RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (Full Version)

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TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (7/23/2015 18:02:20)

Bastet is right, Kooroo. I'll give every character 1 point for every time Jaque visits. Investing in Luke's next business venture, however, will net you 3 points the next time Jaque comes to town.

Kooroo -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (7/24/2015 2:13:25)

Mm, that's fine. Is there any IC explanation, or it's just to prevent people going 'I have money, I'll take one of everything'?

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (7/24/2015 9:06:04)

Pretty much if you can afford it OOC-ly, then IC you "have enough money" for it.

Vanir -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (7/26/2015 1:25:01)

Worms' intro post is up!

Question. I joined after Jaque's items were announced and introduced, but can I still buy something? Do I have 1 point available?

Bastet -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (7/27/2015 5:42:25)

You do. The number next to the roleplayer's name in the opening post indicates how many points are available.

Vanir -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (7/27/2015 9:42:32)

Ah, got it. I was wondering what all of those 1's were about. Thanks!

Gingkage -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (7/27/2015 12:00:11)

Gah! Sorry, Kel. I meant to have a post up over the weekend. I promise one will be up sometime today.

Legendium -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (7/30/2015 5:46:13)

Phew! Alright, I'm back from camp, and now have a pretty good idea of what my post is going to look like. Expect it later today.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (7/30/2015 19:48:40)

Did the monster hunters leave yet? think its time I enter the fray once more.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (7/30/2015 21:16:30)

Sorry for the delays here, Gingkage. I've been having internet issues over here. I'm aiming for a Saturday post at this point.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (7/31/2015 15:49:06)

Ok, so for those wishing to face the shadow foxes, heres some info and pacing help. Unlike Kitsondra's shadow fox, only the alpha and his mate have the self-killing poison spell. So unless you plan on fighting them you won't have to worry about that. Second, these foxes always fight in pairs, so watch your back if you're going in alone. The shadow foxes attacks are hit-and-run/ speed based. Once one has you focused on it sololy, it will run and it partner will strike from behind or the sides. Even though they are magical creatures, they themselves can use very little magic, so they fight with tooth and claw.

Shadow fox pack(12) locations:

Alpha and mate: Running towards the Hallows Inn Entrance

The Four at Jaque's cart: Getting ready to attack whoever didn't run away.

Two behind the Hallows Inn:Looking for the magical sword; about to run into Shuyi.

Two at the church: Looking for the magical sword.

Remaining two:Checking the houses of Blackwater. Starting at the outwards houses and making their way in.

Note: The last four foxes are docile are now. Meaning, if you leave them be, you can avoid a fight all together. Once they realize that the building their checking has no value to them, they'll leave to check another.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (7/31/2015 18:47:17)

I'll try to catch up this weekend. I gotta work the weekend though, so don't hold me to it.

I'd be more active, but I work a lot more than I expected.

Kooroo -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (8/2/2015 22:54:59)


So yeah, I can post. I'm waiting on a handful of you lot, though. Couple of you said or indicated you're going to post, so I'm gonna hold back for a bit.
You might not be anywhere near where Shrike is, but I've got no idea.

On my heels for now.

Bastet -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (8/3/2015 3:16:53)

I will need a few days before making my next post, as writing on a smartphone is difficult and annoying. After the 5th, I'll get back on my pc and I'll be able to resume writing a steady pace.

In the meanwhile, I'd like to ask Dryacos just how strong the shadow foxes are. Regular pack mook? Tough fights? I know these are hard questions to answer in an RP, but I'd find a comparison quite useful. Also, are we allowed to bunny them?

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (8/3/2015 13:55:48)

I think I mentioned it in an earlier IC post, but just in case I didn't. here it is.

The Shadow Foxes are the same size as dire wolves, but just a little weaker physically due to their frame. However, this same bodily design makes them faster, and they use this to their advantage.

I wasn't sure whether or not to let the foxes be bunnied as them spread out in different groups, each with their own objectives and if they got bunnied, it could get real confusing. I'll try what TJ did though with the Nahza. I'll split control between myself and the players. After a number of responses have been posted, I'll post the foxes' side of the battle. That combat style seemed to work out fairly well with the Nahza, so I'll steal it for the foxes:P

The only ones I'd like to keep from being bunnied is the Packleader.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (8/3/2015 17:49:56)

Well I didn't want to bunny them Draycos, that's why I simply said Vaelun and Velen attacked them. You can, however, bunny Vaelun and Velen if you want. Velen might have some difficulty since she's pretty new to all of this, but Vaelun is pretty skilled and can probably hold his own against these shadow foxes.

Legendium -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (8/4/2015 10:07:51)

Sorry for the delay. Stuff came up.
Also, if I've done anything someone doesn't like, tell me and I'll change something.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (8/4/2015 17:56:45)

I've got no problem with the post. Waiting til most of the RP's are are at the cart to respond, so I can post accordingly.

I believe it's just Shrike, Worms and Symp that are where the four are(You guys can just leave the cart if you don't want to get involved).

I know Bastet isn't able to post atm so that's fine.

Bastet -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (8/4/2015 17:59:44)

Oh, Dryacos, you just watch. Neither of my character's will be happy about the foxes. They will get involved.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (8/4/2015 18:53:17)

Haha, this should very intsersting then. :)

edit: Sera is joining the fray now... this is going to be fun, I can tell :P

Gingkage -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (8/14/2015 21:53:38)

Believe it or not, I've been trying to get something written for the past week now and haven't been able to come up with anything. I'll try to get something up during the weekend.

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (8/14/2015 22:16:19)

Alrighty, I'm back from my hiatus. What did I miss?

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (8/15/2015 8:58:04)

the monster hunter arc and Kit's sub-arc have started; Jaque is also in town. Blackwater is currently under attack by shadow foxes.

Gingkage -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (8/16/2015 0:18:59)

Well... it's up. I'm not sure I like it, and for all that it's short it gave me no end of trouble, but at least it's something. Sorry for the delay, Kells and Draycos.

Vanir -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (8/16/2015 18:53:33)

Good to see you back Master K!

I've posted. Worms sent biting flies at the four foxes by Jaque's cart.

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