Cyber hunter (Full Version)

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nowras -> Cyber hunter (7/9/2015 11:04:43)

Replace Cheap shot with frenzy or fire schythe

replace multi shot with a physical version of it but improves with technology or an energy version of Artilliry strike improves with supp tho.

Greed Redemption -> RE: Cyber hunter (7/9/2015 12:18:34)

I agree to get rid of ch cheapshot, this move is now unpopular and most players use swords now as ch depending on the build they use, put in frenzy instead would help them a lot but it might make the strength poison build a bit better but not good enough to beat 5 focus players like me. A physical version of multi shot would be quite interesting to see as none of ch skills are currently physical besides poison. Supported. Correct me if I'm wrong, currently at work but if multi shot physical increases with tech then I think the stun grenade they have should as well unless it already does but I can't log in and check yet so yeah I believe both of them should improve with technology. -Vizrus

nowras -> RE: Cyber hunter (7/9/2015 18:18:57)

yes the plasma grenade improves with technology

DELTA BEING -> RE: Cyber hunter (7/10/2015 1:14:25)

yes, I agree cyber hunter needs more physical attcks

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Cyber hunter (7/10/2015 15:36:17)

and/or cheap shot should just get buffed since it's entirely not worth the skill points and the random crits are its only appealing factor, which is really annoying because you basically have a 25% chance to either make your attack very good or slightly less effective than whatever you could have done if you didn't use cheap shot.

ED really needs to fix all these crazy random stun/crit chance things because it takes a lot of the "strategy" out of "strategy PvP MMO"

shadow.bane -> RE: Cyber hunter (7/11/2015 15:11:01)

i think that they shoul make multi shot improves with technology just like plasma grenade as bounty hunters have multi and stun grenade improves with dex .

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