Red The Chaos Slayer (Full Version)

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Red96 -> Red The Chaos Slayer (4/21/2015 12:07:55)

Hi Guys it's my first fan fiction, so i'm sorry for the bad english, i know it's seem long but it's preety interesting so thanks for reading it [:)]
By the way here's the Discussion thread for any suggestion

Once theres this guy, Champion of Goodness, good strong man, good strong name. I mean his name begin with Champion and ends with Goodness. He serve in the King Alteon Golden Army. His job is guard the Palace and patrol around the city upholding peace and order throughout the city. Even though Sepulchure, leader of everything deemed bad in the world and Supreme Commander of the Doomknight, threaten the Kingdom of Swordhaven with war, things in the world is preety peacefull, compare of what’s coming that is. And there’s 151096, which is me. At this point i’m just a regular dude in the Alteon Peace Keeper Army. The task is simple, wait in the citadel all day long waiting for a bird carrying a massage asking for our assistance. When we do get the letter we ride all day and night trying to get there. Even though there’s so many peace keeper citadel around the kingdom, it’s hard to keep guard such a massive kingdom. And in each citadel there’s probably only about 3-5 persons. In my citadel there’s only 3. Me, 151096, my partner the warrior Gamma Warlord, and our bladesmith PvP Commander. They’re probably the best in what they do. Gamma study the way of Oracle, art of evasion and healing, providing a great support for our team. PvP commander study the way of Ninja, art of trickery and shadow. I, in the other hand study the way of Chunin, art of endurance and strength. Together we make a preety good team. Together, we never fail our mission protecting our arena within the kingdom, eventhough sometime it’s impossible. For short, we call our self names. I, 151096, get the nickname Red. Because i used to wear read cape all the time for no reason at all. Gamma get the nickname gamma, just like his name, so it’s not really a nickname i guess. PvP get the nickname shadow, cause in every battle he sneaks up behind the enemy and give us the upperhand.

One day, we felt the ground shaking in our feet. Gamma, whose still sleeping, didn’t feel a thing. But I and commander felt it preety good. When it’s begin, commander said “dude wtf was that? Do you feel that or is it because of this ale i’ve been drinking?” and i was like “it’s an earthquake!! How am i suppose to not felt that?!?”. After a few moment we laugh and wake gamma up. “Guys come on!! I’m on that tower all night and now when i can sleep you got to laugh like that keeping me awake?? What the hell!!”. We both keep our mouth shut because we dont want to face his wrath any longer. After few minute of rage he cover his face with the blanket and go back to sleep. Which, of course, a big relief for the two of us. The morning aren’t that busy for us, i ge the boring job at the top of the citadel watching our surrounding, and PvP get the even more boring job of cleaning the citadel. I think i need to make clear tho that what i mean when i said citadel is actually a small hut with a preety high tower on the roof. So it’s not like a big citadel with many cannons and watch towers like the one you see in the movie.

After lunch, we are about to get ready for our ordinary and boring routine, when something unexpected happen. A messenger bird come in to our tower. Of course we know what it meant. It’s still my turn to watch the tower so i immidietly read the content of the letter. It said something like this “A giant pack of orc has raid our village, and they’ve been coming back ever since. Please send help immediately!” Knowing it’s an urgent problem all of us immediately wear our armor and preparing our sword and shield, preparing food to take, and of course prepare the horses to go. We rush to the village, not resting even for one bit during the day. We only stop when the night is too dark for us to see. And in the first light we rush our horses once again to the village. When we get there, it’s a terrible. “We should’ve keep raiding at night, we might get here a little sooner,” said gamma. We both agree of course. Many people are injured, and the dead is just lying there, because the one who do alive didn’t have either the courage or the power to move the. “Can you direct us to your elder house?” ask shadow. The peasant said with low and broken voice, “He’s dead. He is in charge now,” while pointing to a big guy holding a big axe. “Red, try to talk to him, ask about what has happen since last night. I’ll go help the villagers with shadow,” said gamma with serious voice. We know it’s time to do our job. So i approach this big guy and said, “excuse me, are you the one in charge here?”, he replied with deep voice, “No, i just protect these people anyway i can, which is not much. You’re with the peace keeper?”, “Yes, but it’s appear we’re too late.” I can see from in his eyes inside he’s tired and hurt, since everywhere in his body are covered with wounds. He then sat down, and said, “ if you want to help, the nest of the orcs aren’t that far east, just pass the Dragon’s Cave. Be careful though, the Green Dragon will not let you pass his area without a fight. Try to avoid combat with it, or you’ll be in for some fight.” After saying that, i move back and go to the rest of my team. “I’ve spoken with that dude, and he told me where to find those orc pack,” after saying that shadow eyes are fill with rage and he said, “come on, it’s time to give some justice to those orc! Come on gamma, let’s go! We’ll help these people more by killing those orc!” gamma only nod and we’re preparing to leave.

On the way, we keep seeing strange purple slime along the way. Shadow finally have the courage to bring it up in the conversation, “yo check up these purple slime. I’ve never seen it around Green Guard Forest before.” Gama replied calmly, “who cares man, we’re here to beat up those coward orc who attack on the weak. I dont care about slime.” I just keep my mouth shut because in one hand, i want to know what this purple slime really is, but in the other, i also know i should be focusing on killing those orc pack. We finally found our way to the Green Dragon Nest. “damn, we can’t go through without being smelled by that dragon!”, said gamma. I know we need to think another way around, but there’s no path across it’s lair. “Maybe we should just kill it. I mean i can distract it, then shadow get behind his back, and you deliver the ultimate puch gamma!” I said that with all my courage, knowing it’s not a good idea, but since shadow and gamma are just frozen not knowing what to do, i had to do something. “Alright, lets do this! We do Red’s plan. Shadow, get behind it at all cost. Red, go to the lair’s mouth, draw that beast out. I’ll stick my blade in his throat, then you rush in and kill it. But remember, shadow his tail gonna break you to half if it hits, and red it’s fire gonna toast you fried so watch out.” Gamma finally get his sense of leadership and strategy back, and we do as he said. It took my every drop of courage to stand in the mouth of that lair. I know the beast that about to come out will be a trouble for me. Finally with blood frozen like ice, i scream, “COME OUT, DRAGON!” And there he appear, not a fully mature dragon, but almost as tall as a pine tree. I prepare my sheild, getting ready for his fire breath, but before it got the chance Gamma jump from the back and stick his blade in the dragon’s throat. Shadow throw his knife to it’s feet, and the beast can’t no longer stand. And i rush in to the dragon, jumping with all my strength and stick my blade between it’s eye. After that it no longer move. “Nice job red, though you gonna freak out back there” said shadow mocking me. I just smiled, knowing it’s true. “Come on, the orc’s camp can’t be far from here,” said Gamma. And he’s right, only a few hour of walking and we can see those orc’s camp.

We scout the camp before we rush in and kill them. The plan is to wait ‘till it’s dark and then rush and kill those orc in their sleep. But the closer and the longer we look, we can notice there’s something diffrent with those orc. Their eyes are bright purple, and their skin is also purple with long claw and spiking hair. We know there’s more to it than meet the eye, but we decide to ignore it untill all those orc are dead. Finally it’s dark, and gamma said, “let’s go! Shadow, you take right! Red, take left! I’ll push from the north and kill the rest!” There’s like 12 of those orc’s so we really need the element of suprise here. We sneek around, hoping they won’t see us, and when we’re at position, we rush together, killing those orc along the way. It’s not hard killing those orc, only 2 of ‘em are awake and the rest are sleeping, so it’s not hard for us to win. After the battle, then we start to talk about the weird purple thingy. “What do you think it is Red?” shadow asks with curiosity. Before i get the chance to reply, something come out of the bushes and suprise us. “I must say, watching you ambush those orc are preety intresting.” We didn’t recognize it before, because it was dark. The guy had a spiky mask on, and all of his armor are red. Took us time, but we realize who they are. They are the DoomKnight! Sepulchure Loyal Knight! Why are they here? It’s way beyond their territory. There’s 8 of ‘em and we know we’re not only outnumber but we’re out matched and out skilled. “Well now, time for you all to die!” he said with sadistic voice. We thought we’re done for, but before they get close enough a ray of light burst behind us. And then that ball of lightning shoot up to the doomknight, blasting them back. At first we don’t know who saves us, but when the light clear we know who they are. It’s the Golden Army! Alteon Elite Army! There’s only 5 of ‘em but we know they make the number even for us, so we also rush in with them fighting those DoomKnight. It’s hard for me, because these DoomKnight are trained to fight all their life, and they’re very skilled with sword. But by fighting back to back with shadow and gamma, we were able to defeat them and capture them.

As the first light shine our face, we know we had survived the night, and we have won our battle and complete our mission. “I will take these DoomKnight to the dungeon. Would you company us to Swordhaven?” ask the big guy whose clearly their leader. “No, we need to get back to a village near here who might need our help to rebuild their village,” I answer with hoping other will agree. They keep their mouth shut, so i know i was doing the right thing. “Well then, i’m sure you guys can manage to pass these wood without us. Farewell,” said him. “Hey what’s your name??” ask shadow before the guy turn his face around. “Champion, Champion of Goodness. Good luck guys!” after saying that he turn around and leave with his knight. We get back to the village, and talk to the big guy again, “Hey you can sleep with peace now, the orc are dead!” said shadow with enthusiasm. “Thank you, but there’s another problem! Some of our villagers had turn berzerk and hurting other people!” he said with fear in his eye. We’re startled of course, didn’t know what to expect. I finally say, “What happen to them?” “They just turn purple, and start growing claws, and they hurt people and ran off to the easter part of the wood!” reply the big guy. In my head all i can think off is the purple slime we see along the way to the orc’s camp. “We’ll get your people back. Shadow, Red, Let’s go!” said gamma with charisma that he didn’t show very much. Before we go though, the big guy said, “Please, stay one more night in our village. We’re afraid if you leave they’ll come back and no one will be able to fight them. Just stay for the night, and go after them in the morning. Please?” He clearly begging because he can’t protect them alone. So we decide to stay one more night in the village. I tried to get as much sleep as possible, because i know, tommorow a new threat will arise and we mush be ready to fight it off.

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