Frozen fury scythe bug (Visual bug) (Full Version)

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lampur1 -> Frozen fury scythe bug (Visual bug) (12/12/2015 5:38:34)

Name: Cookie test drive
Level: 40
Class: Bm
Server/s: Epic

Operating System: win 10
Browser: Firefox
Flash Player Version: unknown right now
Internet Connection (wireless, high-speed, etc.): high-speed

Brief Description: when using kartherax robot while using this scythe the scythes edge will disapear after coming back
Error Messages (if any): none

Step by step details to duplicate issue:
1. equip the scythe and let some1 else use kartherax bot special on you
2. wait till the fish weapon disapears
3. congrats

Screenshot (if any):
Additional Details (if any):

The berserker killer -> RE: Frozen fury scythe bug (Visual bug) (12/15/2015 2:10:28)

It's been reported before but, as long as I can remember, its never been truly resolved.

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