Yeti bots buff. (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


racing.lo.mas -> Yeti bots buff. (2/13/2016 3:13:14)

Is known that all yetis have been underpowered since there are a lot of bots with powerful cores.
I have 2 good suggestion to buff this bot:

1)Increase the Cool Down of weapons:
Right now the core puts the weapons in a normal CD, 2 turns for sidearm and 3 for aux. Maybe you can increase the CD when the bot's core is used.
Sidear between 3 and 4 turns and Aux between 4 and 5.
Note: I also thought about taking the range weapons for all the fight but I found it really op versus Support (it would destroy one of his two best attacks). I'm just mentioning this to show that giving 1 or 2 extra turns of CD is nothing compared to destroying the weapons for all the fight.

2)Lower the damage of the range weapons:
Alright, this would be like this. You put the range weapons in CD and when the target get them back they deal less damage. They can lose a % between 5% and 10%.
10% wont be much: -35 for sidearm and -40 for aux.

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