(DF) various ficlets/drabbles (count: 4) (Full Version)

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Hnybnny -> (DF) various ficlets/drabbles (count: 4) (4/7/2017 20:50:51)

Recognition (Xan&Cysero)

based on a conversation with @tmae3114​, where cysero, old as he is, once met a young man from lymcrest (and what is under his am-bandages?)

He recognizes the voice.

It is the same as he remembers- a bit older, perhaps, and much more raspy- but it is still the same. The same voice of the young man he met so many years ago in a dwarven mining town, with bright blue hair and burn scars on his arms and stars in his eyes.

But this was not that man who he inspired to learn magic, not the man he met who showed such sheer promise in not only magical arts, but in life. A man who, at the time, he had a gut feeling would be great.

This was not that man- and Cysero was not sure if he was a man any longer, judging by the stark-black skull charred by flames that flickered constantly, never burning out.


The weaponsmith’s voice is uncharacteristically soft as he inches towards the other figure, clad all in red with sparks dancing at the tips of their clawed gloves.

“Alexander-” The name is said with force and fury, teeth grating, “-is dead.”

He launches a fireball and Cysero nimbly dances aside as the heat singes his cheek and he swears he smells burnt hair, but he doesn’t care.

“My name-” Punctured by another wave of fire, this time forcing Cysero to cast a quick defensive ward as he roots himself to the spot, “-is XAN!”

`This Xan laughs maniacally (the wrong sort of laughter with the same voice who used to belong to one so gentle and most of all sane, and the man shudders)

Cysero slowly begins to inch his way backwards, his shield suddenly faltering as his attention diverts course to getting the hell out there because whatever has happened, the boy he knew as Alexander is gone and in his stead is dangerous, dangerous magic in the hands of one not in the right mind (the flames, the flames, Cysero thinks, what happened to his face-?), and another burst of fire is coming straight at him and he’s not ready and his magic doesn’t react fast enough but his body does and he throws his arms in front of his face, screaming for only a few moments as his skin burns and melts and hurts, before the adrenaline kicks in and he’s running, running fast and all he can do past the pain and the tears pricking at the corners of his eyes is look over his shoulder-

And the image in his mind’s eye is a smiling boy from Lymcrest, before the pyromancer is back and the boy is gone and everything right is wrong again.

Hnybnny -> RE: (DF) various ficlets/drabbles (count: 1) (4/7/2017 20:56:14)

Seeds (Artix & the Reader)

hnybnny, did you just write a self-insert fanfiction?! you're darn tootin' i did. bless.

Knees aching from hours spent toiling in the yard, you frowned at the small lumps in the dirt- the only indication that you had planted anything just a few weeks prior. According to all known laws of gardening (at least, the ones you got from books) it should have sprouted by now. At least a little green shoot should have appeared; but it was as brown and colorless as the day you had shuffled the Doomwood dirt over it.

Perhaps it was the climate, perhaps the season, perhaps the fact that hardly anything living grew in the cursed place except for pumpkins and corn (but only in abandoned cornfields, mind you). Your frown only grew as your stomach grumbled, and with a sigh you stood slowly to your feet, taking in the dark landscape around you. Living in Doomwood was hard- even in a town. But living outside of a town? Even harder. You had resided in a ramshackle farmhouse on the outskirts of Amityvale for a year or so, the small house a relic from before the fog had turned the place, well, doom-y. At least, that’s what the books said. Pretty sure those informative tomes Magus Neron had loaned you were the only reason you were still kicking, with flesh on your bones, anyways.

Had space been available in the town, you would have taken it in a heartbeat. But, unfortunately, due to the absolute ****fest of events happening around Lore, the town was flooded with refugees who occupied every inch of the town. Not that you minded them- they were certainly kinder (and less creepy) as a whole than the native residents of the town. And… you didn’t really do creepy. Despite… your current residence.

Maybe the town would have had better soil, though…

In a huff of frustration you kicked the small piles, sending dirt and black, rotting seeds flying past the fence line- to hit with a metallic ping and a masculine noise that could be loosely translated as, ‘what the heck?’

That’s not what seeds and dirt hitting even more dirt sounded like. Your head jerked up, blush already forming on your cheeks from embarrassment as you stared, like an idiot, at the armored stranger leaning against your rackety fence and wiping dirt away from his face. Blowing a raspberry, he spat a seed out and watched it land in his palm as he pulled a face. You had no idea how long you had been staring, when in actuality it had been perhaps ten seconds, when the man glanced up at you and stuck out his hand with the seed, offering a sheepish smile along with it. “I… believe this is yours?”

Oh Avatars, he’s cute.

Going by his armor and the ridiculously large, ridiculously shiny battleaxe on his back, the man seemed to be a member of those paladins from Lightguard (and seemed to be potentially, well, compensating for something). You had seen a few of them at the inn when you visited town, but hardly ever without those bucket-like helmets and quips about ‘righteousness’ and ‘justice’. Quips that were only entertaining when they were delivered by a fellow in full battle armor, nearly passed out drunk over Rosemary’s tables. He seemed rather young, however- perhaps a year or two older than yourself, but hardly more than that.

“Um… Thank you?” You said, confused, taking the seed from his hand and tucking it in the front pocket of your frock. An air of awkwardness settled over the two of you, but you seemed to be the only one sensing it, as the other man was still smiling away as if he had just delivered to you a lost puppy. A beat passed to collect your thoughts, and you cleared your throat. “May I help you, ser?” You said, remembering to tack on the formality at the end, considering the fact that your companion was either, as you guessed, a paladin; or a knight, both of which were quite respectable positions.

The man blinked. Blinked again. Then in a fervor of energy that to be quite honest startled the daylights out of you, he recoiled in surprise with a sharp ‘Oh!’, vaulted over the fence, got down on one knee, and took your hand. “My apologies! Greetings and salutations, my lady- I am Artix von Krieger, High Paladin, at your service.” He looked up expectantly at you, still smiling away. Didn’t his cheeks hurt, or something? Avatars, they had to at this point! At the moment you were still in a bit of shock, staring owlishly at the paladin who held your hand as if proposing marriage, with cheeks as red as one of those moglins.

The best you could do was stutter out a few syllables that vaguely sounded like ‘What?’, too weirded out by this man to even pull your hand away. Didn’t your mother taught you something about stranger danger…?

With just as much energy as before, this Artix continued his spiel after realizing you were not going to introduce yourself in turn. “Excuse my intrusion, I was just on my way to Amityvale on important paladin-y duties and I may have, er…” With the hand not holding yours he rubbed the back of his head and chuckled. “Gotten a bit side-tracked by all the undead in the forest. There’s a whole hoard out there; I wanted to take them all out, but the other paladins would appreciate perhaps having some for themselves. Still, got a few hundred knocked out, so that isn’t bad!” Another laugh, as you just stared. A few… hundred…? Out… there? You gulped. “You wouldn’t perhaps know which way Amityvale is, miss?” He raised an eyebrow, hoping for a response this time. You nodded, turning slightly to point at an angle behind you, were the lights of the town could barely be made out beyond the suffocating trees. You felt the pressure on your hand disappear, and you turned back only be the looking the man and his cute smile (with cute dimples!) right in the face.

You’d think he’d have been taller.

“Thank you then, miss! With that, I will be on my way. The help is much appreciated.” He gave a two-fingered salute, poised to dash off, but then, as an afterthought, he leaned down again and took your hand again in his, pressing his lips to your skin. Standing up once more he winked at you, offered a word of hope in meeting again, and ran off much faster than a man in full plate armor should be able to run.

After a few moments pause, you couldn’t help but laugh, the blush slowly recceeding from your cheeks as you reflected on the absurd thing that just happened. Then your eyes were drawn the forest line, remembering Artix’s words about undead, and you swore you could see red eyes staring back at you. With a terrified squawk more fitting to a chicken (once again, you didn’t do creepy) you ran off after the paladin, hollering his name as if Sepulchure himself were after you.

Hnybnny -> RE: (DF) various ficlets/drabbles (count: 1) (9/15/2017 22:55:13)

Laundromat (Urban Fantasy Artix & Hero)

done on tumblr when i was given the prompt of 'i'm in my underpants in a laundromat waiting for my clothes to get washed and your clothes are in the machine next to mine and i noticed that when you put your clothes in they were all covered in blood what the heck'

Artix rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet repeatedly, noticeably uncomfortable. His gaze kept flickering from the few people in the local laundromat down to the timer on the washer that was ever so slowly ticking down from fifty minutes- the faster it got done, the better. The man heard a giggle from across the room and his head snapped up, hoping that it wasn’t directed at him, but the source of the giggle, a purple-haired woman, seemed preoccupied with a discussion on her phone and a sigh of relief left him.

The reason for him being on edge? It was quite simple- at the moment, Artix von Krieger was clad in nothing but a loose pair of black boxer-briefs speckled with cartoon skulls.

Laundry day had crept up on him this time around, and he was left with a basket full of dirty clothes and nothing clean (by clean, he meant 'not smelling of sweat and rotting flesh') to wear later except for his current outfit. Surprisingly enough, or unsurprisingly enough, this was a common occurrence. The only option left to him was, obviously, strip down near-naked and hope to the Avatars above that no one stared. He moved his hands from the washing machine to his arms, and idly rubbed them in an attempt to rid his tanned skin of the goosebumps. Did they have to keep this place so cold?! Ugh… At the moment, he wanted nothing more than to curl up with Daiymo under his warm blankets. Either that, or for his clothes to be done being cleaned.

The soft chime of the bell above the glass door brought Artix out of his self-pitying, and he risked a glance at who it was. He recognized the woman from the few times they happened to wander into the laundromat at the same time, but had never started up a conversation with her. This probably wasn’t the best time to break that, either, considering his current scantily-clad nature. She strolled in through the door with a small basket of laundry in tow, brushing messy brown hair away from her face with a free hand. She wore a purple tank-top and ripped denim that displayed her extremely long legs littered with scars- Artix noticed with a hint of cherry blush creeping over his cheeks. He decided to turn his attention back to the timer as the click-clack of sandals grew ever closer.

He bit his lip as the sound stopped right next to him; the stranger opened the washer adjacent to his and began piling her laundry in. Artix risked a glance upwards and realized with a pang that nearly all the other washers were empty… and this woman chose the one next to his. Lovely. As if his embarrassment couldn’t be any greater and- was that blood on her clothes? Side-eyeing his washer-neighbor, Artix saw numerous articles of clothing that were splattered with a dark shade of rust. Now, the man would have understood if perhaps it had been pants that had been stained- he may of been naive, but he understood women’s needs and such. But this seemed to be everything that was coated in (what he hoped wasn’t) blood.


His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed deeply, concern rising in his gut. Should he say something…? He was prepared to open his mouth when the woman slammed the lid of the washer down, and looked him straight in the eyes.

Or rather, she looked down for an uncomfortable period of time and then met his gaze. She smirked. Wiggled her eyebrows. And then walked away, leaving Artix in confused silence staring after her, his blush (and his mental fight or flight response) now having darkened considerably.

Staring after he , and the knife that was haphazardly shoved into a belt loop.

Another glance at the timer on both of their machines, and Artix sighed deeply as he realized she’d be back soon enough… and before his clothes would be dry. Lovely .

Hnybnny -> RE: (DF) various ficlets/drabbles (count: 1) (9/15/2017 23:00:21)

Acrobatics (Sepulchure&Hero)

this is a stupid drabble

The Lord of the Shadowscythe peered over the precipice of the broken balcony, his sunken eyes searching for any hint of his pursuer. Any potential for sight was lost in the darkness and he really wished the forces of evil were not so dimly lit.

That… that couldn’t have just happened. That couldn’t have been it… right? He was Sepulchure, and he wished to kill that pesky dragon lord with his own hands- what he DIDN’T wish was for them to kill themselves, dying anticlimactically mid-chase because they misjudged the distance of a jump off the towering castle debris.

He paused, for once in his unlife utterly unsure of what in the name of the Avatars to do.

Sepulchure cleared his throat and listened closely, but was unsettled by the silence.

“Are you alright?” He called down, distressingly casual and out of character for the villain, but this was certainly an out of character situation- so, hearing nothing, he loudly repeated himself into the dark abyss below.

A voice responded after a few beats, weak but certainly there and that was what mattered; “I’m alive... I can tell because of the pain.”

Sepulchure snorted and replied, snark echoing. “I’ll assume I made the acrobatics look TOO easy?”

The most feared man in all of Lore lost his composure moments later to a giggling fit, as the muffled sound of the Hero cussing him out drifted upwards.

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