[KNOWN] Platinum Pulverizer - Ebil Crusher (Full Version)

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Optimise -> [KNOWN] Platinum Pulverizer - Ebil Crusher (5/22/2015 17:02:11)

Name: Optimise
Level: 30
Class: Tech Mage
Server/s: Epic

Operating System: Windows 8
Browser: Internet Explorer 11
Flash Player Version: 17.0.0 (Latest)
Internet Connection (wireless, high-speed, etc.): 50mbps - Fibre Optic

Brief Description: I went through the Ultraloop mission chain and obtained the Platinum Pulverizer - when I went into battle against the Chairman, the auxiliary did only 30 damage.
Error Messages (if any):

Step by step details to duplicate issue:
1. Equip the Platinum Pulverizer
2. Challenge Chairman Platinum
3. Use the Platinum Pulverizer

Screenshot (if any): http://i.imgur.com/ciTQTcg.png
Additional Details (if any): If I recall correctly - I did over 300-400 damage with the auxiliary when I used it on my other accounts, few months ago. I did not upgrade the auxiliary on any of my accounts, even so, I remember it doing over 300+ damage against Chairman Platinum on my other accounts. I also tried going according with the description of the core, where I purposely took a lot of damage ('Absorbs damage from Platinum's attacks, allowing you to use it against him.' - as the core states) from Chairman Platinum and then rage aux, and ended up with the same result - only 30 damage.

Striker44 -> RE: [KNOWN] Platinum Pulverizer - Ebil Crusher (6/3/2015 12:35:24)

I test it and yes Ebil Crusher don't work.

dfo99 -> RE: [KNOWN] Platinum Pulverizer - Ebil Crusher (6/6/2015 1:42:18)

here is inflict same damage of a normal bazooka but still made you imune to chairman damage

Mecha Mario -> RE: [KNOWN] Platinum Pulverizer - Ebil Crusher (6/12/2015 14:12:33)

Thanks for the report! Along with the core Icy Chill, this has been noted for review.

Tagged as known

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