RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (Full Version)

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Asuka -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/23/2017 3:31:59)

It wasnt really meant to punish the actual legit players and thats why im up at 3:30am seeing what else we can do to fix this and probably will spend all day tomorrow testing different % and item requirements

Psych -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/23/2017 3:34:08)

Ugh.. what Asuka said...

[Because] people [were] actually abusing a bug (that will be fixed) to get an advantage and get an extremely good class early

If that isn't enough reason for you, then I don't what is. It wouldn't be FAIR if all those people who had access to leaked documents could get a class on the day of release, when the rest of us would have to farm it up for weeks or months.

Aura Knight -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/23/2017 3:35:44)

Well, if nothing else, at least we should be appreciative of the fact there is effort being put into improving things, so thanks for that. Still, it would be nice if for future endgame type items the players could give feedback on quest creation by random polls.

megakyle777 -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/23/2017 3:37:03)

Hey Asuka, I just wish to say MY only real issue with the quest is RNG. And Le chocolat. Heck I don't even mind the elder blood. I enjoy the QUEST ITSELF (mostly it's just the fact that after the first turn in you can get jack for it.

LouisCyphere -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/23/2017 3:41:42)

You can even thrown in some Void Auras and a Hadean Onyx there.
The class needs more void related items in its quest.

As for those who have their RoN now, let them keep it.
Though, can we raise the required RoN if we're going to have to remove the RNG?

Psych -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/23/2017 3:44:19)

Also a Uni 35 or two. It'd be the cherry on top(Sarcasm). I think making it 100% (option B) would be the best way. I think making the RoN quest as far away as possible from the regular Nulgath resources is already a good step. Rather neat to do different things within the game. Maybe add some sort of Dwarfhold rank 10 requirement to really make people grind (Even though /collection makes it so easy).

@LouisCyphere Just an Example.

LouisCyphere -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/23/2017 3:49:04)

Not Uni 35 [&:] That's RNG territory.
Why Dwarfhold though?
Needs a faction that's related to the void.

megakyle777 -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/23/2017 3:54:43)

I am reliably informed by Asuka that they have what they consider to be a solid plan based on feedback, but it needs tests, runthroughs, adjusments and approval. (;

I am also reliably informed that you will need 10,000 Salts Of Nulgath gained in PVP by beating already existing Void Highlords.

One of the above is true and one is a lie.

Psych -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/23/2017 3:58:17)

I wish I could do more to help test it out. I wish we could see what Asuka and Tendou are planning at the moment.

orc orc orc -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/23/2017 3:59:08)

The rep idea was probably to give neglected factions more use. Iirc there was a Nulgath item that required Dwarfhold rep (dual trig busters or something) but it's rare now. I would like a rep requirement in future Nulgath items. It's an alternative to an item requirement and it doesn't require inventory slots. Possibly some lore to explain the rep requirement too.

I do appreciate Tendou, Asuka and co's efforts in working out on a solution. I do hope things will get better.

Asuka -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/23/2017 4:14:42)


I wish we could see what Asuka and Tendou are planning at the moment.

Fun. aka not fun at all for people

megakyle777 -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/23/2017 4:30:10)

You really wanna fuel the fires Askua? DX

Seriously I hope people like it.

Asuka -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/23/2017 4:47:24)

i am determined to please everyone all at once.

Hopefully ten and I's changes will help put things to rest just a little bit if not all

Ach1 -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/23/2017 4:52:05)

Plan B (making drop 100%, while increasing roentgentum required) seems a bit boring. 20% drop rate does make a quest a lot more reliable, plus keeps it interesting. My unpopular opinion

LouisCyphere -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/23/2017 4:54:01)

At the very least our feedback is being heard. Thanks!
Unlike during the time of the release of Helm of Awe.

Right, since we're talking about "hardcore" farming or end-game items.
I think it would be fair if these hardcore quests can be completed as a solo player.
Not everyone would be in the same level or have the same classes.
I mean if I want to earn something, I would want it to be my own effort and not ride in other people's ability.

Psych -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/23/2017 5:09:52)

Completely agree. AP is near-impossible doing it solo. Same with CA.

xstreamshadow -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/23/2017 5:18:39)

Say, what separates end game from just really hard to get items? Like grimhero blade and nulgath evolved orb armors compared to BLoD, SDKA etc.?suprised no one talked about the former 2. That's some rng there.

Ach1 -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/23/2017 5:24:18)

Grimheros quite easy, as for evolved orbs, getting uni 22, 23, 25 is the most RNG dependant, once you get those, its a normal grind. (shadow and hex do have extremely annoying 600 trophy requirement each, but I am certain those can be acquired in a day, you will just need to visit an asylum for a month or two after doing that)

xstreamshadow -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/23/2017 5:31:13)

Well, shadow also has 30 fiend tokens which aren't exactly a walk in the park, blood has a juggernaut, as well as 1v1 trophys, hex also has that 50 gems. We can't forget that each orb needs 10 totems, a voucher, and 6 uni 13 per orb armor( 3 for the orb, 3 for the quest). Maybe i'm just biased though. I did give up SDKA at 20 corrupt dark spirit orbs after all.

And farming a boss that you can get to after a long questline, one other bpss( aka binky), has near 1mil health, does 200 to 500 dmg and can lock skills and reduce your damage to 0 is easy, good to know.

goldslayer1 -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/23/2017 5:39:38)

I'd consider the Evolved orb sets to be endgame when you add up the combined effort for the whole sets.
That includes the cost of the orb, the armor, helmet, weapon, and coins.
I have all 3 (Shadow, hex and blood) evolved orbs but have only farmed the shadow set when I was mem.

The only real tricky part about it would be the Uni 13s without Crag or Astral/CVK since it would be 6 Uni 13s per set.

I dont really think they're that hard though.
And the trophies aren't that hard either, you can actually solo the bludrutbrawl map using Shaman or any other strong AoE class. (The trick is to knock out the healers very early and fast)

Psych -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/23/2017 5:48:07)

The Evo sets were incredibly fun to farm.

Christophoses -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/24/2017 5:44:58)

Honestly, the easiest way to fix the Void Highlord process is to remove Le Chocolat from the RoN quest and make the drop 100%. At that point all the RNG items needed for the quest aren't that bad to farm.

The problem with Le Chocolat are all those pesky gold caps.

xstreamshadow -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/24/2017 5:53:25)

That's not fixing the quest, that's making it easier, a bit too easy in fact.

Christophoses -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/24/2017 6:07:36)


Our definitions of "easier" are dimensions apart.

I have the Legacy Shadow of Nulgath armor and Living Blade Master set for the sole reasons that I logged on one day when everything dropped at a 100% rate. If it weren't for that, my future self in 5 years still wouldn't have those items.


Something that bothers me is that there's very little consideration for players who can't or don't feel like spending 7+ hours a day doing the same quest over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over (×999) again. Some people just want to look good by enjoying the game.

AQ3D has done a perfect job at creating a method to obtain items that is both difficult and enjoyable.

My point is that there needs to be more diversity as to how endgame items are obtained.

Psych -> RE: =AQW= Constructive Criticism of AQW Analysis: Quests, Activity Diversity, End-Game Items (1/24/2017 6:09:39)

Endgame is meant to be hard. If you don't want to farm it, then you don't get it. Simple.

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