A catchup? (Full Version)

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King FrostLich -> A catchup? (5/24/2015 13:07:38)

I've been inactive for 1 year and I want to know what alot of balance changes have happened. So far, this is all I know:

- Gun now scales with dex
- Aux slightly scaled slower
- Nearly all robot damage are equal but still have unique special attacks.
- Minimum chance for block, deflect and crit can now be 0%

How many am I missing out?

Rayman -> RE: A catchup? (5/24/2015 13:13:36)

Not Much changed at all but You can check all the patch notes: Here from the past year

But they added an Underdog Mode to help the low ranks fight the Higher ranks which had a powerful advantage over lower ranks. Also applies to lower lvls.

Primary DMG Was Nerfed again.

Gamma Bot Nuke Attack is 105% DMG instead of 100% Now.

and I'm missing a few things.

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