Constant class check (Full Version)

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Darkwing -> Constant class check (4/28/2015 11:26:54)

One of the big problems of ED is and was in the past too, that the balance changes make either a class too good, thjat outshines the other classes, or it just provides too many options and good win rates unlike the rest.

At least after important balance changes, the team should check classes to see if one performs better, is faster to play, has mpre options to see why too many players play the same class over again.

The last flavour of the month after balance changes looks like BM. And even if poison got a nerf, TLm still holds strong.

If I see TM, normal,mercenary, CH in a battle, then it mujst be a holiday or something, cause it's a rare thing.

You guys have to provide each class as many reasons to try and play as any other class or why keep 6 classes if most only play 2. Heck, if the next day they remove TM I'm sure none or close to none will notice or care.

Everyone plays what works the best and that's it. Give us reasons to play all classes, not just the class the shines after some balance changes. Play, test, and see what needs tp be done.

Guppy -> RE: Constant class check (4/28/2015 13:22:59)

I agree that classes need more balancing but I see Tech Mage quite a lot and I quite enjoy Tech Mage, I'd definitely notice if it were gone, as would many others.

Xendran -> RE: Constant class check (4/28/2015 17:30:36)

Game has aspects that make it fundamentally impossible to balance without redoing the def/res system from the ground up.

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