Venom Strike (Full Version)

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Wox.SA -> Venom Strike (5/15/2015 11:27:28)

Don't you guys hate when you lose a battle because the poison does not kill? Atleast I do, I think the Venom Strike is pretty much useless since it only ''HAS TO'' do damage once, ofc it can do damage over those 3 rounds if you use it right but poison should do the damage it says it does and should be able to kill.
If you think it would be too Over Powered, You could make it deal 50% of normal damage instead of 85% when you apply it.

Moved to ED Balance. ~Battle Elf

Ranloth -> RE: Venom Strike (5/15/2015 11:30:26)

Poison not killing your opponent is also an engine limitation, due to how it's coded in the engine - which checks it after your turn begins (and takes HP away), rather than checking after your opponent's turn is over but before your begins.

It was suggested before, was brought up with the Devs, and won't be happening due to the above.

Wox.SA -> RE: Venom Strike (5/15/2015 13:37:02)

Coding it otherwise is possible you know, I don't think it would take too long either. Pretty stupid to make the engine like that so it checks it before instead of checking after the opponents turn.

Ranloth -> RE: Venom Strike (5/15/2015 13:51:24)

Yeah, and it would've been done in the past already if it was that easy - battle engine was recoded from scratch even, when Omega was released (since that was the whole point of Omega; technical debt). Is it possible to do that in Flash? Yes. Is it possible to code it into the current battle engine? It isn't, without doing a major overhaul to how DoT (effect) works, how HP/EP works, and how the code (skill) would work with DoT (effect).

You'd have to update the engine, which is really low priority for minor stuff like these. AQClassic has been doing minor engine updates for a while, but they are really minor, and happen every few months. It's easier to do it there, because AQClassic is a single-player game - unlike ED, which is a PvP MMO; these are always a bit harder to work around in.

Wox.SA -> RE: Venom Strike (5/15/2015 17:17:13)

I don't really know why you are answering lol. Let the mods etc read this and if they think its a good idea bring it up to the devs :)

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Venom Strike (5/15/2015 17:22:10)

@Wox.SA Ranloth is a tester and writer so if someone were to bring it up to the dev's he would be on that list

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