What is the future for epicduel? (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel General Discussion


racing.lo.mas -> What is the future for epicduel? (8/14/2016 21:32:17)

We havent had any news from the devs for a long time. what are they working on?

Greed Redemption -> RE: What is the future for epicduel? (8/14/2016 23:24:35)

BioBeast is their main priority, when it is completed up to it's full potential I believe they will want to fix ED or rather make a new ED type game. Not sure what they have in planned. We could just be getting abandoned slowly.

ambien -> RE: What is the future for epicduel? (8/20/2016 22:55:57)

really wow if the hand writing is not on the wall then people are blind. game is gone now for over a year . to bad to sad but ed is dead.

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