Epic Rp Idea (Full Version)

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Afina -> Epic Rp Idea (6/13/2015 17:44:54)

Good afternoon,

It has been sometime since I wandered these forum but once apon a time this forum was so full we could hardly keep up. We had the RPA, RP And ARP sections and even then had a hard time having enough rps running to keep up with demand. During that time I ran an Rp series known as Death Of A Realm. It was what was known as an Epic Rp, meaning it was long and involved. We utilized multiple realms, cross over stories and people controlled multiple characters. After having gone back through what is currently available both in Rp topics and active members I wonder if it would be feasible to attempt such an Rp these days. For those that are curious to what I mean by this type of RP, please refer to the following link to see the depth of scale I am referring to.

Death Of A Realm

I have an idea kicking around in my head but am hesitant due to the low number of active members on the boards. That combined with the dust on my RP brain make me wonder if it would work once again. The idea I have is grand but I dare not delve into details until I have had the idea approved on the forums. I can say here that it would involve a large scale quest both above ground and in the under world, have fights set up, an intricate story line, puzzles, mystery and more. I rarely have ever DMed a lack luster RP.

Any thoughts or input would be greatly appreciated. I truly wish to return and host a great RP, I miss the creativity so, but I want to see how current members feel before I begin the process of approval.



Kellehendros -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/14/2015 17:30:36)

Always good to see you again, Afina.

I would, of course, be very interested to see what you have in mind. It is hard to commit to such an endeavor without some details regarding the idea in question, but I've seen enough of your material (some firsthand through Krey's RPs) to note myself down as interested.

TJByrum -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/14/2015 17:59:31)

I think it would be great to have someone like you in the community Afina, especially since I think the only 'old' member here is Kell. What better way than to have an epic RP designed by you?

I'd be game for an epic RP, depending on what it was about.

EDIT: And you and Kell should team up to get some of the other older guys in here!

Ward_Point -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/14/2015 21:09:53)

I haven't applied for anything since the last time you were around, Afina, so I may be out of practice. But I'm always interested in whatever you have up your sleeve.

Afina -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/15/2015 21:39:53)

Hey guys, ^^.

Okay, nice to see some interest here. I will see what I can do and get an ooc together for approval and we can go from there. Those interested, going for newer characters. Let's try fresh meat, low overall skill, base races and classes, half breeds will be accepted but exploitable flaws will be required. Part of the rp will be training and acquiring skills as well as possible race infection or changes. This will be a base fantasy run until I come up to speed on updates for the game and other worlds. Cross over May be possible at a later date. Not going to say much more because I do wish to surprise you. Those that have rped with me before know I like to throw wrenches into the works and Yes, tormenting your characters will occur, so be prepared. I want to push the limits with this.


Bastet -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/16/2015 4:48:28)

Colour me very interested. I just hope that this idea won't be abandoned, like many other RP'S that took off and then fell into complete silence.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/16/2015 5:08:27)

Nice to see you back, madam. Hope all has been well in the intervening years since you've last been around.

As for one of your epics, they would be a rather welcome sight these days. And I never did manage to throw Irathi into the mix back in the day, pesky college classes back then and all. Mmmm.

Afina -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/16/2015 14:01:26)

Thanks Ronin, things have been up and down but life moves on. Funny to think when I joined AQ so many years ago I was a young mother of one. Now I am a mother of three, all in school now and the eldest starting her second year of h.s. this fall.

I hope things go well, with all my children in school now and me running my bakery from home I have much more time on my hand and can finally dedicate part of my time to just me. Time to get back to my first love, rping. ^^.

Kooroo -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/18/2015 15:36:43)

Considering becoming active again instead of lurking only, so I'm fairly interested. Though not sure if that means a lick to any of you, since I've never RPed with any of you. I think I almost did with Kell. Maybe. Or I might be making that up.

Anyway, interested. Will also be looking to breaking the bad habit of making epic-length introduction posts and much more succinct ones.

Afina -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/18/2015 15:45:50)

Hey, I enjoy an epic introduction! Feel free to check out the OOC and IC Depths of Chaos. It is a starter to that I hope will blossom into the second part that will be on a much grander scale that I hope rivals Death Of A Realm. Depths of Chaos is just a set up point.

Kooroo -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/18/2015 15:59:43)

Epics are great, it's just getting to the point where I'm happy with them and willing to post them that's annoying.

Hmm, fair enough. I had a look-see and I've always been rubbish with riddles. I doubt that'll have become any better in my slightly-softer-and-mildly-translucent state, so I'll look into that again after a little bit more practice in... say, Yulgar's or something maybe, if that's at all possible.

Or do all participants have to be there at the start? Might need to take a risk there if so.

Afina -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/18/2015 16:57:15)

No, you don't have to jump in from the start. This rp is set up to be able to accept more as time by and only needs two active to begin

TJByrum -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/18/2015 16:58:15)

I'd like to discuss other types of Epic RP ideas, if that's alright. If not, just say so and I'll remove my post.

I think it would be really neat to create a RP set in a vast, developed setting that has - at the very least - 3 storylines. It could be messy, but if done right could be very fun, engaging, and unique. I would say "Game of Thrones-esque" but I really don't want to tread there; I'd just like to use it as a reference. GoT has many characters spanning many storylines, some of them intertwining with each other; it has a developed history, setting, and events that give it depth.

I was just thinking of ways to develop something like that when I saw the title of this thread. It needs more work done to it, but that's why I want to discuss it. Let's collaborate! If you're interested:

Setting: Four regions. One region is Mediterranean-like, and is ruled by a vast, powerful empire (Roman Empire influence). Another region is desert-like, belonging to a similarly-powerful empire known as the sultanate. A third region was never conquered by the empire, but numerous kingdoms were united a few centuries ago by a single royal family. A fourth region is mostly tribal (Celtic), and was conquered long ago.

Plot 1 follows a group of horsemen who have been 'employed' by the Empire The Horsemen hail from the tribal lands, which were subdued many centuries ago by the Empire, and each tribe is forced to give up one of their sons to the empire to fight. If they refuse, the tribe is slaughtered. If they do their duty, they are freed. I got this idea from a King Arthur movie. You'll be playing as these guys first.
Plot 2 concerns a young princess who once ruled over the Kingdoms (yet to have been conquered by the Empire). Her family was slaughtered, presumably by the Empire, and many believe she is dead. She is being protected by a small group of loyalists who must find allies and try to put her back on the throne, which is rightfully hers. Her story comes in third.
Plot 3 concerns a group of warring Kingdoms who are fighting for the throne, since the royal family has been slain. Players are lords and vassals who lead armies into battle. These guys come in second, after the Horsemen.

You can have a character for each plot, and I encourage you to do so. The Horsemen have been ordered to track down the lost princess and kill her before the public knows she is still alive. Meanwhile, the princess is fleeing from them and trying to find allies in the warring Kingdoms. The warring Kingdoms must fight for the throne, or ally and assume vassalage to other factions, and eventually prepare to fight the Empire.

Afina -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/18/2015 17:21:03)

Yes, this can be done and actually is far more simple to keep up than you would imagine if the to host is up to it. Your GoT reference is great. Main goal - Get the crown, but with various settings and a large character base you can start each, or group in different locations, with subplots they need to work through. This can create the cross over and helps advance the story line while staving off boredom since the characters are not always besides the same character. Sometimes alone, other times not.

Setting up is usually the most difficult part with any Epic Rp. What I have done in the past, and it has worked well for me, was to start out with a basic rp. You know your typical "hey everyone guess what, we started in a tavern!" Rp. I take this and let the characters Come together and then throw three small versions of the larger idea in my head at them. A fight, a puzzle & a retrieval quest. After watching which one they latch onto I take it through full play, end the beginning RP And then start the larger one. From there you can start the to and keep them together till a point before dividing them up or split them up to begin with. It would depend on the actual rpers. For me, groups I have worked with in the past, get very emotionally attached to each other's players. I like that and enjoy letting the bond form first before ripping it apart.

From there I get the OOC together, along with a website usually. Seriously, it helps and since there are free formatted one's out there, it's quiet simple. There I can post maps, images, readings from books as they Come across them. This helps me keep everything together and organised without having to shuffle through pages of ooc first. Death of a Realm had one, it's actually still live and online after all these years. Lol

TormentedDragon -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/18/2015 18:23:11)

Color me interested, though I should note that I haven't RP'd on a forum in ages.

I'd also be interested in creating partner characters with someone, once the basic setting has been established.

Afina -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/18/2015 18:29:53)

Omg!!!!!! TD!!!! ~tackle huggles him, giggling her head off~

TormentedDragon -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/18/2015 19:01:32)

Oof. Hello, Afina, nice to see you.

Afina -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/18/2015 19:04:40)

Hehe, sorry about that, just happy to see my fav Dragon about. The rp I was discussing already has an ooc and ic up. Depths of Chaos. Think of it as a darker version of getting to know you from back in the day. Wanting to expand it into something greater later on.

TJByrum -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/18/2015 21:53:50)

First Afina, then Kooroo, and now TD? Wow, you guys just seemed to crawl out from under a rock.

I'm not sure if you was referring to my rp or Afina's, TD. Anyway, if you two are down, we could see if others are down, and we could try designing some sort of complex rp with multiple characters and arcs. Start with a single story, one like Afina described, then gradually expand it to 2, then 3, and so on. I think about 4-5 major plots are enough. Each major plot has subplots the characters must tackle to advance their story.

I think that perhaps we start off with a prologue rp, introducing a cast of characters who embark on some voluntary quests. Thy become good friends, staunch allies. Then we start a bigger to, where that group is ripped apart (like Afina devilishly implied) and takes opposing sides in some sort of conflict.

I did something of a conflict like that before. It was called "Isle of Dracos", but it was poorly planned (as was World War Lore, another of mine). Kellehendros, however, has proven to me that large scale battles are very possible in his Rise of Domrius rp. His system works, and it's fun too.

Afina -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/19/2015 7:41:58)

Oh I am so in, would love to take something on with this scale. I have something in mind but sadly it is for another rp forum since it is a a futuristic space style rp. For one set here though, I don't think there would be much issue pulling together a grand scale to with multiple plot lines, even allowing others joining the rp to come in with personal subplots they want to work into the rp.

I and thinking something along the lines of a multiple location over the area of a continent. Making sure that races and classes vary greatly between parts of it, as well as environments. I have a large main plot in my mind based off a novel I am writing, it is set in modern times but it can be easily worked into this setting, but I don't want to post said idea publicly. I want it hidden until part way in the rp from the players. If your interested, shoot me a pm and I can give you an overview.

TJByrum -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/19/2015 21:40:02)

Well what sorts of storylines would you want the characters to start off with?

If nothing else, when the Hallows Inn has its run, I might come out with my Keepers of the North role play to flesh out the nation of Asgeir. That could very well introduce everyone into the larger world that my setting takes place in, and probably lead into an epic RP.

The Keepers of the North (or just 'the Keepers') are special operatives who roam the realms of Asgeir, founded by Tarro Valgard, and led by the elected Warden of the North. They specialize in combat, literature, exploration, alchemy, a few know some magic, history, explosives, etc. They replaced the Grand Varan Warband after the Age of Heroes ended. The large Warband required a hefty upkeep, fresh food and supplies, and so on. The Keepers could sustain themselves, operated by themselves, and could do things more efficiently than a large army. Since most of the Warband's soldiers went back to laboring, it helped their economy out and allowed them to establish the Varan Trading Company. I guess they're like the Texas Rangers, or the Jedi, HALO Spartans, or Mass Effect N7's.

I've had ideas of the Sultanate, the kingdoms of Vessex, Norwick, and Eastmarch (all mostly medieval), as well as the Reman Empire (Roman Empire), but they're not really fleshed out right now. At some point in Varan history, there was the Varan Civil War. During that conflict, one of the major clans: Vinar (House of the Viper) abdicated the throne from the then-current king, throwing the nation into a tense civil war. Some sided with Vylo Vinar and his family, while others allied with the loyalists, and some sought to take the throne for their own family.

Afina -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/20/2015 10:49:34)

Up to you, for me I can work with most things and then add to it if needed. Right now I have on Epic Rp I am starting on another forum, slowly pulling that together. Going slower than I would like since it is a Sci-Fi setting. The words and knowledge don't come as readily as a fantasy setting, lol.

With the current rules, if we were to do this, we would need to host it as a co-op with someone like TD being the main GM unless one of us closed down one of our current rps. Granted that isn't something we would have to worry about until we fleshed through a lot more details.

TJByrum -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/20/2015 12:08:16)

Well, I was offering examples of my own, it's not necessarily what we have to do.

Afina -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/20/2015 12:10:17)

I'll have to see what I could come up with once I finish setting up what I have going, I have one part of my brain dealing with telekenetics on the other side of the galaxy and the other dealing with monkey wrenches in Lore. I'm going to develop a split personality,wait I already have that.

TJByrum -> RE: Epic Rp Idea (6/20/2015 12:29:38)

I had ideas for a sci-fi setting, but they never developed.

There was a large group known as the Alliance, their enemy was the Federation. The two fought over a planet called Corvais, as it was like the Constantinople of the galaxy. There was another region in space known as Deadzone, which was not controlled by anyone, but is where a bunch of gangsters, criminals, bounty hunters, and other types went.

The RP would have followed three groups: the Senate, a group of mercenaries, and an elite task force known as Alpha Squad.

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