~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (Full Version)

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Afina -> ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/16/2015 10:02:27)

~*The Depths Of Chaos*~

Twilight approaches and through the rays of the setting sun a darkness begins to envelop the land, wisps of fog roll through a long forgotten settlement on the outskirts of the known domain. A single road, dusty and worn, is the only evidence of passage through the decaying town. Each side of the trail is dotted with buildings that look as if they would crumble from the slightest touch, how they stand no one knows. Perhaps it is a long forgotten hope that rests in the vast expanse of memory. So long forgotten and only remembered in the dreams of the rare peaceful nights slumber. Welcome to Epsyon.

The wind blows across the great divide, a sickeningly sweet aroma perfumes the air and the shrill of death echos in the mind. To the west, blinded by the setting sun rays, the vast expanse of Willows Song. A dark and dense forest, tainted grounds to traverse apon. Tendril like vines sway in the winds, beckoning the brave and the foolish to come dance in the shadows and lose oneself in the labyrinth of flora and fauna. To the north, mountains capped with snow can be seen rising past the line of clouds that are parted like waves crashing on the sandbars. Legions Peak. The well worn path through the village fades into its folds of stone as it envelops the lands in shadow even on the brightest day, but then again, Epsyon has not seen such a day in the remembered days. To the west, Grims Cove, nothing but the sea and a broken and unused harbor that has not seen a ship dock in many moons. From time to time, a wayward vessel that has been lost at seas seeks shelter there but most would rather risk sailing south to safety. Rumors of lost ships and captains are traded in the tavern. Do they rest at the bottom of the harbor, did they set sail in the night to escape the shrieks caught up on the wind, or something more? To the south, safety. Back to the lands of known enemies and nightmares.

All travelers that lose their way come from the south and all leave to the south. None come willingly or even knowingly to Epsyon but many find themselves caught there. Imprisoned until Death pays them a favor and releases them. Those that are not in Deaths favor wait, unable for one reason or another to muster up the conviction to simply step from the shadows of Epsyon back into the light. A chosen few stay out of choice, figuring that the demons of the unknown are a far better companion than the known ones they are fighting to escape from.

The Premise

Welcome to The Depths Of Chaos. I am Afina, your GM for this little tryst. This RP is meant to be a physical, mental and emotional trial. Those entering the campaign must be flawed. Imperfections are what draw one to Epsyon. A physical aliment that one feels they cannot overcome. A disfigurement that has turned a once pleasant persona into one of decay and horror. The loss of ones life song, tragedy to great to overcome. A mental block that refuses to let go and drowns the character in sorrow. Perhaps a lifetime of loneliness has finally been drowned out by the call of Epsyon.

Your character will have heard rumors from the moment this trial began, whether it be from birth or recent. Its call has beckoned you and finally your feet have pulled you there as you finally gave in to its song. Some will have been there for sometime. Setting up a life, if you can call it that. Others are new arrivals that are confused and yet comforted by their arrival. Though the streets of the town always seem oddly empty, only a few residents appearing at a time. There are many, more than a tavern or the surrounding homes could provide shelter for and yet there always seems to be room for more.

The Quest

Each person in this RP that has answered the call of Epsyon are incorrectly. They have come there with a fixable flaw. This does not mean if you start the RP blind or missing an arm or your parents are dead - that this will be rectified. This means that you here can learn to live with these flaws and overcome them by one means or another. (To be determined by the GM) This is the overall quest and as each of your find the strength to overcome such flaws you will find that you are still locked and bound to those around you. Until each member is freed, none are.

That is the basic overall quest. Subquests will include moving from a base level character to a stronger version. This could mean something as simple as learning to wield a weapon you had once not been familiar with, to a complete change of race due to infection or something else. As the story progresses the grand scheme of things will open into a much larger purpose and quest that reaches far beyond the basics but that will all depend on game play. There are many routes that this RP could take. Think of those books we read as children where when you reached a certain point you could chose between turning to page 63 or to page 86 to see what happened next. Your choices will move the story along.

Now while the over all quest is to be free of Epsyon, it is not to destroy what Epsyon is nor to free the NPCS. Epsyon is a needed settlement for lost souls that are still tied to the tread of life. Like a living purgatory. It is up to them to find their way out.

Reasoning Behind The RP

The reason for this RP, other than to have a good time, is to push you. I want to push you personally to your limits as an RPer. That not only means in text presentation but also in thinking outside the box and to face your own issues and fears. Many times playing out a personal flaw in RP can help you better understand yourself as a person IRL. I am not trying to pick your souls but to open your mind to other ways of thinking. Alternative ways to face the world before you. So that when a situation presents itself that a drawn sword may be the easiest and quickest answer, another less obvious choice will present itself and force your think in another way.

What to Expect From This RP
*Main Quest
*One on One Fights
*Small group fights
*Larger scale Battles
*Equipment Finds
*Mental Breaks and Breaching - there is always a chance that an NPC voice could pop into your mind.
*Physical Changes for Characters - Your character will not be the same at the end.
*Multiple Locations

Zephyrus - Barmaid - The Call Of Epyson

*Minimal of 2 Characters to begin. So myself and one other will be needed.
*There is no limit to the number of participants. The more that join the more complex the story will become but it will not change the initial premise of the RP
*Midway Joining will be permitted.
*All characters must be new to AQ, or at least stripped down to base beginnings.
*Basic Races and Halfbreeds only - do not fret, chances for change will be presented. (Human, Elf, Dwarf, Half Elf, Half Dwarf, & Elvarf:half elf and half dwarf)
*All characters must have at least one major flaw and two minor. A major would be multiple personalities, missing a limb - no advanced replacements. If you are missing an arm or leg, you have a basic unarticulated replacement-, No hearing, no sight, lack of physical feeling - meaning you won't know if you are injured or burned or frostbit. Minor flaws can include things like minor allergies, repulsions, sensitives, etc.
*All bios must be broken down into two parts. The first part of the bio will be posted in OOC. It will include - Race, apparent age(no immortals), basic look and what another person can see of your personal possessions when they glance at you. The second part of the bio will be sent to me via PM - This will include your name, your strengths, your class, your weaknesses, your abilities, your background, what broke you, why you were pulled the to the Epsyon, your character history, all possessions not listed.
*All characters must arrive on foot. No mounts, pets or familiars.
*All characters will arrive from the south, on the main road.
*Players interested in being an established character in Epsyon - PM me saying such with your full bio. I am limiting pre established characters in Epsyon to my own and two others.

These rules are ones that are above and beyond your basic RP rules here on the forum. Things will be much more ridged here, so be ready.

*If it isn't in my posts - it doesn't exist. This means if you are bored and want a fight, unless I state so, there is not pop up monsters. There are no trap doors unless I state as the GM it become apparent to you. If I say one character sees something, until they bring it to the attention of the group, the group does not see it.
*You will not note reactions to other players unless they deem it so. Example - if one character sees said trap door, you do not notice a perk of their brow or a quickening of their breath, unless they state so.
*During fights - And this is the big one - YOU DO NOT DAMAGE TO YOURSELF OR TO THE MONSTERS - All attacks and defenses are restricted to just that - Attempts. I will post round to round updates telling what damage you took and gave - All fights will be limited to either A)An initial attack or B) A defense and attack.
*Attacks will be limited to no more than 2 simple moves. Flips and such will count as one of your moves. So if you flip over to get to the back of a monster you are allowed one attack towards the back and a draw back into a defensive position. Spells count as both your defense and both your attacks. If you are more than fifty feet from the fight it will take your two rounds to reach the fight to engage. No teleporting to start.

The reason for this is I want to force your to plan ahead but be ready to change on a dime. Many fights are used to people posting all their defensive moves and the players saying what hits and what doesn't. Sorry, that is out the window for this. The GM, like a roll of the dice and chance, determine this the same as with a Table Top RPG.

*You have three days to post once we begin and from each the end of turn each round of characters. After three days pass your character will go into an unknown stasis where ever we are, unable to move or speak, but will be able to be manipulated by the GM and NPC to place your elsewhere if needed. By joining the RP, you are saying that you accept this.

I know this is a bit different than many are used to but it will be crucial in the evolution of the story line. I want to ensure that characters are not too powerful to start and are under the control of the Epsyon. As the story progresses and RP styles are denoted, more and more will become freer to better beable to control their characters actions in fights and what they notice. The goal, remember, is to become fully free in the Epsyon. To being you are anything but free. You are a slave to the RP.

*If your character dies in this RP - It is dead. There are ways, at the GMs discretion, to come back during the RP, but rare. Death is death. This is another reason I want new characters and will not be playing Afina herself. Anyone could die, GOT has nothing on me.

Characters Accepted Into The RP
*Afina to play Amara
*Bastet to play Nysha
*Kellehendros to play Regina Donovan
*TormentedDragon to play Rowan
*Krey to play Roulade
*Eukara Vox to play Semya Weaver - Public bio to come
*Sigil to play Fatty Endpiece
*Ryu as Casimir
*Tdub as Tormod
*Brotherinlaw as Eldrath and Grunt

~Still accepting applicants~

Approval Status
*RP Approved - We are live! ~*Depths Of Chaos*~ IC
*This is all the information that I will provide to the public. If mods have any questions about the more fine details please pm me with questions.

Bastet -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/16/2015 15:48:45)

I'll begin writing a bio as soon as I can, though a thing is unclear to me: is Epsyon a village or the name of the whole land? Forgive me if this could be classified as a stupid question.

Afina -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/16/2015 16:22:03)

Not at all. Epsyon is both the name of the settlement proper and the area over all. (Kind of like New York, New York)

Draycos777 -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/16/2015 20:22:02)

Hmmm. I'm at a crossroads with this one. On one side, this kind of rp isn't really my forte. Yet, on the other, you made this rp sound so interesting. Three quick questions before I choose which path to take.

First, is it possible to include a support-like character for our main? I had an idea of having a weapon that contains the spirit(maybe? not sure yet.) of some kind of enity within it. Beacuse of the base level requirement, my character wouldn't be able you use it's full potential, but I thought it would be neat if she could still hold a conversion with it.

Second, if we pm you about being an established character, do we need to come up with an occupation or will that be preset by you?

Lastly, are the races mentioned above the only races we are allowed to start off as or can there be other races not mentioned that we can be halfs of?

TJByrum -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/16/2015 20:53:04)

Afina, I got a character in my head, one that we discussed, and I'll try piecing him together here soon. Thinking of making him a her, to be honest. It'd be a nice change of pace for me.

Bastet -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/17/2015 5:19:54)

Just so we don't accidentally end up with more bios for estabilished characters than Afina is willing to accept, the one I sent for approval via PM (before making a public one) should take up a slot.

Afina -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/17/2015 7:52:08)


First, is it possible to include a support-like character for our main? I had an idea of having a weapon that contains the spirit(maybe? not sure yet.) of some kind of enity within it. Beacuse of the base level requirement, my character wouldn't be able you use it's full potential, but I thought it would be neat if she could still hold a conversion with it.

Support characters are fine, but an enchanted blade I am on the fence with even if it is only to converse with. If this was worked into a flaw of sorts, a minor feeling of schizophrenia as it were, where talking to said blade cause senses to dull and a tunnel vision to what is going on around them, I could see that playing out.


Second, if we pm you about being an established character, do we need to come up with an occupation or will that be preset by you?

If you are looking for an established character, a trade can be provided by you, I would have to see what you would be going for first. Please remember that being established will come with more issues than a nonestablished would. The longer around, the longer the call to Epsyon and the longer in Epsyon - The harder to break free.

As far as races go, no you are not limited to those but I would need a work up of any non classic races from you before I could approve a new race. Classic races for me are any listed in Lore or DnD.

TJ - if you want to change gender, feel free. Just send me the changes so I can go over them. Though, in all honesty, what you sent me could work and you would end up playing both genders. Might be a nice bridge before jumping genders completely.

Afina -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/17/2015 9:44:27)

Sorry for the double post but I needed a second post to house my bio by itself. This is not her full bio but the general bio for basic info needed when introduced to the group. More will be revealed as the RP plot unfolds.

Name: Amara
Age Range:34
(Art credit goes to Jason Eagle)
Amara stands at Five Foot 6 Inches in height. A lean build but toned. She will appear as a shorter and more built Elf, slightly pointed ears and angular delicate features in her face, though due to her build and unkempt appearance she will show signs of her dwarvish heritage. Her hands are larger than normal and her fingers thicker than that of an average elf and her skin seems to be more worn than you would find in a timeless creature of magic. She has fiery hair that is shabby and cut to just below her chin, falling in simple waves and opac green eyes. Her skin is tanned, even after her time in the Epsyon. Her normal, day to day attire is as follows - Faded green multi pieced chest plate with no sleeves over a chocolate tunic. Simple matching wrist/forearm plates are laced there. Her pants are dark brown, nearly black and fit loose to her form made of what appears to be a simple rough woven cotton like fabric. Leather boots with a short heel fit up to just below her knees. When out she covers her person in a long ragged and worn forest green leather trench coat that falls low and drags the ground around her. It has a loose hood that she pulls down when she is out and not surveying her surroundings.
Belongings: On her person she carries a little satchel secured to her belt, two throwing daggers on her left thigh and one on her right that are secured with leather straps. On her back she carries a double headed battle ax with a worn shaft but pristine blades.
Personality: Amara is quiet, rarely approaching any and when seen will tend to keep her head down and her voice quiet and raspy.
History: Will be revealed as time goes by. Her story is heavily tied to the plot and I cannot risk revealing too many spoilers. Sorry folks.
Skills, spells and abilities: Again, tied to the plot but what will be known is that she is a skilled black smith catering to those who fight in Epsyon and have not lost all hope as of yet. Her shop is located on the northern outskirts of town and is the last building before the path makes a split into three ways towards the mountains, the forest and the harbor. She will be one of the few known in Epsyon by name. Only things publicly known about her is that she is a smith and has been there for close to 15 years, one of the longest residents that has not come into favor with death.
Flaws: Not all her flaws are apparent but will become so as the rp progresses. Visible flaws include a burn scar that runs the length of her right arm from her finger tips and up to her neck, fading at her face but shown along the right side of her features over one ear and into her hair line. The burn scar encompasses her palm, over the underside of her forearm and wraps to the outside of her upper arm and her shoulder. She also walks with a slight limp that slightly impedes her running ability.

Draycos777 -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/17/2015 10:25:03)

I was thinking that it would play apart of being one of the root causes of their emotional flaws. In my mind, it's like a crutch for them to hold on to what they believe they belong to. As they become closer to their weapon, they drift further away from people. They also gain a few magical flaws from their weapon.

Once I get it typed up, I'll pm you the pm and we can talk about any issues you might have with it from there(that way I actually have something to go on instead of just throwing around questions:P).

Bastet -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/17/2015 15:55:42)

I'll follow up with my public bio.

Name: Nysha

Race: Elf

Appearance: Due to her sharp features, pointed ears and athletic body, it would be very hard to mistake Nysha as anything other than an Elf. She stands at 5’7”, and her eyes immediately come to attention: one is a lively shade of green, while the other is white and lifeless, a clear sign that she is blind in one eye. Her hair are jet black and flow past shoulder lenght. A number of scars also run across her body, though none are deep enough to indicate significant wounds. Nysha would appear to be in her earlier twenties, but it is difficult to determine her precise age at a glance.

Belongings: Nysha wears patchwork protection, mostly leather. Even on a simple glance, it is clear that none of her pieces of armor all belong to the same set. Tied to her hip is a simple hunting knife, and on her back are a quiver and a bow. These last two objects stand out as being of different manifacture than what is usually found in the area around Epsyon, almost certainly a show of superior Elven craftsmanship.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/17/2015 16:30:12)

Well welcome to the rp forums. Unfortunately, since I already have a role-play (in waiting) and since I'm already spoken for in (I think 2?) other role-plays that are on a complete hiatus at this time,

I likely won't be jumping into the fray here.

Afina -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/17/2015 17:00:45)

[:D]Okay, that Looks good as far as the public bio goes and your updated full bio is approved, have you added to the roster.

Thank you for the welcome Dragon, I don't think I have received anything but a welcome back here since 2004, lol. Nice to meet you, always good to see a new face. If you have some on hiatus and are interested you are welcome to put a bio forth. If not I completely understand.

Dray- sounds like a plan, once you have that together just shoot it my way for review and I'll let you know if there are any issues.

Afina -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/18/2015 9:07:36)

We are love, IC is up. Those on the approved character lists may post, if you have been approved and have not posted your public bio, please do so before you post IC. To the rest, just send me finished bios and we can go from there.

Sorry for the lack luster opening post, I am a tad rusty. Hopefully that rust will wash away after a few posts.

TJByrum -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/18/2015 16:29:22)

I joined a RP on another site Afina, and I think I'll be focusing my time on it, the Hallows Inn, and Rise of Domrius.

I'm sorry about that, because this RP looked really great, and I'd do anything to be in a RP made by none other than Afina. But I have obligations elsewhere, and I don't want to fill my plate to much.

Have a great time guys!

Afina -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/18/2015 16:43:16)

Aww, well shoot. I won't say I am not disappointed but I completely understand. I remember back in the day trying to juggle 14 rps at once. It can get stressful. Since we had already had some discussion of character and concept feel free to message me if you would care to join later on.

TJByrum -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/18/2015 17:01:58)

Alright, Afina!

Draycos777 -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/19/2015 7:41:10)

I should have a bio sent to you after work today. Sorry about the delay; this character had a lot more detail I wanted to put in then I had at first.

Afina -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/19/2015 7:43:28)

No worries! Can't wait to read what you have but take your time, no rush! ^^

Bastet -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/19/2015 13:07:03)

First post's up. Forgive the briefness.

Afina -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/19/2015 13:30:19)

No worries, looks good to me. I am awaiting a few public bios and such for others to post but we aren't on any hurry. Either way I will post either later tonight or in the morning once I finish a few things up.

TormentedDragon -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/19/2015 22:58:17)

Name: Rowan

Race: Human

Apparent age: Adult - anywhere from late 20's to early 40's. No grey in her hair.

Description: At first glance, and at a distance, it's easy to mistake Rowan for a man, what with a broader and taller build than is usual for women, and ragged, short-cropped brown hair. Her attire tends to contribute, as well - iron breastplates don't allow much room for a feminine shape, and armored leather skirts tend to hide the hips. There are not many women who favor a mace-and-shield combination, either.

The tell-tale cue is her face - once up close, the soft features and full lashes are excellent clues ... provided there aren't any exceptionally pretty men around. Even then, her hard expression and cold brown eyes can keep you guessing.

Then she speaks, which gives the whole game away - it's low, certainly, but definitely a woman's voice.

It should also be noted that she is dark skinned. Brown hair, brown eyes, brown skin. One might call her monotone.

Visible possessions: Iron breastplate, steel-reinforced armored leather skirt, trousers, armored boots, mace, large steel-reinforced leather shield. Backpack and bedroll.

Kellehendros -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/19/2015 23:05:08)

Name: Regina Donovan
Age: 29
Race: Human
Gender: Female

Regina is a slender woman with delicate, refined features. Her hair falls to the middle of her back in a long fine auburn cascade with just a hint of reddish undertones, her eyes are a clear and intelligent hazel, and her heart-shaped face is marred only by the slightest of scars along the right edge of her hairline, a flaw easily concealed with a touch of makeup.

For clothing, Regina is equipped in worn traveling garments, once a deep royal blue and brilliant white, but now a tired, travel-stained combination of faded sky blue and gray. Nonetheless, the cloth is cut with distinction, flattering a figure that is more tomboyish than statuesque. The garb was obviously once worth a great deal, but that was before it was patched and mended, washed and darned on multiple occasions. It is still sturdy fabric, and has kept Regina well through all sorts of weather, though the cape and cowl are a weather-beaten green at odds with the rest of the ensemble, obviously acquired separately.

That the woman is a traveler is easy to see, both by the clothes on her back, and by the sturdy boots on her feet. Regina also bears a leather pack with her bedroll and supplies, and carries a battered walking stick. At her waist are a pair of pouches and a slender dagger whose pommel, though worn, appears to be the head of a roaring lion.

Eukara Vox -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/20/2015 1:02:21)

I have looked and I find this intriguing. Since it is summer and I do not have a full time teaching job with overtime perks.... I think I shall try this. I hope to have a bio after teh weekend if that is okay.

Edit: Will need to think about this some more. Upon rereading the rules, I will not be able to respond every three days in July, as I will be on vacation and have no idea if I will have the freedom to be online while gone. And, I am not exactly keen on having someone else manipulate my character...

Afina -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/20/2015 5:45:58)

Okay Kell and TD. You two are good to go. Feel free to post when you can.

Eukara, don't worry about the posting time setting, anyone that rped with me in the past knows I hardly ever enforce it. Lol Long as you let me know that you're going awol then you can get your character to a safe zone while on your trip. And, nope, no bunny, GM seal. Wouldn't cause your character to do anything really. More like a power of Epsyon to put you in a sudden stasis, can't get hurt, can hear and see, like a wakeful dream. Then when you're back, you simply snap out of it.

Krey -> RE: ~*The Depths Of Chaos*~ OOC (6/20/2015 8:21:26)

I'm here! Don't let the short length of the bio fool you. Afina's seen the full thing, it's way longer, and will be much fun.

Name: Roulade al’Rain
Age: Early twenties, apparently
Race: Human
Description: Roulade stands average for a man, a few inches short of six feet, lean with minimal muscle tone, suggestive of a reasonably active lifestyle. His hair is black and just brushes his shoulders, eyes a deep green flecked with gold. He wears a tattered grey cloak and well-worn leather boots. A lute is hung securely against his back, and a bag which looks like it might hold a lyre is slung beneath his arm.

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