[KNOWN] Typo - Lucky Strike (Full Version)

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King Bling -> [KNOWN] Typo - Lucky Strike (6/21/2015 9:12:57)

Since its just a typo, no format needed I guess,
It says, "Adds a 8% bonus chance to connect with each strike".
Since we know 8% = "Eight percent"
And so the correct line should be, "Adds AN 8% bonus chance to connect with each strike".
Instead of a, it should be an since the letter "e" is a vowel. I guess they just changed the 7% to 8% but forgot about "a" to "an".
Thank You.

WhiteTiger -> RE: [KNOWN] Typo - Lucky Strike (6/28/2015 23:42:36)

Thanks for the report, this has been noted down.

Tagged as known.

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