RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (Full Version)

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Rickyb20 -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (9/17/2015 13:52:22)

Name of person requesting: Iron Volvametal

Request #1 (feat. Cape of Awe):
Request #1 (feat. Battleworn Shield and Mantle):
Request #2 (feat. Celestial Wings of Nulgath):
Request #2 (feat. Cape of Giants): (I'm going to assume you meant to say Base, since the Cape of Giants is color custom to Base and not Trim.)

Name of person requesting: Zeldax

BC Hair + Bats:
BC Hair + Cape:
WFoN + Bats:
WFoN + Cape:

Name of person requesting: jbuggz

Mana Dagger:
Assassin Swords:

Zeldax -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (9/19/2015 9:15:57)

Gender: N/A
Helmet: Bald
Armor: Invisible Ninja
Back Item: Skeletal Spirits Cape
Weapon: Unarmed

A running image please.

Rickyb20 -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (9/19/2015 14:49:36)

Name of person requesting: Zeldax

Zeldax -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (9/20/2015 6:28:19)

Gender: Male
Helmet: Dark Heart Manly Locks and Dark Heart Helm of Grief
Armor: Mechanical Naval Commander
Back Item: Frigid Matrix of Revontheus
Weapon: Unarmed (With and without arms clicked)

Gender: Male
Helmet: Dark Heart Helm of Grief
Armor: Love Weaver
Back Item: None
Weapon: ExoKatana Binsoku

arrogant03 -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (9/23/2015 13:23:53)

Gender: Male
Helmet: Original Paragon Helmet or Ultimate Lich King Helm or Paragon Faceplate
Armor: Ultimate Lich King
Back Item: Cerberus' Bane
Weapon: Caladbolg
Pet: None
Color (trim, armor, hair, etc): None

and 1 more request if it's okay..

Gender: Male
Helmet: None
Armor: Oversoul Paladin
Back Item: Sentinel Cape or Inferno Stalker's Wrap or Bright Paladin Cape or Tattered Dragon Cloak
Weapon: Blinding Light of Destiny / Ascended Light of Destiny
Pet: None
Color (trim, armor, hair, etc): Acessory: #000000, Trim: #FFFFFF Armor: #000000, Skin: #FFFFFF, Eyes: #FF0000 Hair: #111111 (SuggestedHair)

Thanks, I'll Appreciate it :)

As stated in the first post, "Signatures are not needed here and may distract from responses. Please refrain from using your signature while posting in this thread."

Have an awesome day now ~Coxy

Lordhaiku -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (10/9/2015 10:07:28)

Gender: W/e
Helmet: W/e (something not too distracting/bulky)
Armor: W/e (something not too distracting/bulky)
Back Item: Prismatic dragon morph wings
Weapon: W/e (something not too distracting/bulky)
Pet: None
Color (trim, armor, hair, etc): Pitch black (Trim and base)

Or if you know wether black base and trim actually makes the wings completely pitch black just tell me and I won't need a preview (Altough it'd still be nice)

Hideyoshi -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (10/28/2015 21:19:35)

Gender: Male
Helmet: Origial Paragon Helm / Ultimate Lich King Helm
Armor: Ultimate Lich King
Back Item: Pre-furred Cape of Cerberus / Cerberus' Bane
Weapon: Unarmed
Pet: none
Color (trim, armor, hair, etc): any

thanks :)

creepy gy -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (10/31/2015 7:23:53)

Gender: Dont care
Helmet: Creeper Flame Jack Helm and Creeper Jack Helm
Armor: Mutant Pumpkin Lord
Back Item: None
Weapon: Ungodly Reavers of Nulgath and Sinister Pumpkin Sickles
Pet: None
Color (trim, armor, hair, etc): Base: #DD7B3C
Trim: #527A59
Accessory: #527A59

Apeiron -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (11/7/2015 12:31:09)

Gender: Male
Helmet: Good Iron Wing 2 and Good Iron Wing 1
Armor: Swordhaven Royalty
Back Item:None
Weapon: Unarmed
Color (trim, armor, hair, etc):Any

overdead -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (11/13/2015 22:06:34)

Gender: Male
Helmet: Doom seppulchure's helm from the f13 shop
Armor: Seppulchure's doomknight armor
Back Item:none
Weapon: necrotic sword of doom
Color (trim, armor, hair, etc): n/a

axell5 -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (11/21/2015 5:06:41)

Gender: Male
Helmet: Wretched Helmet
Armor: Wretched Ghoul
Back item: Deadman's Widowmaker, Wretched Bloodblades, Wretched Widowmaker Cape
Weapon: Something that matches it(excluding the weapons from the deadman ghoul shop and different options are very welcomed and appreciated)
Also, if possible, i would like to see those items in different positions(still, walking, fighting) because I'm not sure wether an item is worth it or not.

Boom u doom -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (11/30/2015 16:18:34)

2k Doom Lord Set
Gender: Male
Helmet: Doom Lord Vordred Helm
Armor: Doom Lord Vordred
Back Item: Doom Lord Vordred Cape
Weapon: Doom Lord Skull Breaker

5k Doom Lord Set
Gender: Male
Helmet: Doom Lord Vordred Helm
Armor: Doom Lord Vordred
Back Item: Sword and Skull Cape
Weapon: Dual Skull Breaker

Deciding on which pack to buy, thanks in advance.
Edit: Thank you Harrison, didn't even realize the daggers were smaller at first!

Harrison -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (11/30/2015 19:01:51)

Name of person requesting: 301st Legion

Name of person requesting: Boom u doom
Image 1 (2k Set):
Image 2 (5k Set):

Sorry about the other requests above, unable to do them.

Orthrus -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (12/20/2015 0:45:53)

Gender: Female
Helmet: Seaweed Swirl helm
Armor: Winter's Dark equinox
Back Item: None
Weapon: Unarmed

Robes and fur black please whilst accessory greenish [:)]

thanks in advance

Nalima10 -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (12/31/2015 20:05:57)

Gender: Male
Helmet: None
Armor: Sepulchure's DoomKnight Armor
Back Item: None
Weapon: Sepulchure's Undead Blade
Pet: None
Color (trim, armor, hair, etc): Not CC

Iron Volvametal -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (1/16/2016 14:40:26)

I would like to see these two sets side-by-side for comparison, please.

Gender: Either
Helmet: Rogue Fiend Hood & Knightmare Helm
Armor: Warlord of Nulgath
Back Item: Nyctox's Cloak
Weapon: Blade of Affliction
Pet: None
Color (trim, armor, hair, etc): Eyes: #FDCF00 Base:#224045 Trim: #791B1B

Gender: Either
Helmet: Rogue Fiend Hood & Knightmare Helm
Armor: Evolved Warlord of Nulgath
Back Item: Night Shroud
Weapon: Blade of Affliction
Pet: None
Color (trim, armor, hair, etc): Eyes: #FDCF00 Base:#224045 Trim: #791B1B

rouan -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (1/19/2016 7:38:52)

Gender: Male
Helmet: Leather Rogue Hood / ShadowMage Hood (2) / Chaos Breaker's Hood
Armor: Armor of the Sun
Back Item: Prismatic Wings of Life
Weapon: None
Pet: None
Color (trim, armor, hair, etc): Trim: #FFFFFF

Uncle Monkey -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (4/16/2016 14:51:54)

Gender: Either
Helmet: n'a
Armor: Warlord of Nulgath
Back Item: Voidcaster's Backblades
Weapon: n/a
Pet: n/a
Color (trim, armor, hair, etc): n/a

jefadrian -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (4/22/2016 21:26:02)

Gender: male
Helmet: Bald
Armor: Necrotize Warrior
Back Item: none
Weapon: Shadowreaper of Doom

k24 -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (4/27/2016 14:27:16)

This is a little different, but could anyone show what the following house paintings look like?

Nulgath Painting: Alteon

Nulgath Painting: Gravelyn


Silent Sapphire -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (5/22/2016 23:27:52)

Gender: Male
Helmet: none
Armor: Crimson Pirate Mage
Back Item: Gilded Black Hood
Weapon: Burning Blade
Pet: None
Color: none

T7388 -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (5/23/2016 3:52:48)

Name of person requesting: Silent Sapphire

Blighty -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (6/18/2016 21:50:52)

I want a sword like this please .3. [:)][:)][:)]

Hendrik -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (6/19/2016 7:49:37)

Name of person requesting: k24
Image: Paintings by Milton Pool.

Character for scale.

blitzacid -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (6/21/2016 9:42:00)

Gender: Male
Helmet:Gilded Tyndareous Helm
Armor: Lion's Bane
Back Item: Kyron's Blessing
Weapon: Blazing Challenger

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