Mama Mia! (Full Version)

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golden1231 -> Mama Mia! (5/8/2015 21:40:09)


Mama Mia!

Location: Soluna City --> Parma John's Mom! New Mission!
Objective: Nice job! You scared off the Rusty Rats and got the cheese Parma John needed!
Requirements: None
Release Date: May 8th, 2015

  • Rusty Rat Mecha

  • Parma John
  • [url=]Rusty Rat[/url]
  • [url=]Cheesemongrel[/url]

    Parma John: I could really use your help, <You>.
    Parma John: Those Rusty Rats have ruined my supply of cheese. They try every so often to run me out of business but it never works.
    Parma John: I wouldn't usually care if they ruined the supply since their corporation always pays damages and I get a fresh shipment tomorrow.
    Parma John: Today, though, is the day I make a special meal for my Mama! She's coming to visit, just like she does every year, and I have no cheese to make the meal!
    Parma John: She loves m special Burrata and I'd feel horrible if those rats ruined today.
    Parma John: If I give you some credits can you go pick some up for me? I have to get everything else prepped and ready.
    <You>: Sure! Where do you usually get a quick shipment of cheese at this hour though?
    Parma John: The Werewolves have some amazing moonlight aged cheese I usually get shipments of. I'm sure they have a partial batch ready to buy.
    <You>: The Werewolves? Are you sure it won't turn people into more of them?
    Parma John: How many meals have you eaten here? You don't seem all that furry.
    <You>: True. Alright, where am I headed to?
    Parma John: There's a warehouse in Soluna North where they ship from. You should be able to head over there and pick some up.
    Parma John: Here's the credits for the cheese. I'll give you some extra for your trouble when you come back.
    *Receives credits*
    <You>: I'll be back in a bit then.

    Rusty Rat: So, the old man thinks that someone else can get him more cheese to save his silly little shop.
    Rusty Rat: I'll shut you down right here and he'll have no hope of staying open!

    (After defeating all enemies:)
    Cheezmongrel: 'Sup?
    <You>: Hey, Parma John sent me to see if you have any extra cheese for a quick pick up?
    Cheezmongrel: Ah, yeah. No problem. Guess those Rats are making trouble again. You smell like you ran into a few.
    <You>: More than I would have liked.
    Cheezmongrel: Here you go. Tell Parma John that his normal shipment will get there tomorrow. This is just an extra since it's an emergency.
    <You>: Awesome, thanks!

    Parma John: Just in time! I'm almost ready to work the cheese in.
    Parma John: I hope the Rusty Rats didn't give you any trouble. I heard what happened outside.
    <You>: They're more of an annoyance than anything, even though they travel in packs.
    Parma John: Well you made dinner possible tonight. I know my Mama would thank you as well if she was here.
    Parma John: I'll let her know how much you helped though. Here's the extra credits I promised as well.
    *Receives random amount of credits*

    Rewards Shop:
  • Swiss Cheese Shop

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