RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (Full Version)

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Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (7/23/2016 19:07:02)

And so we reach the end of the second orb saga! I present to you the final piece of this saga:

Sek-Duat Lives Again

I hope you enjoy! I'll probably do the Themes for The Wind Orb and Light Orb sagas now as I haven't done them yet; then I'll move on to the next saga! :)

megakyle777 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (7/24/2016 3:13:58)

Your themes are very enjoyable and I love them man! Keep it up!

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (7/24/2016 15:00:58)

I'm glad you enjoy them; as I speak I am working on the first of 5 Themes that I will be uploading before I move onto the Darkness Orb saga. Despite my heavy use of it, I won't create a seperate piece for the Orb Theme yet as I want to release that following my work on it that will take place during the Final 13th. :)

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (7/24/2016 15:05:52)

And like a flash of light I have finished writing the theme for Osprey Cove! Here it is!

Osprey Cove

pitties -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (7/24/2016 15:39:00)

what are these soundtracks? remixes of ingame music or original creations?

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (7/24/2016 15:52:34)

A mix of both! However for the most part it is my own work with themes from in-game mixed in representing different characters and places.

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (7/25/2016 5:37:14)

And the next short theme is out! Captain Rhubarb's Theme is a short theme that plays a few times throughout the Wind Orb Saga and will appear again in later sagas when Rhubarb is present! Hope you enjoy! :)

Captain Rhubarb

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (7/26/2016 12:25:31)

Next up is the first theme from the Light Orb saga! The Sandsea's Theme! It has a time signature change before each repeat, but it works out quite nicely I think! :)

The Sandsea

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (8/3/2016 8:27:24)

Now the next theme in the Light Orb Saga, Zhoom's Theme!

Zhoom's Theme

I realised that I miscounted the number of theme pieces I'm going to do before the Darkness Orb Saga. I was actually planning on doing 6 (Rhubarb, Osprey Cove, The Sandsea, Zhoom, The Rebellion and Sek Duat), but forgot to count The Rebellion's Theme: it just completely passed my attention when I was counting. As always with my pieces, I hope you enjoy! :)

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (8/4/2016 14:21:36)

The Rebellion's Theme is the next theme and penultimate theme before I move on to the Darkness Orb Saga!

The Rebellion

I hope you all enjoy! :)

SlyCooperFan1 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (8/4/2016 17:55:30)

OH MY LORD I had no idea that this existed!! I'm listening through the *entire* playlist right now. I love it, I love this entire thing. I see where your inspirations were - from the Reset at the very start, to the use of in-game themes like Oaklore Keep, All Roads Lead to Falconreach, and Warlic's Tent, even to the interjection of joke themes or abrupt ends where the in-game jokes would work best...

This is so well-crafted, and should DragonFable ever receive a movie, indie production, or a port/remake, I seriously hope AE looks to hire you, Varen. You have some absolutely insane talent, and it shines everywhere in your compositions. I feel terrible for only learning of this album's existence now.

Please, keep up the amazing work!!

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (8/5/2016 12:56:20)

Wow, thanks so very much for the kind words! I keep doing this because I enjoy making music, and it always makes me feel great when other people also enjoy it. ^^ I hope you continue to enjoy the music I write and emplore you to not feel bad about not finding my music. XD And should AE ever decide to do any sort of production, I would love to see how it turns out as much as any fan would. :)

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (8/5/2016 14:03:02)

The newest theme is out! Sek-Duat's Theme is the final theme I will be writing before I move onto the Darkness Orb Saga - I know there are a few themes I haven't done yet but that is because I intend to come to them later when they appear again (things like the Sneevil Theme and so forth). Without further ado, here is the final theme before the Darkness Orb Saga!

Sek-Duat's Theme

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (8/6/2016 11:50:33)

Now here's a fun piece that I greatly enjoyed visualising. :) Here is the intro to the Darkness Orb Saga, introducing a new instrument that I haven't used in the soundtrack so far: a piano! I've got a theme lined up that makes use of the piano and thought that I might as well have it echo through the rest of this saga as well. I hope you enjoy!

Attack on Moonridge (Darkness Orb Intro)

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (8/10/2016 13:48:23)

I decided to try some more stuff out on this piece; using an equaliser to boost some of the frequencies on the brass instruments made them sound very rough and I liked the sound it created. As such I have used it quite heavily in this next piece: The Moonridge Defence! I hope you all enjoy! :)

The Moonridge Defence

Firedam -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (8/16/2016 0:28:59)

Wow, I haven't listened to the entirety of this yet, but this is some good stuff!! You've really fleshed out the music in the game. Also are you a music major because if you are HIGHFIVE FELLOW MUSIC PERSON.

Plutonium -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (8/16/2016 1:46:22)


Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (8/16/2016 16:10:34)

Thank you both very much! It's great to see people enjoying my music as much as I enjoy making it. :)

@Firedam: I am not a music major (I'm actually going to find out this Thursday whether I got the grades to be a Physics Undergrad. :S), the extent of my music knowledge is Grade 8 Trinity on my guitar, Grade 5 Theory ABRSM, a little bit of singing and piano and whatever I have figured out from listening to lots of orchestral and classical pieces of music. I try and garner knowledge by listening to as many complex pieces as I can (which means mainly older stuff and a little modern film score) and just learn what sounds good when. So most of the pieces I have written are based off techniques and ideas that I have absorbed over the years. XD

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (8/17/2016 8:09:01)

And the latest piece is out! I hope everyone enjoys! :)

Moonridge: Saved!

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (8/23/2016 15:07:40)

Now I have finished the latest piece, Zorbak's Hideout! I hope you all enjoy this one; it's got some interesting 7/4 time signatures at one point; interestingly enough it was totally unforced and the tune I was singing in my head just happened to have a really weird time signature, unlike other strange time signature things I've done. XD

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (9/6/2016 13:21:58)

Hello all! I have some news as well as a new piece! :)

So recently I managed to get some new samples for my software so now a lot of my instruments sound more realistic, something which I am greatly pleased about. I have also got a few new ones, such as Timpani's and a wide variety of percussion. I hope you all enjoy this new piece which made use of these new possibilities! ^^

The Gate Keeper

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (9/11/2016 16:11:19)

The Body Shop

The latest piece is out! I hope you all enjoy this fun little addition to the project. :)

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (9/14/2016 9:46:23)

Too Many Cooks

And the latest piece is out! Containing some pretty cool tunes from the Mogloween events that fit the scene, I think this piece probably contains the most DF music out of all the Darkness Orb Saga so far, though I can promise that it won't stay as the most Dragonfabley piece in this saga. :P *coughwarcryofthepaladincough* Hope you guys enjoy and you stick around for the coming pieces. :)

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (9/15/2016 13:50:33)

The Green Mist

The longest piece of the Darkness Orb Saga so far, and probably the one I'm most proud of so far, is now out! I hope you all enjoy! :)

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (9/27/2016 10:39:11)

Hiyall! Just wanted to quickly explain the lack of music being written by me at the moment. Basically I have just moved into university, and am spending a week getting to know people and the campus. Hopefully I will be able to continue with my work after this week though! :)

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