New Classes (Full Version)

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The berserker killer -> New Classes (6/3/2015 12:46:48)

Class name: Matrix Mercenary, Matrix Hunter, Matrix Mage

What makes it special? Well it's basically a "Design your own class". Hear me out before saying it's OP.

Every class is set up in a particular way, with 4 rows 3 columns.

Now each class has 12 moves however what will make this class unique is the fact that you get to interchange the skills from all classes (The only reason I included the words Mage, Hunter and Mercenary is to specify what kind of armors you will be able to equip, your weapon requirement, your skills along with what skill tree set-up you will be using.)

I'll give you an example:

If I choose Matrix Mercenary I will receive a Mercenary skill tree (The format). However for each buff/burst damage/ultimate/energy moving skill, even attack, I can choose another one as long as the weapon requirement matches my class and/or it has no weapon requirement. Instead of static smash I can have static grenade, instead of maul I can have Stun Grenade, instead of Bunker Buster I can have Plasma Cannon and instead of Hybrid I can have Reflex Boost.

This seriously shouldn't be overpowered at all, not even the slightest bit. If anything, this is the road to diversity that the game should take.

Now there will be restrictions such as you cant have Both Blood Commander and Mark of Blood, etc.

Edit- To add on to the list of restrictions: you are limited to 1 burst damage move, one energy stealing move, one energy gaining move, one ultimate, one poison, two shields, one stun,1 multi and 1 debuff. Those tally up to 9 moves which means you have room for 2 others whether they be double strike (which I don't count as a burst damage move since for TLMS thatd be frenzy and Mercs thatd be zerk), plasma bolt, fireball, adrenaline, etc
An original first tiier skill can not be moved to a 3rd tier skill, just as a 3rd tier skill cannot be moved to a 1st tier skill.

Price: 1500 Varium. Pretty hefty price however the possibilities are endless with this class. You'd be experimenting for ages.

EDIT: Static Charge, Battery, are what I mean by Energy Gaining moves. They are free and minimally affect the enemy without taking his or her energy. Parasite, Emp, static grenade, assimilation, static smash, etc classify as energy stealing moves

Frenzy, due to its uniqueness as a burst damage skill, will classify as a burst damage skill instead of an energy gaining skill.

King Bling -> RE: New Classes (6/3/2015 13:17:33)

1st Row - Heal , Reflex, Technician
2nd Row - Static Grenade, Static Smash, Battery
3rd Row - Frenzy, Mark of Blood, Blood Commander
4th Row- Bunker Buster, Plasma Cannon, Surge


The berserker killer -> RE: New Classes (6/3/2015 13:57:45)

haha sorry I had to go so couldn't add in the other restrictions. One second

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: New Classes (6/3/2015 15:03:21)

How about like Battery/Assimilation...? Can't have both?

The berserker killer -> RE: New Classes (6/3/2015 16:48:04)

Since assimilation no longer has a weapon requirement, then yes. And I'm unsure as to what type of move battery would classify as but, yes, technically speaking you would be able to have them both. The possibilities, with this mode, are endless

shadow.bane -> RE: New Classes (6/3/2015 18:27:29)

1st row : heal , mineral armor , plasma armor
2nd row : frenzy , technician , reflex boost
3rd row : mob , defence matrix , energy shield
4th row : static grenade , battery , static charge .

don't need any ulty or any thing that hit hard

gg all ur moves will do 30 damage on me since i have unlimited energy source and all defensive moves , no offence but how u come up with those ideas ? o.O

The berserker killer -> RE: New Classes (6/3/2015 18:29:09)

Hi shadow and, I placed restrictions that would make a skill tree like that impossible to make.

shadow.bane -> RE: New Classes (6/3/2015 18:34:12)

haha i know i saw but i was saying what would happen before bling opened ur eyes to this mistake , but good idea this game need more classes and up to the DEVS to decide the skills .

The berserker killer -> RE: New Classes (6/3/2015 18:38:04)

Oh XD I get it. And thanks! I really think this wouldn't be overpowered in any way. If anything, itd just be unique and pretty cool to see a Matrix Hunter using a Tlm poison grenade or a Matrix Mercenary using Plasma cannon

Mother1 -> RE: New Classes (6/3/2015 18:42:08)

I remember a similar suggestion made a long time ago by a player called Godslayer1 and it was called Custom skill trees. It was basically the same thing as this only that all classes were removed, every skill was put into a pile and you would pick which ones you wanted with certain restrictions.

However IIRC the staff Vetoed that idea saying it would never happen.

The berserker killer -> RE: New Classes (6/3/2015 19:07:04)

I am seriously hoping they rethink that. I am seeing more and more NPCs with custom skill trees and I think itd honestly be a wonderful thing if players can do a limited version of that too

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: New Classes (6/3/2015 19:24:44)

I think this could be a wonderful idea, with some seriously thought out restrictions, to prevent "The best combo"

The berserker killer -> RE: New Classes (6/3/2015 19:42:07)

Exactly. Even then, what may seem like the perfect combo will be humiliated by another combo jn just a matter of time since players will just find counters or players will merely experiment. But yes, excessive testing should be done

King Bling -> RE: New Classes (6/4/2015 1:25:28)


(Posting in caps would make this be more understandable,apologies if it irritates someone!)

NAME: Paladin
Description: These holy warriors are equipped with plate armor so they can confront the toughest of foes, protect the weak,vanquish evil from the darkest corners of the world and the blessing of the Light allows them to heal wounds and, in some cases, even restore life to the dead.
Class Change To Paladin: 1200 Varium, during release, 900 Varium afterwards.
Equipment: Sword,Club (Basic armor: Combination of a tech mage and a mercenary. In short sleek,pretty tanky looks.)
Base Health: 560
Base Energy: 570
Strength: 18
Dexterity: 23
Technology: 21
Support: 18
Focus: No Focus
Primary: 150-158 (Apprentice's Club)
Sidearm: 40-48
Auxiliary: 40-48
Robot: 42-51
Defense: 74-88
Resistance: 70-85

(12 Skills in total like any other class, I would rather explain than giving out the numbers, since that will be decided by the staff ultimately!)

1.) Field Medic :- Restores your health or the health of an ally. Cures poison.

Like Any other class no changes, same set of rules applies to it.
2.) Retribution:- A righteous crusader who judges and punishes opponents with weapons and Holy magic.

Weapon Requirements: Club
Stat Requirements: None
Level Requirements: 1
Energy: 120 Energy (+20 per skill level increase)

Concept And Explanation: Strikes an enemy for a % of damage, chances of healing 15% of the weapon damage. (Those "chances" may be around 30%). And healing increase as more skill points are invested into the skill.
3.) Blessing of Vitality:- God himself grants you the power to tighten your or your ally's defenses.
Weapon Requirements: None
Stat Requirements: Support
Level Requirements: 1
Energy: 90 Energy (+10 per skill level increase)

Concept And Explanation: Grants you a buff in your defense as well as resistance at the cost of your health.( Defense/Resistance increases with increase in level of the skill with constant health used i.e 150, since it gives both defense and resistance.)

4.) Holy Prism:- Creates a holy prism of pure light radiance around the enemies.

Weapon Requirements: Club
Stat Requirements: Strength
Level Requirements: 2
Energy: 200 Energy(+20 per skill level increase)

Concept And Explanation: Creates a prism made of entirely light, deals constant damage relative to your support points.(Probably 50 at the start and increase with increase in level of skill)
Can be cured through Shadow Arts.
5.) Hammer Of Justice:- Tethering the enemy into illusion through chains of justice.

Weapon Requirement: None
Stat Requirements: Dexterity
Level Requirements: 2
Energy: 175 Energy(+15 per skill level increase)

Concept And Explanation: Deals extra damage to the enemy, chances of stunning the enemy.(30% chances as usual)
6.) Holy Avenger:- Transform into your purest form and deal a multiple damage on your enemy.

Weapon Requirements: None
Stat Requirements: Technology
Level Requirements: 2
Energy: 160 Energy(+30 per skill level increase)

Concept And Explanation: Simply works as the plasma rain, deals 85% damage if hits both the enemies.(Improves with technology.)

7.) Blessing of Might:- God himself grants you the power to buff your support and you ally's support as well.

Weapon Requirements: None
Stat Requirements: None
Level Requirements: 5
Energy: 100 Energy(+20 per skill level increase)

Concept And Explanation: Increase your or your ally's support for 4 turns, and grants you little mana depending on the auxiliary damage.(Mana gain increases with increase in skill level.)
8.) Sanctified Wrath:- Steal your enemy's life as make it as yours, thus granting you eternity.

Weapon Requirements: None
Stat Requirements: Support
Level Requirements: 5
Energy: 90 Energy(+ 15 per skill level increase)

Concept And Explanation: Strike an enemy dealing 105% of your weapon damage and grant back life.(Life granted does not increase with increase in skill level, percentage of damage done increases rather, thus making it different from Frenzy skill in the Tactical Mercenary's skill tree.)
9.) Unbreakable Spirit:- Focus on the enemy's defenses and identify the weak spots. Guarantee's an unblockable hit next turn.

Weapon Requirements: None
Stat Requirements: Technology
Level Requirements: 5
Energy: 140 Energy(+20 per skill level increase)

Concept And Explanation: Skip one turn identifying the enemy's weak spot, thus guaranteeing an unblockable hit on the expense of one turn.(Chances of healing back with increase in skill level that increase as a %).

10.) Seal Of Truth:- Call on forth the god's arc to dealing burst damage granting an enormous gain in rage.

Weapon Requirements: Club
Stat Requirements: Dexterity
Level Requirements: 10
Energy: 330 Energy(+30 per skill level increase)

Concept And Explanation: Deals a burst damage like the Super Charge, Surgical Strike, Massacre, (But instead gives rage faster dealing more damage with increase in skill level, increases with technology).
11.) Speed Of Light:- Run at the speed of light gives you chances of striking your enemy with a heavy enchanted damage.

Weapon Requirements: None
Stat Requirements: None
Level Requirements: 10
Energy: 130 Energy(+20 per skill level increase)

Concept And Explanation: Normal Strike with increased chances of critical strike depending of the %.(% increases with the increase in skill level, maximum must be near 35%-40%).
12.) Cleanse:- Dip into the holy waters, thus reducing the effects of any debuffs.

Weapon Requirements: None
Stat Requirements: Support
Level Requirements: 10
Energy: 150 Energy(+15 per skill level increase)

Concept And Explanation: Reduce the effects of any debuff caused by the enemy, does not work in case of posion.( Reduction increases with increase in skill level.)



Thank You. Comments/Replies Please


shadow.bane -> RE: New Classes (6/4/2015 1:31:29)

@king bling

honestly i like it so much :o

but to much nuke damage and heals effect with armor reductions ! i guess wont work but i like the ultimate !!!!

The berserker killer -> RE: New Classes (6/4/2015 8:49:56)

Only in a perfect world king bling. I love the idea but I seriously doubt they'd make a new class with 11 different moves (besides medic) if they complain about how hard it is to make a single core. But I do love the idea.

Darkwing -> RE: New Classes (6/4/2015 12:09:44)

I would like a new class. I know all skills for each class, and what skills any build would use before they do it. At least if they would give one more skill to classes. Cores used to be like skills, but they don't make new cores either.

C'mon give us something new.

Introduce -> RE: New Classes (6/5/2015 1:01:15)

Those descriptions are too dramatic compared to the rest.

King Bling -> RE: New Classes (6/5/2015 7:05:13)

A new class would be like a dream come true, I pretty much knew that it would be rejected the moment I posted it, they were like, "No new classes, 6 classes make the game to unbalanced already!".
But lets face it, to maintain an interest in a particular game, it needs to offer better than other games, I aint flaming but its time they introduce something new pretty much apart from armors, weapons, stuff, and etc. Something very different.

Stonehawk -> RE: New Classes (6/6/2015 22:51:58)

@King Bling

NAME: Paladin
Description: These holy warriors are equipped with plate armor so they can confront the toughest of foes, protect the weak,vanquish evil from the darkest corners of the world and the blessing of the Light allows them to heal wounds and, in some cases, even restore life to the dead.

Very creative class, but:
1- This would be the only class without energy gain (energy is gone and opponent survived = death)
2- Sacrificing health for defense AND resistance at the same time is way too OP, even with higher sacrifice.

But I also think there should be more classes.
Talking about customizable skill-trees... it would be interesting to make a class able to do it, but some limitations are needed.

Class: <Mutating Class with a customizable skill-tree> (Mimic? Copycat? Doppelganger?)
Price to change to this: 2500 Varium or 200000 credits
(Retraining costs 250. Add a button below the skill-tree called refresh Skill-tree for an additional 750 or more in the retrain screen. (retrain + refresh = 1000 for example)

There will be an empty skill-tree when you change to this class. There's only Field Medic.
When customizing the skill-tree, you have to choose the weapon to be used first. (That's why it's expensive to change to this. If you refresh, you can choose another weapon type if you want) Then it will show all skills with no requirements and all skills with the chosen weapon's requirement.
You click on the first empty skill on the 1st row then it shows all skills from the 1st row. As you choose a skill, it locks some possibilities for other skills.

- A skill that gives resistance locks all other skills that gives resistance. Same to defense.
- A skill-tree can only have 1 stat boosting skill, 1 multi skill, 1 stun skill, 1 ultimate skill, 1 "critical/defense ignore skill", like plasma cannon, bunker, fire scythe, cheap shot or frenzy
- A skill that gives the user energy AND takes the opponents at the same time can't be combined with any other energy recovering and/or stealing energy. (only frenzy)
- A skill that only recovers energy can only be combined with one that only takes energy. (and frenzy)
- Forbidden combinations: Hybrid armor + Shadow arts , Blood Commander + Mark of Blood.

Now some examples of possible skill-trees:

1st Custom skill-tree: (Wrist blades)
TIER 1: Field Medic / Mineral Armor / Fire Scythe
TIER 2: Technician / Mark of blood / Static Grenade
TIER 3: Plasma Rain / Intimidate / Plasma Grenade
TIER 4: SURGICAL STRIKE? (SS*) / Venom Strike / Shadow Arts

SS* doesn't have a requirement, but since he wields a wrist blade, maybe it would be better to limit the player on use its respective ULTIMATE, because all other ultimate skills have a requirement, so it would probably be better to limit this player on using MASSACRE instead.

2nd Custom skill-tree: (staff)
TIER 1: Field Medic / Plasma Bolt / Hybrid Armor
TIER 2: EMP Grenade / Static Charge / Smoke Screen
TIER 3: Blood Commander / Multi-shot / Plasma Grenade
TIER 4: Super Charge / Bludgeon / Adrenaline Rush

Notice that he is a staff user and he has some skills that belong to other classes. There is nothing wrong there, I guess.

3rd Custom skill-tree: (Club)
TIER 1: Field Medic / Double Strike / Plasma Armor
TIER 2: Frenzy / Maul / Plasma Cannon
TIER 3: Reflex Boost / Malfunction / Multi-shot
TIER 4: Energy Parasite / Surgical Strike / Toxic Grenade

Well, I think it would be a great new class/feature, but probably a long work to make all those restrictions and new screens works correctly! But I'd love if it comes up in the future!
Even if not exactly this way, but customizing a skill-tree seems cool, of course making the right restrictions to avoid senseless combinations of skills (Parasite + Static Smash or Hybrid armor + mineral and/or plasmar armor)

RaXZerGamingZ -> RE: New Classes (6/8/2015 16:40:32)

sounds good but they're should be a limitation like only 1 energy stealing move , 1 stunning move , etc... but i support this allot , lets hope the devs will...

Dark Worshgiper -> RE: New Classes (6/8/2015 22:51:53)

I suggest :
1- a core called ''Over Heat'' , Loses (-20%) of health to deal (+50%) of damage for 3 turns .
2- a core called '' Taunt '' , makes the enemy focus on striking only for 3 turns .

Cyber Dream -> RE: New Classes (6/9/2015 2:24:46)

This is an idea I came up with a while back. I think it could be a pretty straight forward complex system. Well it could be, just image if it was combined with your idea berserk. When I think about these two idea, I see diversity, less build copying, an opportunity for hundreds of new builds....I could go on and on

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: New Classes (6/12/2015 14:02:52)


The berserker killer -> RE: New Classes (6/12/2015 15:42:53)

@Cyber Dream- Wow that's genius. The possibilities seriously are endless if those two ideas are mixed. The best thing is that it really is simple since the coding is already in the game for VARIOUS NPCs. All thats required now is some testing and bam. Who wouldn't play? Why copy when there will be over 5000 effective combinations you can come up with?

@Ginger- thanks so much

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