RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (Full Version)

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overdead -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/2/2015 19:19:27)

You know a class you can't bot with? Cyber. I hope the system wont accidentally ban me because i almost always use the same first three moves, everything else changes with the opponent.

But still, damn I shouldn't have changed to it. My win ratio is 6:4 and I love doing hardcore missions but battles are slow. But I think I got a strategy for mamatrix. Will let you guys know.

The berserker killer -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/2/2015 20:20:06)

Can we have war? And flags would keep players busy if thats what you're trying to do. And you dont HAVE to do hard-core missions to enjoy the game. They're not a requirement for you to have fun so idk why players complain about features that aren't a requirement for you to do

Mother1 -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/2/2015 20:33:19)


Anything that isn't lickikity split easy and takes time bores some people. Personally while I didn't like those hardcore missions myself, they worked well with me when war time came seeing as I would need to PVP anyways.

But as for the war IKR? It is summer everyone has free time why are they holding back the war? Makes no sense to me what so ever.

The berserker killer -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/2/2015 20:45:24)

Maybe we'll get war when school starts back up! That's great timing.

And those missions were different but then again features like that aren't a necessity to participate in. They're just an option.

overdead -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/2/2015 20:48:38)

Haven't logged in yet. On my phone. What's the reward for the hardcore mission?

Lord Machaar -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/2/2015 21:26:51)

The reason they are holding the war right now, because it would be useless to release it in its older format, I want them to release the war as well, but not in its older format, otherwise just give the victory to exiles and start a new system already. There isn't really something to get excited for, exile allignement will win anyways, except you are excited for that.

dfo99 -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/3/2015 4:00:26)

/\ the legion wins the west naval yard war.

Lord Machaar -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/3/2015 13:44:03)

Devs helped legions to win many times, and since devs are busy now, legions have been losing since.
Last war tells you how much more active players from exile are there than legion, I would say twice, if not 3 times at much, if you are an exile and you are excited for an old-format, that's your thing. I however think there are 2 solutions:
- release next war changes and give exiles an armor with no fight if that is what they want. And then devs released a revamped but fixed* cycle of wars.
- delay the war until it is fixed. (Which is probably what happening)

* Ofcourse, I would be surprised if this fix won't include a reduction to the number of exile players who can participate in the war.

Mother1 -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/3/2015 14:14:16)

@ Lord machaar

The developers did not help legion win that war. The legion players finally wised up and attacked the finisher after the health objective which kept exile from having the more powerful attack objective. I remember this because at the end Exile was getting war rallies because they were behind in that war.

As for the bio war (which legion won as well) Exile didn't follow the example set by the legion last war and left the finisher for last. As a result of this Legion had the most powerful objective at the end which resulted in exile losing this war as well.

It was in the barrens that Exile's got help from the staff because during this war Legion was leading from the start and Exile no matter how many war rallies we got we were still behind. It wasn't until the staff did that admin assist (in the form of taking the health away from all the objectives) That exile came back an won. All due to the more powerful objective getting more powerful (the finisher) and the balance of power shifting. If not for this while this war might have taken months Legion (unless they would have quit) would have won this war because they had it from the start.

Also the wars that legion lost were for the following reasons.

Dreaded war: Fresh concept and sense it was new there was no battle plan. Everyone was disorganized (which tends to be the cases with most wars now)

Fortune city war: Same problem as the dreaded war, however there was one thing that was known now. The losing side got no reward for their work. If they wanted the prize they had to pay with varium which they didn't want. It was because of this fact along with problem A that many legion players just gave up.

Frostland war: War rallies were added at this point. However even with War rallies the same problem as before existed. Lack of motivation due to no rewards for the losers unless you brought them as well as still being disorganized.

Now let's stop at the 4th war.

Due to the complaints of legion players not getting rewarded for their hard work. To combat this the tiered rewards were introduced to the game.

Overload war: Now with this system in play Legion and Exile were neck to neck in this war. Not to mention better organization was done here as well seeing as legion players finally got it in their head to go after the health objective. As a result of this and the tiered rewards we had a war with motivated legion players. Heck I even remember exiles accusing the developers of helping legion players as well as cheating due to the sudden improved performance from legion. Exile won this war however the only reason exile won this war was because of a war rally that came newer the end that Legion couldn't make up. Had that war rally not come Legion would have had this war not exile.

Infernal war: This war Exile won as well. However what legion lost by was literally 1250 difference. Meaning that this war like the 4th war wasn't by a massive land slide either. It was extremely close. In fact there wasn't any landslide wars until the last two but I already explained what happened in war number 8.

Lord Machaar -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/3/2015 20:01:32)

If I were in your place I wouldn't really assume if devs have or have not helped an alignemet to claim a victory, the current war system allows devs to manipulate dropping chances of war items and super war items, heck how do they do it in the war rally? Wouldn't they be able to do it in ordinary times too without anyone noticing. I would have understand your statement if you had the tools to test such things, or you are from the team, or if we were talking about 1.0 wars, where devs have been caught many times trying to help exiles win the infernal infiltration war 1.0 by adding influence directly to the war bar, many players took screenshots of whatso called "incidents" or "bugs" at reset, where boosted level 1 - 10 inactive or made up exile players had 4k - 10k influence, where this amount can't even be done by a normal player through out the day, these incidents where hidden while the day started (because players started playing and these dummies were out of the LBs).
The thing here is, these recyclable wars allow devs to use them many times, and even control the war with 0 risks.

I've said in another post of mine, ED players follow the current, once an alignement wins, tons and tons of them change at the war cooldown, and I said that if a new alignement will be created, and whoever joins it will receive the green ugly sword (sorry OWA,the only beautiful sword I could've think of), many players will quit their alignements before even completing the statement.
ED players aren't the one to blame here, exile has won so far 7 out of 9 wars (recyclable) and about 8 out of 11/12 wars if we are talking about all wars.
With that being said, after each war, tons and tons of players change whenever they have the chance to join the winning alignement, to recieve a prize, mostly an armor that they could sell or even use (talking about unexperienced portion of ED players, which is about 90% of ED players).
Without even talking about war cooldowns, each day most of players who have alts, usually play on the exile ones, if they don't have one, they tend to create new ones, ofcourse exile alts, and even players who are totally new the game and were invited by a player, what's the best alignement in the game? What's the answer? Potato, nope, exile.
The thing here is, current war system is full of flaws, changing your alignement is totally free, players who can join the war aren't regulated, so after each war, the data changes, one alignement gets players are joining exiles, is the current system capable of tolerating this? I'm afraid it is not.

Post edited to remove inappropriate content ~M4B

Mother1 -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/3/2015 20:31:49)

@ lord Machaar

It is only free to switch from exile to legion. If you are legion you must spend 1250 varium to switch to exile. This not only proves that switching to exile costs real money, but disproves 90% of the players are switching to exile unless of course 90% of the players are varium spenders.

The berserker killer -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/3/2015 21:11:04)

You legion players are just lazy. You get mad War be making 200k inf every war with the amount of rallys you get.

P.s. Yay easy bosses for the players who keep complaining about a boss that was supposed to be difficult in the first place who was absolutely not a requirement for anyone to defeat in order them to continue playing the game. Yay. Swear to god this is why we cant enjoy anything.

Keep it up guys!!!! Maybe they'll lower the influence cap to 500, and maybe we'll be able to triple team bosses...maybe we might even get 4 hours for power hour! Gee whiz I sure hope they make NPCs easier too. I can barely get 100 NPCs in the 120 minutes I have during power hour.

After all, the game shouldn't be THIS HARD! Right? Hard games where I have the option to complete a difficult task, that will not affect me AT ALL if I dont complete it, seriously just make mw feel bad as if I'm pretty weak. Thank god we have the option to complain and get those difficult tasks nerfed. Its not fair that a player higher ranked than me/leveled than me can easily accomplish these tasks even though hes smarter/more experienced than I am.

P.S. We might as well get rid of the NPC legendary slots if youre going to male bosses easy again. Pathetic.

Lord Machaar -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/4/2015 6:17:51)

During war cooldowns, I believe that it doesn't cost you varium to change from legion to exile, just few days ago many of my faction members have left to exile, for free.

Mother1 -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/4/2015 9:22:42)

@ Lord machaar

Actually it does cost you because I recently (yesterday) used my alt to test this and it cost 1250 varium for it to switch from legion to exile. Yet the other way around I did it for free.

dfo99 -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/4/2015 11:39:20)

the only time ever when was free switch from legion and 1250 varium to exile was during the barren outpost war (weirdly still running) when the legion get around 800k of advantage, when the exiles recover the the front is became free to exiles again, i know because as a exile player it became 1250 for me, then free for legion.

The berserker killer -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/4/2015 12:19:04)

Guys its free to switch to another alignment every couple of days. I've recruited many people to exile

Lord Machaar -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/4/2015 14:43:46)

Well that's weird, I might have to check personally and see if it costs varium now, as many members told me it was for free otherwise the system allows a limited number of free switches based on exile/legion players and who won last war.

Mother1 -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/4/2015 14:46:42)

Just beat the legendary M4trIx in 299 turns exactly so for everyone saying you need to be massively high ranked to beat her that is false. I am only rank 16 and I did it.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/4/2015 14:56:19)

As it currently stands it is free to switch to Legion and unless there was a change that I missed the free switch is always to the side with lower members

Mother1 -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/4/2015 14:59:53)


I should have taken a screen shot but when I had my legion alt try to switch to exile they said it cost 1250 Varium to switch. I will check and see if it still so.


Yeah it is still saying I need to pay 1250 varium

here you go

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/4/2015 15:00:59)

Last I checked was around 1PM

Uchiha Sarada -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/4/2015 15:03:38)

Mother: That only applies to LTitan, Matrix is an easy NPC to beat, being lvl 40 rank 1 should be enought to kill her.
The people who say that u need alot of ranks for matrix are the ones who cannot kill zedmyr still.

dfo99 -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/4/2015 22:25:05)


Guys its free to switch to another alignment every couple of days. I've recruited many people to exile

your recruits sure pay 1250 varium or you are trolling.

The berserker killer -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/4/2015 23:46:16)

Ok I'm not just saying that to say it. I'm stating a fact because I have done it and I have told several people to wait a few days and it'll be free to switch. Stop acting like youre noobs to the game (no offense) this should be information everyone knows already

Lord Machaar -> RE: July 02, 2015 - Dawn of Delta V (7/4/2015 23:54:12)

I don't know if there was a change, but many legion players have switched to exile, for free, maybe the system detected that over 90% of ED players now are exile, that's why you need to pay varium to switch now. runeknight4 was an officer in my faction, when I asked him again, he said it was for free.

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