Regaliours OOC(Closed...!) (Full Version)

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Arthur -> Regaliours OOC(Closed...!) (5/30/2015 9:39:24)

Game Thread.

Hey guys,

Back with an old classic. I'll put up the bio format here. If you have any questions about any of the aspects of the game, you can ask me here. You may reserve spots too.

Do read the whole thread to know about the game.

[b]Forum Name:[/b]
[b]Regaliour Name:[/b]
[b]Basic Armor:[/b]
[b]Passive Armor Perks(if any):[/b]
[b]Primary Weapon:[/b]
[b]Secondary Weapon(If any):[/b]
[b]Weapon Perks(if any):[/b]
[b]History(if any):[/b]

Thank You...!

megakyle777 -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (5/30/2015 9:58:47)

Forum Name:Megakyle777
Regaliour Name:Rhegon Drakewing
Gender:Robot, technically male
Basic Armor: He does not wear Armour being a robot, but his outer body is shaped like a knight' armour, but where decorations and other regalia would be it's moving parts that add to the look. He has the symbol of the old Regaliours on his chest also as moving parts.
Passive Armor Perks(if any): Protection: His body is made out of very tough material. Direct Blows to it seem to do nothing, however sustained damage like a flamethrower hit enough, or a magic attack of constant flame, will do damage.
Upgrade system: He can plug technology of all kinds into himself to upgrade and adapt.
Primary Weapon:Knight's Blade.
Secondary Weapon(If any):Can turn his arm into a portable shield
Weapon Perks(if any): Cutting Edge: His blade has been sharpened to a mono molecular cut, and can cut though many things. It cannot cut items infused with any sort of magic however.
Sheild Bash: His shield can be used to stun/KO his opponent by hitting him with it.
Personality:Rhegon Drakewing is the eptimone of knight in shining armour. If someone is in danger he will help. If evil strikes he will fight it. He tends to be a noble person, and can be a bit stuffy for it, but can be funny sometimes. However, he can have a bit of a one track mind. He can be a bit simple and cares not for politics. But if one can win his loyalty by being a good and just person, one will find him the staunchest of allies.
History(if any):Once, long ago Raegon Drakewing was a Regaliour: a noble warrior for King Zeneth. None could find a more loyal knight. Alas, on a quest for some artifact of insignificance, some less...loyal knights stabbed him, cut him up into itty bits and threw him off a canyon into the wind. it was deemed by the king that it was worth trying to revive him, and some of the best scientists worked on that goal. Noone knows what happened then, but years later Rhegon woke up on a lab table with everyone dead and the king killed. Now he lives in this dark age, hoping to find someone who can bring back the legacy of The Good Times.

Chazero -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (5/30/2015 10:22:36)

Forum Name: Chazero
Regaliour Name: Benedict Azariah Flint
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Basic Armor:
Benedict wears a long brown coat with 2 side pockets on each side. It can also be buttoned up. Under the coat, Benedict wears an iron chestplate. He also wears a metal gauntlet on his left arm which he uses to block attacks with and catch swords when possible. He also wears a bandana around his head. But the one unique thing about him is that he wears something on his left eye that seems to resemble a one-eyed goggle and you can't see his eye.
Passive Armor Perks(if any):
When wearing his gauntlet, Benedict has a second choice to block attacks so if he was wielding his cutlass and a second strike was incoming, he could catch it and counter his opponent. If he's holding his pistol, he will just simply block. Another thing about his gauntlet when he's not holding his pistol, he can catch a bullet and only 1 bullet at a time. In fact, he can catch any projectile as long as it is small enough for him to hold in his whole hand.
When wearing his one-eyed goggle, Benedict can identify the weaknesses and strengths of an opponent. This only means that he has more information on his opponent. It's not a guarantee he has what he needs at all times. Due to this ability, Benedict is great to have on the support role.
Primary Weapon:
Benedict's main weapon is a cutlass. Hidden inside the hilt is a very potent poison.
Secondary Weapon(If any):
Benedict's secondary weapon is a flintlock pistol. Using a special kind of ammunition, he can paralyze his opponent, human or not.
Weapon Perks(if any):
By pressing a button on his cutlass, the poison hidden inside the hilt goes toward the sword and when someone is slashed using the cutlass when the poison is in the blade, the poison enters the body of the one who gets slashed resulting in a slow down of their movement. Takes effect as soon as the poison covered blade makes contact with a part of the body of the opponent. Lasts for 4 moves in combat.
By loading in a special kind of ammunition, Benedict can paralyze his opponent instead of killing him but they can still speak. Unintentionally, it is effective against non-organic beings. Does not take effect immediately but rather, 1 move after the bullet enters the body. But if it makes contact with metal that is on the opponent's body, it takes effect immediately. Once it does take effect, the opponent is paralyzed for 4 moves. Once it ends, the opponent is knocked down.
Benedict is someone who will do anything to complete his objective. Despite this, he still has morals and he knows his limits. At first glance, he seems incredibly inapproachable but if you get to actually approach him and befriend him, he will be there when you need him.
History(if any):
Benedict Azariah Flint, the ordinary tinkerer who became a legendary Assassin-Knight who would do anything to get the job done. Ever since his family was slain by the New Age "Regaliours", he has become a ruthless killer of the corrupt. Due to everyone he ever loved being slain, he distanced himself from nearly everyone he met in order to prevent himself from feeling what he felt on that day. Despite this, some people have managed to get his cold heart to melt for them. They are now some of his truest allies that give him aid when he needs it.

Arthur -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (5/31/2015 14:31:16)

Firstly, Chazero and Megakyle777, you both need to state the limitations of your Armor perks. How fast should an enemy be in order to bypass your blocks...? What blows can your Armor NOT stop...? What about piercing attacks, shield bashes etc...?

@Megakyle777, Your laser attack either needs to be nerfed down to an immense degree or it'd be better if you'd just remove it altogether keeping the game setting in mind. It's too OPed. Sorry.

Secondly, you need to state the limitations of your Cutting Edge. Is it Adamantium strong...? Can it cut steel...? Not too OPed though.

That's all. The rest is acceptable.

@Chazero, For most part, you need to state the time of effect of your attacks, like the paralyzing bullet. When exactly does it start to have effect...?

Your goggles need to be nerfed. How effective are they against enemy Regaliours...? Comparatively, how good are they against normal human guards...?

That's all, the rest is acceptable.

Thanks for showing interest guys...! :)

megakyle777 -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (5/31/2015 14:42:14)

Arth: Edited. To make the armour perk more clear, since he normally fights melee based enemeies it's designed to take blows that hit it: axes, hammers, even cannonballs. But it cannot stop things that can fit in gaps, or sustained non physical attacks like a magic flamethrower. Also since he'a a robot poisons and the like will not work. The blade and sheild are updated.

Arthur -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (5/31/2015 14:44:29)

@Megakyle777, In our case, a flamethrower is a bit unlikely since that's high-tech and magical flamethrower is even more of a long shot. But yes, an Incendiary shot from any gun or an arrow should serve the purpose, or a grenade, yes...?

The rest is good.

megakyle777 -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (5/31/2015 14:52:34)

Basically, basic idea is this:

Smack me with a warhammer: I smack you back harder.

Use something that can melt or pass defense: I dodge.[;)]

Use poision: I laugh at your stupidity.[:D]

Superemo -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (6/1/2015 8:34:22)

Forum Name: Superemo
Regaliour Name: Richard Smithson, a.k.a. "Owl"
Age: Unknown, physical aging stopped at 23.
Gender: Male
Basic Armor: Steel scale coat, steel vambraces, steel greaves, padded cloth pants/shirt, steel sallet.
Passive Armor Perks(if any): Ignoble (Armor appears to be far less effective than it is, causing most enemies to not regard Richard as a potential threat; also acts as a disguise against those who pursue him based on his reputation or profession); Light but Sturdy (Armor weighs far less and makes less noise than a full suit of plate armor, but provides the same level of protection)
Primary Weapon: Knife
Secondary Weapon(If any): Knife
Weapon Perks(if any): Endless Knives (Richard has an unlimited number of self-replicating knives for personal use; these knives are unusable by anyone other than Richard, and cease to exist after one minute of not being in direct contact with Richard); Perfect Aim (When Richard uses one of his knives as a throwing weapon, it will always hit its intended target, unless hitting that target would require violations of the laws of physics [e.g., knives can't pass through a wall, but they can ricochet off of a wall to hit an enemy behind Richard] or is more than 100 feet away; assuming Richard can see the intended target, the knife can target a specific part of the enemy [Left eye, tip of the nose, right index finger, exposed bit of neck between gorget and helm, etc.]).
Personality: Quiet, somber, and serious even by Regaliour standards. Not a morning person. Patient, observant, cold, and calculating in battle.
History(if any):
Age 12: Richard Smithson attempts to join Regaliours, is turned away due to lack of experience.
Age 13: Richard Smithson allegedly assassinates corrupt judge, found not guilty due to weapon used in killing not matching any weapon known (weapon never located; appeared to have been capable of being removed without pulling any skin back).
Age 14: Richard Smithson attempts to join Regaliours, is turned away due to lack of combat experience.
Age 15: Richard Smithson joins town guard, banditry rates plummet as heads of bandits show up adorning pikes around town.
Age 16: Richard Smithson attempts to join Regaliours, accepted.
Age 17: Richard Smithson begins going by "Owl"; believed to have been inspired by his activity mainly being nocturnal and his efficiency at dispatching targets.
Age 18: "Owl" stops wearing traditional Regaliour armor in favor of personal armor; finds personal armor more effective for getting close to targets.
Age 20: "Owl" discovers an alchemist, alchemist enchants Owl's knives to be able to be thrown with perfect accuracy. Owl reports location of alchemist's lair to superiors.
Age 21: "Owl" returns to alchemist, alchemist enchants knives further to enable knives to self-replicate.
Age 22: "Owl" returns to alchemist yet again, alchemist enchants armor to give armor shabby appearance and strength of plate armor.
Age 23: "Owl" makes final return to alchemist, on orders from his superiors. Kills alchemist; struggle results in accidental exposure to experimental longevity potion.
The document continues on for several pages with nothing but redacted information. You also notice that the pages are numbered, and several pages are missing.

Arthur -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (6/1/2015 9:02:38)

@Superemo, Wow, that is indeed a very interesting character. Everything about him screams interesting. Nothing to rectify in your bio. Accepted.

That's 2 characters accepted. With Chaz done, that will be 3.

Chazero -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (6/1/2015 9:51:43)

I decided to change the goggle ability entirely while modifying the gauntlet one.

Arthur -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (6/1/2015 12:12:26)

@Chaz, you still haven't mentioned the poison and special bullet effectiveness time.

Chazero -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (6/1/2015 12:40:07)

How will time work in this game?

Arthur -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (6/1/2015 13:39:36)

In a post by post fashion.

Also, one more thing, for item drops, I'll be using a Dice Roller the results of which shall be screenshotted and shown to you upon your update.

fabri17 -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (6/1/2015 17:00:58)

I can try... I guess...

Forum Name: fabri17
Regaliour Name: Yun; real name: Salamaya
Age: 51
Gender: Female
Basic Armor: White robes, conceals her eyes with a mask.
Passive Armor Perks(if any): Since she doesn't wear armor, she relies on agility to dodge, attack and step back very quickly.
Primary Weapon: Special metal gloves that only cover her hands. Aside from that, her own fighting skill, power and combat knowledge can be considered a main "weapon".
Secondary Weapon(If any): Sharp dagger.
Weapon Perks(if any): Since her youth, she has mastered hand to hand combat, including the understanding of chi/pressure points. With a 2 move combo, bare handed, can paralize unarmored limbs for 6 moves. Doesn't like guns, but she can dodge bullets as long as she sees the gun. The gloves have adaptable claws that can slowly scratch through metal and help her climb trees/walls; while its knuckles can break rock and are only slightly effective against heavy armor. As a child she trained weapon combat as well, such as archery, sword, dagger, spear styles, among others. With the dagger, she can pierce up to steel platemail.
Personality: She got used to kill her targets, but she won't do it if she has the opportunity to not do so. When she's not on mission, Salamaya likes to read. She has a soft mysterious aura, like if deep inside, she contained the rage of a fierce beast. Despite this, she usually has a melancholic smile.
History(if any): Salamaya is the last daughter of a family of merchants from the middle east that settled on a far east country. For economic reasons, her family quickly gained enemies, and Salamaya (10yo) and her brothers were forced to learn martial arts to defend the family. As time passed by, her two brothers and one sister slowly got tired of economic conflicts, and when Salamaya was 19 years old, their enemies finally took the life of their parents and her older sister. Her brothers left the country, while Salamaya decided to go on her own, denying her part of the heritage. Carrying a naginata, and because of her skill and strenght, she became known as "the invincible wanderer". At age 37, having settled down and formed a family, a group of new age Regaliours raided the town searching for that legendary woman who years ago wandered the lands, killing everyone who didn't prodive helpful information. That day, Salamaya couldn't get rid of all enemies in time, and lost her family once again again. After this, she cut her long hair, left everything else behind and ran away. Only time could help her could help her appease her rage, and after years of passing as unnoticed as possible, she finaly joined the Regaliours at age 48, wearing special gauntlets and a mask, going by the name "Yun", knowing that she didn't have much time until age made her body weak enough to not return from a mission anymore.

deathlord45 -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (6/1/2015 20:39:03)

Forum Name: deathlord45
Regaliour Name: Sketh Vinos a.k.a Bandit Knight, Forest Lord, Bolt
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Basic Armor: Thick buckskin shirt with a thin yet durable piece of steel between one of the layers covering his chest and abdomen though it's two pieces held together by ties at the side so he can remove and put it on alone. Thick leather long-coat with thin plates of steel hidden in the layers along the back of his arms only. Mail backed gloves. Plain leather boots with thin steel plates along the back of it covering his Achilles tendon and heel. Regular though slightly baggy cloth pants.
Passive Armor Perks(if any): Tough yet yielding(While the leather and steel are tough and study materials and normally restrict movement his apparel was designed to allow him full range of movement almost unhindered). Indistinguishable(his apparel looks like normal clothing without closer inspection allowing him to walk uninhibited in population centers).
Primary Weapon: Crossbow
Secondary Weapon(If any): Dagger
Weapon Perks(if any): Auto-Redraw(The crossbow is able to automatically redraw itself and load a bolt from the clip that Sketh has loaded). Bolts a Plenty(His bolt clips reproduced spent bolts with out limit).
Personality: Aloof, sarcastic and pragmatic in most aspects of his life. Though serious when he needs to be.
History(if any):
Sketh grew up as a street urchin in a run down town in a holding of some minor lord in some minor kingdom, he rarely had to steal his meals or clothes as his town as decrepit as it was was very tightly knit together. They worked together to keep the town from falling to pieces around them, even the guards helped with upkeep. Being one of the towns closest to the Lord's manor they we slightly better off than some. Though tax collectors were always run out of town as no one could pay the tax. When he was a young teen he joined the local town guards, learning how to fight. Over time he displayed his inventiveness designing his repeating crossbow and the the outfit he now wears.

During his early twenties the Lord deigned to visit the town which was not uncommon though this time he brought his two daughters with him. He was assigned to guide the older one around the town, one of the Lord's personal guard who was smitten with woman saw that the two got along quite amicably. The guard took this as a sign that they were suddenly more than acquaintances. During the night the guard planted evidence to frame Sketh as a thief in the morning, sadly that plan had worked. That morning saw him confused, accused and fleeing for his life with aught but his crossbow, a dagger and his current outfit.

The next few years had him traveling on his own giving him is more pragmatic and sarcastic traits. During hard times he'd spend time in one area waylaying bandits that were themselves waylaying travelers. Some of the travelers thought he was a bandit just like them if not one of them since he always charge a few for the rescue. Eventually that earned him the Bandit Knight name. One of the travelers he had saved was the mage that enchanted his bolt clips. As he had gained a reputation rumors grew about how many people had seen him walking the forests and supposedly the beasts of those forests either fled him or bowed before him. Hearing these rumors about himself eventually gave him his aloof nature and the Forest Lord name.

During one stop in a town for supplies he couldn't get in the wild he had over heard the rumors of the Regaliours, the rumors had peaked his interest as he saw a means to return home and to build a better future for it so set off to join them.

Chazero -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (6/1/2015 21:32:58)

What about during battle?

Arthur -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (6/2/2015 0:10:53)

@fabri17, while your bio is certainly well written, her Weapon perks are a bit OPed.

How effective are her chi moves against heavy armor...? How long do they keep a perdon paralysed...?
Then the bullet dodging part needs to be heavily nerfed or removed. So does the dagger, although I can allow that considering that you don't have many weapons. Also, how many fight moves would it take for your blowgun's paralysing effects to start showing...? Work on these and the rest is good.

@deathlord45, your bio is good. Accepted.

@Chaz, while in combat, the number of fight moves that you execute, including the enemies will be a measure of time. For example, 3 moves can be the duration your paralysing bullet takes time to work.

One last spot left. I'll now mark the game complete.

fabri17 -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (6/2/2015 0:21:24)

Against heavy armor (tougher than steel, also shields shields), her physical hits are completely useless; I guess her only option is attempt to break their balance to run away. The paralysis shows in less than a minute and only last a couple of minutes. Hm... tomorrow I'll update on the defensive nerfs.

Chazero -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (6/2/2015 4:54:36)

I added the duration for each of my weapon perks. I also modified them slightly. Tell me if they're OP or if there's anything to be changed.

Arthur -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (6/2/2015 10:37:25)

@Chazero, your character is accepted.

@Cronomancer Callum, You need to state the duration of your paralysis in the Weapon perks. Check out how Chazero's done it.

That's it, guys. We're full up...!!

Sorry to those who wanted to apply.
A thank you to those who showed interest.

fabri17 -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (6/2/2015 16:46:02)

Reworked Salamaya/Yun's equipment and abilities.
Chi attacks: she needs to be bare handed to use her chi/pressure point attacks. To cause single limb paralysis that lasts around 6 moves, she need to land a 2 move combo. This is completely useless against any type of armor, it must be aimed at unarmored parts.
Dagger: remains the same
Blowgun: Removed
Gauntlets: are now just metal gloves (keeps the adaptable claws), she can't block anything with these, but she still can break rock/cause slight/minimal damage to medium/heavy armor and the claws can scratch as a weaker version of her dagger (doesn't pierce platemail but slowly scratches through it).
Blocking and dodging: Relies on dodging entirely. She can only dodge bullets as long as she sees the gun.

Tried to make it as strong but vulnerable as possible, I can make any changes if necessary.

Arthur -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (6/3/2015 2:54:29)

@Cronomancer Callum and fabri17, Accepted.

Arthur -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (6/4/2015 2:04:34)

I just had an idea I needed your opinion on:

What do you think of masks...? Like if I attach some bonuses upon their use or some additional drops...?

I was thinking masks could play a key role in the game itself.

deathlord45 -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (6/4/2015 9:41:54)

I wouldn't mind the idea, it would help with keeping anonymity in public places and when on missions. So I'm down for masks.

Arthur -> RE: Regaliours OOC(Accepting Now...!) (6/4/2015 9:51:25)

I guess we can keep masks as buyable items. They would indeed help in keeping our anonymity.

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