Balance Changes Update (Full Version)

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Front45 -> Balance Changes Update (7/10/2015 13:24:55)

When will be Balance Changes Update? Why there are dominating only 2 class Tactical Mercenary and Tech Mage

They are best with strength build and also Tactical Mercenary support build and Tech Mage tank build

Why these 2 classes are op? when will be real balance. Cyber Hunter why weakest class?

Understand Please we don't need new bosses. we want balance and normal game !!!!! 50%-50% chance to each class !!!! when it happens

Why only 2 classes can defeat 3 strongest bosses (M4tr1x, Legendary Titan, Zedmyr) and other 4 classes can't?

Moved from ED GD ~Battle Elf

overdead -> RE: Balance Changes Update (7/10/2015 13:32:17)

Lol cyber is quite good. It can beat BMs, supp TLMs, BHs, dex TMs, mercs. The only build I have to be so lucky to beat is str TMs and sometimes str TLMs. But the biggest problem really is str tm because it is too easy to use and, as everyone already knows, it's a botter's build and class. Sigh.

shadow.bane -> RE: Balance Changes Update (7/11/2015 15:12:45)

bh and ch are strongest that both tm and tlm if you know how to play them but i doubt since u complain about it .

nowras -> RE: Balance Changes Update (7/11/2015 15:29:09)

CH is not strong at all bane trust me BH is good but CH nahhh

shadow.bane -> RE: Balance Changes Update (7/11/2015 19:31:57)

bro i played ch and i got 85 % with it . not good % for me but for other it is .

overdead -> RE: Balance Changes Update (7/11/2015 22:52:00)

Lol Str tm is dominating 1v1s. Maybe if you use your brain a little, you'll improve your ratio

shadow.bane -> RE: Balance Changes Update (7/12/2015 3:57:17)

^ i farm those high str tech mages ...

nowras -> RE: Balance Changes Update (7/12/2015 7:02:42)

str TMs are quite hard for CH but i still win them except 1-2 of them and shadow my % is 84.2% as a focus build user its ds af my % must be 97%++++++

and if i want to use a str build my % will be 66.7% lmao this why str is so ds for ch

Plus CH have a chance to defeat M4TR1X and can easily win Zedmyr lol

CH cant defeat Titan only (cuz of physical gun)

overdead -> RE: Balance Changes Update (7/12/2015 7:30:55)

Of course. You're a BH. The mark of blood can counter low defense TMs. Cybers on the other hand...

Darkwing -> RE: Balance Changes Update (7/12/2015 8:08:11)

They did a mistake to lower requirement of fire scythe and give assimilation to swords.

Now strength build have assimilation, malfunction, fire scythe, bludgeon. All they need is energy sword. Firescythe and Bludgeon only cost 12 energy. They hit hard with all types of damage.

TM got so many buffs, since gun moved to dexterity too.

shadow.bane -> RE: Balance Changes Update (7/12/2015 15:52:09)

@nowrs , u saw my bh build and how good it is , u can do the same build as CH but remove generator and add piston punch and trust me u will have 90 % + as an f5 CH .

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