=ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (Full Version)

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Therril Oreb -> =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/20/2015 17:45:58)


October 20, 2015
Let's Get Better Together 2

EpicDuel is a game primarily focused on PvP battles and like most PvP games, the playerbase can be very passionate. This passion sometimes causes players to treat each other in a disrespectful manner. It's important to always remember that behind each player character is a real live human, just like you. With that said, I'd like to present this note from Battle Elf and Therril, who help us maintain order on the AE Forums.

    Hey Everyone,

    It seems there's been some confusion with the authority and responsibilities of members of the Guest Staff on the Forums. First of all, the members of the Guest team currently have a title on the Forums to indicate that they are indeed a verified member of the team. If you have any concerns of questions about who is part of the team, please PM any ED AK, Forum Moderator, or Forum Admin.

    The Forums are a place to create a community. While we all love when the members of the ED staff comment and chime in on the forums, they are in no means REQUIRED to do so. It's our privilege that they join us here.

    The Guest team members are staff members. They have the authority to comment on behalf of the developers and deserve to treated with respect. No matter how frustrated or upset you are about EpicDuel's development, harassment of the staff is not acceptable. Such flaming will result in disciplinary action as well as discourage the team from using the forums.

    We understand that EpicDuel has a passionate and opinionated community. However, please make sure you express yourself in an appropriate and respectful manner.

    Thanks for your cooperation,

    Battle Elf and Therril

Small Update

We will be doing a very small update this week to fix some bugs and implement the Ultra OmniKnight Blade in EpicDuel. You will be able to simply turn-in Caden's DNA through a new Caden's Legacy mission for the rare anniversary sword. The sister Blade will be made available through a prize code!

War Update

As many of you have noted, the Central Station War has been put on hold for a very long time. This is due to a number of reasons that we have not communicated yet.

First, the War 2.0 system was designed to rely heavily on automation -- it would activate and disable with only minor involvement from the developers, allowing us to focus on other aspects of the game. The problem is, with Centra Station, we have reached the final region for the War. Ideally, when the Central Station War ends, the Dread Plains will be next in the queue, but since this has never actually happened, it has never been truly tested. Completing this system will take quite a bit development time, both to create a buffer of content for prizes and to wrap up the code to guarantee the system will function.

Second, if we released the Central Station War prematurely, we'd just be kicking the work further down the road, which would in turn delay each additional war in the new cycle. Before we release the next war region, the system should be complete.

It's also true that BioBeasts has taken a lot of development time from EpicDuel features like the War 2.0 system and Legendary balance which I will discuss below in my next point.

BioBeasts and the Future of EpicDuel


Some have been critical of the development time spent on BioBeasts. Why not EpicDuel 2? Why not port EpicDuel to mobile? Many of these questions were answered in the BioBeasts' FAQ, but I will reiterate here: BioBeasts offers the best chance for EpicDuel's survival. Flash is dying due to forces beyond our control. It may have been to our benefit to start mobile development much sooner, but the decision to divert time away from EpicDuel, even in a small way, was extremely difficult. Now, we're in a situation as a team and as a company that we NEED to move to platforms other than Flash. AQ3D, Undead Assault, and BioBeasts aren't cute side-projects or experiments -- they're the future of Artix Entertainment and thus critical to the survival of the legacy games.

We would love to do more releases in EpicDuel, but we're currently maxed out for time, even with our amazing Guest Team. Every release takes time to create content, add database, entries, market, and test. More EpicDuel releases means BioBeasts takes a hit and gets delayed further. It's a brutal cycle and we're all working dangerously hard to maintain our current rate of productivity. I've personally spent a few nights at the lab to finish EpicDuel updates to not detract from BioBeasts development time (I know, I'm sure my medal is in the mail as we speak).

"Ok, so when is BioBeasts coming out if it's so important?"

Very soon! That's unfortunately still very vague, but each week our beta testers get another huge batch of updates and improvements, ensuring a stable, fun, and fast final build of the game! In order to hit our schedule, we need to focus as much as possible. That means we need your patience during this grueling time.

"So when BioBeasts is done, does that mean you'll go back to EpicDuel full time?"

This depends on a lot of unknowable factors: Are there critical bugs? Does the game need more content? Is the game fun enough to keep people playing? Is it being marketed well enough? If everything is 100% perfect (which it never is), we will have more freedom to attack many lingering issues in EpicDuel. Realistically, there will be bugs to squash and content to add, but when we're no longer under the weight of a crunch, our schedules will open up for more EpicDuel development.

"So after BioBeasts is done, you're working on a new ED full-time?"

That's very hard to say. We'd love to see ED on mobile devices, and we've learned a tremendous amount from developing BioBeasts but a mobile ED would be a huge endeavor. Right now, we're focused on releasing BioBeasts and maintaining EpicDuel.

"What can we do to help?"

When the time comes we'll need your help promoting BioBeasts in as many venues as possible. The AE network is well interconnected, so more BioBeasts players could become new EpicDuel players. This is not a guarantee, but we've seen through past game releases that nothing, not even the biggest phases releases, bring in more traffic than a new game.

What's Next?

In the meantime, we still have release content coming up for EpicDuel, including a showcase for Guest Artist Hatred Cuirass. Our artists are also working dilligently on honing their skills for war prizes and seasonal content for this year's Frysteland event.

Gifting Returns!


For those of you looking forward to another Frozen Fury gifting event...you're in luck! We'll be reactiving the gifting module for another month of gift-giving! New vehicles, new weapons, and new upgradeable achievements will be available for all who decide to spend their holidays on Delta V! Last year, we awarded the most generous player with Titan's Alpha Gear! What will we reward this year to top it?

Again, this is a super-stressful time for everyone so we ask for your patience as we try to make BioBeasts the best and most successful mobile game AE has ever released. If we truly had demi-god powers, we would duplicate ourselves and build ED AND BioBeasts AND ED2 3D VR EX: Championship edition, but alas, we are finite beings. Rest assured that we are working many, many hours to deliver on BioBeasts and create something that will provide hundreds of hours of enjoyment!


Please be patient with us as GOOD things are coming. Very good things! As Charfade says, "Let's get better together!"

Tags: Nightwraith

EDFrost96 -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/20/2015 17:56:36)

I hope the gift thing are the Stun guns without the core, only thing I want.

Lord Machaar -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/20/2015 17:57:28)

Holy crap, is gifting coming back the same way as it was last year? With same "1k" credits per gift?
If it is the case, I really don't have a problem not having any updates till that update.
I just hope gifters this year don't change their mind as their rewards last year weren't that good.
Poke: nemesis30, joe jitsu.

DarkLore -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/20/2015 18:07:14)

Hmm... A sister Blade? Wonder what that will look like...

dfo99 -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/21/2015 2:56:57)


They have the authority to comment on behalf of the developers and deserve to treated with respect.

i never said that guess artist don't develops (in the productive meaning) the game or can't talk as one, i said that they don't have same developer (the guys founders of epic duel and controllers of varium prices meaning) knowledge of the impact of a suggestion implemented epic duel.

it means i can agree what their contend added which their developer in ed means. but as a player, i will never accept what sky silver magician said about health points here http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=22046403

until some developer (founder/varium dudes) confirm it. if confirm, then ok. does not matter if you or anybody finds it disrespectful and delete my post, lock my threads, i got banned etc... you forum staffs have to know that just delete, lock or edit the players threads and say that it is against the rules due your points of view will not change and player position or point of view. i really don't care if silver sky, ranloth or any other fells offended and i will not regret it, no matter what anybody say.

i really believe that real ed community (the entire ed players, not only the ones at this forum) agree with me.

Foulman -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/21/2015 4:36:19)

What was gifting like? I missed it, and I'm still a poor BH.

Therril Oreb -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/21/2015 4:53:22)

@dfo99: This message is not pointed towards a specific person. It is a general message to everyone since some have trouble accepting what members of the guest ED team say.
When making a general statement, said on behalf of the staff, it is something the staff stands behind and there is no need for another staff member to confirm it.

On the other hand, if the players cannot agree with something and say in a constructive manner why, the staff can revise their ideas and make changes in the game.

So you are not disrespectful if you disagree with the view of the staff, you cannot please everyone after all. It is however disrespectful if you cannot agree that someone other then the official hired staff of makes a statement on behalf of the staff.

dfo99 -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/21/2015 7:06:30)


It is however disrespectful if you cannot agree that someone other then the official hired staff of makes a statement on behalf of the staff.

i don't understand what you tried to say here.

anyway the fact is that even if titan come here right now and say that give to guest artists all this powers (which includes ban him from ed devs team and veto his decisions) my statement:


they don't have same developer (the guys founders of epic duel and controllers of varium prices meaning, aka "devs") knowledge of the impact of a suggestion implemented epic duel.

will remain right.

it because the guess artists positions have a precedent conflit with the devs decisions, for example, ranloth was against the buff parasite from 70% to 85 and the devs implement it, also ranloth was against the gift system, a feature implemented and agreed by the majority ed players. you may can say "but it is rare" my answer is obvious, it is a precedent, they are not same persons and different persons working together not ways have same objective, of course if ask, all staffs will answer that all things their do to the game is focusing in make the game better, but in the fact is that each person have you definition of "better"

due this and others problems, you and the devs can enforce down through the players throat that guess artist have or staff members decisions is always in accordance with the devs positions, and charfade comes with her beautiful speech about it, due my knowledge about human nature i know it is just a lie.

it is really sad see titan, nightwraith and rabblefroth disqualify their experience in epic duel just to raise up guess artist and staffs in same level as themselves. (i know that it can be considered offensive)


here is a part that i know that sure will be considered (even more?) "offensive, flaming, disrespectful, targeting etc.." (not in my opnion ofc) so you can edit this to remove rather than delete my entire reply.

it is obvious that you all are abusing of the fact that the devs need you all in the ed team, therefore charfade would never post that there is no difference between you all, (i don't remember the thread that she say it, but it is a resume) since the AE is a corporation instead a cooperative company (it is a fact)

you and the other staffs can do whatever you want to the game and force the devs agree with you affirmations and points, but at least don't ruins epic duel in the process, don't make it explicit in the forums supporting absurds like silver sky magician "bored points" hp definition. i play since 2010 (http://i.imgur.com/nkFbzpH.jpg) and now in 2015 have to deal with the fact that hp can means "how many the npcs want invest in the fight" instead the total amount of damage that a npc can support (it is very different) because the devs can't fire her and stay only with owa as writer.

ofc course it is easier support her and only do a small explanation in the mouse over balloon definition of health in the stats, but do the wrong is ways easier than the correct, that's why the people buy shakes to lose weight in few days rather than go gym, believe in ways to be rich in few time without invest much money rather than live a economic life style, now lets watch the devs change the health balloon definition after more than 5 years rather than fire the girl and remove those mission which support this definition.

Digital X -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/21/2015 7:09:39)


What was gifting like? I missed it, and I'm still a poor BH.


Basically one player would buy so many gifts, then choose a location full of players/or obtain a large of amount of players, then they would open the gifts and everyone in the vicinity would recieve a gift, be it Credits, Cores or what not.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/21/2015 9:16:21)

Gifting was good and bad.

On one hand you got rich quick if you made it to the big ones. On the other hand you had to deal with trying to get to said world and once it was announced if you were locked out you had to spam the button hoping to get in.

I just hope that this time around they make it so that the gifting works with location not just the world you are in.

Darkwing -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/21/2015 9:22:28)

Last year I was away from ED and missed this ''gifting'' or how you call it. No Wonder you saw so many people with endless armor, they all got so many credits from this gifting.

Should be good.

And about Nightwraith, sorry if you have to work nights too, but this is the fault of ArtixE that doesn't hire more Devs for ED and Biobeasts. Just wish you guys can fiind time in the future to fix Juggernaut for high levels.

Nightwraith -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/21/2015 9:26:56)

@dfo99 Huh? It seems you're convinced this is a "tail wagging the dog" situation with the Guest Team. This is not true. Whatever ideas the Guest Team have, we (the in-house Devs) still have to decide whether or no to implement them. They're not holding us hostage and to think so dismisses all the good things the Guest Team has made possible in ED. If we discovered that a Guest Team member were using their position purely to gain a few Twitter followers or bend the game to their Machiavellian will...well they probably wouldn't have gotten past the interview process if that were the case.

Long story short: Nothing goes into game without Dev approval.

Was that good? Did I say it right? Please don't fire me, Therril. [:(]

@Darkwing It's a challenging situation: As games make less money, there's less money to hire Devs which means that remaining staff get more pressure to do more with less (or get "reallocated") which means the breadth of new content decreases leading to decreasing sales. This cycle can be broken with a new game launch, especially games which aren't as bound to the rapid-release schedule typical of our browser games.

This cycle can also be broken through the risky businsess-o-mancy of an injection of investor cash or by taking on debt to hire a surge of temporary help to bolster the games, but since AE is privately owned, this is not likely to happen.

This sounds grim, but is relatively common in the industry.

dfo99 -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/21/2015 12:13:19)


you over exaggeration to "hostage" level of what i propose clearly can be described as this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_ridicule

say that you that what goes in to game needs devs approval don't answer nothing, since i have said that the approval is exactly what is being obtained through the abuse of situation. i don't find another way to write it without sound disrespectful, flaming etc.. but since there is no way to propose a situation/argument which includes a accusation of any kind despite the nature of the argument and it not be considered offensive content, i don't think that actually exist one.


and to think so dismisses all the good things the Guest Team has made possible in ED

unless in places where there is a dictatorship the people are free to think how their want about anything nightwraith, it only reinforce what i have said about the situation. despite this, you is talking as if i had suggested the removal of guess team, which i never had said (except SSM and ranloth). for their both i agree that i had suggested their are trying "bend the game to their Machiavellian" (¬¬" stop the appeal to ridicule plz) but my objective show how wrong and impossible is the idea of charfade that you all are equals and the problems that this is creating and slowly growing up. it is hard to believe but it is not personal (SSM for example had never be offensive against me or anybody)

Charfade -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/21/2015 12:40:59)

I want to emphasize again the "Let's get better together"

In case there has ever been any confusion, Guest teams have a direct line of communication with us through e-mail and skype, anything they say on the forums which they need extra clarification on they can confirm or double check facts with us before they post here. Yes I understand hearing from devs is important. I wish I could have the time to chat all day but I dont. Having the Guest teams helps everyone, it saves us on development time on our end which is very tight atm. I could be here working on ED and BB but I chose to address this situation because we do care. We chose the guest teams for a reason, because they do have knowledge of the EpicDuel game and can answer players questions when we can not be available.

We also don't chose guest teams members biased solely on their views of the game, we chose them on their willingness to discuss topics civilly, that they can bring new ideas to the table. What that means is everyone on the team, devs too, will have different opinions. Topics talked about is a representation of everyone's ideas, that way game is not just one persons idea. For devs this is very important to have this perspective. We know we are better devs when we can hear all concerns, not just the concerns and problems of our own. As NW stated, ultimately the dev's have the final say, but we shouldn't undermine the value the guest teams have here.

Going into any conversation with a "I'm right your wrong" attitude, will not lead to any constructive outcome. I hope we can all be better about this going forward. Progress is slow for ED, much slower then anyone would like. But I will re-iterate we are in the final stages of BB, we just need to get through these next few months. And we ask for everyone's patience during this time.

PS Therill wants to edit my post for obvious typos, I usually let him.... but for this just suffer. That way no one can say he is putting these words in my mouth. XD

dfo99 -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/21/2015 13:39:57)

if you ask a very famous person something about his characteristics or how works his job it is acceptable get a answer from a PR team, but would you accept if you get a reply from the pr team what the famous person thinks about something complex like the global warming, the new world economic order etc...?

say that the guest artists have the devs skype and email is a argument absolutely invalid and non sense except if the reply is a ctrl + v from what the devs said.

it is even worse for epic duel forums replies from ranloth, this dude clearly not even try ask to know the devs position about a suggestion due his extremely fast reply to players suggestion like : it will not be implement, it will make the game unbalanced (usually is very hard to test what is balanced or not but ranloth believing that is the ed supreme balancer master instant knows), this question is over etc...

anyway where is the answer to my main question?

will you devs choose the easy way and support SSM definition of health points and only do a small change in the health mouse over balloon to clarify it?.

or the choose the uncomfortable and hard way to maintain the normal hp, ep and damage definition, fire (or just talk to) SSM and change the new missions texts which support ssm definition?

Battle Elf -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/21/2015 13:48:52)

Ranloth is no longer a part of the Guest team, so any anger you have towards him shouldn't be directed towards ED, or AE at all.

SSM's post about health points relates to the lore of EpicDuel, specifically to Legendary Bosses. I don't think a change in battle mechanics or description is needed.

dfo99 -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/21/2015 13:55:04)

you don't think but i think the description was needed. it also affects the old chairman platinum for example.

i don't hate ranloth, but the things was really hard with this dude here.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/21/2015 13:57:56)


Plenty of old missions support my definition of health points, so you'd have to remove almost a third of all missions that require players to fight NPCs if you want your way. HP and more generally NPC strength is dependent on how much NPCs decide to invest in the fight - which is why Anya appears unfazed when you beat her in her daily mission, the Endless is unaffected when you beat it in Frozen Fury Part 3, Torgan is out of breath when you beat him in his daily mission, and the Black Abyss Spider dies when you beat it twice in the Dark Harvest mission chain. Vastly differing outcomes because the NPCs have different investments in the fight. It doesn't make sense if NPCs tell you to critically injure them just for a sparring match.

So it's not just my new missions - missions written way before I joined the team all support this view.

dfo99 -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/21/2015 14:07:54)


just no, those missions don't support you definition because there is no place where it says or even suggest that the npc decide the hp/str to invest in the fight. all before missions says that the npcs got killed or koed, the gow is the only one exception because you write it now in 2015.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/21/2015 14:11:14)


The vast majority of missions don't end up with the NPC being killed or koed, actually. As I've said, the Endless and Anya are good examples. Alydriah even specifically said that beating the Endless had no effect.

Lord Machaar -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/21/2015 14:19:58)

I really am curious right now. Just last week, I recovered my account from a 15 days ban, I'm not discussing the reason but all I know my post was about the GAME.
I never, ever, saw much "attention" of Ed team on something till now, what worries me, it is really not about the GAME. After 2 or 3 well written posts you still can't understand that X player is from the ED team and develops the game? Ban. Still confused, another ban. At least, that's what they do when someone tried to prove a point about the GAME.

But coming here and trying to convince the same guy, over and over again a simple idea is pretty "time wasting" and also, which is worst, shows the double standards of AE forums, hiring AKs that are so much good, very good, at what? Banning you at game related posts, yet even better at not banning on off topic things that aren't about the game, they will even open an elongated discussion. Like this one.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/21/2015 14:23:30)


We have let this continue so far because we think that this is bigger than one post, topic or individual, and involves attitudes or assumptions that are quite commonly held. This thus necessitates a coordinated response to make the roles of the guest staff and the rules of conduct clear.

dfo99 -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/21/2015 14:25:38)

really a lot of mission not end in the usual k.o, as oz ones for example, and there is sparring missions, but it at least seems like a technical knock out (tko), however it is completely different to say that the chairman platinum easy mode was kidding and the hard mode fighting serious or that it was not even his full power. the missions from chairman don't mention the chairman hard mode, but it don't change the normal hp concept, it start with you new missions.


my replies are not topic off.

Therril Oreb -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/21/2015 14:28:18)

Machaar. If you got issues when certain actions are being taken on your account be it a forum account or a game account. You discuss this with the person who banned you through the appropriate channel. And this is a message to everyone who has these issues.
Bans are not given lightly and when genuinely confused, we explain the situation.
The forum rules also clearly describe what can and cannot pass through. When we remove a post, we send a PM detailing why it is deleted and a link to the rules as to make sure you know where they are and what they hold.
If you got issues with all of the above, we got Melissa4Bella and the other administrators who are more than willing to help you out and discuss the matter.

Now, the topic of this thread has been going off track now. There is a place to discuss health points and more specifically the latest released boss. And moderation questions can be asked through PM towards a moderator.

The thread at hand is about the gifts coming up and about the guest team working together with the office developers.
Please stick with this.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: =ED= 20th of October - Let's Get Better Together 2 (10/21/2015 18:42:47)

I just about finished unloading all the credits I had gotten from last year's gifting, so it's good timing that it's coming back soon.

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