Zorbak Ally Assist (Full Version)

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Carandor -> Zorbak Ally Assist (10/22/2016 7:22:38)

Zorbak Ally Assist
«Darkness Ally Assist. Can turn the monster Undead.»

Power Level: YourLevel (for adventurers), GuardianLevel (for Guardians)

Hits: 3
Type: Melee
Element: Darkness

Uses VStat instead of your stats.

VStat = MAX(MIN(round((2.1462*PowLvl + 10.399)/5)*5,200),10) + MIN(MAX(IF(PowLvl<90,round((0.7123*PowLvl - 19.111)/5)*5,5*PowLvl - 400),0),200)*3/20

It starts off as a spell:
    SpellBase = (4/3)*(0.00375*PowLvl^2 + 0.5625*PowLvl +5.25)
    SpellRand = 2*((0.0075*PowLvl^2 + 1.125*PowLvl + 10.5) - SpellBase)
    SpellStat% = (200+13.2*PowLvl)%

    The way the VStat works is that it's added onto the Assist's Base and Random. So:

    AssistBase = 0.85*(SpellBase + SpellStat%*VStat/3/4)
    AssistRand = 0.85*(SpellRand + SpellStat%*VStat/3/4)
    AssistStat% = 0
  • Ally Assists automatically hit.
  • Damage from Ally Assists are treated as an "other" attack, so aren't modified by anything (damage boosts from misc etc.).
  • Tags the monster as Undead*, if it isn't already. The monster doesn't get a save against this effect, but can be immune**.

    **The assault corrupts your foe, leaving it with an aura of undeath!
    **Your foe's firm form refuses your fiddling! (Monter is immune to effect!)


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image and popup thanks to Tep Itaki.


    Deals *0.85 damage as an auto-hit penalty. Against Undead, it deals +5% damage. Against anything else, it deals -58.8% damage. With 3 equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/3 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.


    August 17, 2016: The Ally Assist was released.


    «Numbers below are per hit.»

    YourLvl	0	5	10	15	20	25	30	35	40	45	50	55	60	65
    PowLvl	0	5	10	15	20	25	30	35	40	45	50	55	60	65
    Damage	1-2	2-4	3-5	4-8	5-10	7-13	8-17	10-20	12-24	14-29	17-34	19-39	22-44	25-50
    Undead	2-5	5-9	7-14	10-21	13-27	17-34	21-43	26-51	31-62	36-73	43-86	49-99	56-113	63-127
    YourLvl	70	75	80	85	90	95	100	105	110	115	120	125	130	135
    PowLvl	70	75	80	85	90	95	100	105	110	115	120	125	130	135
    Damage	28-55	31-62	34-69	38-77	41-83	44-89	47-94	50-101	53-107	56-113	60-119	62-125	65-130	68-135
    Undead	71-141	79-158	88-175	98-195	106-211	113-226	120-241	128-256	136-272	144-287	152-304	159-318	166-331	172-345

    YourLvl	0	5	10	15	20	25	30	35	40	45	50	55	60	65	70	75
    PowLvl	10	15	19	23	27	32	36	41	45	50	54	59	64	68	73	78
    Damage	3-5	4-8	5-10	6-12	7-15	9-18	11-21	13-25	14-29	17-34	19-37	21-42	24-49	27-53	30-59	33-67
    Undead	7-14	10-21	13-25	15-31	19-38	23-46	27-54	32-64	36-73	43-86	47-95	54-108	62-125	68-135	75-151	85-170
    YourLvl	80	85	90	95	100	105	110	115	120	125	130	135	140	145	150
    PowLvl	83	88	93	98	103	108	113	118	123	128	133	138	143	148	153
    Damage	37-73	41-81	43-86	46-92	49-98	52-104	55-110	58-117	61-123	64-128	66-133	69-138	72-144	75-150	78-155
    Undead	94-187	103-206	110-220	118-235	125-250	133-265	141-281	149-298	156-312	163-326	169-339	176-353	183-367	191-381	198-395

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