Increase Credit rewards by 3X (Full Version)

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Mother1 -> Increase Credit rewards by 3X (12/17/2016 17:55:00)

It is just as the title says. Reason being is because thanks to the X3 boost with EXP to make players level up faster then in return get only 1/3 of the credits they would normally get in the past per level. This as it has been said before has causing players to have insufficent credits to power up their gear and to buy cores for future battles.

Normally NPC's would have filled this role, however thanks to them giving EXP as well it doesn't help.

This would help balance out the issues for all the level 1-39 players who haven't reached 40 and ranks yet.

Any thoughts comments concerns or ways to improve this idea? Feel free to voice them.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Increase Credit rewards by 3X (12/17/2016 20:18:52)

It makes sense at first glance so I'd support it.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Increase Credit rewards by 3X (12/17/2016 21:51:32)

I support too. But although considering how easy it is to get weapons and credits(from missions, codes, gifting etc) idk.. if it's reallly needed.

Xendran -> RE: Increase Credit rewards by 3X (12/18/2016 0:28:27)

@SouL Prisoner:
You don't make enough credits to buy a full set of equipment if you win every single battle up to level 40 with the current curve.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Increase Credit rewards by 3X (12/18/2016 0:40:54)

Whose talking about just the credit from wins/loses. What about missions, occasional codes and if you take part in X'mas gifting, you're set for life.

Optimise -> RE: Increase Credit rewards by 3X (12/18/2016 12:44:58)

@SouL Prisoner - Not everyone does missions, looks for codes, or participates in the gifting event. The main track is to battle, it's something every player would do -- that's why they're playing. Whereas missions (and the other stuff you've mentioned) are more like side stuff you can possibly do, but isn't necessary for player leveling.

It's necessary for a player to be fully prepared and equipped with cores, upgraded weapons, etc... or at least be able to buy a full set of gear otherwise it will result in many issues. Yes, the things you've mentioned do provide a good amount of credits, that's precisely why they need to match credits gain with the current leveling curve. Someone who participates in such activities will have a credit-wise advantage over those who do not, e.g. someone without a full set of gear versus the other with full set. If players are provided with enough credits to equip them for battle adequately then they won't be able to complain for not having a piece of gear because of insufficient credits.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Increase Credit rewards by 3X (12/18/2016 17:11:04)

Missions can be factored in reasonably, gifting never should be considered since it's a limited duration event that may not happen in the future.

Mother1 -> RE: Increase Credit rewards by 3X (12/31/2016 14:36:24)

Here is something I did in game that adds to the reason we need to this change.

I played with my level 8 (Now 9) alt in game and went from level to level using 2 vs 2 (seeing as it offers the most credit rewards) When I leveled the amount of credits it took to fully level my get was a little over 1K in credits. However the amount I gained from this was well below the amount needed.

This is extremely early in the game and now because of this we have really low levels not having enough credits to go through the levels which really isn't helpful seeing as we already have some players griping about under equipped/ underpowered players in 2 vs 2.

Stonehawk -> RE: Increase Credit rewards by 3X (12/31/2016 14:42:45)

Don't forget how expensive it is to retrain and rearrange weapons stats. Players usually try to find a good build and that makes it even harder to reach a high level fully equipped.

By the way, I support increasing the credits gain and maybe making retraining/rearranging weapon stats cheaper so that we can try more builds before running out of credits...

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