RE: Epicduel Win% Referendum (Full Version)

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nowras -> RE: Epicduel Win% Referendum (7/11/2016 20:13:13)

Here are some names of good rank 45-79 players.

1- Vindictus

2- Hunter kill12

3- Strong Mercenary

4- The Hunter killer

5- xNodi (not any more I guess)

6- General Layfawn

7- Skullhax (Not sure though)

8- Lord Machaar (you)

9- Matt 1000 (If he ever returns to ED, he's a rank 47 player.)

So, if we exclude 3 of the ones I mentioned, this means there're 6 players I'm having a hard time when I fight them. These 6 are also, super active which means I fight them more than 30 times daily. If I wasn't a good player, these 30 battles would all become instant loses.

Lord Machaar -> RE: Epicduel Win% Referendum (7/11/2016 21:06:38)

- Vindictus doesn't play much nowadays, even in the war he didn't participate, and he mostly runs a weak high HP BH build which is counter-able.
- General Layfawn uses most of the time support build, which is very weak against high HP bms and strenght builds. If you use a 750 HP build though, you will lose, it's not because of "ranks", but because 750 HP builds are weak against high supp builds with blood hawk.
- Rest you mentioned either quitted, aren't in that rank range anymore, or didn't reach that rank yet (Skullhax).

The only active players from that rank range are Hunter Kill12 which turned rank 60, and Strong Mercenary., Strong Mercenary. uses a 5 focus HP build which is usually powerful against 5 focus BMs, so blaming your losses on the rank in this case is also not pertinent, as your losses might be due to the build encountering yours and not different ranks.

The only player that uses same build as yours, is Hunter Kill12, which is now a rank 60. So if he wins you with 500-600-700 HP, then believe me, +1 str +2 dex +2 tech +1 support is not the problem, as such stats give 0.4% block and deflect chance, and 0.433% crit chance, with some boosts to weapons/skills damage which is neglectable to RNG. The only problem will be in who starts first, especially if you are using the same build. In this case, you make the difference between intelligent and stupid player.

I'm not quite sure if devs are going to change a whole system because of a minor problem. If devs are going to fix ranks, they will probably not fix one part and leave the others.
- If we are going to talk about unfairness, then we shouldn't be selfish enough and neglect "2vs2". As a player who did 2vs2, and since I'm a high rank, I contantly get teamed up with level 36-37-38-39 and low rank 40s players, facing high rank players (rank 20 - 60). If devs are going to fix your problem because it's unfair to high ranks in 5 - 10% of their daily battles. Then it's unfair for high rank players who play 2vs2 in 50% - 60% of their battles.
- If we are going to talk about unfairness for high rank players, then we should be talking about how "variety" decreases in higher ranks. If you run a support/strenght/high dex build at higher ranks, you will be penalized, since the only viable build is 5 focus. Strenght/support/high dex builds only use 30 legendary ranks, 10 for defense, 10 for resistance, and 10 for primary/auxiliary/side arm damage, the rest of the ranks will make your opponent get underdog mode without you using them (Robot damage, and aux/primary/sidearm damages).

These are true problems for "high ranks", I didn't even start mentioning "lower ranks" problems, or balance problems, or battle modes problem in general. After playing PVP for 2 years, you clearly get to see a way bigger picture.
Coming here to report personal problems and wish for them to get fixed, won't make the game any better, especially if such fix aims to reward cheaters.

There are other problems that are worth fixing, your solution simply aims to fix one part of the legendary system, revamping the legendary system and adopting a general fix would the game more good. Heck deleting it to get rid of botters is a great way also, I don't have a problem sacrificing my hard earned ranks to see some rats remain the underdog in a new legit system made by the devs.

nowras -> RE: Epicduel Win% Referendum (7/12/2016 6:39:36)


Vindictus doesn't play much nowadays, even in the war he didn't participate, and he mostly runs a weak high HP BH build which is counter-able.
- General Layfawn uses most of the time support build, which is very weak against high HP bms and strenght builds. If you use a 750 HP build though, you will lose, it's not because of "ranks", but because 750 HP builds are weak against high supp builds with blood hawk.
- Rest you mentioned either quitted, aren't in that rank range anymore, or didn't reach that rank yet (Skullhax).

The only active players from that rank range are Hunter Kill12 which turned rank 60, and Strong Mercenary., Strong Mercenary. uses a 5 focus HP build which is usually powerful against 5 focus BMs, so blaming your losses on the rank in this case is also not pertinent, as your losses might be due to the build encountering yours and not different ranks.

The only player that uses same build as yours, is Hunter Kill12, which is now a rank 60. So if he wins you with 500-600-700 HP, then believe me, +1 str +2 dex +2 tech +1 support is not the problem, as such stats give 0.4% block and deflect chance, and 0.433% crit chance, with some boosts to weapons/skills damage which is neglectable to RNG. The only problem will be in who starts first, especially if you are using the same build. In this case, you make the difference between intelligent and stupid player.

Firstly, Vindictus plays a lot. I fight him many times daily and he's the hardest player of them all after you.
In addition, there's Leco De Mais or so. He's a rank 64 TLM. I win him most of the time but, he sometimes get too much luck and wins.

Strong Mercenary wins only when he gets lucky but, he always gets lucky due to underdog mode (IA Rage block, rage deflections, 2 criticals in a row and etc..)

Hunter Kill12, I always win against him unless he starts first with 2 plasma cannon criticals and usually he survives with 42 HP. Of course, thanks to underdog mode.
If I start first against him, it's an instant win for me.

The Hunter killer is also, super active and I fight him a lot daily and he's a rank 47. He's a bounty hunter but, if I ever start first I farm him. When he starts first he usually survives with 21 health. Again, thanks to underdog mode.

General Layfawn always does 3-4 critcals and with 2-3 blocks and he's a support build user which means it of course happens because of Underdog mode. Though, when he uses focus builds he will get some advantage and as always he gets also lucky and survives on like 70 health or so.

Finally, you. When I start first with 0 luck it's a 50-50. When you start first which happens more often, you instantly win. That happens because TLM counters BM if someone knows how to use it.


There are other problems that are worth fixing, your solution simply aims to fix one part of the legendary system, revamping the legendary system and adopting a general fix would the game more good. Heck deleting it to get rid of botters is a great way also, I don't have a problem sacrificing my hard earned ranks to see some rats remain the underdog in a new legit system made by the devs.
My fix would not just buff a small group of players (rank 80s). It would buff also, these level 36 - rank 25 players along with high ranked players while it nerfs mid ranked players because that should happen so it becomes fair. This is actually, 50% of the level 40s. 50% of them will be buffed.

shadow.bane -> RE: Epicduel Win% Referendum (7/12/2016 7:17:49)

but for dex/support/str nly 30 ranks counts which are important not others like for dex he needs defense resistance and gun same support but aux damage not gun etc etc etc so in 2 vs 2 which we only see dex or support now days with little str tm's or bm's or whatever the only first 30 ranks that really counts the rest are just pointless.
the only thing that needs fixing in this is matchmaking and the problem here is the low population in ED which makes it so difficult to do so which obligate them to make another thing to fix that which is unknown to us rn and we actually don't know if they are working on it atm or just busy with BB which they said that they will be a bit free for ED starting april first which we can now say that it was a lie cause it's july 12th and we haven't seen anything yet lol unless they are preparing something big as exploading said in the post which I really can't find it now for some reason I do not know lol (it's about lowering stats/skills given per level or something not sure) it's just funny and ridicules at the same time and show the interest of devs in their players which we can understand at this point they only care about money and not about our money that we spend to play a good game but for the money they get and say yeah they paying so eh whatever we don't care ....

Satafou -> RE: Epicduel Win% Referendum (7/12/2016 7:49:22)

I thought i wouldn't have to remind you all again, however judging by the most recent posts it appears i must. This thread isn't about how 'op' underdog mode is, and why you all feel the need to justify your losses due to your opponent having between 1-2-2-1 and 2-3-3-2 extra stats despite you having many additional stats from legendary mode. This thread is about whether win ratio's should return to Epicduel or not and what way we should go about it if it is to return.

If you want to discuss this matter i kindly ask that you either create a new thread or discuss it via PM. I'm not willing to have my thread locked due to external factors outside my control, such as people going widely off-topic.

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: Epicduel Win% Referendum (7/12/2016 8:37:18)

Back on topic to humor the OP

My opinion has swayed throughout this thread, I've finally come to a conclusive opinion.

Losses and win %s should remain hidden , Why?

More bad would come from revealing them then good, The game isn't balanced never has been . Most intelligent players know this , Making the amount of wins you have meaningless at anyrate , Hell in beta /gamma,delta it was possible to get to the level cap with a 95% win rate, This wasn't skill , It was bad balancing. (I know I got to the level cap with a 95% win rate)

Revealing win %s would just open the door for players who don't understand the game and think their wins are due to skill to taunt players with less wins / more losses, Which already goes on now with the winning side.

And displaying win %s on the lbs would just direct people to find the person and use the current most broken build , That can net a win % that would never be possible in a balanced game and call it "skill" .

So not supported.

For some clarity this is just my noobatron alt , I'm not checking them all, This is coming from someone with a 81.2306101% win rate in 1v1 , and 68.4305472% win rate in 2v2 , So this is not an opinion coming from someone with a bad win rate, Its just the truth , The games broken it has been forever , Win % means nothing , Why show them , And give people more reason to be abusive over things they don't understand.

Post edited to remove unnecessary content ~M4B

nowras -> RE: Epicduel Win% Referendum (7/12/2016 11:41:19)

I support this suggestion unlike you noobatron. I'll tell you why you don't want %s to be shown again. It's because right now you're bragging about losing because of your level but, you also know that once you reach rank 49 (the best rank ever), you will keep losing so that you don't want %s to be shown again so people think you're OP or something while you're not.

Again, the all time % doesn't show if someone is good or no. The daily win % does. In the same time, we can't tell a rank 1 for example a noob for getting 75% win ratio in one vs one but, we do call a rank 49 a complete noob if he gets 80% in one vs one as he must get 90%+ no matter what. Though, this is only for focus builds because other builds have lower % in general.


why you all feel the need to justify your losses due to your opponent having between 1-2-2-1 and 2-3-3-2 extra stats despite you having many additional stats from legendary mode.

I recommend you to read the threads I wrote about how unfair underdog mode is for rank 80 players when they are fighting rank 24-79 players.

shadow.bane -> RE: Epicduel Win% Referendum (7/12/2016 11:45:39)

@noobatron in one sentence : when loses and % were shown 1000 + in 3 servers were online when they got hidden u see max 300 online in peak lol got the picture ?

nowras -> RE: Epicduel Win% Referendum (7/12/2016 14:59:56)

I'm sorry Noobatron but, you will have to be the one who must take down the post. Everyone knows I'm a Delta player. I did 25,000 wins in Delta with 15,000 losses while I did 60,000 wins in Omega with 11,000 losses. I ask you to check my old videos if you don't believe me. May god help you with your.... I don't want to say anything bad on the forums. I'll contact a mod to ban you from the forums for trolling and making another account after your other account was banned which's against the forums rules.


Check how many people at 40 have above a 90% win rate , probably less then 1% of the active l40 base.....its statistically impossible for every 40 to have a 90% win rate , You've just proven your clueless and understand nothing about blocking you, I'm done with you
I ask you to check my old twitter and facebook photos when I posted photos of my %s as a rank 4 when I was getting more than 95% ratios on more than 200 wins in just one day without +6 cores.

A lot of level 40s get more than 90%. Including me, Bane.Hall0w, ..Cosmic Emperor.., ConQrR, Lord Machaar, Primal Assassin (Allahu Akbar) and especially Variation with his stunning record and his character is actually, Omega.
You have just proven to everyone that every single fact of yours is wrong. See you on your other account that will be also banned because you're getting banned on this.

Melissa4Bella -> RE: Epicduel Win% Referendum (7/13/2016 16:46:40)

Stay on topic from this point forward or the thread will be either locked or removed. Also, please do not respond to players who are intentionally baiting other players, as the results are virtually unwanted by everybody involved. Thanks!

Altador987 -> RE: Epicduel Win% Referendum (7/13/2016 18:13:40)

I'm kinda indifferent i don't really see a point to win ratio? I don't judge players based on it (i never bothered looking honestly) ratio varies for many reasons, some obvious some not. Other than bragging rights i don't really see the point, as most players tend to copy builds anyway plus the classes aren't equally balanced so high win ratio isn't really stating a lot. Anyone can get a high win ratio if that's the concern, a f5 build with a lil hp and skills focused on defense rather than offense is all any player really needs for it (aka heal bot loop). I'll support the idea cause clearly from the amount of posters it means a lot to certain people but i definitely don't think it affected the game

nowras -> RE: Epicduel Win% Referendum (7/13/2016 19:14:19)

%s aren't the same for everyone. %s played a major role in the past, some people only played EpicDuel to show people that their win % is high. They didn't play it for wins as they didn't have enough time and this is actually, true. As in the past, people that didn't do PvP a lot tended to have higher %s than those who played a lot but, of course, there were people who played a lot and got high %s and others who didn't play at all and got low %s but, they weren't many players.

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