Match History (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


Daph Duck -> Match History (9/1/2016 17:54:50)

Some people LOVE LYING about their wins and loses so how about we make a match history. Record the win and lose and the players in every match. It could also show the weapons used in that match for good measure and how many rounds. To prevent too much space being taken up we could only show like the last 10 matches per player and delete the rest or only show matches from a certain time period.

Mr.Pablo Jr. -> RE: Match History (9/1/2016 19:40:13)

I can only imagine how much data this would take up considering from your proposal that this is constantly updated...

Daph Duck -> RE: Match History (9/2/2016 0:36:36)

Well... Many games like league of leggings and dota and even club penguin do this and those games have 1,000x of ed's players so I don't see how hard this would be.......................

Mr.Pablo Jr. -> RE: Match History (9/2/2016 12:45:25)

The player base for LoL and Dota is leagues beyond ED's current player base. Those games have the resources to manage that kind of stress on the servers, whereas ED only has one server open and questionable developer oversight. ED has never had a good history with managing server stress. Constant updates were even eliminated from the All-Time Leaderboards in order to ease the stress and reduce lag. Additionally, I don't see how this endeavor would affect gameplay and balance which are the two areas that really should be focused on, especially with resources limited as it is.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Match History (9/2/2016 15:33:44)

Sadly, Mr. Pablo Jr. is most likely correct.

If memory allocation is so limited that players have to pay for extra inventory space, keeping a match history for all players that is that detailed is almost definitely out of the question.

That being said, if it was possible, it would be cool and I would want to see it in the game.

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