Bring back influence to battles during wars (Full Version)

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Mother1 -> Bring back influence to battles during wars (6/18/2015 21:10:41)

It is just as the title says.

It has been shown that this change has seriously hurt the competitive part of the game, and has made winning war depend on the luck of getting a bomb to do damage.

With this suggestion have where you battle in front of a war objective, and when you win a battle the old amounts of influence you got will go to damage to the objective you are trying to destroy.

With this players who play hard with plenty of battles will be rewarded for their hard work, and they won't be trolled by bad luck of not getting an item drop.

In the process it will also make factions a lot more competitive seeing as those who work hard will earn influence for not only their faction but themselves while unlocking their personal cheevo's as a bonus.

Lord Machaar -> RE: Bring back influence to battles during wars (6/18/2015 21:49:48)

It would hurt the war even more, because everytime an exile player logs in, he/she will always help exile by just playing, for short periods even. Atleast when it comes to bombs, you need to do a respected amount of battles to have some bombs. Using the same example I used in another post, if 100 players do 500 influence for each (10 - 20) battles to gain this amount of influence, it equals 50k influence within hours, and eventually this will rack up to 500k inf and 5 million inf and etc... exactly in what we've seen in the last war.
Unless ofcourse there is a war rally for this system so legion players gain more influence, then it might work.

The berserker killer -> RE: Bring back influence to battles during wars (6/18/2015 21:50:07)

Supported and has been suggested many times in the past yet nothings being done. I'm not sure why the change happened in the first place. Sure, it was okay when we had war because bombs grant a ton of influence, but in times like these where we've been waiting 3/4 weeks for the next war...the least they can do is bring back Influence Per Battle. Its already been coded before so it should be in the database. You just have to implement it again

Mother1 -> RE: Bring back influence to battles during wars (6/18/2015 21:54:09)

@ lord Machaar

The same can be said for legion as well

Also I mentioned you would need to be in front of the war items for you to get in the influence for that area.

So if said exile are battling elsewhere they won't get the influence.

As for war rallies increasing the amount of influence gained per battle not a bad idea.

It would really help boost the losing side and would make more of the rally instead of hoping for just bombs to drop.


I know this seeing as I made the suggestion several times myself. Hopefully this will get back into the game and help make the wars more competitive if they don't want to add influence to all battles at least make it for the wars.

Lord Machaar -> RE: Bring back influence to battles during wars (6/18/2015 21:57:30)

I just layed down an example right there for you to grasp my idea, sure having to be in front of the war screen to gain influence will limit the numbers of influence gained by the huge number of exile players but still, I don't see this as a solution since the war is promoted in DNs, and the first thing you see when you log in to the game is the war's screen, the war bar, the prize, I think these things can't be neglected by anyone.

The berserker killer -> RE: Bring back influence to battles during wars (6/18/2015 22:06:58)

Letting war rally affect this idea seems a bit senile and....unnecessary. I think this should really be brought back just the way it was, especially with flags and the mini competitions we used to have.

Mother1 -> RE: Bring back influence to battles during wars (6/25/2015 14:16:51)

This would also help to speed up wars as well because every battle as long as it is in front of a war point will do damage when a person wins. Not to mention with this it would also be a better reason to get higher tiered rewards as the current tier would be gotten in under a few days due to the consistent influence gain increase as well.

nowras -> RE: Bring back influence to battles during wars (6/25/2015 14:24:39)

Yea supported, + it will make war more compitive if the losing side get the bombs as drops during the war rally and the winning side doesnt, the winning side gets only infl for winning a battle i think 1 1v1 win should give 20 influence and the war commander core should increase it to 30 influence and in 2v2 to 50 infl and to 80 in jugg as its so impossible to win 1 match by this change we can make all modes equal not like now only 1v1 is good for getting fast infl in wars

The berserker killer -> RE: Bring back influence to battles during wars (6/25/2015 21:21:37)

How else are we supposed to race up the WD leaderboard if we cant even win influence during SUMMER WHICH IS THE TIME WHEN MOST PLAYERS ARE ON. Like cmon, the least you can do is bring back flags and give players something to do

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