful Soul Energy signature. They seemed to believe it to be "Dragon-like". Sepulchure had invaded only to find another, darker, Soul signature... This worries me... I will have to Search harder for survivors...

September 22;
I believe i found the source of the signature the ShadowScythe forces were searching for. It seemed to belong to a young boy, a mere 8 year old. He seemed extremely distraught. Upon questioning, he claimed that a man with black, spiky hair and a headband had taken his younger brother exclaiming something about darkness and power beyond measure... The discription of the man seemed to match with Drakath Slugwrath. That fool never seems to give up... Worse yet, 7 of the 8 elemental orbs are already is his possession. I have decided to take the child under my wing as my apprentice... He will need to learn to channel his latent power if we do not wish to have him used against us. Besides... the child intrigues me. Not only does he seem to have a surprisingly pure heart for someone who's town was just destroyed, he shares the same name as my dragon, Emril.

January 5;
Emril's training is going extremely well. He seems to be able to channel all many elements. So far, I've counted Fire, Ice, Light, Darkness, Energy, raw mana, and another element... one that I'm unfamiliar with... For some reason he has only used that element upon becoming extremely upset, and the results are often frightening. His eyes would glow a deep violet as a sickly shade of green energy coursed up and down his body before firing a powerful violet magic blast. He once used this technique on attacking bandits... the ones that survived started to mutate, some sprouting purple tentacles and horns, some merely gaining glowing violet eyes. All of them died after a few hours. It seemed so unnatural for such a polite young boy to become so... chaotic. I may have to seal this paticular element off from his use.

*The following entry is written seven years after these events*

May 31;
Emril's training ended today. He seemed saddened, but also determined at the thought of fighting on his own. He once mentioned to me that he wanted to create a guild. A guild of mercenaries. At the time I laughed it off at a joke, but when he offered me a place as Co-Guildmaster, I began to realize that he had actually put a lot of thought into the idea. I ended up turning him down. I had to. I'm getting married in the fall. I wished him the best of luck and prayed that the Light would always be with him. I shook his hand and ruffled his bright white hair. Before I could turn and walk away, Emril instantly hugged me. This was unexpected... But when he began to cry... I couldn't take it any longer. I began crying as well, because I could no longer deny it... After so many years of watching him grow and fight, he became like a son to me. And I couldn't help but feel like this would be the last time I ever saw him.

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